942 resultados para Soil physicochemical characteristics


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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of a few physico-chemical and biological methods for the treatment of effluents from natural rubber processing units. The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of certain physico-chemical and biological methods for the treatment of effluents from natural rubber processing units. survey of the chemical characteristics of the effluents discharged from rubber processing units showed that the effluents from latex concentration units were the most polluting


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Rennet-induced curd was made from both natural buffalo and cows’ milk, and ultrafiltered cows’ milk (cows’ milk was concentrated such that it had a chemical composition approximately equivalent to that of the buffalo milk). These milk samples were compared on the basis of their rheology, physicochemical characteristics and curd microstructure. The ionic and soluble calcium contents were found to be similar in all milk samples studied. The total and casein bound calcium were higher in concentrated cows’ milk than in standard cows’ milk. Both cows’ milk types were found to have lower total and casein bound calcium than the buffalo milk. This is probably due to concentration of the colloidal part of milk (casein), during the ultrafiltration (UF) process. The rennet coagulation time was similar in UF cows’ and buffalo milk while both were shorter when compared with that of the cows’ milk. The dynamic moduli (G′, G″) values were higher in both the buffalo and UF cows’ milk than in the cows’ milk after 90 min coagulation. The loss tangent, however, was found to be similar in both the UF cows’ and buffalo milk curds and was lower than that observed for the cows’ milk (0.42, 0.42 and 0.48, respectively). The frequency profile of each type of curd was recorded 90 min after the enzyme addition (0.1–10 Hz); all samples were found to be “weak” viscoelastic, frequency dependent gels. The yield stress was also measured 95 min after the enzyme addition, and a higher value was observed in buffalo milk curd when compared with other curd samples made from both the natural cows’ milk and the UF cows’ milk. The cryo-scanning electron and confocal laser scanning micrographs showed that curd structure appeared to be more “dense” and less porous in buffalo milk than cows’ milk even after concentration to equivalent levels of protein/total solids to those found in the buffalo milk.


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This paper introduces and evaluates DryMOD, a dynamic water balance model of the key hydrological process in drylands that is based on free, public-domain datasets. The rainfall model of DryMOD makes optimal use of spatially disaggregated Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) datasets to simulate hourly rainfall intensities at a spatial resolution of 1-km. Regional-scale applications of the model in seasonal catchments in Tunisia and Senegal characterize runoff and soil moisture distribution and dynamics in response to varying rainfall data inputs and soil properties. The results highlight the need for hourly-based rainfall simulation and for correcting TRMM 3B42 rainfall intensities for the fractional cover of rainfall (FCR). Without FCR correction and disaggregation to 1 km, TRMM 3B42 based rainfall intensities are too low to generate surface runoff and to induce substantial changes to soil moisture storage. The outcomes from the sensitivity analysis show that topsoil porosity is the most important soil property for simulation of runoff and soil moisture. Thus, we demonstrate the benefit of hydrological investigations at a scale, for which reliable information on soil profile characteristics exists and which is sufficiently fine to account for the heterogeneities of these. Where such information is available, application of DryMOD can assist in the spatial and temporal planning of water harvesting according to runoff-generating areas and the runoff ratio, as well as in the optimization of agricultural activities based on realistic representation of soil moisture conditions.


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The pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi causes extensive 'dieback' of Australian native vegetation. This study investigated the distribution of infection in an area of significant sclerophyll vegetation in Australia. It aimed to determine the relationship of infection to site variables and to develop a predictive model of infection. Site variables recorded at 50 study sites included aspect, slope, altitude, proximity to road and road characteristics, soil profile characteristics and vegetation attributes. Soil and plant tissues were assayed for the presence of the pathogen. A geographical information systyem (GIS) was employed to provide accurate estimations of spatial variables and develop a predictive model for the distribution of P. cinnamomi. The pathogen was isolated from 76% of the study sites. Of the 17 site variables initially investigated during the study a logistic regression model identified only two, elevation and sun-index, as significant in determining the probability of infection. The presence of P. cinnamomi infection was negatively associated with elevation and positively associated with sun-index. The model predicted that up to 74% of the study area (11 875 ha) had a high probability of being affected by P. cinnamomi. However, the present areas of infection were small, providing an opportunity for management to minimize spread into highly susceptible uninvaded areas.


