906 resultados para Smart material systems


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The continental margin off SE South America hosts one of the world’s most energetic hydrodynamic regimes but also the second largest drainage system of the continent. Both, the ocean current system as well as the fluvial runoff are strongly controlled by the atmospheric circulation modes over the region. The distribution pattern of particular types of sediments on shelf and slope and the long-term built-up of depositional elements within the overall margin architecture are, thus, the product of both, seasonal to millennial variability as well as long-term environmental trends. This talk presents how the combination of different methodological approaches can be used to obtain a comprehensive picture of the variability of a shelf and upper-slope hydrodynamic system during Holocene times. The particular methods applied are: (a) Margin-wide stratigraphic information to elucidate the role of sea level for the oceanographic and sedimentary systems since the last glacial maximum; (b) Palaeoceanographic sediment proxies combined with palaeo-temperature indicating isotopes of bivalve shells to trace lateral shifts in the coastal oceanography (particularly of the shelf front) during the Holocene; (c) Neodymium isotopes to identify the shelf sediment transport routes resulting from the current regime; (d) Sedimentological/geochemical data to show the efficient mechanism of sand export from the shelf to the open ocean; (e) Diatom assemblages and sediment element distributions indicating palaeo-salinity and the changing marine influence to illustrate the Plata runoff history. Sea level has not only controlled the overall configuration of the shelf but also the position of the main sediment routes from the continent towards the ocean. The shelf front has shifted frequently since the last glacial times probably resulting from both, changes in the Westerly Winds intensity and in the shelf width itself. Remarkable is a southward shift of this front during the past two centuries possibly related to anthropogenic influences on the atmosphere. The oceanographic regime with its prominent hydrographic boundaries led to a clear separation of sedimentary provinces since shelf drowning. It is especially the shelf front which enhances shelf sediment export through a continuous high sand supply to the uppermost slope. Finally, the Plata River does not continuously provide sediment to the shelf but shows significant climate-related changes in discharge during the past centuries. Starting from these findings, three major fields of research should, in general, be further developed in future: (i) The immediate interaction of the hydrodynamic and sedimentary systems to close the gaps between deposit information and modern oceanographic dynamics; (ii) Material budget calculations for the marginal ocean system in terms of material fluxes, storage/retention capacities, and critical thresholds; (iii) The role of human activity on the atmospheric, oceanographic and solid material systems to unravel natural vs. anthropogenic effects and feedback mechanisms


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In dieser Dissertation wird die Ladungsträgergeneration und -rekombination in neuen polymeren Absorbermaterialien für organische Solarzellen untersucht. Das Verständnis dieser Prozesse ist wesentlich für die Entwicklung neuer photoaktiver Materialsysteme, die hohe Effizienzen erzielen und organische Solarzellen konkurrenzfähig im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien machen. Experimentell verwendet diese Arbeit hauptsächlich die Methode der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie, die sich für die Untersuchung photophysikalischer Prozesse auf einer Zeitskala von 100 fs bis 1 ms als sehr leistungsfähig erweist. Des Weiteren wird eine soft-modeling Methode vorgestellt, die es ermöglicht, photophysikalische Prozesse aus einer gemessenen transienten Absorptions-Datenmatrix zu bestimmen, wenn wenig a priori Kenntnisse der Reaktionskinetiken vorhanden sind. Drei unterschiedliche Donor:Akzeptor-Systeme werden untersucht; jedes dieser Systeme stellt eine andere Herangehensweise zur Optimierung der Materialien dar in Bezug auf Lichtabsorption über einen breiten Wellenlängenbereich, effiziente Ladungstrennung und schnellen Ladungstransport. Zuerst wird ein Terpolymer untersucht, das aus unterschiedlichen Einheiten für die Lichtabsorption und den Ladungstransport besteht. Es wird gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, den Fluss angeregter Zustände vom Chromophor auf die Transporteinheit zu leiten. Im zweiten Teil wird der Einfluss von Kristallinität auf die freie Ladungsträgergeneration mit einer Folge von ternären Mischungen, die unterschiedliche Anteile an amorphem und semi-kristallinem Polymer enthalten, untersucht. Dabei zeigt es sich, dass mit steigendem amorphen Polymeranteil sowohl der Anteil der geminalen Ladungsträgerrekombination erhöht als auch die nicht-geminale Rekombination schneller ist. Schlussendlich wird ein System untersucht, in dem sowohl Donor als auch Akzeptor Polymere sind, was zu verbesserten Absorptionseigenschaften führt. Die Rekombination von Ladungstransferzuständen auf der unter 100 ps Zeitskala stellt hier den hauptsächliche Verlustkanal dar, da freie Ladungsträger nur an Grenzflächen erzeugt werden können, an denen Donor und Akzeptor face-to-face zueinander orientiert sind. Darüber hinaus wird festgestellt, dass weitere 40-50% der Ladungsträger durch die Rekombination von Grenzflächenzuständen verloren gehen, die aus mobilen Ladungsträgern geminal gebildet werden.


