892 resultados para Solar Thermal energy


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Desalination plants could become net absorbers (rather than net emitters) of CO2. Thermal decomposition of salts in desalination reject brine can yield MgO which, added to the ocean, would take up CO2 through conversion to bicarbonate. The process proposed here comprises dewatering of brine followed by decomposition in a solar receiver using a heliostat field.


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This dissertation documents the results of a theoretical and numerical study of time dependent storage of energy by melting a phase change material. The heating is provided along invading lines, which change from single-line invasion to tree-shaped invasion. Chapter 2 identifies the special design feature of distributing energy storage in time-dependent fashion on a territory, when the energy flows by fluid flow from a concentrated source to points (users) distributed equidistantly on the area. The challenge in this chapter is to determine the architecture of distributed energy storage. The chief conclusion is that the finite amount of storage material should be distributed proportionally with the distribution of the flow rate of heating agent arriving on the area. The total time needed by the source stream to ‘invade’ the area is cumulative (the sum of the storage times required at each storage site), and depends on the energy distribution paths and the sequence in which the users are served by the source stream. Chapter 3 shows theoretically that the melting process consists of two phases: “invasion” thermal diffusion along the invading line, which is followed by “consolidation” as heat diffuses perpendicularly to the invading line. This chapter also reports the duration of both phases and the evolution of the melt layer around the invading line during the two-dimensional and three-dimensional invasion. It also shows that the amount of melted material increases in time according to a curve shaped as an S. These theoretical predictions are validated by means of numerical simulations in chapter 4. This chapter also shows that the heat transfer rate density increases (i.e., the S curve becomes steeper) as the complexity and number of degrees of freedom of the structure are increased, in accord with the constructal law. The optimal geometric features of the tree structure are detailed in this chapter. Chapter 5 documents a numerical study of time-dependent melting where the heat transfer is convection dominated, unlike in chapter 3 and 4 where the melting is ruled by pure conduction. In accord with constructal design, the search is for effective heat-flow architectures. The volume-constrained improvement of the designs for heat flow begins with assuming the simplest structure, where a single line serves as heat source. Next, the heat source is endowed with freedom to change its shape as it grows. The objective of the numerical simulations is to discover the geometric features that lead to the fastest melting process. The results show that the heat transfer rate density increases as the complexity and number of degrees of freedom of the structure are increased. Furthermore, the angles between heat invasion lines have a minor effect on the global performance compared to other degrees of freedom: number of branching levels, stem length, and branch lengths. The effect of natural convection in the melt zone is documented.


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A new method for the evaluation of the efficiency of parabolic trough collectors, called Rapid Test Method, is investigated at the Solar Institut Jülich. The basic concept is to carry out measurements under stagnation conditions. This allows a fast and inexpensive process due to the fact that no working fluid is required. With this approach, the temperature reached by the inner wall of the receiver is assumed to be the stagnation temperature and hence the average temperature inside the collector. This leads to a systematic error which can be rectified through the introduction of a correction factor. A model of the collector is simulated with COMSOL Multipyisics to study the size of the correction factor depending on collector geometry and working conditions. The resulting values are compared with experimental data obtained at a test rig at the Solar Institut Jülich. These results do not match with the simulated ones. Consequentially, it was not pos-sible to verify the model. The reliability of both the model with COMSOL Multiphysics and of the measurements are analysed. The influence of the correction factor on the rapid test method is also studied, as well as the possibility of neglecting it by measuring the receiver’s inner wall temperature where it receives the least amount of solar rays. The last two chapters analyse the specific heat capacity as a function of pressure and tem-perature and present some considerations about the uncertainties on the efficiency curve obtained with the Rapid Test Method.


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Nesta dissertação são comparadas duas tecnologias de refrigeração. Uma tecnolo-gia é um sistema que usa a energia elétrica para fazer funcionar um ciclo de com-pressão de vapor, sistema comum em instalações de refrigeração. A outra solução é um sistema de absorção, em que a energia necessária para o funcionamento do sistema é energia térmica obtida através de coletores solares térmicos. Estas tecnologias são estudadas e comparadas para a refrigeração de um arma-zém de produtos agrícolas à temperatura constante de 5ºC para a região de Alque-va, região onde estão a ser desenvolvidos projetos hortofrutícolas a que estão as-sociadas necessidades de preservação dos produtos que envolvem refrigeração e em que a acessibilidade à rede elétrica é reduzida. É mostrado que a tecnologia do sistema de absorção com os coletores se apresenta a médio prazo mais vantajosa em termos económicos e ambientais; Abstract: Comparative analysis of a solar refrigeration system In this dissertation two refrigeration technologies are compared when used for the same objective. One is a technology using the electric energy to operate a vapour compression cycle, commonly used in refrigerated installations. The alternative technology is an absorption system driven by thermal energy, provided by solar thermal collectors. Both technologies are studied and compared for the refrigeration of an agricultural products warehouse at a constant temperature of 5ºC in the Alqueva region, where horticultural projects are being developed with associated needs of preservation of the products involving refrigeration, and where accessibility to the electrical grid is reduced. In the referred conditions it was shown that the absorption technology with collec-tors in the medium term surpasses the usual compression system, both from eco-nomic and environmental viewpoints.