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Estuarine benthic assemblages are often numerically dominated by polychaetes. The limits of these populations are determined by larval, and probably to a lesser extent adult movement. A previous study (Newton 1996), indicated that planktonic polychaete larvae were very abundant over the summer months in the Hopkins River; however, the identification and source of these larvae was not known. Defining the extent of a population, and therefore the likelihood of that population recovering following a perturbation, is crucial for effective estuarine management. This study investigated both the likely source of the larvae, (i.e. estuarine or marine) and the extent of larval dispersal within and between estuaries by addressing the following questions: Which taxa produced the planktonic larvae? Are these taxa resident estuarine species? Are the larvae of different taxa evenly distributed within the estuary or do physicochemical parameters or other factors influence their abundance? Are the same larvae found in other estuaries along the coast? and Is there exchange of these larval taxa with the marine environment and other estuaries? Larvae were identified and described by culturing commonly occurring planktonic larvae until adult characteristics appeared. The spionids, Carazziella victoriensis and Prionospio Tatura, numerically dominated the plankton in the Hopkins and the spionid, Orthoprionospio cirriformia was recorded from the Hopkins, Curdies and Gellibrand estuaries. Two spionids, Carazziella sp. and Polydora sp. were identified from tidal waters. Mouth status and physicochemical conditions (salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen) were monitored in each estuary. Whereas the Merri and Gellibrand estuaries were predominantly stratified over the sampling period, the Curdies was more often well mixed and the Hopkins varied from well mixed to stratified. The duration of mouth opening and hence the opportunity for larval exchange also varied in each estuary. The Merri River was closed for 13.5% of days over the study period, the Gellibrand River for 18.4%, the Hopkins River for 49% and the Curdies River for 71.0%. The distributions of larvae at spatial scales of metres, 100s of metres and kilometres were investigated within a single estuary. While the same larvae, C. victoriensis, P. Tatura and bivalve larvae, were found along the length of the Hopkins estuary the abundances varied at different spatial scales suggesting different processes were influencing the distribution of P. Tatura larvae, and C. victoriensis and bivalve larvae. The distribution of larvae between several estuaries was investigated by monitoring meroplankton at two sites at the mouth of each of the four estuaries approximately monthly (except for winter months). Different meroplanktonic assemblages were found to distinguish each estuary. Further, C. victoriensis and P. Tatura larvae were only recorded in the Hopkins but larvae of the spionid, Orthoprionopio cirriformia were detected in the Hopkins, Curdies and Gellibrand estuaries. The extent of larval exchange with other estuaries and the marine environment was determined by monitoring tidal waters. Settlement trays were also deployed to determine if larvae were moving into estuaries and settling but not recruiting. P. tatura larvae were not detected in the tidal waters of any estuary and while C. victoriensis and O. cirriformia were found in both flood and ebb tides there was no evidence of movement of theses taxa to other estuaries. Larvae of the spionids, Carazziella sp. and Polydora sp., were found in tidal waters of each estuary but were rarely detected in the plankton within the estuaries. Neither species was found as an adult in background cores from any estuary, nor with the exception of a few individuals in the Merri, were they detected in settlement trays in any estuary. I conclude that the source of the larvae of C. victoriensis, P. Tatura and O. cirriformia is estuarine and while C. victoriensis, and O. cirriformia move in and outh of the source estuary in tidal waters there was no evidence for movement to other estuaries. The spionids, Carazziella sp. and Polydora sp were considered to be marine and while they moved in and out of estuaries in tidal waters they did not usually settle in the estuaries. The results of this study are a crucial first step in the development of ecological models to better understand dispersal in seasonally closed estuaries that are typical of southern Australia. This study emphasises the unique physicochemical characteristics and biological assemblages within these estuaries and the need for estuarine management to reflect these differences.


