990 resultados para Solar Plants


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Agrobacterium is widely considered to be the only bacterial genus capable of transferring genes to plants. When suitably modified, Agrobacterium has become the most effective vector for gene transfer in plant biotechnology1. However, the complexity of the patent landscape2 has created both real and perceived obstacles to the effective use of this technology for agricultural improvements by many public and private organizations worldwide. Here we show that several species of bacteria outside the Agrobacterium genus can be modified to mediate gene transfer to a number of diverse plants. These plant-associated symbiotic bacteria were made competent for gene transfer by acquisition of both a disarmed Ti plasmid and a suitable binary vector. This alternative to Agrobacterium-mediated technology for crop improvement, in addition to affording a versatile ‘open source’ platform for plant biotechnology, may lead to new uses of natural bacteria– plant interactions to achieve plant transformation.


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Because of the greenhouse gas emissions implications of the market dominating electric hot water systems, governments in Australia have implemented policies and programs to encourage the uptake of solar water heaters (SWHs) in the residential market as part of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. The cost-benefit analysis that usually accompanies all government policy and program design could be simplistically reduced to the ratio of expected greenhouse gas reductions of SWH to the cost of a SWH. The national Register of Solar Water Heaters specifies how many renewable energy certificates (RECs) are allocated to complying SWHs according to their expected performance, and hence greenhouse gas reductions, in different climates. Neither REC allocations nor rebates are tied to actual performance of systems. This paper examines the performance of instantaneous gas-boosted solar water heaters installed in new residences in a housing estate in south-east Queensland in the period 2007 – 2010. The evidence indicates systemic failures in installation practices, resulting in zero solar performance or dramatic underperformance (estimated average 43% solar contribution). The paper will detail the faults identified, and how these faults were eventually diagnosed and corrected. The impacts of these system failures on end-use consumers are discussed before concluding with a brief overview of areas where further research is required in order to more fully understand whole of supply chain implications.


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Tobacco yellow dwarf virus (TbYDV, family Geminiviridae, genus Mastrevirus) is an economically important pathogen causing summer death and yellow dwarf disease in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), respectively. Prior to the commencement of this project, little was known about the epidemiology of TbYDV, its vector and host-plant range. As a result, disease control strategies have been restricted to regular poorly timed insecticide applications which are largely ineffective, environmentally hazardous and expensive. In an effort to address this problem, this PhD project was carried out in order to better understand the epidemiology of TbYDV, to identify its host-plant and vectors as well as to characterise the population dynamics and feeding physiology of the main insect vector and other possible vectors. The host-plants and possible leafhopper vectors of TbYDV were assessed over three consecutive growing seasons at seven field sites in the Ovens Valley, Northeastern Victoria, in commercial tobacco and bean growing properties. Leafhoppers and plants were collected and tested for the presence of TbYDV by PCR. Using sweep nets, twenty-three leafhopper species were identified at the seven sites with Orosius orientalis the predominant leafhopper. Of the 23 leafhopper species screened for TbYDV, only Orosius orientalis and Anzygina zealandica tested positive. Forty-two different plant species were also identified at the seven sites and tested. Of these, TbYDV was only detected in four dicotyledonous species, Amaranthus retroflexus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Nicotiana tabacum and Raphanus raphanistrum. Using a quadrat survey, the temporal distribution and diversity of vegetation at four of the field sites was monitored in order to assess the presence of, and changes in, potential host-plants for the leafhopper vector(s) and the virus. These surveys showed that plant composition and the climatic conditions at each site were the major influences on vector numbers, virus presence and the subsequent occurrence of tobacco yellow dwarf and bean summer death diseases. Forty-two plant species were identified from all sites and it was found that sites with the lowest incidence of disease had the highest proportion of monocotyledonous plants that are non hosts for both vector and the virus. In contrast, the sites with the highest disease incidence had more host-plant species for both vector and virus, and experienced higher temperatures and less rainfall. It is likely that these climatic conditions forced the leafhopper to move into the irrigated commercial tobacco and bean crop resulting in disease. In an attempt to understand leafhopper species diversity and abundance, in and around the field borders of commercially grown tobacco crops, leafhoppers were collected from four field sites using three different sampling techniques, namely pan trap, sticky trap and sweep net. Over 51000 leafhopper samples were collected, which comprised 57 species from 11 subfamilies and 19 tribes. Twentythree leafhopper species were recorded for the first time in Victoria in addition to several economically important pest species of crops other than tobacco and bean. The highest number and greatest diversity of leafhoppers were collected in yellow pan traps follow by sticky trap and sweep nets. Orosius orientalis was found to be the most abundant leafhopper collected from all sites with greatest numbers of this leafhopper also caught using the yellow pan trap. Using the three sampling methods mentioned above, the seasonal distribution and population dynamics of O. orientalis was studied at four field sites over three successive growing seasons. The population dynamics of the leafhopper was characterised by trimodal peaks of activity, occurring in the spring and summer months. Although O. orientalis was present in large numbers early in the growing season (September-October), TbYDV was only detected in these leafhoppers between late November and the end of January. The peak in the detection of TbYDV in O. orientalis correlated with the observation of disease symptoms in tobacco and bean and was also associated with warmer temperatures and lower rainfall. To understand the feeding requirements of Orosius orientalis and to enable screening of potential control agents, a chemically-defined artificial diet (designated PT-07) and feeding system was developed. This novel diet formulation allowed survival for O. orientalis for up to 46 days including complete development from first instar through to adulthood. The effect of three selected plant derived proteins, cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpTi), Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), on leafhopper survival and development was assessed. Both GNA and WGA were shown to reduce leafhopper survival and development significantly when incorporated at a 0.1% (w/v) concentration. In contrast, CpTi at the same concentration did not exhibit significant antimetabolic properties. Based on these results, GNA and WGA are potentially useful antimetabolic agents for expression in genetically modified crops to improve the management of O. orientalis, TbYDV and the other pathogens it vectors. Finally, an electrical penetration graph (EPG) was used to study the feeding behaviour of O. orientalis to provide insights into TbYDV acquisition and transmission. Waveforms representing different feeding activity were acquired by EPG from adult O. orientalis feeding on two plant species, Phaseolus vulgaris and Nicotiana tabacum and a simple sucrose-based artificial diet. Five waveforms (designated O1-O5) were observed when O. orientalis fed on P. vulgaris, while only four (O1-O4) and three (O1-O3) waveforms were observed during feeding on N. tabacum and the artificial diet, respectively. The mean duration of each waveform and the waveform type differed markedly depending on the food source. This is the first detailed study on the tritrophic interactions between TbYDV, its leafhopper vector, O. orientalis, and host-plants. The results of this research have provided important fundamental information which can be used to develop more effective control strategies not only for O. orientalis, but also for TbYDV and other pathogens vectored by the leafhopper.