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Thermogalvanic cells are capable of converting waste heat (generated as a by-product of almost all human activity) to electricity. These devices may alleviate the problems associated with the use of fossil fuels to meet the world's current demand for energy. This review discusses the developments in thermogalvanic systems attained through the use of nano-carbons as the electrode materials. Advances in cell design and electrode configuration that improve performance of these thermo converters and make them applicable in a variety of environments are also summarized. It is the aim of this review to act as a channel for further developments in thermogalvanic cell design and electrode engineering.


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Thermoelectrochemical cells are increasingly promising devices for harvesting waste heat, offering an alternative to the traditional semiconductor-based design. Advancement of these devices relies on new redox couple/electrolyte systems and an understanding of the interplay between the different factors that dictate device performance. The Seebeck coefficient (Se) of the redox couple in the electrolyte gives the potential difference achievable for a given temperature gradient across the device. Prior work has shown that a cobalt bipyridyl redox couple in ionic liquids (ILs) displays high Seebeck coefficients, but the thermoelectrochemical cell performance was limited by mass transport. Here we present the Se and thermoelectrochemical power generation performance of the cobalt couple in novel mixed IL/molecular solvent electrolyte systems. The highest power density of 880 mW m-2, at a ΔT of 70 °C, was achieved with a 31 (v/v) MPN-[C2mim][B(CN)4] electrolyte combination. The significant power enhancement compared to the single solvent or IL systems results from a combination of superior ionic conductivity and higher diffusion coefficients, shown by electrochemical analysis of the different electrolytes. This is the highest power output achieved to-date for a thermoelectrochemical cell utilising a high boiling point redox electrolyte.


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Increasing the application of technologies for harvesting waste heat could make a significant contribution to sustainable energy production. Thermoelectrochemical cells are one such emerging technology, where the thermal response of a redox couple in an electrolyte is used to generate a potential difference across a cell when a temperature gradient exists. The unique physical properties of ionic liquids make them ideal for application as electrolytes in these devices. One of the keys to utilizing these media in efficient thermoelectrochemical cells is achieving high Seebeck coefficients, Se: the thermodynamic quantity that determines the magnitude of the voltage achieved per unit temperature difference. Here, we report the Se and cell performance of a cobalt-based redox couple in a range of different ionic liquids, to investigate the influence of the nature of the IL on the thermodynamics and cell performance of the redox system. The results reported include the highest Se to-date for an IL-based electrolyte. The effect of diluting the different ILs with propylene carbonate is also reported, which results in a significant increase in the output powers and current densities of the device.


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Face aos padrões atuais de vida, em que despendemos a maior parte do nosso tempo no interior de edifícios, com um nível de conforto que ninguém quer abdicar, urge o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de climatização sustentáveis. Devido a uma combinação única de fatores, casas de baixo consumo de energia (e também casas passivas) em Portugal, são particularmente adequadas de explorar as vantagens da energia solar térmica, especialmente quando combinado com armazenamento sazonal de energia. No entanto nenhum exemplo documentado existe de como esta sinergia pode ser explorada com sucesso em Portugal, ilustrando assim o modo em que a necessidade de aquecimento pode ser colmatada de uma forma sustentável sem o uso de combustíveis fósseis. A energia solar é uma excelente alternativa de fonte de energia para aquecimento de edifícios. Um principal fator que limita a sua aplicação é que é uma fonte de energia com uma disponibilidade média de variação cíclica. O uso de armazenamento sazonal de energia pode reduzir substancialmente o custo do sistema solar que é capaz de fornecer até 100% das necessidades energéticas dos edifícios. Estes sistemas são projetados para armazenar a energia solar durante o verão e reter o calor armazenado para posterior utilização durante o inverno; Abstract: SEASONAL SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE FOR LOW TEMPERATURE HEATING BUILDINGS. Given the current standards of living, where we spent most of our time inside buildings, with a level of Comfort that no one wants to give up, urges the development of sustainable climate control technologies. Due to a unique combination of factors, low energy (and also passive) houses in Portugal are particularly well suited to exploiting the advantages of solar thermal energy especially when combined with seasonal energy storage. However no documented example there of how this synergy can be exploited successfully in Portugal, illustrating the way in which the need for heating can be addressed in a sustainable manner without the use of fossil fuels. Solar energy is an important alternative energy source for heating applications. One main factor that limits its application is that it is an energy source with an average availability of cyclical variation. The use of seasonal thermal energy storage can substantially reduce the cost of solar energy systems that can supply up to 100% of buildings energy needs. Such systems are designed to collect solar energy during the summer and retain the stored heat for use during the winter.


