913 resultados para Slow transit constipation


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This paper investigates quality of service (QoS) and resource productivity implications of transit route passenger loading and travel time. It highlights the value of occupancy load factor as a direct passenger comfort QoS measure. Automatic Fare Collection data for a premium radial bus route in Brisbane, Australia, is used to investigate time series correlation between occupancy load factor and passenger average travel time. Correlation is strong across the entire span of service in both directions. Passengers tend to be making longer, peak direction commuter trips under significantly less comfortable conditions than off-peak. The Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual uses segment based load factor as a measure of onboard loading comfort QoS. This paper provides additional insight into QoS by relating the two route based dimensions of occupancy load factor and passenger average travel time together in a two dimensional format, both from the passenger’s and operator’s perspectives. Future research will apply Value of Time to QoS measurement, reflecting perceived passenger comfort through crowding and average time spent onboard. This would also assist in transit service quality econometric modeling. The methodology can be readily applied in a practical setting where AFC data for fixed scheduled routes is available. The study outcomes also provide valuable research and development directions.


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Bioversity International is reviewing its moratorium on the distribution of virus-infected Musa germplasm from the International Transit Centre (ITC), and the ProMusa Crop Protection Working Group has been invited to comment on policy changes. This paper was written to form a basis of discussion among the working group members during the ISHS/ProMusa symposium. It argues that the distribution of Musa germplasm should be guided by the International Plant Protection Convention, which states that it is the responsibility of the importing country, not the exporter, to impose the phytosanitary measures. There may be special circumstances where the release of badnavirus-infected germplasm from the ITC could be justified.


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The region around Waclakkancheri, in the province of Kerala, India, which lies in the vicinity of Palghat-Cauvery ;hear zone (within the Precambrian crystalline terrain), has been a site of microseismic activity since 1989. Earlier studies had identified a prominent WNW-ESE structure overprinting on the E-W trending lineaments associated with Palghat-Cauvery shear zone. We have mapped this structure, located in a chamockite quarry near Desamangalam, Waclakkancheri, which we identify as a ca. 30 km-long south dipping reverse fault. This article presents the characteristics of this fault zone exposed on the exhumed crystalline basement and discusses its significance in understanding the earthquake potential of the region. This brittle deformation zone consists of fracture sets with small-scale displacement and slip planes with embedded fault gouges. The macroscopic as well as the microscopic studies of this fault zone indicate that it evolved through different episodes of faulting in the presence of fluids. The distinct zones within consolidated gouge and the cross cutting relationship of fractures indicate episodic fault activity. At least four faulting episodes can be recognized based on the sequential development of different structural elements in the fault rocks. The repeated ruptures are evident along this shear zone and the cyclic behavior of this fault consists of co-seismic ruptures alternating with inter-seismic periods, which is characterized by the sealed fractures and consolidated gouge. The fault zone shows a minimum accumulated dip/oblique slip of 2.1 m in the reverse direction with a possible characteristic slip of 52 cm (for each event). The ESR dating of fault gouge indicates that the deformation zone records a major event in the Middle Quaternary. The empirical relationships between fault length and slip show that this fault may generate events M >= 6. The above factors suggest that this fault may be characterized as potentially active. Our study offers some new pointers that can be used in other slow deforming cratonic hinterlands in exploring the discrete active faults.


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A 59-year-old man was mistakenly prescribed Slow-Na instead of Slow-K due to incorrect selection from a drop-down list in the prescribing software. This error was identified by a pharmacist during a home medicine review (HMR) before the patient began taking the supplement. The reported error emphasizes the need for vigilance due to the emergence of novel look-alike, sound-alike (LASA) drug pairings. This case highlights the important role of pharmacists in medication safety.


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Octahedral Co2+ centers have been connected by mu(3)-OH and mu(2)-OH2 units forming [Co-4] clusters which are linked by pyrazine forming a two-dimensional network. The two-dimensional layers are bridged by oxybisbenzoate (OBA) ligands giving rise to a three-dimensional structure. The [Co-4] clusters bond with the pyrazine and the OBA results in a body-centered arrangement of the clusters, which has been observed for the first time. Magnetic studies reveal a noncollinear frustrated spin structure of the bitriangular cluster, resulting in a net magnetic moment of 1.4 mu B per cluster. For T > 32 K, the correlation length of the cluster moments shows a stretched-exponential temperature dependence typical of a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless model, which points to a quasi-2D XY behavior. At lower temperature and down to 14 K, the compound behaves as a soft ferromagnet and a slow relaxation is observed, with an energy barrier of ca. 500 K. Then, on further cooling, a hysteretic behavior takes place with a coercive field that reaches 5 Tat 4 K. The slow relaxation is assigned to the creation/annihilation of vortex-antivortex pairs, which are the elementary excitations of a 2D XY spin system.