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This thesis investigates the coefficient of performance (COP) of a hybrid liquid desiccant solar cooling system. This hybrid cooling system includes three sections: 1) conventional air-conditioning section; 2) liquid desiccant dehumidification section and 3) air mixture section. The air handling unit (AHU) with mixture variable air volume design is included in the hybrid cooling system to control humidity. In the combined system, the air is first dehumidified in the dehumidifier and then mixed with ambient air by AHU before entering the evaporator. Experiments using lithium chloride as the liquid desiccant have been carried out for the performance evaluation of the dehumidifier and regenerator. Based on the air mixture (AHU) design, the electrical coefficient of performance (ECOP), thermal coefficient of performance (TCOP) and whole system coefficient of performance (COPsys) models used in the hybrid liquid desiccant solar cooing system were developed to evaluate this system performance. These mathematical models can be used to describe the coefficient of performance trend under different ambient conditions, while also providing a convenient comparison with conventional air conditioning systems. These models provide good explanations about the relationship between the performance predictions of models and ambient air parameters. The simulation results have revealed the coefficient of performance in hybrid liquid desiccant solar cooling systems substantially depends on ambient air and dehumidifier parameters. Also, the liquid desiccant experiments prove that the latent component of the total cooling load requirements can be easily fulfilled by using the liquid desiccant dehumidifier. While cooling requirements can be met, the liquid desiccant system is however still subject to the hysteresis problems.


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In the face of increasing concern over global warming and climate change, interest in the utilizzation of solar energy for building operations is rapidly growing. In this entry, the importance of using renewable energy in building operations is first introduced. This is followed by a general overview on the energy from the sun and the methods to utilize solar energy. Possible applications of solar energy in building operations are then discussed, which include the use of solar energy in the forms of daylighting, hot water heating, space heating and cooling, and building-integrated photovoltaics.


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A limiting step to roll-to-roll production of dye-sensitized solar cells on metals is TiO2 sintering (10-30 min). Near infrared (NIR) heating is a novel process innovation which directly heats titanium substrates giving rapid binder removal and sintering. NIR heating (for 12.5 s) at varying power gave titanium temperatures of 545, 685 and 817 degrees Celsius yielding cells with efficiencies of 2.9, 2.8 and 2.5%. Identical cells prepared in a conventional oven (1800 s) at 500, 600 and 800 degrees Celsius gave 2.9, 2.6 and 0.2% efficiency. NIR sintering is ultrafast and has a wide process window making it ideal for rapid manufacturing on metals.


