981 resultados para Social fund
Natural anthocyanin pigments/dyes and phenolic copigments/co-dyes form noncovalent complexes, which stabilize and modulate (in particular blue, violet, and red) colors in flowers, berries, and food products derived from them (including wines, jams, purees, and syrups). This noncovalent association and their electronic and optical implications constitute the copigmentation phenomenon. Over the past decade, experimental and theoretical studies have enabled a molecular understanding of copigmentation. This review revisits this phenomenon to provide a comprehensive description of the nature of binding (the dispersion and electrostatic components of π–π stacking, the hydrophobic effect, and possible hydrogen-bonding between pigment and copigment) and of spectral modifications occurring in copigmentation complexes, in which charge transfer plays an important role. Particular attention is paid to applications of copigmentation in food chemistry.
The remarkable physicochemical properties of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) at the nanoscale have boosted the development of new and promising strategies for the simultaneous diagnosis and treatment of diseases, particularly in cancer therapy Ð the so-called theranostic applications (1). In these strategies, the intrinsic superparamagnetic properties of MNPs have been exploited to gain access into multifunctional systems able to simultaneously perform as enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents, efficient nanocarriers for drug delivery and nanoheaters in magnetic hyperthermia based therapy (2), among others.
Hybrid magnetic carbon composites have been recently proposed as the next step in the evolution of catalysts for catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO), with several synergistic effects arising from the combination of the high catalytic activity of metal species with the proven catalytic properties of carbon-based materials in CWPO [1]. Bearing this in mind, this work sought the development of novel magnetic carbon xerogels, composed by interconnected carbon microspheres with iron (Fe) and/or cobalt (Co) microparticles embedded in their structure. As inferred from the extensive characterization performed, materials with distinctive properties were obtained upon inclusion of different metal precursors during the sol-gel polymerization of resorcinol and formaldehyde, followed by thermal annealing.
This article presents the principal results of the doctoral thesis “Semantic-oriented Architecture and Models for Personalized and Adaptive Access to the Knowledge in Multimedia Digital Library” by Desislava Ivanova Paneva-Marinova (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics), successfully defended before the Specialised Academic Council for Informatics and Mathematical Modelling on 27 October, 2008.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): I.2.8, I.2.10, I.5.1, J.2.
A számítógépes munkavégzés elterjedése számos szempontból és módszerrel vizsgálható. A szerző kutatásai során az ember-gép-környezet összhang megteremtésének igényéből kiindulva arra keresi a választ, hogy milyen tényezők befolyásolják a számítógéppel végzett tevékenységek megszervezésének és végrehajtásának hatékonyságát. Tanulmányában a kutatás indítófázisának főbb eredményeiről, a számítógép-használati szokásokról ad áttekintést, ami elengedhetetlen az irodai-adminisztratív jellegű tevékenységekhez kötődő kritikus tényezők feltárásához, továbbá a mérési és fejlesztési feladatok megalapozásához. A szűkebb értelemben vett ergonómiai szempontok mellett a digitális kompetenciák kérdéskörét vonta be a munkába, amit releváns kérdésnek tart a hatékonyság mérése szempontjából, mivel a számítógép megválasztása és a munkahely kialakítása nem értékelhető az emberi tényező alkalmassága és az elvégzendő feladat tartalma nélkül. __________ Office and administrative work, business corres-pondence, private contacts and learning are increasingly supported by computers. Moreover the technical possibilities of correspondence are wider than using a PC. It is accessible on the go by a cell phone. The author analysed the characteristics of the used devices, the working environment, satisfaction factors in connection with computer work and the digital competence by a survey. In his opinion development in an ergonomic approach is important not only to establish the technological novelties but to utilize the present possibilities of hardware and environment. The reason for this is that many people can not (or do not want) to follow the dynamic technological development of computers with buying the newest devices. The study compares the results of home and work characteristic of computer work. This research was carried out as part of the “TAMOP-4.2.1.B-10/2/ KONV-2010-0001” project with support by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
Acknowledgements One of us (T. B.) acknowledges many interesting discussions on coupled maps with Professor C. Tsallis. We are also grateful to the anonymous referees for their constructive feedback that helped us improve the manuscript and to the HPCS Laboratory of the TEI of Western Greece for providing the computer facilities where all our simulations were performed. C. G. A. was partially supported by the “EPSRC EP/I032606/1” grant of the University of Aberdeen. This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund - ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: THALES - Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.
Acknowledgements One of us (T. B.) acknowledges many interesting discussions on coupled maps with Professor C. Tsallis. We are also grateful to the anonymous referees for their constructive feedback that helped us improve the manuscript and to the HPCS Laboratory of the TEI of Western Greece for providing the computer facilities where all our simulations were performed. C. G. A. was partially supported by the “EPSRC EP/I032606/1” grant of the University of Aberdeen. This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund - ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: THALES - Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.
Coronal jets represent important manifestations of ubiquitous solar transients, which may be the source of significant mass and energy input to the upper solar atmosphere and the solar wind. While the energy involved in a jet-like event is smaller than that of “nominal” solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), jets share many common properties with these phenomena, in particular, the explosive magnetically driven dynamics. Studies of jets could, therefore, provide critical insight for understanding the larger, more complex drivers of the solar activity. On the other side of the size-spectrum, the study of jets could also supply important clues on the physics of transients close or at the limit of the current spatial resolution such as spicules. Furthermore, jet phenomena may hint to basic process for heating the corona and accelerating the solar wind; consequently their study gives us the opportunity to attack a broad range of solar-heliospheric problems.