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Measures of transit accessibility are important in evaluating transit services, planning for future services and investment on land use development. Existing tools measure transit accessibility using averaged walking distance or walking time to public transit. Although the mode captivity may have significant implications on one’s willingness to walk to use public transit, this has not been addressed in the literature to date. Failed to distinguish transit captive users may lead to overestimated ridership and spatial coverage of transit services. The aim of this research is to integrate the concept of transit captivity into the analysis of walking access to public transit. The conventional way of defining “captive” and “choice” transit users showed no significant difference in their walking times according to a preliminary analysis. A cluster analysis technique is used to further divide “choice” users by three main factors, namely age group, labour force status and personal income. After eliminating “true captive” users, defined as those without driver’s licence or without a car in respective household, “non-true captive” users were classified into a total of eight groups having similar socio-economic characteristics. The analysis revealed significant differences in the walking times and patterns by their level of captivity to public transit. This paper challenges the rule-of-thumb of 400m walking distance to bus stops. In average, people’s willingness to walk dropped drastically at 268m and continued to drop constantly until it reached the mark of 670m, where there was another drastic drop of 17%, which left with only 10% of the total bus riders willing to walk 670m or more. This research found that mothers working part time were the ones with lowest transit captivity and thus most sensitive to the walking time, followed by high-income earners and the elderly. The level of captivity increases when public transit users earned lesser income, such as students and students working part time.


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Heterometallic {3d-4f-5d} aggregates with formula [{LMe2Ni(H2O)Ln(H2O)4.5}2{W(CN)8}2]·15H2O, (LMe2 stands for N,N-2,2-dimethylpropylenedi(3-methoxysalicylideneiminato) Schiff-base ligand) with Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, have been obtained by reacting bimetallic [LMe2Ni(H2O)2Ln(NO3)3] and Cs3{W(CN)8} in H2O. The hexanuclear complexes are organized in 1-D arrays by means of hydrogen bonds established between the solvent molecules coordinated to Ln and the CN ligands of an octacyanometallate moiety. The X-ray structure was solved for the Tb derivative. Magnetic behavior indicates ferromagnetic {W–Ni} and {Ni–Ln} interactions (JNiW = 18.5 cm-1, JNiGd = 1.85 cm-1) as well as ferromagnetic intermolecular interactions mediated by the H-bonds. Dynamic magnetic susceptibility studies reveal slow magnetic relaxation processes for the Tb and Dy derivatives, suggesting SMM type behavior for these compounds.


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A case study of Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland, Australia, explored how explicit measures of transit quality of service (e.g., service frequency, service span, and travel time ratio) and implicit environmental predictors (e.g., topographic grade factor) influenced bus ridership. The primary hypothesis tested was that bus ridership was higher in suburbs with high transit quality of service than in suburbs with limited service quality. Multiple linear regression, used to identify a strong positive relationship between route intensity (bus-km/h-km2) and bus ridership, indicated that both increased service frequency and spatial route density corresponded to higher bus ridership. Additionally, the travel time ratio (i.e., the ratio of in-vehicle transit travel time to in-vehicle automobile travel time) had a significant negative association with suburban ridership: transit use declined as travel time ratio increased. In contrast, topographic grade and service span did not significantly affect suburban bus ridership. The study findings enhance the fundamental understanding of traveler behavior, which is informative to urban transportation policy, planning, and provision.


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Thin accretion discs around massive compact objects can support slow pressure modes of oscillations in the linear regime that have azimuthal wavenumber m = 1. We consider finite, flat discs composed of barotropic fluid for various surface density profiles and demonstrate through WKB analysis and numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem - that these modes are stable and have spatial scales comparable to the size of the disc. We show that the eigenvalue equation can be mapped to a Schrodinger like equation. The analysis of this equation shows that all eigenmodes have discrete spectra. We find that all the models we have considered support negative frequency eigenmodes; however, the positive eigenfrequency modes are only present in power-law discs, albeit for physically uninteresting values of the power-law index beta and barotropic index gamma.