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The electron collection efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) is usually related to the electron diffusion length, L = (Dτ)1/2, where D is the diffusion coefficient of mobile electrons and τ is their lifetime, which is determined by electron transfer to the redox electrolyte. Analysis of incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) spectra for front and rear illumination consistently gives smaller values of L than those derived from small amplitude methods. We show that the IPCE analysis is incorrect if recombination is not first-order in free electron concentration, and we demonstrate that the intensity dependence of the apparent L derived by first-order analysis of IPCE measurements and the voltage dependence of L derived from perturbation experiments can be fitted using the same reaction order, γ ≈ 0.8. The new analysis presented in this letter resolves the controversy over why L values derived from small amplitude methods are larger than those obtained from IPCE data.


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Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is considered to be one of the most promising light absorbing materials for low cost, high efficiency thin film solar cells. Compared to conventional CuIn(S, Se)2 (CIS) and Cu(InGa)(S,Se)2 (CIGS) as well as CdTe light absorber, CZTS is only composed of earth-abundant non-toxic elements, ensuring the price competitiveness of this kind of solar cell in the future PV market. However, the research in this area is very limited compared to CIS and CIGS. Detailed studies of both the material and the device are rare, which significantly restricts the development in this area. This paper reviews the progress in the research field of CZTS, particularly the methods which were employed to prepare CZTS absorber material.


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Pipe insulation between the collector and storage tank on pumped storage (commonly called split), solar water heaters can be subject to high temperatures, with a maximum equal to the collector stagnation temperature. The frequency of occurrence of these temperatures is dependent on many factors including climate, hot water demand, system size and efficiency. This paper outlines the findings of a computer modelling study to quantify the frequency of occurrence of pipe temperatures of 80 degrees Celsius or greater at the outlet of the collectors for these systems. This study will help insulation suppliers determine the suitability of their materials for this application. The TRNSYS program was used to model the performance of a common size of domestic split solar system, using both flat plate and evacuated tube, selective surface collectors. Each system was modelled at a representative city in each of the 6 climate zones for Australia and New Zealand, according to AS/NZS4234 - Heat Water Systems - Calculation of energy consumption, and the ORER RECs calculation method. TRNSYS was used to predict the frequency of occurrence of the temperatures that the pipe insulation would be exposed to over an average year, for hot water consumption patterns specified in AS/NZS4234, and for worst case conditions in each of the climate zones. The results show; * For selectively surfaced, flat plate collectors in the hottest location (Alice Sprints) with a medium size hot water demand according to AS/NZS2434, the annual frequency of occurrence of temperatures at and above 80 degrees Celsius was 33 hours. The frequency of temperatures at and above 140 degrees Celsius was insignificant. * For evacuated tube collectors in the hottest location (Alice Springs), the annual frequency of temperatures at and above 80 degrees Celsius was 50 hours. Temperatures at and above 140 degrees Celsius were significant and were estimated to occur for more than 21 hours per year in this climate zone. Even in Melbourne, temperatures at and above 80 degrees can occur for 12 hours per year and at and above 140 degrees for 5 hours per year. * The worst case identified was for evacuated tube collectors in Alice Springs, with mostly afternoon loads in January. Under these conditions, the frequency of temperatures at and above 80 degrees Celsius was 10 hours for this month only. Temperatures at and above 140 degrees Celsius were predicted to occur for 5 hours in January.


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Appropriate pipe insulation on domestic, pumped storage (split), solar water heating systems forms an integral part of energy conservation measures of well engineered systems. However, its importance over the life of the system is often overlooked. This study outlines the findings of computer modelling to quantify the energy and cost savings by using pipe insulation between the collector and storage tank. System sizes of 270 Litre storage tank, together with either selectively surfaced, flat plate collectors (4m2 area), or 30 evacuated tube collectors, were used. Insulation thicknesses of 13mm and 15mm, pipe runs both ways of 10, 15 and 20 metres and both electric and gas boosting of systems were all considered. The TRNSYS program was used to model the system performance at a representative city in each of the 6 climate zones for Australia and New Zealand, according to AS/NZS4234 – Heat Water Systems – Calculation of energy consumption and the ORER RECs calculation method. The results show:  Energy savings from pipe insulation are very significant, even in mild climates such as Rockhampton. Across all climates zones, savings ranged from 0.16 to 3.5GJ per system per year, or about 2 to 23 percent of the annual load.  There is very little advantage in increasing the insulation thickness from 13 to 15mm. For electricity at 19c/kWh and gas at 2 c/MJ, cost savings of between $27 and $100 per year are achieved across the climate zones. Both energy and cost savings would increase in colder climates with increased system size, solar contribution and water temperatures.  The pipe insulation substantially improves the solar contribution (or fraction) and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), as well as giving small savings in circulating pump running costs in milder climates. Solar contribution increased by up to 23 percent points and RECs by over 7 in some cases.  The study highlights the need to install and maintain the integrity of appropriate pipe insulation on solar water heaters over their life time in Australia and New Zealand.