973 resultados para Snps
RAD51 colocalizes with both BRCA1 and BRCA2, and genetic variants in RAD51 would be candidate BRCA1/2 modifiers. We searched for RAD51 polymorphisms by sequencing 20 individuals. We compared the polymorphism allele frequencies between female BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with and without breast or ovarian cancer and between population-based ovarian cancer cases with BRCA1/2 mutations to cases and controls without mutations. We discovered two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at positions 135 g-->c and 172 g-->t of the 5' untranslated region. In an initial group of BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, 14 (21%) of 67 breast cancer cases carried a c allele at RAD51:135 g-->c, whereas 8 (7%) of 119 women without breast cancer carried this allele. In a second set of 466 mutation carriers from three centers, the association of RAD51:135 g-->c with breast cancer risk was not confirmed. Analyses restricted to the 216 BRCA2 mutation carriers, however, showed a statistically significant association of the 135 c allele with the risk of breast cancer (adjusted odds ratio, 3.2; 95% confidence limit, 1.4-40). BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with ovarian cancer were only about one half as likely to carry the RAD51:135 g-->c SNP. Analysis of the RAD51:135 g-->c SNP in 738 subjects from an Israeli ovarian cancer case-control study was consistent with a lower risk of ovarian cancer among BRCA1/2 mutation carriers with the c allele. We have identified a RAD51 5' untranslated region SNP that may be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and a lower risk of ovarian cancer among BRCA2 mutation carriers. The biochemical basis of this risk modifier is currently unknown.
The alternative sigma factor sigB gene is involved in the stress response regulation of Listeria monocytogenes, and contributes towards growth and survival in adverse conditions. This gene was examined to determine if it could be a useful indicator of lineage differentiation, similar to the established method based on ribotyping. The sigB sequence was resolved in four local L. monocytogenes strains and the phylogenetic relationship among these, and a further 21 sigB gene sequences from strains of different serotype and lineage including two Listeria innocua strains, obtained from the GenBank database were determined. The sigB nucleotide sequences of these 25 Listeria strains were then examined for single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) sites that could differentiate between the three lineages. Based on nucleotide sequences L. monocytogenes lineage F serotype 1/2b and 4b clustered together, lineage II/serotype 1/2a and 1/2c strains clustered together, lineage III/serotypes 4a and 4c strains clustered together and L. innocua strains clustered together as an outgroup. SNPs differentiating the three lineages were identified. Individual allele-specific PCR reactions based on these polymorphisms were successful in grouping known and a further 37 local L. monocytogenes isolates into the three lineages. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All fights reserved.
Animais híbridos representam um desafio à taxonomia e sistemática, pois correspondem a unidades evolutivas geralmente sem clara delimitação morfológica, comportamental e genética. Híbridos podem ser morfologicamente intermediários aos parentais ou, devido à introgressão e retrocruzamentos, suas características podem se misturar tornando difícil sua identificação. Uma das formas de identificação de híbridos é por meio de ferramentas de biologia molecular, que ao utilizarem marcadores de DNA mitocondrial (herança exclusiva materna) e DNA nuclear (herança materna e paterna), permitem a comparação entre informações genéticas. Além da hibridização existem outras fontes de conflito entre dados moleculares provenientes do DNA mitocondrial e DNA nuclear, como por exemplo a retenção de polimorfismos ancentrais. Em localidades do Espírito Santo, Brasil, foram coletados indivíduos de morfologia distinta de Trachycephalus mesophaeus e T. nigromaculatus, que são as únicas espécies do gênero conhecidas nesse estado. Porém, estudos piloto usando o gene mitocondrial Citocromo Oxidase subunidade I (COI) agruparam esses espécimes com amostras de T. typhonius. Devido a estas incongruências, foram sequenciados fragmentos de dois genes mitocondriais - COI e Nicotinamida Desidrogenase subunidade 2 (ND2) e um exon nuclear (tirosinase) de 173 indivíduos de Trachycephalus, de forma a esclarecer as identificações taxonômicas e investigar a correspondência entre caracteres morfológicos e genéticos nesta linhagem, na sua área de ocorrência As filogenias moleculares, divergências genéticas, redes de haplótipos e polimorfismos de nucleotídeos únicos (SNPs) confirmaram as três espécies acima