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This paper presents a stochastic mixed-integer linear programming approach for solving the self-scheduling problem of a price-taker thermal and wind power producer taking part in a pool-based electricity market. Uncertainty on electricity price and wind power is considered through a set of scenarios. Thermal units are modelled by variable costs, start-up costs and technical operating constraints, such as: forbidden operating zones, ramp up/down limits and minimum up/down time limits. An efficient mixed-integer linear program is presented to develop the offering strategies of the coordinated production of thermal and wind energy generation, having as a goal the maximization of profit. A case study with data from the Iberian Electricity Market is presented and results are discussed to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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[ES]El presente documento analiza las principales funciones que se le exigen actualmente a un sistema constructivo; concretamente, a la envolvente de los edificios. Se plantean inicialmente las causas y necesidades que han derivado en el nuevo concepto de envolvente así como las nuevas funciones que se le son exigibles. Se describen los conceptos relativos a los diferentes sistemas constructivos, a los métodos de ventilación natural y, a continuación, se analizan los criterios de generación fotovoltaica y solar térmica en los edificios, además de la integración de estos sistemas en los edificios. También se analizan los fundamentos sobre materiales de cambio de fase. Todo ello permite presentar los criterios de construcción de edificios ecoeficientes. Asimismo se presentan una serie de soluciones arquitectónicas desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energética.


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[ES]Comparativa de las alternativas disponibles para la construcción de un edificio, con el objetivo de optimizar el diseño disminuyendo las pérdidas de energía. De los distintos tipos de construcciones posibles, la investigación se centra en una vivienda unifamiliar. El trabajo aborda, por una parte, el diseño de la envolvente de la vivienda con las técnicas eficientes y los materiales mejor ajustados a la zona de edificación; y por otra, la selección del sistema de calefacción y de agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). Se opta por bloques de tierra comprimida, aislante de celulosa y enlucido de arcilla para las paredes, así como por una caldera de pellets para el sistema de calefacción y una instalación de energía solar térmica para el ACS.


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L’objecte d’aquest projecte és realitzar un estudi d’un tipus instal·lacions molt específiques: l’energia solar fotovoltaica i l’energia solar tèrmica, destinada a la producció d’energia elèctrica i la producció d’ACS a un edifici plurifamiliar. Aplicar un cas concret a un edifici plurifamiliar, mitjançant d’integració dels panells fotovoltaics i tèrmics a la façana, i així, poder conformar la instal•lació d’energia solar tèrmica per la producció d’aigua calenta sanitària i la instal·lació d’energia solar fotovoltaica. Comprovar si es possible complir CTE, mitjançant l’ integració arquitectònica dels panells a façana. Determinar el cost que suposa d’integració arquitectònica d’aquest panells, mitjançant el pressupost de la proposta a portada . Comparar el cost de la proposta, amb una façana tradicional més els panells solars tèrmics que exigeix el codi tècnic. Extreure conclusions al comparar les tipologies de façana a nivell econòmic i de rendibilitat


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L’objecte del projecte és dissenyar una central productora d’energia elèctrica a través d’una turbina de vapor i un generador acoblat a aquesta, mitjançant concentradors d’energia solar cilindro-parabòlics. Aquests concentradors captaran la radiació directa del sol per concentrar-la al focus de la paràbola, on s’hi col·locarà un receptor per l’interior del qual hi passarà un fluid que s’escalfarà gràcies a aquests raigs concentrats. En el projecte s’ha dissenyat la instal·lació i estudiat la radiació disponible a la zona, s’ha realitzat un estudi de la viabilitat de la instal·lació necessària i del cost econòmic d’una central d’energia termoelèctrica fictícia a la zona de Tarragona


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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According to some embodiments, the present invention provides a novel photovoltaic solar cell system from photovoltaic modules that are vertically arrayed in a stack format using thin film semiconductors selected from among org. and inorg. thin film semiconductors. The stack cells may be cells that are produced in a planar manner, then vertically oriented in an angular form, also termed herein tilted, to maximize the light capturing aspects. The use of a stack configuration system as described herein allows for the use of a variety of electrode materials, such as transparent materials or semitransparent metals. Light concn. can be achieved by using fresnel lens, parabolic mirrors or derivs. of such structures. The light capturing can be controlled by being reflected back and forth in the photovoltaic system until significant quantities of the resonant light is absorbed. Light that passes to the end and can be reflected back through the device by beveling or capping the end of the device with a different refractive index material, or alternatively using a reflective surface. The contacting between stacked cells can be done in series or parallel. According to some embodiments, the present invention uses a concentrator architecture where the light is channeled into the cells that contain thermal fluid channels (using a transparent fluid such as water) to absorb and hence reduce the thermal energy generation.