941 resultados para Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Wisconsin


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The resistance to infestations by ectoparasites and infections by gastrointestinal nematodes was studied in 45 animals (males and females) of two genetic groups: purebred Nelore (NI, n=28) and Three-Cross (1/2 Angus+1/4 Canchim+1/4 Nelore - TC, n=17). The animals were monitored for 24months, during which they were left to graze in tropical pastures without receiving treatment for parasites. Each month the animals were examined for infestations by external parasites, to count the numbers of cattle ticks Rhipicephalus microplus with diameter greater than 4.5mm present on the left side, horn flies (Haematobia irritans) present in the lumbar region and botfly larvae (Dermatobia hominis) present on the entire body. The H. irritans counts were performed with the aid of digital photographs. At the time of examination, fecal samples were collected to count the eggs per gram (EPG) and to perform coprocultures, and peripheral blood samples were drawn to determine the packed cell volume (PCV) and to count the eosinophils. For statistical analysis, the count data were transformed into log10 (n+1), where n is the number of parasites. For PCV, significant effects (P<0.05) were found for collection month (CO), genetic group (GG) and gender (SX), with means and respective standard errors of 41.5±0.65% for the NI animals, 39.3±0.83% for the TC, 41.5±0.72% for the females and 39.3±0.77% for the males. Regarding the eosinophil counts, only the effect of sex was significant (P<0.01), with means and respective standard errors of 926.0±46.2/μL, for males and 1088.0±43.8/μL of blood, for females. The NI animals presented lower mean counts for all the external parasites compared to the TC animals (P<0.01). For ticks, the transformed means followed by standard errors for the NI and TC animals were 0.06±0.01 and 0.34±0.02, while for horn flies these were 0.92±0.05 and 1.36±0.06 and for botfly larvae they were 0.05±0.03 and 0.45±0.05, respectively. The average EPG values were only influenced by CO (P<0.01). The coprocultures revealed the presence of the following endoparasites: Haemonchus spp., Cooperia spp., Oesophagostomum spp. and Trichostrongylus spp., the last in smaller proportion. There were no significant differences between the genetic groups for the endoparasite loads, except for Cooperia spp., which were present in greater number (P<0.05) in the NI group. The results obtained in this experiment confirm previous findings of greater susceptibility of the Nelore breed to Cooperia spp. and high resistance to ectoparasites. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Contiene los antecedentes y resumen de los debates de la reunión que tuvo por objetivo presentar los resultados obtenidos en la elaboración de un inventario y una cuenta del patrimonio natural para el corredor biológico de Chichinautzin, y contribuir por medio de estudios presentados, a la preservación de un cinturón ecológico en torno al Distrito de Morelos.


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In order to study the infectious agents causing human disseminated cryptococcosis in the state of Pará, North Brazil, 56 isolates of Cryptococcusspp. (54 isolated from cerebral spinal fluid and two from blood cultures) from 43 cases diagnosed between 2003-2007 were analysed. The species were determined through morphological and physiological tests and genotypes were determined by URA5-RFLP and PCR-fingerprinting (wild-type phage M13). The following species and genotypes were identified: Cryptococcus neoformans VNI (28/56, 50%), Cryptococcus gattii VGII (25/56, 44.64%) and C. gattii VGI (3/56, 5.26%). The genotype VNI occurred in 12 out of 14 HIV-positive adults, whereas the genotype VGII occurred in 11 out of 21 HIV-negative adults (p < 0.02, OR = 6.6 IC95% 0.98-56.0). All patients less than 12 years old were HIV negative and six cases were caused by the VGII genotype, one by the VGI and one by VNI. Therefore, endemic primary mycosis in HIV-negative individuals, including an unexpectedly high number of children, caused by the VGII genotype deserves further study and suggests the need for surveillance on cryptococcal infection in the state of Pará, Eastern Amazon.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos epidemiológicos sobre a distribuição genotípica do HCV na Amazônia Brasileira são escassos. Baseado nisto, determinamos o padrão de distribuição genotípica do HCV em diferentes categorias de exposição no Estado do Pará, Amazônia Brasileira. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal foi realizado com 312 indivíduos infectados pelo HCV, pertencentes a diferentes categorias de exposição atendidas pelo HEMOPA, CENPREN e uma clínica privada de hemodiálise em Belém. Eles foram testados quanto à presença de anticorpos anti-HCV por teste imunoenzimático, RNA-HCV utilizando PCR em tempo real e genotipados através de análise filogenética da 5' UTR. Os grupos de populações foram caracterizados epidemiologicamente de acordo com dados coletados em breve entrevista ou consulta de prontuários médicos. RESULTADOS: Em todas as diferentes categorias de exposição ao HCV, foram encontrados predomínio do genótipo 1. A distribuição genotípica do HCV em doadores de sangue (BD) foi constituída pelos genótipos 1 (94%) e 3 (6%). Todos os pacientes com doenças hematológicas crônicas (PCHD) possuíam genótipo 1. A distribuição genotípica em usuários de drogas ilícitas (DU) foi constituída pelos genótipos 1 (59,6%) e 3 (40,4%). Em pacientes em hemodiálise (PUH) foram detectados os genótipos 1 (90,1%), 2 (3,3%) e 3 (6,6%). Finalmente, a frequência entre os genótipos 1 e 3 foi significativamente diferente entre os grupos: BD e DU, PUH e DU, PUH e PCHD, e PCHD e DU. CONCLUSÕES: A frequência genotípica e distribuição de HCV em diferentes categorias de exposição no Estado do Pará mostraram predominância do genótipo 1, independentemente do possível risco de infecção.