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Heterogeneous materials are ubiquitous in nature and as synthetic materials. These materials provide unique combination of desirable mechanical properties emerging from its heterogeneities at different length scales. Future structural and technological applications will require the development of advanced light weight materials with superior strength and toughness. Cost effective design of the advanced high performance synthetic materials by tailoring their microstructure is the challenge facing the materials design community. Prior knowledge of structure-property relationships for these materials is imperative for optimal design. Thus, understanding such relationships for heterogeneous materials is of primary interest. Furthermore, computational burden is becoming critical concern in several areas of heterogeneous materials design. Therefore, computationally efficient and accurate predictive tools are highly essential. In the present study, we mainly focus on mechanical behavior of soft cellular materials and tough biological material such as mussel byssus thread. Cellular materials exhibit microstructural heterogeneity by interconnected network of same material phase. However, mussel byssus thread comprises of two distinct material phases. A robust numerical framework is developed to investigate the micromechanisms behind the macroscopic response of both of these materials. Using this framework, effect of microstuctural parameters has been addressed on the stress state of cellular specimens during split Hopkinson pressure bar test. A voronoi tessellation based algorithm has been developed to simulate the cellular microstructure. Micromechanisms (microinertia, microbuckling and microbending) governing macroscopic behavior of cellular solids are investigated thoroughly with respect to various microstructural and loading parameters. To understand the origin of high toughness of mussel byssus thread, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based optimization framework has been developed. It is found that two different material phases (collagens) of mussel byssus thread are optimally distributed along the thread. These applications demonstrate that the presence of heterogeneity in the system demands high computational resources for simulation and modeling. Thus, Higher Dimensional Model Representation (HDMR) based surrogate modeling concept has been proposed to reduce computational complexity. The applicability of such methodology has been demonstrated in failure envelope construction and in multiscale finite element techniques. It is observed that surrogate based model can capture the behavior of complex material systems with sufficient accuracy. The computational algorithms presented in this thesis will further pave the way for accurate prediction of macroscopic deformation behavior of various class of advanced materials from their measurable microstructural features at a reasonable computational cost.


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Wireless mobile sensor networks are enlarging the Internet of Things (IoT) portfolio with a huge number of multimedia services for smart cities. Safety and environmental monitoring multimedia applications will be part of the Smart IoT systems, which aim to reduce emergency response time, while also predicting hazardous events. In these mobile and dynamic (possible disaster) scenarios, opportunistic routing allows routing decisions in a completely distributed manner, by using a hop- by-hop route decision based on protocol-specific characteristics, and a predefined end-to-end path is not a reliable solution. This enables the transmission of video flows of a monitored area/object with Quality of Experience (QoE) support to users, headquarters or IoT platforms. However, existing approaches rely on a single metric to make the candidate selection rule, including link quality or geographic information, which causes a high packet loss rate, and reduces the video perception from the human standpoint. This article proposes a cross-layer Link quality and Geographical-aware Opportunistic routing protocol (LinGO), which is designed for video dissemination in mobile multimedia IoT environments. LinGO improves routing decisions using multiple metrics, including link quality, geographic loca- tion, and energy. The simulation results show the benefits of LinGO compared with well-known routing solutions for video transmission with QoE support in mobile scenarios.


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We experimentally demonstrate a sigmoidal variation of the composition profile across semiconductor heterointerfaces. The wide range of material systems (III-arsenides, III-antimonides, III-V quaternary compounds, III-nitrides) exhibiting such a profile suggests a universal behavior. We show that sigmoidal profiles emerge from a simple model of cooperative growth mediated by twodimensional island formation, wherein cooperative effects are described by a specific functional dependence of the sticking coefficient on the surface coverage. Experimental results confirm that, except in the very early stages, island growth prevails over nucleation as the mechanism governing the interface development and ultimately determines the sigmoidal shape of the chemical profile in these two-dimensional grown layers. In agreement with our experimental findings, the model also predicts a minimum value of the interfacial width, with the minimum attainable value depending on the chemical identity of the species.


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Reducing energy consumption is one of the main challenges in most countries. For example, European Member States agreed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20% in 2020 compared to 1990 levels (EC 2008). Considering each sector separately, ICTs account nowadays for 2% of total carbon emissions. This percentage will increase as the demand of communication services and applications steps up. At the same time, the expected evolution of ICT-based developments - smart buildings, smart grids and smart transportation systems among others - could result in the creation of energy-saving opportunities leading to global emission reductions (Labouze et al. 2008), although the amount of these savings is under debate (Falch 2010). The main development required in telecommunication networks ?one of the three major blocks of energy consumption in ICTs together with data centers and consumer equipment (Sutherland 2009) ? is the evolution of existing infrastructures into ultra-broadband networks, the so-called Next Generation Networks (NGN). Fourth generation (4G) mobile communications are the technology of choice to complete -or supplement- the ubiquitous deployment of NGN. The risk and opportunities involved in NGN roll-out are currently in the forefront of the economic and policy debate. However, the issue of which is the role of energy consumption in 4G networks seems absent, despite the fact that the economic impact of energy consumption arises as a key element in the cost analysis of this type of networks. Precisely, the aim of this research is to provide deeper insight on the energy consumption involved in the usage of a 4G network, its relationship with network main design features, and the general economic impact this would have in the capital and operational expenditures related with network deployment and usage.