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Technological development of fast multi-sectional, helical computed tomography (CT) scanners has allowed computed tomography perfusion (CTp) and angiography (CTA) in evaluating acute ischemic stroke. This study focuses on new multidetector computed tomography techniques, namely whole-brain and first-pass CT perfusion plus CTA of carotid arteries. Whole-brain CTp data is acquired during slow infusion of contrast material to achieve constant contrast concentration in the cerebral vasculature. From these data quantitative maps are constructed of perfused cerebral blood volume (pCBV). The probability curve of cerebral infarction as a function of normalized pCBV was determined in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Normalized pCBV, expressed as a percentage of contralateral normal brain pCBV, was determined in the infarction core and in regions just inside and outside the boundary between infarcted and noninfarcted brain. Corresponding probabilities of infarction were 0.99, 0.96, and 0.11, R² was 0.73, and differences in perfusion between core and inner and outer bands were highly significant. Thus a probability of infarction curve can help predict the likelihood of infarction as a function of percentage normalized pCBV. First-pass CT perfusion is based on continuous cine imaging over a selected brain area during a bolus injection of contrast. During its first passage, contrast material compartmentalizes in the intravascular space, resulting in transient tissue enhancement. Functional maps such as cerebral blood flow (CBF), and volume (CBV), and mean transit time (MTT) are then constructed. We compared the effects of three different iodine concentrations (300, 350, or 400 mg/mL) on peak enhancement of normal brain tissue and artery and vein, stratified by region-of-interest (ROI) location, in 102 patients within 3 hours of stroke onset. A monotonic increasing peak opacification was evident at all ROI locations, suggesting that CTp evaluation of patients with acute stroke is best performed with the highest available concentration of contrast agent. In another study we investigated whether lesion volumes on CBV, CBF, and MTT maps within 3 hours of stroke onset predict final infarct volume, and whether all these parameters are needed for triage to intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (IV-rtPA). The effect of IV-rtPA on the affected brain by measuring salvaged tissue volume in patients receiving IV-rtPA and in controls was investigated also. CBV lesion volume did not necessarily represent dead tissue. MTT lesion volume alone can serve to identify the upper size limit of the abnormally perfused brain, and those with IV-rtPA salvaged more brain than did controls. Carotid CTA was compared with carotid DSA in grading of stenosis in patients with stroke symptoms. In CTA, the grade of stenosis was determined by means of axial source and maximum intensity projection (MIP) images as well as a semiautomatic vessel analysis. CTA provides an adequate, less invasive alternative to conventional DSA, although tending to underestimate clinically relevant grades of stenosis.


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The dispersion and impedance characteristics of an inverted slot-mode (ISM) slow-wave structure computed by three different techniques, i.e., an analytical model based on a periodic quasi-TEM approach, an equivalent-circuit model, and 3-D electromagnetic simulation are obtained and compared. The comparison was carried out for three different slot-mode structures at S-, C-, and X-bands. The approach was also validated with experimental measurements on a practical X-band ISM traveling-wave tube. The design of ferruleless ISM slow-wave structures, both in circular and rectangular formats, has also been proposed and the predicted dispersion characteristics for these two geometries are compared with 3-D simulation and cold-test measurements. The impedance characteristics for all three designs are also compared.


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Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is known to have numerous pharmacological properties. In the present study, we have shown that EGCG inhibits enoyl–acyl carrier protein reductase of Plasmodium falciparum (PfENR) by following a two-step, slow, tight-binding inhibition mechanism. The association/isomerization rate constant (k5) of the reversible and loose PfENR–EGCG binary complex to a tight [PfENR–EGCG]* or EI* complex was calculated to be 4.0 × 10−2 s−1. The low dissociation rate constant (k6) of the [PfENR–EGCG]* complex confirms the tight-binding nature of EGCG. EGCG inhibited PfENR with the overall inhibition constant (Ki*) of 7.0 ± 0.8 nM. Further, we also studied the effect of triclosan on the inhibitory activity of EGCG. Triclosan lowered the k6 of the EI* complex by 100 times, lowering the overall Ki* of EGCG to 97.5 ± 12.5 pM. The results support EGCG as a promising candidate for the development of tea catechin based antimalarial drugs.


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We present the simplest model that permits a largely analytical exploration of the m =1 counter-rotating instability in a `hot' nearly Keplerian disc of collisionless self-gravitating matter. The model consists of a two-component softened gravity disc, whose linear modes are analysed using the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation. The modes are slow in the sense that their (complex) frequency is smaller than the Keplerian orbital frequency by a factor which is of order the ratio of the disc mass to the mass of the central object. Very simple analytical expressions are derived for the precession frequencies and growth rates of local modes; it is shown that a nearly Keplerian discm must be unrealistically hot to avoid an overstability. Global modes are constructed for the case of zero net rotation.