962 resultados para Social mining
During the second half of the nineteenth century fraternal and benevolent associations of numerous descriptions grew and prospered in mining communities everywhere. They played an important, but neglected role, in assisting transatlantic migration and movement between mining districts as well as building social capital within emerging mining communities. They helped to build bridges between different ethnic communities, provided conduits between labour and management, and networked miners into the non-mining community. Their influence spread beyond the adult males that made up most of their membership to their wives and families and provided levels of social and economic support otherwise unobtainable at that time. Of course, the influence of these organisations could also be divisive where certain groups or religions were excluded and they may have worked to exacerbate, as much as ameliorate, the problems of community development. This paper will examine some of these issues by looking particularly at the role of Freemasonry and Oddfellowry in Cornwall, Calumet, and Nevada City between 1860 and 1900. Work on fraternity in the Keweenaw was undertaken in Houghton some years ago with a grant from the Copper Country Archive and has since been continued by privately funded research in California and other Western mining states. Some British aspects of this research can be found in my article on mining industrial relations in Labour History Review April 2006
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the evolution of an early 20th century mining system in Spitsbergen as applied by Boston-based Arctic Coal Company (ACC). This analysis will address the following questions: Did the system evolve in a linear, technological-based fashion? Or was the progression more a product of interactions and negotiations with the natural and human landscapes present during the time of occupation? Answers to these questions will be sought through review of historical records and material residues identified during the 2008 field examination on Spitsbergen. The Arctic Coal Company’s flagship mine, ACC Mine No. 1, will serve as the focus for this analysis. The mine was the company’s largest undertaking during its occupation of Longyear Valley and today exhibits a large collection of related features and artifacts. The study will emphasize on the material record within an analysis of technical, environmental and social influences that guided the course of the mining system. The intent of this thesis is a better understanding of how a particular resource extraction industry took root in the Arctic.
The rapid expansion of the mineral and metal mining sector in the past decade was accompanied by an increase in social conflicts. What are the impacts of large-scale mining operations? What are the strategies used by transnational corporations to gain access to underground resources and legitimize their activities? And how do local and indigenous communities confronted with mining react to, negotiate with and resist these activities? This book covers 13 case studies of copper, gold, uranium and other mining operations, situated in Latin America, Africa, Asia, Australia and Switzerland. With an extensive introduction to the subject and a systematic comparison across mining operations in different phases of development and social contexts, it serves as a primer and reference book for activists, students and researchers alike.
At the end of the communist era, which was characterised as a closed social experiment, Romania found itself in the middle of a globalization process. Its industrial capacities have been considerably reduced through a poor and spendthrift management. There was a mass exodus of the labour force abroad and the educational background for the remaining part was no longer in agreement with the labour market. On these grounds, the vectors of globalization, in the form of foreign investments, entered Romania effortlessly. There even were local communities where the arrival of foreign investors was expected like a second coming of Christ. This is the context in which a Canadian company set forth the mining project Rosia Montana Gold Corporation. The implementation of the project should have started in 2005. Nevertheless, the project has not been effectively launched yet. This situation is based on what we call Romanian glocalization, namely a specific confrontation between global and local on Romanian land