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A erodibilidade, particularizada como a susceptibilidade a erosão hídrica por fluxo superficial concentrado, é uma das propriedades de comportamento dos solos de maior complexidade pelo grande número de variáveis intervenientes. Estudada por diferentes áreas do conhecimento (Agronomia, Hidráulica, Geologia de Engenharia e Engenharia Geotécnica), tem no meio geotécnico a maior lacuna na sua quantificação e entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos. O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a erodibilidade de solos residuais tropicais e subtropicais não saturados a partir de quatro perfis representativos dos processos erosivos e solos envolvidos na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Os solos dos principais horizontes de cada um destes perfis foram caracterizados física, química e mineralogicamente. As propriedades de resistência ao cisalhamento e colapsibilidade foram avaliadas por ensaios de cisalhamento direto convencionais e com controle de sucção e por ensaios de colapsibilidade em oedômetros, respectivamente. A erodibilidade foi avaliada em laboratório, diretamente por meio de ensaios de Inderbitzen e indiretamente por diferentes critérios e parâmetros baseados em outras características físicas e propriedades dos solos. A análise conjunta do comportamento dos solos em campo frente a erosão, da avaliação direta e indireta da erodibilidade e das propriedades geomecânicas investigadas conduziram à formulação de uma proposta de abordagem geotécnica para a erodibilidade dos solos residuais tropicais e subtropicais não saturados. Nesta proposta destaca–se a avaliação direta da erodibilidade por ensaios de Inderbitzen e a indicação de solos potencialmente erodíveis baseada no teor de finos, na plasticidade, no parâmetro K da USLE, na Razão de Dispersão de Middleton, na classificação e critério de erodibilidade MCT e na variação da coesão com a saturação pelo parâmetro variação de coesão (Δc) proposto. A proposta de abordagem geotécnica para a previsão da erodibilidade dos solos visa dotar o engenheiro geotécnico de uma ferramenta destinada à avaliação do potencial erosivo dos terrenos antes de uma iniciativa de ocupação urbana ou implantação de qualquer outra obra de engenharia. Esta avaliação é o passo inicial no direcionamento de medidas preventivas e que visem minimizar o impacto da obra ao meio físico natural, no que se refere a erosão hídrica por fluxo superficial concentrado.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The cultivation of the soil causes changes in physical attributes, depending on the intensity of preparation and management. The objective of this work was to evaluate the degree of modification of some physical properties of soil mid the S index, comparing areas of Pasture of grass Tanzania (Panicum maximum) and native forest with an area under maize (Zea mays L.) irrigated bay, a central pivot. The study was conducted in three areas within the Agency of Technology Agribusiness Paulista (APTA) Regional High Mogiana, located in Colina, SP. The experimental design was split plot in a factorial 3 x 3, with 4 replications, where the plots were installed in areas of Cultivation of corn, pasture and forest in the depths 0-0.1 m, 0.1-0.2 m 0.2-0.3 m. The physical attributes of soil were: resistance to penetration (RP), bulk density (Ds), microporosity (Micro), macroporosity (Macro), total volume of pores (VTP) and water retention in soil. The native forest had the best physical condition of soil in all parameters examined. The use of land and pasture with corn altered the physical structure of it, evidenced by the increase in penetration resistance and soil density and, reduction in macroporosity. The level of degradation of the managed soil was considered low, index S (<0035). The replacement of pasture by the corn crop in the soil tillage system provided a conventional mild improvement in soil physical characteristics.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da irradiação gama associada à atmosfera modificada passiva na qualidade pós-colheita de goiabas 'Pedro Sato', verificando suas características físico-químicas. Foram utilizadas goiabas provenientes da região de Vista Alegre do Alto-SP,Brasil. Após a colheita, as goiabas foram imediatamente transportadas ao Laboratório de Frutas e Hortaliças, pertencente ao Departamento de Gestão e Tecnologia Agroindustrial, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP - Câmpus de Botucatu-SP, onde foram armazenadas a 10ºC e 90-95%UR, em câmara frigorífica, por 28 dias. Os tratamentos foram: controle 1 (sem embalagem e sem irradiação); controle 2 (embalagem de poliestireno (PS) + polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) e sem irradiação); tratamento 1 (PS+PEBD e 0,2kGy); tratamento 2 (PS+PEBD e 0,6kGy), e tratamento 3 (PS+PEBD e 1,0kGy). As análises realizadas foram: firmeza, sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT) e índice de maturação. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com esquema fatorial 5 x 5 (tratamento x tempo). Concluiu-se que as altas doses de irradiação promoveram efeito negativo nas características físico-químicas da goiaba 'Pedro Sato', e que apenas a menor dose utilizada (0,2kGy) associada à atmosfera modificada conservou frutos com maior qualidade e aceitabilidade, indicado por maiores índice de maturação e teor de sólidos solúveis obtidos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de plantas de cobertura e da calagem sobre a produtividade da soja e as características químicas do perfil do solo, após implantação do plantio direto. O experimento foi realizado em campo por dois anos, em Latossolo Vermelho‑Amarelo. A área era explorada como pastagem há cinco anos. Avaliaram-se três sistemas de cultivo: soja/pousio/soja, soja/Pennisetum glaucum/soja e soja/Urochloa ruziziensis/soja, com aplicação de calcário à dosagem de 0, 0,5, 1,0 e 2,0 vezes a quantidade necessária para elevar a saturação de bases (V) a 50%, na camada de 0-20 cm. O calcário foi incorporado ao solo, a 20 cm de profundidade, previamente à implantação dos sistemas de cultivo. Aos 490 dias após a calagem, foram coletadas amostras de solo das profundidades de 0-­10, 10-­20, 20-­40 e 40­-60 cm. Avaliaram-se o estado nutricional das plantas, as alterações das características químicas do solo e a produtividade da soja. As plantas de cobertura associadas à calagem promovem melhorias nos parâmetros de acidez do solo - sobretudo quando a dose aplicada é igual ou mais elevada do que a recomendada para V 50% -, e aumentam o teor foliar de P e a produtividade da soja, independentemente da calagem. Quanto maior a dose de calcário, maior é o avanço da frente alcalina no solo e a produtividade de grãos.