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En los últimos años, y a la luz de los retos a los que se enfrenta la sociedad, algunas voces están urgiendo a dejar atrás los paradigmas modernos —eficiencia y rendimiento— que sustentan a las llamadas prácticas sostenibles, y están alentando a repensar, en el contexto de los cambios científicos y culturales, una agenda termodinámica y ecológica para la arquitectura. La cartografía que presenta esta tesis doctoral se debe de entender en este contexto. Alineándose con esta necesidad, se esfuerza por dar a este empeño la profundidad histórica de la que carece. De este modo, el esfuerzo por dotar a la arquitectura de una agenda de base científica, se refuerza con una discusión cultural sobre el progresivo empoderamiento de las ideas termodinámicas en la arquitectura. Esta cartografía explora la historia de las ideas termodinámicas en la arquitectura desde el principio del siglo XX hasta la actualidad. Estudia, con el paso de los sistemas en equilibrio a los alejados del equilibrio como trasfondo, como las ideas termodinámicas han ido infiltrándose gradualmente en la arquitectura. Este esfuerzo se ha planteado desde un doble objetivo. Primero, adquirir una distancia crítica respecto de las prácticas modernas, de modo que se refuerce y recalibre el armazón intelectual y las herramientas sobre las que se está apoyando esta proyecto termodinámico. Y segundo, desarrollar una aproximación proyectual sobre la que se pueda fundamentar una agenda termodinámica para la arquitectura, asunto que se aborda desde la firme creencia de que es posible una re-descripción crítica de la realidad. De acuerdo con intercambios de energía que se dan alrededor y a través de un edificio, esta cartografía se ha estructurado en tres entornos termodinámicos, que sintetizan mediante un corte transversal la variedad de intercambios de energía que se dan en la arquitectura: -Cualquier edificio, como constructo espacial y material inmerso en el medio, intercambia energía mediante un flujo bidireccional con su contexto, definiendo un primer entorno termodinámico al que se denomina atmósferas territoriales. -En el interior de los edificios, los flujos termodinámicos entre la arquitectura y su ambiente interior definen un segundo entorno termodinámico, atmósferas materiales, que explora las interacciones entre los sistemas materiales y la atmósfera interior. -El tercer entorno termodinámico, atmosferas fisiológicas, explora los intercambios de energía que se dan entre el cuerpo humano y el ambiente invisible que lo envuelve, desplazando el objeto de la arquitectura desde el marco físico hacia la interacción entre la atmósfera y los procesos somáticos y percepciones neurobiológicas de los usuarios. A través de estos tres entornos termodinámicos, esta cartografía mapea aquellos patrones climáticos que son relevantes para la arquitectura, definiendo tres situaciones espaciales y temporales sobre las que los arquitectos deben actuar. Estudiando las conexiones entre la atmósfera, la energía y la arquitectura, este mapa presenta un conjunto de ideas termodinámicas disponibles —desde los parámetros de confort definidos por la industria del aire acondicionado hasta las técnicas de acondicionamiento pasivo— que, para ser efectivas, necesitan ser evaluadas, sintetizadas y recombinadas a la luz de los retos de nuestro tiempo. El resultado es un manual que, mediando entre la arquitectura y la ciencia, y a través de este relato histórico, acorta la distancia entre la arquitectura y la termodinámica, preparando el terreno para la definición de una agenda termodinámica para el proyecto de arquitectura. A este respecto, este mapa se entiende como uno de los pasos necesarios para que la arquitectura recupere la capacidad de intervenir en la acuciante realidad a la que se enfrenta. ABSTRACT During the last five years, in the light of current challenges, several voices are urging to leave behind the modern energy paradigms —efficiency and performance— on which the so called sustainable practices are relying, and are posing the need to rethink, in the light of the scientific and cultural shifts, the thermodynamic and ecological models for architecture. The historical cartography this PhD dissertation presents aligns with this effort, providing the cultural background that this endeavor requires. The drive to ground architecture on a scientific basis needs to be complemented with a cultural discussion of the history of thermodynamic ideas in architecture. This cartography explores the history of thermodynamic ideas in architecture, from the turn of the 20th century until present day, focusing on the energy interactions between architecture and atmosphere. It surveys the evolution of thermodynamic ideas —the passage from equilibrium to far from equilibrium thermodynamics— and how these have gradually empowered within design and building practices. In doing so, it has posed a double-objective: first, to acquire a critical distance with modern practices which strengthens and recalibrates the intellectual framework and the tools in which contemporary architectural endeavors are unfolding; and second, to develop a projective approach for the development a thermodynamic agenda for architecture and atmosphere, with the firm belief that a critical re-imagination of reality is possible. According to the different systems which exchange energy across a building, the cartography has been structured in three particular thermodynamic environments, providing a synthetic cross-section of the range of thermodynamic exchanges which take place in architecture: -Buildings, as spatial and material constructs immersed in the environment, are subject to a contiuous bidirectional flow of energy with its context, defining a the first thermodynamic environment called territorial atmospheres. -Inside buildings, the thermodynamic flow between architecture and its indoor ambient defines a second thermodynamic environment, material atmospheres, which explores the energy interactions between the indoor atmosphere and its material systems. -The third thermodynamic environment, physiological atmospheres, explores the energy exchanges between the human body and the invisible environment which envelopes it, shifting design drivers from building to the interaction between the atmosphere and the somatic processes and neurobiological perceptions of users. Through these three thermodynamic environments, this cartography maps those climatic patterns which pertain to architecture, providing three situations on which designers need to take stock. Studying the connections between atmosphere, energy and architecture this map presents, not a historical paradigm shift from mechanical climate control to bioclimatic passive techniques, but a range of available thermodynamic ideas which need to be assessed, synthesized and recombined in the light of the emerging challenges of our time. The result is a manual which, mediating between architecture and science, and through this particular historical account, bridges the gap between architecture and thermodynamics, paving the way to a renewed approach to atmosphere, energy and architecture. In this regard this cartography is understood as one of the necessary steps to recuperate architecture’s lost capacity to intervene in the pressing reality of contemporary societies.


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La tecnología de múltiples antenas ha evolucionado para dar soporte a los actuales y futuros sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricas en su afán por proporcionar la calidad de señal y las altas tasas de transmisión que demandan los nuevos servicios de voz, datos y multimedia. Sin embargo, es fundamental comprender las características espaciales del canal radio, ya que son las características del propio canal lo que limita en gran medida las prestaciones de los sistemas de comunicación actuales. Por ello surge la necesidad de estudiar la estructura espacial del canal de propagación para poder diseñar, evaluar e implementar de forma más eficiente tecnologías multiantena en los actuales y futuros sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica. Las tecnologías multiantena denominadas antenas inteligentes y MIMO han generado un gran interés en el área de comunicaciones inalámbricas, por ejemplo los sistemas de telefonía celular o más recientemente en las redes WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network), principalmente por la mejora que proporcionan en la calidad de las señales y en la tasa de transmisión de datos, respectivamente. Las ventajas de estas tecnologías se fundamentan en el uso de la dimensión espacial para obtener ganancia por diversidad espacial, como ya sucediera con las tecnologías FDMA (Frequency Division Multiplexing Access), TDMA (Time Division Multiplexing Access) y CDMA (Code Division Multiplexing Access) para obtener diversidad en las dimensiones de frecuencia, tiempo y código, respectivamente. Esta Tesis se centra en estudiar las características espaciales del canal con sistemas de múltiples antenas mediante la estimación de los perfiles de ángulos de llegada (DoA, Direction-of- Arrival) considerando esquemas de diversidad en espacio, polarización y frecuencia. Como primer paso se realiza una revisión de los sistemas con antenas inteligentes y los sistemas MIMO, describiendo con detalle la base matemática que sustenta las prestaciones ofrecidas por estos sistemas. Posteriormente se aportan distintos estudios sobre la estimación de los perfiles de DoA de canales radio con sistemas multiantena evaluando distintos aspectos de antenas, algoritmos de estimación, esquemas de polarización, campo lejano y campo cercano de las fuentes. Así mismo, se presenta un prototipo de medida MIMO-OFDM-SPAA3D en la banda ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) de 2,45 Ghz, el cual está preparado para caracterizar experimentalmente el rendimiento de los sistemas MIMO, y para caracterizar espacialmente canales de propagación, considerando los esquemas de diversidad espacial, por polarización y frecuencia. Los estudios aportados se describen a continuación. Los sistemas de antenas inteligentes dependen en gran medida de la posición de los usuarios. Estos sistemas están equipados con arrays de antenas, los cuales aportan la diversidad espacial necesaria para obtener una representación espacial fidedigna del canal radio a través de los perfiles de DoA (DoA, Direction-of-Arrival) y por tanto, la posición de las fuentes de señal. Sin embargo, los errores de fabricación de arrays así como ciertos parámetros de señal conlleva un efecto negativo en las prestaciones de estos sistemas. Por ello se plantea un modelo de señal parametrizado que permite estudiar la influencia que tienen estos factores sobre los errores de estimación de DoA, tanto en acimut como en elevación, utilizando los algoritmos de estimación de DOA más conocidos en la literatura. A partir de las curvas de error, se pueden obtener parámetros de diseño para sistemas de localización basados en arrays. En un segundo estudio se evalúan esquemas de diversidad por polarización con los sistemas multiantena para mejorar la estimación de los perfiles de DoA en canales que presentan pérdidas por despolarización. Para ello se desarrolla un modelo de señal en array con sensibilidad de polarización que toma en cuenta el campo electromagnético de ondas planas. Se realizan simulaciones MC del modelo para estudiar el efecto de la orientación de la polarización como el número de polarizaciones usadas en el transmisor como en el receptor sobre la precisión en la estimación de los perfiles de DoA observados en el receptor. Además, se presentan los perfiles DoA obtenidos en escenarios quasiestáticos de interior con un prototipo de medida MIMO 4x4 de banda estrecha en la banda de 2,45 GHz, los cuales muestran gran fidelidad con el escenario real. Para la obtención de los perfiles DoA se propone un método basado en arrays virtuales, validado con los datos de simulación y los datos experimentales. Con relación a la localización 3D de fuentes en campo cercano (zona de Fresnel), se presenta un tercer estudio para obtener con gran exactitud la estructura espacial del canal de propagación en entornos de interior controlados (en cámara anecóica) utilizando arrays virtuales. El estudio analiza la influencia del tamaño del array y el diagrama de radiación en la estimación de los parámetros de localización proponiendo, para ello, un modelo de señal basado en un vector de enfoque de onda esférico (SWSV). Al aumentar el número de antenas del array se consigue reducir el error RMS de estimación y mejorar sustancialmente la representación espacial del canal. La estimación de los parámetros de localización se lleva a cabo con un nuevo método de búsqueda multinivel adaptativo, propuesto con el fin de reducir drásticamente el tiempo de procesado que demandan otros algoritmos multivariable basados en subespacios, como el MUSIC, a costa de incrementar los requisitos de memoria. Las simulaciones del modelo arrojan resultados que son validados con resultados experimentales y comparados con el límite de Cramer Rao en términos del error cuadrático medio. La compensación del diagrama de radiación acerca sustancialmente la exactitud de estimación de la distancia al límite de Cramer Rao. Finalmente, es igual de importante la evaluación teórica como experimental de las prestaciones de los sistemas MIMO-OFDM. Por ello, se presenta el diseño e implementación de un prototipo de medida MIMO-OFDM-SPAA3D autocalibrado con sistema de posicionamiento de antena automático en la banda de 2,45 Ghz con capacidad para evaluar la capacidad de los sistemas MIMO. Además, tiene la capacidad de caracterizar espacialmente canales MIMO, incorporando para ello una etapa de autocalibración para medir la respuesta en frecuencia de los transmisores y receptores de RF, y así poder caracterizar la respuesta de fase del canal con mayor precisión. Este sistema incorpora un posicionador de antena automático 3D (SPAA3D) basado en un scanner con 3 brazos mecánicos sobre los que se desplaza un posicionador de antena de forma independiente, controlado desde un PC. Este posicionador permite obtener una gran cantidad de mediciones del canal en regiones locales, lo cual favorece la caracterización estadística de los parámetros del sistema MIMO. Con este prototipo se realizan varias campañas de medida para evaluar el canal MIMO en términos de capacidad comparando 2 esquemas de polarización y tomando en cuenta la diversidad en frecuencia aportada por la modulación OFDM en