mencionadas como linhagens evolutivas distintas e revelaram mais sete indivíduos potencialmente híbridos, mas morfologicamente assinalados a T. mesophaeus, T. nigromaculatus ou T. typhonius.. Devido à taxa de evolução lenta da tirosinase, as espécies mais recentes T. typhonius e T. nigromaculatus parecem não terem sido sorteadas completamente nesse gene. Já T. mesophaeus, que é a espécie mais antiga das três, foi recuperada inequivocamente em todas as análises. De forma inédita, as análises moleculares evidenciaram a ocorrência de introgressão bidirecional entre T. nigromaculatus e T. typhonius e entre T. nigromaculatus e T. mesophaeus, sendo que há indícios de indivíduos F1 (cruzamentos entre espécies parentais puras gerando híbridos). A utilização do gene ND2 mostrou-se mais eficiente do que o gene COI nas filogenias e, apesar da tirosinase ser um gene nuclear de evolução lenta, contribuiu para a identificação de incongruências citonucleares. Nossos resultados mostram que a história filogenética de Trachycephalus é complexa e que o uso de marcadores nucleares de evolução mais rápida e ampliação dessas análises para outras espécies do gênero podem revelar mais eventos de hibridização.
Diferenças na susceptibilidade do hospedeiro à infecção, na gravidade e na permanência do quadro clínico da doença podem ser atribuídas, em parte, às variações da resposta imune. Estas variações são associadas a polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (do inglês: single nucleotide polymorphisms - SNPs). Como estudo prévio, foi realizada a caracterização da população geral do Espírito Santo (ES) - Brasil e de uma subpopulação do estado, de origem Pomerana, quanto aos SNPs -131 H/R, -336 A/G, TaqI, -308 A/G, -590 C/T, -174 G/C e +874 A/T nos genes FcγRIIa, CD209, VDR, TNFα, IL-4, IL-6 e INF-γ, respectivamente. Cem indivíduos da Grande Vitória representaram a população geral do ES e 59 indivíduos de Santa Maria de Jetibá representaram a população de origem Pomerana. Como a fase aguda da dengue é bem caracterizada, este estudo objetivou ampliar o conhecimento da fase de convalescença. Noventa e seis indivíduos diagnosticados com dengue sintomática no final de 2012 e início de 2013, no ES, foram acompanhados por 60 dias a partir do início dos sintomas por meio do preenchimento de um questionário clínico e epidemiológico em quatro entrevistas. A persistência de 37 sintomas clínicos da dengue foi avaliada. Para analisar a influência da genética do sistema imunológico do hospedeiro na persistência de sintomas clínicos da dengue na fase de convalescença, foi determinada a associação entre os sete SNPs, para os quais a população do ES foi caracterizada, e a persistência de sintomas. O DNA genômico dos participantes do estudo foi extraído do sangue periférico e a genotipagem dos SNPs foi realizada por reação em cadeia da polimerase - polimorfismo de comprimento de fragmento de restrição (do inglês: polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism - PCR-RFLP) As frequências genotípicas de todos os SNPs encontraram-se em equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg (do inglês: Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium - HWE), com exceção do SNP no gene IL-6. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante nas frequências genotípicas dos SNPs nos genes FcγRIIa, CD209, VDR, TNF-α e IL-4 entre as duas populações. Diferença estatisticamente significante foi encontrada entre as duas populações nas distribuições genotípicas dos SNPs nos genes IL-6 (p = 0,03) e INF-γ (p = 0,007). Trinta e sessenta dias após o início dos sintomas, 38,5% e 11,5% dos indivíduos com dengue sintomática reportaram ter pelo menos um sintoma clínico da dengue, respectivamente. Dos sintomas analisados, os mais persistentes foram os relacionados à síndrome da fadiga como mialgia, artralgia, astenia e mal-estar, sendo a mialgia o mais frequente. A persistência de sintomas em 30 dias foi associada ao gênero feminino (p = 0,044) e a persistência de sintomas constitucionais foi associada à dengue secundária (p = 0,041). O SNP no gene FcγRIIa, foi associado à persistência de sintomas em 30 dias, no subgrupo de indivíduos com dengue secundária (p = 0,046), sendo a presença do alelo H associada à não persistência de sintomas (p = 0,014). A presença do alelo A do SNP no gene TNF-α foi associada à não persistência de sintomas no subgrupo de indivíduos com dengue secundária (p = 0,025), sendo o genótipo GG associado à persistência de sintomas neurológicos, psicológicos e comportamentais em 30 dias (p = 0,038). A presença do alelo C do SNP no gene IL-6 foi associado à persistência de sintomas dermatológicos em 30 dias (p = 0,005). O perfil genético desses SNPs pode favorecer o estabelecimento de marcadores imunogenéticos associados à fase convalescente da infecção pelo vírus da dengue (do inglês: dengue virus - DENV).