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A recuperação de áreas degradadas é um processo lento e requer a adição de resíduos orgânicos como condicionador das propriedades físicas do solo. O lodo de esgoto apresenta elevados teores de matéria orgânica (MO) e nutrientes e, portanto, tem alto potencial para utilização nessas áreas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da adição de lodo de esgoto na recuperação das características físicas de um solo degradado (Neossolo Quartzarênico) plantado com espécies nativas da Mata Atlântica, na Fazenda Entre-Rios, pertencente à Cia. Suzano Bahia Sul de Papel e Celulose, na região de Itatinga-SP. O experimento foi conduzido em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por seis doses de lodo de esgoto (0, 2,5, 5, 10, 15 e 20 t ha-1), mais um que recebeu a adubação química. A aplicação de lodo de esgoto, para recuperação de áreas degradadas, aumentou os agregados do solo conforme o aumento das doses de lodo, até 12 meses após sua aplicação. As porosidades (macro, micro e total) do solo foram aumentadas com as maiores doses de lodo de esgoto até seis meses após sua aplicação; apenas a microporosidade foi aumentada até 12 meses após a aplicação. Houve aumento da umidade do solo em função do aumento das doses de lodo no solo até seis meses após a aplicação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Despite the relatively organized cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) productive chain and the number of cashew derivatives found in the market, it is estimated that over 90% of the cashew peduncle is wasted. A possible strategy for a better commercial exploitation of this agroindustrial commodity would be the production of spray dried cashew pulp. Thus, this paper approaches the yellow cashew pulp spray drying process and the final product evaluation. Based on that, the shelf life of the spray dried cashew pulp packed in different packaging was evaluated. Drying was conducted in two drying temperatures (140 °C to 150 °C) and two concentrations of Arabic gum (AG, 15% and 25%), which summed four experimental groups. The drying performance was evaluated as well as the physicochemical characteristics (moisture, water activity, total soluble solids, pH, density, solubility, particle diameter, hygroscopicity, degree of caking, color, scanning electronic microscopy and X-ray diffraction), composition (protein, ash, fat and sugars) and bioactive and functional value (total phenolic compounds, carotenoids, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity) of the final products. Results showed spray drying efficiency higher than 65% for all experiments, mainly for the C4 group (150 °C and 25% AG) which reached efficiency of 93.4%. It was also observed high solubility (94.7% to 97.9%) and the groups with lower hygroscopicity (5.8% and 6.5%) were those with the highest proportion of drying coadjuvant. The particle diameters ranged between 14.7 μm and 30.2 μm and increased with the proportion of AG. When comparing the product before and after spray drying, the drying impact was evident. However, despite the observed losses, dried yellow cashew showed high phenolic concentration (from 235.9 to 380.4 mg GAE eq / 100 g DM), carotenoids between 0.22 and 0.49 mg/100 g DM and remarkable ascorbic acid levels (852.4 to 1346.2 mg/100 g DM), in addition to antioxidant activity ranging from 12.9 to 16.4 μmol TE/ g DM. The shelf life study revealed decreased phenolic content over time associated to a slight water activity increase. Overall, our results unveil the technological and bioactive potential of dried yellow cashew as a functional ingredient to be used in food formulations or as a ready-to-use product. The technological approach presented here can serve as an efficient strategy for a rational use of the cashew apple, avoiding its current underutilization