distintos escenarios. ABSTRACT Multiple-antennas technologies have been evolved to be the support of the actual and future wireless communication systems in its way to provide the high quality and high data rates required by new data, voice and data services. However, it is important to understand the behavior of the spatial characteristics of the radio channel, since the channel by itself limits the performance of the actual wireless communications systems. This drawback raises the need to understand the spatial structure of the propagation channel in order to design, assess, and develop more efficient multiantenna technologies for the actual and future wireless communications systems. Multiantenna technologies such as ‘Smart Antennas’ and MIMO systems have generated great interest in the field of wireless communications, i.e. cellular communications systems and more recently WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks), mainly because the higher quality and the high data rate they are able to provide. Their technological benefits are based on the exploitation of the spatial diversity provided by the use of multiple antennas as happened in the past with some multiaccess technologies such as FDMA (Frequency Division Multiplexing Access), TDMA (Time Division Multiplexing Access), and CDMA (Code Division Multiplexing Access), which give diversity in the domains of frequency, time and code, respectively. This Thesis is mainly focus to study the spatial channel characteristics using schemes of multiple antennas considering several diversity schemes such as space, polarization, and frequency. The spatial characteristics will be study in terms of the direction-of-arrival profiles viewed at the receiver side of the radio link. The first step is to do a review of the smart antennas and MIMO systems technologies highlighting their advantages and drawbacks from a mathematical point of view. In the second step, a set of studies concerning the spatial characterization of the radio channel through the DoA profiles are addressed. The performance of several DoA estimation methods is assessed considering several aspects regarding antenna array structure, polarization diversity, and far-field and near-field conditions. Most of the results of these studies come from simulations of data models and measurements with real multiantena prototypes. In the same way, having understand the importance of validate the theoretical data models with experimental results, a 2,4 GHz MIMO-OFDM-SPAA2D prototype is presented. This prototype is intended for evaluating MIMO-OFDM capacity in indoor and outdoor scenarios, characterize the spatial structure of radio channels, assess several diversity schemes such as polarization, space, and frequency diversity, among others aspects. The studies reported are briefly described below. As is stated in Chapter two, the determination of user position is a fundamental task to be resolved for the smart antenna systems. As these systems are equipped with antenna arrays, they can provide the enough spatial diversity to accurately draw the spatial characterization of the radio channel through the DoA profiles, and therefore the source location. However, certain real implementation factors related to antenna errors, signals, and receivers will certainly reduce the performance of such direction finding systems. In that sense, a parameterized narrowband signal model is proposed to evaluate the influence of these factors in the location parameter estimation through extensive MC simulations. The results obtained from several DoA algorithms may be useful to extract some parameter design for directing finding systems based on arrays. The second study goes through the importance that polarization schemes can have for estimating far-field DoA profiles in radio channels, particularly for scenarios that may introduce polarization losses. For this purpose, a narrowband signal model with polarization sensibility is developed to conduct an analysis of several polarization schemes at transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) through extensive MC simulations. In addition, spatial characterization of quasistatic indoor scenarios is also carried out using a 2.45 GHz MIMO prototype equipped with single and dual-polarized antennas. A good agreement between the measured DoA profiles with the propagation scenario is achieved. The theoretical and experimental evaluation of polarization schemes is performed using virtual arrays. In that case, a DoA estimation method is proposed based on adding an phase reference to properly track the DoA, which shows good results. In the third study, the special case of near-field source localization with virtual arrays is addressed. Most of DoA estimation algorithms are focused in far-field source localization where the radiated wavefronts are assume to be planar waves at the receive array. However, when source are located close to the array, the assumption of plane waves is no longer valid as the wavefronts exhibit a spherical behavior along the array. Thus, a faster and effective method of azimuth, elevation angles-of-arrival, and range estimation for near-field sources is proposed. The efficacy of the proposed method is evaluated with simulation and validated with measurements collected from a measurement campaign carried out in a controlled propagation environment, i.e. anechoic chamber. Moreover, the performance of the method is assessed in terms of the RMSE for several array sizes, several source positions, and taking into account the effect of radiation pattern. In general, better results are obtained with larger array and larger source distances. The effect of the antennas is included in the data model leading to more accurate results, particularly for range rather than for angle estimation. Moreover, a new multivariable searching method based on the MUSIC algorithm, called MUSA (multilevel MUSIC-based algorithm), is presented. This method is proposed to estimate the 3D location parameters in a faster way than other multivariable algorithms, such as MUSIC algorithm, at the cost of increasing the memory size. Finally, in the last chapter, a MIMO-OFDM-SPAA3D prototype is presented to experimentally evaluate different MIMO schemes regarding antennas, polarization, and frequency in different indoor and outdoor scenarios. The prototype has been developed on a Software-Defined Radio (SDR) platform. It allows taking measurements where future wireless systems will be developed. The novelty of this prototype is concerning the following 2 subsystems. The first one is the tridimensional (3D) antenna positioning system (SPAA3D) based on three linear scanners which is developed for making automatic testing possible reducing errors of the antenna array positioning. A set of software has been developed for research works such as MIMO channel characterization, MIMO capacity, OFDM synchronization, and so on. The second subsystem is the RF autocalibration module at the TX and RX. This subsystem allows to properly tracking the spatial structure of indoor and outdoor channels in terms of DoA profiles. Some results are draw regarding performance of MIMO-OFDM systems with different polarization schemes and different propagation environments.