A N-acetiltransferase 2 é a principal enzima responsável pelo metabolismo e inativação da isoniazida no organismo humano. Mutações no gene NAT2 levam a 3 perfis genotípicos de acetilação que alteram os níveis séricos do fármaco: acetiladores lentos, intermediários e rápidos, o que pode alterar o desfecho terapêutico. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar se os diferentes perfis podem influenciar no tempo de negativação da cultura de escarro, e se existe correlação entre carga bacilar e gravidade da doença com tempo de conversão da cultura. A população de estudo foi composta por 62 pacientes, que tiveram seus DNAs sequenciados para identificação de mutações no gene NAT2 e seus perfis de acetilação determinados. A análise genotípica detectou 10 SNPs, sendo as mutações 341 T>C (39,65%) e 481 C>T (38,71%) as mais frequentes. A determinação das variantes alélicas identificou NAT2*5B (29,03%), NAT2*6A (23,39%) e NAT2*4 (24,19%) como os alelos mais frequentes e NAT2*5B/*5B como o genótipo mais frequente (20,4%). Dentre os 62 pacientes, foi possível correlacionar tempo de negativação da cultura e perfil de acetilação entre 43 deles, os quais 58,3% e 55,6% tiveram o genótipo lento com maior frequência no mês 1 e mês 3, respectivamente. Por meio de dados microbiológicos, a carga bacilar e a gravidade da doença também foram comparadas com o tempo de negativação, indicando que os pacientes com doença moderada ou avançada (76,7%) e aqueles com carga bacilar alta (60,4%), não tiveram associação estatística com o tempo de conversão da cultura. Por último, curvas de crescimento de isolados de M. tuberculosis de pacientes foram construídas para verificar possíveis diferenças na duração da fase lag entre os isolados, porém não foi observada diferença estatística entre elas. Com base nos resultados encontrados, verifica-se que não existe associação entre o perfil de acetilação do paciente, a carga bacilar, a gravidade da doença e o tempo de negativação da cultura de escarro
Background & aims: Crohn’s disease (CD) is a multifactorial disease where resistance to apoptosis is one major defect. Also, dietary fat intake has been shown to modulate disease activity. We aimed to explore the interaction between four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in apoptotic genes and dietary fat intake in modulating disease activity in CD patients. Methods: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) techniques were used to analyze Caspase9þ93C/T, FasLigand-843C/T, Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gammaþ161C/T and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma Pro12Ala SNPs in 99 patients with CD and 116 healthy controls. Interactions between SNPs and fat intake in modulating disease activity were analyzed using regression analysis. Results: None of the polymorphisms analyzed influenced disease susceptibility and/or activity, but a high intake of total, saturated and monounsaturated fats and a higher ratio of n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), was associated with a more active phenotype (p < 0.05). We observed that the detrimental effect of a high intake of total and trans fat was more marked in wild type carriers of the Caspase9þ93C/T polymorphism [O.R (95%CI) 4.64 (1.27e16.89) and O.R (95%CI) 4.84 (1.34e17.50)]. In the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma Pro12Ala SNP, we also observed that a high intake of saturated and monounsaturated fat was associated to a more active disease in wild type carriers [OR (95%CI) 4.21 (1.33e13.26) and 4.37 (1.52e12.51)]. Finally, a high intake of n-6 PUFA was associated with a more active disease in wild type carriers for the FasLigand-843C/T polymorphism [O.R (95%CI) 5.15 (1.07e24.74)]. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to disclose a synergism between fat intake and SNPs in apoptotic genes in modulating disease activity in CD patients.