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Nós determinamos os fatores de risco à infecção pelo HCV em doadores de sangue no Estado do Pará, Brasil. Foram analisados 256 doadores de sangue atendidos na Fundação HEMOPA de 2004 a 2006, sendo divididos em dois grupos: infectados e não-infectados. O diagnóstico foi realizado por PCR em tempo real. Todos os participantes responderam a questionário sobre possíveis fatores de risco, sendo a modelagem estatística feita por regressão logística simples e múltipla. Os fatores de risco à infecção foram: uso de agulhas e seringas de vidros esterilizadas em casa (OR = 4,55), realização de tratamento dentário invasivo (OR = 3,08), compartilhamento de lâminas em domicílio (OR = 1,99), compartilhamento de lâminas descartáveis em barbearias, salões de beleza (OR = 2,34), e compartilhamento de material de manicure e pedicure (OR = 3,45). As autoridades de saúde devem conscientizar a população sobre o compartilhamento de materiais perfuro-cortantes em domicílio, salões de beleza e consultórios dentários como fatores de risco à infecção.


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Given the scarcity of epidemiological information on hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in Northern Brazil, we determined the prevalence and genotypic frequency in blood donors in the state of Pará (PA). Blood samples from all of the blood donors at the Fundação HEMOPA (blood bank of PA) from 2004-2006 were screened for the presence of antibodies to anti-HCV and samples seroreactive to anti-HCV were further tested for HCV RNA using real-time PCR. In total, 116 HCV-RNA samples were genotyped, based on maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses, using BioEdit, Modelgenerator, PHYML and FigTree software. The population consisted of 242,726 volunteers who donated blood from 2004-2006; the most common subgroup was males between the ages of 18-29 years old (37.30%). Within the whole group, 1,112 blood donors (0.46%) had indeterminate or positive serology; among these, 28.78% were males whose ages ranged from 18-29 years. A diagnosis of chronic HCV infection was confirmed for 304 donors (60.20% males; 66.45% were 30-49 years old), resulting in a prevalence of HCV RNA in 0.13% of the samples (304 of 242,726). HCV genotyping revealed a high frequency of genotype 1 (108/116) followed by genotype 3 (8/116). This study found HCV infection to be relatively infrequent in PA; genotype 1 was most commonly isolated. This information can help guide prevention and control policies aimed at efficient diagnosis and control measures.


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O presente estudo descreve a ocorrência de intoxicação por chumbo em bovinos e galinhas no Pará, Brasil. Em um lote composto de 80 bezerros de um rebanho leiteiro, 10 animais ficaram doentes e nove morreram, e um animal se recuperou após ser removido do piquete. Após a inspeção deste piquete, foi observada a presença de baterias de caminhões usados para armazenar a energia captada por painéis solares. Os sinais clínicos observados nos bezerros incluíam dificuldade respiratória, corrimento nasal, salivação excessiva, opacidade da córnea, pressão da cabeça contra objetos e decúbito. As galinhas tinham diminuída oviposição e os ovos produzidos eram com cascas malformadas ou tinham a casca mais fina. Os achados de necropsia e as alterações histopatológicas observadas nos bovinos eram de pouco significado, com exceção de um animal que mostrou leve astrocitose no córtex cerebral. Em uma das galinhas, na histopatologia renal observou-se leve necrose tubular aguda multifocal. As concentrações de chumbo médios nos fígados e rins dos bovinos eram 93,91mg/kg e 209,76mg/kg, respectivamente, e a concentração média no fígado de galinhas foi 105,02mg/ kg. Concluiu-se que a fonte de contaminação por chumbo nesses bezerros e galinhas eram placas de bateria de caminhão, aos quais os animais tiveram acesso na pastagem.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the investigation of a sylvatic yellow fever outbreak in the state of Sao Paulo and the main control measures undertaken.METHODS: This is a descriptive study of a sylvatic yellow fever outbreak in the Southwestern region of the state from February to April 2009. Suspected and confirmed cases in humans and in non-human primates were evaluated. Entomological investigation in sylvatic environment involved capture at ground level and in the tree canopy to identify species and detect natural infections. Control measures were performed in urban areas to control Aedes aegypti. Vaccination was directed at residents living in areas with confirmed viral circulation and also at nearby cities according to national recommendation.RESULTS: Twenty-eight human cases were confirmed (39.3% case fatality rate) in rural areas of Sarutaia, Piraju, Tejupa, Avare, and Buri. The deaths of 56 non-human primates were also reported, 91.4% were Allouatta sp. Epizootics was confirmed in two non-human primates in the cities of Itapetininga and Buri. A total of 1,782 mosquitoes were collected, including Haemagogus leucocelaenus, Hg. janthinomys/capricornii, and Sabethes chloropterus, Sa. purpureus and Sa. undosus. Yellow fever virus was isolated from a group of Hg. Leucocelaenus from Buri. Vaccination was carried out in 49 cities, with a total of 1,018,705 doses. Nine serious post-vaccination adverse events were reported.CONCLUSIONS: The cases occurred between February and April 2009 in areas with no recorded yellow fever virus circulation in over 60 years. The outbreak region occurred outside the original recommended vaccination area with a high percentage of susceptible population. The fast adoption of control measures interrupted the human transmission within a month and the confirmation of viral circulation in humans, monkeys and mosquitoes. The results allowed the identification of new areas of viral circulation but further studies are required to clarify the dynamics of the spread of this disease.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Larvae of Periphoba hircia (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) defoliated Acacia mangium in the state of Roraima, Brazil. This is the first report of this species defoliating A. mangium in Brazil. The damage to the foliage was substantial and P. hircia should be monitored to ascertain its significance as pest of this plant. The larval stage of this species had 6 instars. Its cocoons were woven either on A. mangium leaves or in the soil. The pupal period of P. hiricia reared on A. mangium lasted 6 months. Its adults were dimorphic with females larger and having more prominent abdomens than males.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)