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Uno de los mayores retos para la comunidad científica es conseguir que las máquinas posean en un futuro la capacidad del sistema visual y cognitivo humanos, de forma que, por ejemplo, en entornos de video vigilancia, puedan llegar a proporcionar de manera automática una descripción fiable de lo que está ocurriendo en la escena. En la presente tesis, mediante la propuesta de un marco de trabajo de referencia, se discuten y plantean los pasos necesarios para el desarrollo de sistemas más inteligentes capaces de extraer y analizar, a diferentes niveles de abstracción y mediante distintos módulos de procesamiento independientes, la información necesaria para comprender qué está sucediendo en un conjunto amplio de escenarios de distinta naturaleza. Se parte de un análisis de requisitos y se identifican los retos para este tipo de sistemas en la actualidad, lo que constituye en sí mismo los objetivos de esta tesis, contribuyendo así a un modelo de datos basado en el conocimiento que permitirá analizar distintas situaciones en las que personas y vehículos son los actores principales, dejando no obstante la puerta abierta a la adaptación a otros dominios. Así mismo, se estudian los distintos procesos que se pueden lanzar a nivel interno así como la necesidad de integrar mecanismos de realimentación a distintos niveles que permitan al sistema adaptarse mejor a cambios en el entorno. Como resultado, se propone un marco de referencia jerárquico que integra las capacidades de percepción, interpretación y aprendizaje para superar los retos identificados en este ámbito; y así poder desarrollar sistemas de vigilancia más robustos, flexibles e inteligentes, capaces de operar en una variedad de entornos. Resultados experimentales ejecutados sobre distintas muestras de datos (secuencias de vídeo principalmente) demuestran la efectividad del marco de trabajo propuesto respecto a otros propuestos en el pasado. Un primer caso de estudio, permite demostrar la creación de un sistema de monitorización de entornos de parking en exteriores para la detección de vehículos y el análisis de plazas libres de aparcamiento. Un segundo caso de estudio, permite demostrar la flexibilidad del marco de referencia propuesto para adaptarse a los requisitos de un entorno de vigilancia completamente distinto, como es un hogar inteligente donde el análisis automático de actividades de la vida cotidiana centra la atención del estudio. ABSTRACT One of the most ambitious objectives for the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition research community is that machines can achieve similar capacities to the human's visual and cognitive system, and thus provide a trustworthy description of what is happening in the scene under surveillance. Thus, a number of well-established scenario understanding architectural frameworks to develop applications working on a variety of environments can be found in the literature. In this Thesis, a highly descriptive methodology for the development of scene understanding applications is presented. It consists of a set of formal guidelines to let machines extract and analyse, at different levels of abstraction and by means of independent processing modules that interact with each other, the necessary information to understand a broad set of different real World surveillance scenarios. Taking into account the challenges that working at both low and high levels offer, we contribute with a highly descriptive knowledge-based data model for the analysis of different situations in which people and vehicles are the main actors, leaving the door open for the development of interesting applications in diverse smart domains. Recommendations to let systems achieve high-level behaviour understanding will be also provided. Furthermore, feedback mechanisms are proposed to be integrated in order to let any system to understand better the environment and the logical context around, reducing thus the uncertainty and noise, and increasing its robustness and precision in front of low-level or high-level errors. As a result, a hierarchical cognitive architecture of reference which integrates the necessary perception, interpretation, attention and learning capabilities to overcome main challenges identified in this area of research is proposed; thus allowing to develop more robust, flexible and smart surveillance systems to cope with the different requirements of a variety of environments. Once crucial issues that should be treated explicitly in the design of this kind of systems have been formulated and discussed, experimental results shows the effectiveness of the proposed framework compared with other proposed in the past. Two case studies were implemented to test the capabilities of the framework. The first case study presents how the proposed framework can be used to create intelligent parking monitoring systems. The second case study demonstrates the flexibility of the system to cope with the requirements of a completely different environment, a smart home where activities of daily living are performed. Finally, general conclusions and future work lines to further enhancing the capabilities of the proposed framework are presented.