Objectives - The aim of this work was to study the interaction between genetic polymorphisms (single-nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs) of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and fat intake on the risk of developing Crohn's disease (CD) or modifying disease activity. Methods - Seven SNPs in interleukin 1 (IL1), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), lymphotoxin alpha (LTalpha), and IL6 genes were analyzed in 116 controls and 99 patients with CD. The type of fat intake was evaluated, and the interaction between SNPs and dietary fat in modulating disease activity was analyzed. Results - Individuals who were homozygous for the IL6-174G/C polymorphism had a six-fold higher risk for CD (odds ratio (OR)=6.1; 95% confidence interval (95% CI)=1.9-19.4), whereas the TT genotype on the TNFalpha-857C/T polymorphism was associated with more active disease (OR=10.4; 95% CI=1.1-94.1). A high intake of total, saturated, and monounsaturated fats, as well as a higher ratio of n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), was associated with a more active phenotype (P<0.05). Furthermore, there was an interaction between dietary fat intake and SNPs, with a high intake of saturated and monounsaturated fats being associated with active disease, mainly in patients carrying the variant alleles of the 857 TNFalpha polymorphism (OR=6.0, 95% CI=1.4-26.2; OR=5.17; 95% CI=1.4-19.2, respectively) and the 174 IL6 polymorphism (OR=2.95; 95% CI=1.0-9.1; OR=3.21; 95% CI=1.0-10.4, respectively). Finally, low intake of n-3 PUFA and high n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio in patients with the TNFalpha 857 polymorphism were associated with higher disease activity (OR=3.6; 95% CI=1.0-13.0; OR=5.92; 95% CI=1.3-26.5, respectively). Conclusions - These results show that different types of fat may interact with cytokine genotype, modulating disease activity.
Objective - We aimed to identify the clinical and genetic [IL23 receptor (IL23R) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)] predictors of response to therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis. Patients and methods - A total of 174 patients with ulcerative colitis, 99 women and 75 men, were included. The mean age of the patients was 47±15 years and the mean disease duration was 11±9 years. The number of patients classified as responders (R) or nonresponders (NR) to several therapies was as follows: 110 R and 53 NR to mesalazine (5-ASA), 28 R and 20 NR to azathioprine (AZT), 18 R and 7 NR to infliximab. Clinical and demographic variables were recorded. A total of four SNPs were studied: IL23R G1142A, C2370A, G43045A, and G9T. Genotyping was performed by real-time PCR using Taqman probes. Results - Older patients were more prone to respond to 5-ASA (P=0.004), whereas those with pancolitis were less likely to respond to such therapies (P=0.002). Patients with extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs) were less likely to respond to 5-ASA (P=0.001), AZT (P=0.03), and corticosteroids (P=0.06). Carriers of the mutant allele for IL23R SNPs had a significantly higher probability of developing EIMs (P<0.05), a higher probability of being refractory to 5-ASA (P<0.03), but a higher likelihood of responding to AZT (P=0.05). A significant synergism was observed between IL23R C2370A and EIMs with respect to nonresponse to 5-ASA (P=0.03). Conclusion - Besides extent of disease and age at disease onset, the presence of EIMs may be a marker of refractoriness to 5-ASA, corticosteroids, and AZT. IL23R SNPs are associated both with EIMs and with nonresponse to 5-ASA and corticosteroids.