There is growing recognition that gaining the views of young people is crucial for understanding issues that affect their lives. However, to date, very little is known about the way in which disabled children, make sense of their identities, and create a sense of their past and their imagined futures over time. This three year study, funded by the European Social Fund, and conducted by Dr Sonali Shah and colleagues at the University of Nottingham, used various methods to explore how physically disabled students, in full-time special or mainstream education, make choices concerning their occupational futures. It identified the factors that shape their educational and career related choices and chances, and explored how social relations, social processes, and social policies influenced the extent to which their aspirations were achieved. This study presents disabled children and young people as critical social actors who are telling their own stories of how social structures and processes shape their choices and aspirations for their future selves. It illustrates the importance of consulting children and young people about issues concerning their lives, and not rely solely on adults’ conceptions of childhood. The young disabled people’s experiences and views can be used to develop a new flexible system which offers the benefits of mainstream and special education, and facilitates young disabled people’s self-determination to make choices to participate in and contribute to their independent futures.
N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzimido derivatives are polar multifunctional substances. A set of these compounds was synthesised by successive substitution on the enamine side, resulting in similar substances with different polarities, providing a set of model compounds with respect to the study of substituent effects on physico-chemical properties. Experimental aqueous solubility data, at T = 298.15 K, of N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzamidine, PhCNH2NCSNEt2 (1),N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N'-phenylbenzamidine, PhCNHPhNCSNEt2 (2), N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N'-monoethylbenzamidine, PhCNHEtNCSNEt2 (3), N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N',N'-diethylbenzamidine, PhCNEt2NCSNEt2 (4), and N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzimido ethylester, PhCOEtNCSNEt2 (5) were measured at T = 298.15 K. The obtained data are supplemented by COSMO-RS aqueous solubility predictions as well as other environmentally important partition coefficients. This information is shown in a two-dimensional chemical space diagram, providing indications about the compartment into which the bulk of the compounds is likely to concentrate. The expected quality of COSMO-RS predictions for this type of screening exercise is illustrated on a set of pesticides with established thermophysical property data.
Understanding the ecology of migratory birds during the non-breeding season is necessary for ensuring their conservation. Using satellite telemetry data we describe winter ranging behaviour and movements of pallid harriers Circus macrourus that bred in Kazakhstan. We developed an ecological niche model for the species in Africa, to identify the most suitable wintering areas for pallid harriers and the importance of habitat in determining the location of those areas. We also assessed how well represented suitable areas are in the network of protected areas. Individual harriers showed relatively high fidelity to wintering areas but with potential for interannual changes. The ecological niche model highlighted the importance of open habitats with natural vegetation. Most suitable areas for the species were located in eastern Africa. Suitable areas had a patchy distribution but were relatively well included in the network of protected areas. The preferential use of habitats with natural vegetation by wintering pallid harriers and the patchiness of the most suitable areas highlight the harrier's vulnerability to land-use changes and the associated loss of natural vegetation in Africa. Conservation of harriers could be enhanced by preserving natural grasslands within protected areas and improving habitat management in the human-influenced portions of the species’ core wintering areas.
Circulating low density lipoproteins (LDL) are thought to play a crucial role in the onset and development of atherosclerosis, though the detailed molecular mechanisms responsible for their biological effects remain controversial. The complexity of biomolecules (lipids, glycans and protein) and structural features (isoforms and chemical modifications) found in LDL particles hampers the complete understanding of the mechanism underlying its atherogenicity. For this reason the screening of LDL for features discriminative of a particular pathology in search of biomarkers is of high importance. Three major biomolecule classes (lipids, protein and glycans) in LDL particles were screened using mass spectrometry coupled to liquid chromatography. Dual-polarity screening resulted in good lipidome coverage, identifying over 300 lipid species from 12 lipid sub-classes. Multivariate analysis was used to investigate potential discriminators in the individual lipid sub-classes for different study groups (age, gender, pathology). Additionally, the high protein sequence coverage of ApoB-100 routinely achieved (≥70%) assisted in the search for protein modifications correlating to aging and pathology. The large size and complexity of the datasets required the use of chemometric methods (Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis, PLS-DA) for their analysis and for the identification of ions that discriminate between study groups. The peptide profile from enzymatically digested ApoB-100 can be correlated with the high structural complexity of lipids associated with ApoB-100 using exploratory data analysis. In addition, using targeted scanning modes, glycosylation sites within neutral and acidic sugar residues in ApoB-100 are also being explored. Together or individually, knowledge of the profiles and modifications of the major biomolecules in LDL particles will contribute towards an in-depth understanding, will help to map the structural features that contribute to the atherogenicity of LDL, and may allow identification of reliable, pathology-specific biomarkers. This research was supported by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Program (IEF 255076). Work of A. Rudnitskaya was supported by Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, through the European Social Fund (ESF) and "Programa Operacional Potencial Humano - POPH".
Cytokinesis in animal cells requires the constriction of an actomyosin contractile ring, whose architecture and mechanism remain poorly understood. We use laser microsurgery to explore the biophysical properties of constricting rings in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Laser cutting causes rings to snap open. However, instead of disintegrating, ring topology recovers and constriction proceeds. In response to severing, a finite gap forms and is repaired by recruitment of new material in an actin polymerization-dependent manner. An open ring is able to constrict, and rings repair from successive cuts. After gap repair, an increase in constriction velocity allows cytokinesis to complete at the same time as controls. Our analysis demonstrates that tension in the ring increases while net cortical tension at the site of ingression decreases throughout constriction and suggests that cytokinesis is accomplished by contractile modules that assemble and contract autonomously, enabling local repair of the actomyosin network. Consequently, cytokinesis is a highly robust process impervious to discontinuities in contractile ring structure.