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Los sistemas micro electro mecánicos (MEMS) han demostrado ser una exitosa familia de dispositivos que pueden usarse como plataforma para el desarrollo de dispositivos con aplicaciones en óptica, comunicaciones, procesado de señal y sensorización. Los dispositivos MEMS estándar suelen estar fabricados usando tecnología de silicio. Sin embargo, el rendimiento de estos MEMS se puede mejorar si se usan otros materiales. Por ejemplo, el diamante nanocristalino (NCD) ofrece unas excelentes propiedades mecánicas, transparencia y una superficie fácil de funcionalizar. Por otro lado, el sistema de materiales (In; Ga; Al)N, los materiales IIIN, se pueden usar para producir estructuras monocristalinas con alta sensibilidad mecánica y química. Además, el AlN se puede depositar por pulverización catódica reactiva sobre varios substratos, incluyendo NCD, para formar capas policristalinas orientadas con alta respuesta piezoeléctrica. Adicionalmente, tanto el NCD como los materiales III-N muestran una gran estabilidad térmica y química, lo que los hace una elección idónea para desarrollar dispositivos para aplicaciones para alta temperatura, ambientes agresivos e incluso para aplicaciones biocompatibles. En esta tesis se han usado estos materiales para el diseño y medición de demostradores tecnológicos. Se han perseguido tres objetivos principales: _ Desarrollo de unos procesos de fabricación apropiados. _ Medición de las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales y de los factores que limitan el rendimiento de los dispositivos. _ Usar los datos medidos para desarrollar dispositivos demostradores complejos. En la primera parte de esta tesis se han estudiado varias técnicas de fabricación. La estabilidad de estos materiales impide el ataque y dificulta la producción de estructuras suspendidas. Los primeros capítulos de esta disertación se dedican al desarrollo de unos procesos de transferencia de patrones por ataque seco y a la optimización del ataque húmedo sacrificial de varios substratos propuestos. Los resultados de los procedimientos de ataque se presentan y se describe la optimización de las técnicas para la fabricación de estructuras suspendidas de NCD y materiales III-N. En un capítulo posterior se estudia el crecimiento de AlN por pulverización catódica. Como se ha calculado en esta disertación para obtener una actuación eficiente de MEMS, las capas de AlN han de ser finas, típicamente d < 200 nm, lo que supone serias dificultades para la obtención de capas orientadas con respuesta piezoeléctrica. Las condiciones de depósito se han mapeado para identificar las fronteras que proporcionan el crecimiento de material orientado desde los primeros pasos del proceso. Además, durante la optimización de los procesos de ataque se estudió un procedimiento para fabricar películas de GaN nanoporoso. Estas capas porosas pueden servir como capas sacrificiales para la fabricación de estructuras suspendidas de GaN con baja tensión residual o como capas para mejorar la funcionalización superficial de sensores químicos o biológicos. El proceso de inducción de poros se discutirá y también se presentarán experimentos de ataque y funcionalización. En segundo lugar, se han determinado las propiedades mecánicas del NCD y de los materiales III-N. Se han fabricado varias estructuras suspendidas para la medición del módulo de Young y de la tensión residual. Además, las estructuras de NCD se midieron en resonancia para calcular el rendimiento de los dispositivos en términos de frecuencia y factor de calidad. Se identificaron los factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos que limitan ambas figuras de mérito y se han desarrollado modelos para considerar estas imperfecciones en las etapas de diseño de los dispositivos. Por otra parte, los materiales III-N normalmente presentan grandes gradientes de deformación residual que causan la deformación de las estructuras al ser liberadas. Se han medido y modelado estos efectos para los tres materiales binarios del sistema para proporcionar puntos de interpolación que permitan predecir las características de las aleaciones del sistema III-N. Por último, los datos recabados se han usado para desarrollar modelos analíticos y numéricos para el diseño de varios dispositivos. Se han estudiado las propiedades de transducción y se proporcionan topologías optimizadas. En el último capítulo de esta disertación se presentan diseños optimizados de los siguientes dispositivos: _ Traviesas y voladizos de AlN=NCD con actuación piezoeléctrica aplicados a nanoconmutadores de RF para señales de alta potencia. _ Membranas circulares de AlN=NCD con actuación piezoeléctrica aplicadas a lentes sintonizables. _ Filtros ópticos Fabry-Pérot basados en cavidades aéreas y membranas de GaN actuadas electrostáticamente. En resumen, se han desarrollado unos nuevos procedimientos optimizados para la fabricación de estructuras de NCD y materiales III-N. Estas técnicas se han usado para producir estructuras que llevaron a la determinación de las principales propiedades mecánicas y de los parámetros de los dispositivos necesarios para el diseño de MEMS. Finalmente, los datos obtenidos se han usado para el diseño optimizado de varios dispositivos demostradores. ABSTRACT Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) have proven to be a successful family of devices that can be used as a platform for the development of devices with applications in optics, communications, signal processing and sensorics. Standard MEMS devices are usually fabricated using silicon based materials. However, the performance of these MEMS can be improved if other material systems are used. For instance, nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) offers excellent mechanical properties, optical transparency and ease of surface functionalization. On the other hand, the (In; Ga; Al)N material system, the III-N materials, can be used to produce single crystal structures with high mechanical and chemical sensitivity. Also, AlN can be deposited by reactive sputtering on various substrates, including NCD, to form oriented polycrystalline layers with high piezoelectric response. In addition, both NCD and III-N materials exhibit high thermal and chemical stability, which makes these material the perfect choice for the development of devices for high temperatures, harsh environments and even biocompatible applications. In this thesis these materials have been used for the design and measurement of technological demonstrators. Three main objectives have been pursued: _ Development of suitable fabrication processes. _ Measurement of the material mechanical properties and device performance limiting factors. _ Use the gathered data to design complex demonstrator devices. In a first part of the thesis several fabrication processes have been addressed. The stability of these materials hinders the etching of the layers and hampers the production of free standing structures. The first chapters of this dissertation are devoted to the development of a dry patterning etching process and to sacrificial etching optimization of several proposed substrates. The results of the etching processes are presented and the optimization of the technique for the manufacturing of NCD and III-N free standing structures is described. In a later chapter, sputtering growth of thin AlN layers is studied. As calculated in this