At the end of the communist era, which was characterised as a closed social experiment, Romania found itself in the middle of a globalization process. Its industrial capacities have been considerably reduced through a poor and spendthrift management. There was a mass exodus of the labour force abroad and the educational background for the remaining part was no longer in agreement with the labour market. On these grounds, the vectors of globalization, in the form of foreign investments, entered Romania effortlessly. There even were local communities where the arrival of foreign investors was expected like a second coming of Christ. This is the context in which a Canadian company set forth the mining project Rosia Montana Gold Corporation. The implementation of the project should have started in 2005. Nevertheless, the project has not been effectively launched yet. This situation is based on what we call Romanian glocalization, namely a specific confrontation between global and local on Romanian land
At the end of the communist era, which was characterised as a closed social experiment, Romania found itself in the middle of a globalization process. Its industrial capacities have been considerably reduced through a poor and spendthrift management. There was a mass exodus of the labour force abroad and the educational background for the remaining part was no longer in agreement with the labour market. On these grounds, the vectors of globalization, in the form of foreign investments, entered Romania effortlessly. There even were local communities where the arrival of foreign investors was expected like a second coming of Christ. This is the context in which a Canadian company set forth the mining project Rosia Montana Gold Corporation. The implementation of the project should have started in 2005. Nevertheless, the project has not been effectively launched yet. This situation is based on what we call Romanian glocalization, namely a specific confrontation between global and local on Romanian land
Abstract Due to recent scientific and technological advances in information sys¬tems, it is now possible to perform almost every application on a mobile device. The need to make sense of such devices more intelligent opens an opportunity to design data mining algorithm that are able to autonomous execute in local devices to provide the device with knowledge. The problem behind autonomous mining deals with the proper configuration of the algorithm to produce the most appropriate results. Contextual information together with resource information of the device have a strong impact on both the feasibility of a particu¬lar execution and on the production of the proper patterns. On the other hand, performance of the algorithm expressed in terms of efficacy and efficiency highly depends on the features of the dataset to be analyzed together with values of the parameters of a particular implementation of an algorithm. However, few existing approaches deal with autonomous configuration of data mining algorithms and in any case they do not deal with contextual or resources information. Both issues are of particular significance, in particular for social net¬works application. In fact, the widespread use of social networks and consequently the amount of information shared have made the need of modeling context in social application a priority. Also the resource consumption has a crucial role in such platforms as the users are using social networks mainly on their mobile devices. This PhD thesis addresses the aforementioned open issues, focusing on i) Analyzing the behavior of algorithms, ii) mapping contextual and resources information to find the most appropriate configuration iii) applying the model for the case of a social recommender. Four main contributions are presented: - The EE-Model: is able to predict the behavior of a data mining algorithm in terms of resource consumed and accuracy of the mining model it will obtain. - The SC-Mapper: maps a situation defined by the context and resource state to a data mining configuration. - SOMAR: is a social activity (event and informal ongoings) recommender for mobile devices. - D-SOMAR: is an evolution of SOMAR which incorporates the configurator in order to provide updated recommendations. Finally, the experimental validation of the proposed contributions using synthetic and real datasets allows us to achieve the objectives and answer the research questions proposed for this dissertation.
The “Innovatio Educativa Tertio Millennio” group has been 10 years developing educational innovation techniques, actually has reached the level of teaching on the technical teachers has developed, and share them with other groups, that can implement them in their teaching activities. UNESCO Chair of Mining and Industrial Heritage has been years working on heritage, and on the one hand teaching in conservation and maintenance of heritage, and on the other doing raise awareness of the meaning of heritage, the social value and as must be managed effectively. Recently these two groups work together, thus is spreading in a much more effective manner the concepts of heritage, its meaning, its value, and how to manage it and provide effective protection. On one hand being a work of dissemination based on internet and on radio broadcasting, and on the other one of teaching based on educational innovation, and courses, conferences, and face-to-face seminars or distance platforms.