Introduction and Objectives - Paraoxonases may exert anti-atherogenic action by reducing lipid peroxidation. Previous studies examined associations between polymorphisms in the paraoxonase 1 (PON1) gene and development of coronary artery disease (CAD), with inconsistent results. Given the similarities in clinical and pathophysiological risk factors of CAD and calcific aortic valve stenosis (CAVS), we postulated a link between PON1 alleles and CAVS progression. Methods - We investigated the association between PON1 55 and 192 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), their enzyme activity, and CAVS progression assessed by aortic valve area and transvalvular peak velocity in 67 consecutive patients with moderate CAVS and 251 healthy controls. Results - PON1 paraoxonase activity was higher in CAVS patients (P<0.001). The PON1 genotype Q192R SNP (P=0.03) and variant allele (R192) (P=0.01) frequencies differed between CAVS patients and controls. Significant association existed between PON1 enzyme activity, phenotypic effects of PON1 192 genotype polymorphisms, and CAVS progression, but not between PON1 55 and high-density lipoprotein (P=0.44) or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P=0.12), between 192 genotype and high-density lipoprotein (P=0.24) or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (P=0.52). Conclusion - The PON1 genotype Q192R SNP has an important effect on CAVS disease progression. This study helps outline a genotype-phenotype relationship for PON1 in this unique population.
Aim - To identify clinical and/or genetic predictors of response to several therapies in Crohn’s disease (CD) patients. Methods - We included 242 patients with CD (133 females) aged (mean ± standard deviation) 39 ± 12 years and a disease duration of 12 ± 8 years. The single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) studied were ABCB1 C3435T and G2677T/A, IL23R G1142A, C2370A, and G9T, CASP9 C93T, Fas G670A and LgC844T, and ATG16L1 A898G. Genotyping was performed with real-time PCR with Taqman probes. Results - Older patients responded better to 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) and to azathioprine (OR 1.07, p = 0.003 and OR 1.03, p = 0.01, respectively) while younger ones responded better to biologicals (OR 0.95, p = 0.06). Previous surgery negatively influenced response to 5-ASA compounds (OR 0.25, p = 0.05), but favoured response to azathioprine (OR 2.1, p = 0.04). In respect to genetic predictors, we observed that heterozygotes for ATGL16L1 SNP had a significantly higher chance of responding to corticosteroids (OR 2.51, p = 0.04), while homozygotes for Casp9 C93T SNP had a lower chance of responding both to corticosteroids and to azathioprine (OR 0.23, p = 0.03 and OR 0.08, p = 0.02,). TT carriers of ABCB1 C3435T SNP had a higher chance of responding to azathioprine (OR 2.38, p = 0.01), while carriers of ABCB1 G2677T/A SNP, as well as responding better to azathioprine (OR 1.89, p = 0.07), had a lower chance of responding to biologicals (OR 0.31, p = 0.07), which became significant after adjusting for gender (OR 0.75, p = 0.005). Conclusions - In the present study, we were able to identify a number of clinical and genetic predictors of response to several therapies which may become of potential utility in clinical practice. These are preliminary results that need to be replicated in future pharmacogenomic studies.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the predictive value of genetic polymorphisms in the context of BCG immunotherapy outcome and create a predictive profile that may allow discriminating the risk of recurrence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a dataset of 204 patients treated with BCG, we evaluate 42 genetic polymorphisms in 38 genes involved in the BCG mechanism of action, using Sequenom MassARRAY technology. Stepwise multivariate Cox Regression was used for data mining. RESULTS: In agreement with previous studies we observed that gender, age, tumor multiplicity and treatment scheme were associated with BCG failure. Using stepwise multivariate Cox Regression analysis we propose the first predictive profile of BCG immunotherapy outcome and a risk score based on polymorphisms in immune system molecules (SNPs in TNFA-1031T/C (rs1799964), IL2RA rs2104286 T/C, IL17A-197G/A (rs2275913), IL17RA-809A/G (rs4819554), IL18R1 rs3771171 T/C, ICAM1 K469E (rs5498), FASL-844T/C (rs763110) and TRAILR1-397T/G (rs79037040) in association with clinicopathological variables. This risk score allows the categorization of patients into risk groups: patients within the Low Risk group have a 90% chance of successful treatment, whereas patients in the High Risk group present 75% chance of recurrence after BCG treatment. CONCLUSION: We have established the first predictive score of BCG immunotherapy outcome combining clinicopathological characteristics and a panel of genetic polymorphisms. Further studies using an independent cohort are warranted. Moreover, the inclusion of other biomarkers may help to improve the proposed model.