dissertation, for efficient MEMS piezoelectric actuation the AlN layers have to be very thin, typically d < 200 nm, which poses serious difficulties to the production of c-axis oriented material with piezoelectric response. The deposition conditions have been mapped in order to identify the boundaries that give rise to the growth of c-axis oriented material from the first deposition stages. Additionally, during the etching optimization a procedure for fabricating nanoporous GaN layers was also studied. Such porous layers can serve as a sacrificial layer for the release of low stressed GaN devices or as a functionalization enhancement layer for chemical and biological sensors. The pore induction process will be discussed and etching and functionalization trials are presented. Secondly, the mechanical properties of NCD and III-N materials have been determined. Several free standing structures were fabricated for the measurement of the material Young’s modulus and residual stress. In addition, NCD structures were measured under resonance in order to calculate the device performance in terms of frequency and quality factor. Intrinsic and extrinsic limiting factors for both figures were identified and models have been developed in order to take into account these imperfections in the device design stages. On the other hand, III-N materials usually present large strain gradients that lead to device deformation after release. These effects have been measured and modeled for the three binary materials of the system in order to provide the interpolation points for predicting the behavior of the III-N alloys. Finally, the gathered data has been used for developing analytic and numeric models for the design of various devices. The transduction properties are studied and optimized topologies are provided. Optimized design of the following devices is presented at the last chapter of this dissertation: _ AlN=NCD piezoelectrically actuated beams applied to RF nanoswitches for large power signals. _ AlN=NCD piezoelectrically actuated circular membranes applied to tunable lenses. _ GaN based air gap tunable optical Fabry-Pérot filters with electrostatic actuation. On the whole, new optimized fabrication processes has been developed for the fabrication of NCD and III-N MEMS structures. These processing techniques was used to produce structures that led to the determination of the main mechanical properties and device parameters needed for MEMS design. Lastly, the gathered data was used for the design of various optimized demonstrator devices.


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The fabrication of in-fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and their application as sensors is reported. The strain and temperature characteristic results for a number of chirped and uniform gratings written into three different host fibres are presented. The static and dynamic temperature response of a commercially available temperature compensated grating is reported. A five sensor wavelength division multiplexed fibre Bragg grating strain measurement system with an interrogation rate of 25 Hz and resolution of 10 was constructed. The results from this system are presented. A novel chirped FBG interrogation method was implemented in both the 1.3 and 1.5 m telecommunication windows. Several single and dual strain sensor systems, employing this method, were constructed and the results obtained from each are reported and discussed. These systems are particularly suitable for the measurement of large strain. The results from a system measuring up to 12 m and with a potential measurement range of 30 m are reported. This technique is also shown to give an obtainable resolution of 20 over a measurement range of 5 000 for a dual sensor system. These systems are simple, robust, passive and easy to implement. They offer low cost, high speed and, in the case of multiple sensors, truly simultaneous interrogation. These advantages make this technique ideal for strain sensing in SMART structures. Systems based on this method have been installed in the masts of four superyachts. A system, based on this technique, is currently being developed for the measurement of acoustic waves in carbon composite panels. The results from an alternative method for interrogating uniform FBG sensors are also discussed. Interrogation of the gratings was facilitated by a specifically written asymmetric grating which had a 15 nm long linearly sloped spectral edge. This technique was employed to interrogate a single sensor over a measurement range of 6 m and two sensors over a range of 4.5 me. The results obtained indicated achievable resolutions of 47 and 38 respectively.


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This article demonstrates the use of embedded fibre Bragg gratings as vector bending sensor to monitor two-dimensional shape deformation of a shape memory polymer plate. The shape memory polymer plate was made by using thermal-responsive epoxy-based shape memory polymer materials, and the two fibre Bragg grating sensors were orthogonally embedded, one on the top and the other on the bottom layer of the plate, in order to measure the strain distribution in both longitudinal and transverse directions separately and also with temperature reference. When the shape memory polymer plate was bent at different angles, the Bragg wavelengths of the embedded fibre Bragg gratings showed a red-shift of 50 pm/°caused by the bent-induced tensile strain on the plate surface. The finite element method was used to analyse the stress distribution for the whole shape recovery process. The strain transfer rate between the shape memory polymer and optical fibre was also calculated from the finite element method and determined by experimental results, which was around 0.25. During the experiment, the embedded fibre Bragg gratings showed very high temperature sensitivity due to the high thermal expansion coefficient of the shape memory polymer, which was around 108.24 pm/°C below the glass transition temperature (Tg) and 47.29 pm/°C above Tg. Therefore, the orthogonal arrangement of the two fibre Bragg grating sensors could provide a temperature compensation function, as one of the fibre Bragg gratings only measures the temperature while the other is subjected to the directional deformation. © The Author(s) 2013.


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In this paper the main problems for computer design of materials, which would have predefined properties, with the use of artificial intelligence methods are presented. The DB on inorganic compound properties and the system of DBs on materials for electronics with completely assessed information: phase diagram DB of material systems with semiconducting phases and DB on acousto-optical, electro-optical, and nonlinear optical properties are considered. These DBs are a source of information for data analysis. Using the DBs and artificial intelligence methods we have predicted thousands of new compounds in ternary, quaternary and more complicated chemical systems and estimated some of their properties (crystal structure type, melting point, homogeneity region etc.). The comparison of our predictions with experimental data, obtained later, showed that the average reliability of predicted inorganic compounds exceeds 80%. The perspectives of computational material design with the use of artificial intelligence methods are considered.