A sustainable manufacturing process must rely on an also sustainable raw materials and energy supply. This paper is intended to show the results of the studies developed on sustainable business models for the minerals industry as a fundamental previous part of a sustainable manufacturing process. As it has happened in other economic activities, the mining and minerals industry has come under tremendous pressure to improve its social, developmental, and environmental performance. Mining, refining, and the use and disposal of minerals have in some instances led to significant local environmental and social damage. Nowadays, like in other parts of the corporate world, companies are more routinely expected to perform to ever higher standards of behavior, going well beyond achieving the best rate of return for shareholders. They are also increasingly being asked to be more transparent and subject to third-party audit or review, especially in environmental aspects. In terms of environment, there are three inter-related areas where innovation and new business models can make the biggest difference: carbon, water and biodiversity. The focus in these three areas is for two reasons. First, the industrial and energetic minerals industry has significant footprints in each of these areas. Second, these three areas are where the potential environmental impacts go beyond local stakeholders and communities, and can even have global impacts, like in the case of carbon. So prioritizing efforts in these areas will ultimately be a strategic differentiator as the industry businesses continues to grow. Over the next forty years, world?s population is predicted to rise from 6.300 million to 9.500 million people. This will mean a huge demand of natural resources. Indeed, consumption rates are such that current demand for raw materials will probably soon exceed the planet?s capacity. As awareness of the actual situation grows, the public is demanding goods and services that are even more environmentally sustainable. This means that massive efforts are required to reduce the amount of materials we use, including freshwater, minerals and oil, biodiversity, and marine resources. It?s clear that business as usual is no longer possible. Today, companies face not only the economic fallout of the financial crisis; they face the substantial challenge of transitioning to a low-carbon economy that is constrained by dwindling natural resources easily accessible. Innovative business models offer pioneering companies an early start toward the future. They can signal to consumers how to make sustainable choices and provide reward for both the consumer and the shareholder. Climate change and carbon remain major risk discontinuities that we need to better understand and deal with. In the absence of a global carbon solution, the principal objective of any individual country should be to reduce its global carbon emissions by encouraging conservation. The mineral industry internal response is to continue to focus on reducing the energy intensity of our existing operations through energy efficiency and the progressive introduction of new technology. Planning of the new projects must ensure that their energy footprint is minimal from the start. These actions will increase the long term resilience of the business to uncertain energy and carbon markets. This focus, combined with a strong demand for skills in this strategic area for the future requires an appropriate change in initial and continuing training of engineers and technicians and their awareness of the issue of eco-design. It will also need the development of measurement tools for consistent comparisons between companies and the assessments integration of the carbon footprint of mining equipments and services in a comprehensive impact study on the sustainable development of the Economy.
La actividad minera tiene un gran impacto sobre el territorio, probablemente más que ninguna otra de las actividades humanas, ya que transforma el espacio en todas sus dimensiones: ecológica, ambiental, social y económica. Cuando la reducción de la rentabilidad de la explotación conduce al cierre de ésta, la repercusión sobre su entorno puede llegar a ser brutal. Pero las explotaciones mineras son muy distintas entre ellas y los efectos que su abandono producen sobre el espacio en la que se enclavan pueden ser diversos, por lo que la decisión sobre el futuro de estas áreas no es simple y evidente. Aquí se propone desarrollar una propuesta de clasificación tipológica de las minas y sus regiones con el objetivo de determinar las estrategias de intervención más adecuadas para el futuro de estos espacios y sus habitantes. En concreto se busca diferenciar los conceptos de Mina, Parque Minero, Espacio Minero y Región Minera, todos ellos fruto de la interacción de la huella de la actividad minera con el medio físico, los enclaves urbanizados, y la estructura socioeconómica de la región en la que se enclavan. Mining activity is having a great impact on the territory, probably more than any other human activity, which transforms the space in all of its dimensions, ecological, environmental, social and economic. When reducing the profitability of the operation leads to the conclusion thereof, the impact on the environment can be brutal. But mining are very different between them and the effects they produce on their abandonment in space that interlock can be diverse, so the decision on the future of these areas is not simple and obvious. This proposal aims to develop a typological classification of mines and their regions in order to determine the most appropriate intervention strategies for the future of these spaces and their inhabitants. Specifically, it seeks to differentiate the concepts of Mine, Mining Park, Space Miner and Mining Region, all the result of the interaction of the mining footprint with the physical environment, the urbanized enclaves, and the socio-economic structure of the region which interlock. El presente libro reúne las ponencias presentadas por los investigadores de la red REUSE dentro del 1er Simposio de Reutilización del Espacio Minero; evento organizado por la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) en Belo Horizonte, entre el 1 y el 3 de octubre de 2012, en el marco del 1er Seminario Internacional de Reconversión de Territorios. La red REUSE es una red realizada gracias a la financiación del programa CYTED
We describe a domain ontology development approach that extracts domain terms from folksonomies and enrich them with data and vocabularies from the Linked Open Data cloud. As a result, we obtain lightweight domain ontologies that combine the emergent knowledge of social tagging systems with formal knowledge from Ontologies. In order to illustrate the feasibility of our approach, we have produced an ontology in the financial domain from tags available in Delicious, using DBpedia, OpenCyc and UMBEL as additional knowledge sources.
Characterising users through demographic attributes is a necessary step before conducting opinion surveys from information published by such users in social media. In this paper, we describe, compare and evaluate different techniques for the identification of the attributes "gender"' and "place of residence" by mining the metadata associated to the users, the content published and shared by themselves, and their friendship networks. The results obtained show that the social network is a valuable source of information for obtaining the sociodemographic attributes of single users.
Esta memoria es el resultado de un proyecto cuyo objetivo ha sido realizar un análisis de la posible aplicación de técnicas relativas al Process Mining para entornos AmI (Ambient Intelligence). Dicho análisis tiene la facultad de presentar de forma clara los resultados extraídos de los procesos relativos a un caso de uso planteado, así como de aplicar dichos resultados a aplicaciones relativas a entornos AmI, como automatización de tareas o simulación social basada en agentes. Para que dicho análisis sea comprensible por el lector, se presentan detalladas explicaciones de los conceptos tratados y las técnicas empleadas. Además, se analizan exhaustivamente las dos herramientas software más utilizadas en cuanto a minería de procesos se refiere, ProM y Disco, presentando ventajas e inconvenientes de cada una, así como una comparación entre las dos. Posteriormente se ha desarrollado una metodología para el análisis de procesos con la herramienta ProM, anteriormente mencionada, explicando cuidadosamente cada uno de los pasos así como los fundamentos de los algoritmos utilizados. Por último, se han presentado las conclusiones extraídas del trabajo, así como las posibles líneas de continuación del proyecto.
En esta memoria se presenta el diseño y desarrollo de una aplicación en la nube destinada a la compartición de objetos y servicios. El desarrollo de esta aplicación surge dentro del proyecto de I+D+i, SITAC: Social Internet of Things – Apps by and for the Crowd ITEA 2 11020, que trata de crear una arquitectura integradora y un “ecosistema” que incluya plataformas, herramientas y metodologías para facilitar la conexión y cooperación de entidades de distinto tipo conectadas a la red bien sean sistemas, máquinas, dispositivos o personas con dispositivos móviles personales como tabletas o teléfonos móviles. El proyecto innovará mediante la utilización de un modelo inspirado en las redes sociales para facilitar y unificar las interacciones tanto entre personas como entre personas y dispositivos. En este contexto surge la necesidad de desarrollar una aplicación destinada a la compartición de recursos en la nube que pueden ser tanto lógicos como físicos, y que esté orientada al big data. Ésta será la aplicación presentada en este trabajo, el “Resource Sharing Center”, que ofrece un servicio web para el intercambio y compartición de contenido, y un motor de recomendaciones basado en las preferencias de los usuarios. Con este objetivo, se han usado tecnologías de despliegue en la nube, como Elastic Beanstalk (el PaaS de Amazon Web Services), S3 (el sistema de almacenamiento de Amazon Web Services), SimpleDB (base de datos NoSQL) y HTML5 con JavaScript y Twitter Bootstrap para el desarrollo del front-end, siendo Python y Node.js las tecnologías usadas en el back end, y habiendo contribuido a la mejora de herramientas de clustering sobre big data. Por último, y de cara a realizar el estudio sobre las pruebas de carga de la aplicación se ha usado la herramienta ApacheJMeter.