RESUMO: O cancro da mama é a patologia oncológica mais frequente nas mulheres sendo o responsável pela maior taxa de mortalidade por cancro no sexo feminino. Contudo, as causas inerentes a esta patologia permanecem por esclarecer. Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado que o risco para patologia neoplásica depende de factores ambientais e genéticos, estando estes últimos associados à variabilidade genética inter-individual. Polimorfismos genéticos em genes envolvidos no metabolismo de hormonas sexuais, de cancerígenos ambientais e na reparação da lesão genética, são potenciais candidatos a estarem associados à susceptibilidade individual para esta patologia. Assim, neste trabalho desenvolveram-se estudos de associação caso-controlo na população Portuguesa, com vista a avaliar-se o papel atribuído aos polimorfismos na susceptibilidade para cancro da mama. Foram seleccionados polimorfismos em genes envolvidos em diferentes vias mecanicistas: destoxificação de cancerígenos, metabolismo de estrogénios, reparação por excisão de bases, reparação por excisão de nucleótidos, reparação mismatch e reparação por recombinação homóloga. Os resultados obtidos revelaram associação entre os seguintes polimorfismos e a susceptibilidade individual para cancro da mama: os dois SNPs estudados no gene XRCC1 (Arg194Trp e Arg399Gln) e o SNP no gene XRCC3 (Thr241Met) após estratificação pelo status menopausico. Mediante estratificação por status de amamentação os SNPs identificados nos genes MnSOD (Val16Ala) e XRCC2 (Arg118His); um SNP no gene MLH3 (Leu844Pro), e por fim como resultado de interacção gene-gene as interacções descritas por MSH3 Ala1045Thr/MSH6 Gly39Glu e MSH4 Ala97Thr/MLH3 Leu844Pro. Os resultados obtidos e apresentados na presente dissertação, revelam que o estudo de polimorfismos pode representar um papel determinante na etiologia do cancro da mama. No entanto, mais estudos envolvendo estes mesmos polimorfismos em populações casuisticamente superiores serão uma mais-valia nos estudos de associação para esta neoplasia. Adicionalmente, a utilização da metodologia de Pools de DNA, poderá ser uma ferramenta útil na pré-selecção dos polimorfismos mais relevantes a estudar, na medida em que permite estimar a frequência alélica de cada SNP numa determinada população.-----------------------------------ABSTRACT: Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women, being the responsible for the highest mortality rate from cancer among the female sex. However, the main causes related to this pathology remain unclear. The risk of neoplasic disease has been connected with genetic and environmental factors. In fact, genes and the environment share the stage for most, if not all, common non-familial cancers, and are related to individual susceptibility. Genetic polymorphisms identified in genes encoding enzymes involved in estrogen metabolism, xenobiotics and DNA repair pathways are believed to be candidates for associations with breast cancer. Therefore, it was our intention to develop case-control studies among the Portuguese population, in order to evaluate the potential role of several genetic polymorphisms in breast cancer susceptibility. We selected polymorphisms in genes involved in different pathways: carcinogenic detoxification, estrogen metabolism, base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, mismatch repair and double strand break repair by homologous recombination. The results obtained revealed potential associations between some polymorphisms studied and individual susceptibility to breast cancer. Regarding this fact, our results suggest the potential involvement of two XRCC1 gene polymorphisms (Arg194Trp and Arg399Gln) and XRCC3 gene polymorphism (Thr241Met) after stratification to menopausal status and after stratification to breastfeeding status an association of MnSOD gene polymorphism (Val16Ala) and XRCC2 (Arg188His) with the disease. The SNP identified in MLH3 gene (Leu844Pro), and the interaction gene-gene described by MSH3 Ala1045Thr/MSH6 Gly39Glu and MSH4 Ala97Thr/MLH3 Leu844Pro were also related to breast cancer susceptibility. The results shown in the present dissertation have revealed the potential role of polymorphisms in breast cancer etiology. However, further studies will be needed with larger populations to confirm these results. Additionally, the use of DNA pools methodology, as a pre-selection tool, could allow the identification of the most relevant polymorphisms to be studied, estimating the allelic frequency of each SNPs in different populations.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Grau de Mestre por Licenciados Pré-Bolonha, em Biotecnologia
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia