923 resultados para Slow release formulations


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Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLITNs) constitute a novel alternative that combines physical and chemical tactics to prevent insect access and the spread of insect-transmitted plant viruses in protected enclosures. This approach is based on a slow-release insecticide-treated net with large hole sizes that allow improved ventilation of greenhouses. The efficacy of a wide range of LLITNs was tested under laboratory conditions against Myzus persicae, Aphis gossypii and Bemisia tabaci. Two nets were selected for field tests under a high insect infestation pressure in the presence of plants infected with Cucumber mosaic virus and Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus. The efficacy of Aphidius colemani, a parasitoid commonly used for biological control of aphids, was studied in parallel field experiments.


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El nitrógeno (N) y el fósforo (P) son nutrientes esenciales en la producción de cultivos. El desarrollo de los fertilizantes de síntesis durante el siglo XX permitió una intensificación de la agricultura y un aumento de las producciones pero a su vez el gran input de nutrientes ha resultado en algunos casos en sistemas poco eficientes incrementando las pérdidas de estos nutrientes al medio ambiente. En el caso del P, este problema se agrava debido a la escasez de reservas de roca fosfórica necesaria para la fabricación de fertilizantes fosfatados. La utilización de residuos orgánicos en agricultura como fuente de N y P es una buena opción de manejo que permite valorizar la gran cantidad de residuos que se generan. Sin embargo, es importante conocer los procesos que se producen en el suelo tras la aplicación de los mismos, ya que influyen en la disponibilidad de nutrientes que pueden ser utilizados por el cultivo así como en las pérdidas de nutrientes de los agrosistemas que pueden ocasionar problemas de contaminación. Aunque la dinámica del N en el suelo ha sido más estudiada que la del P, los problemas importantes de contaminación por nitratos en zonas vulnerables hacen necesaria la evaluación de aquellas prácticas de manejo que pudieran agravar esta situación, y en el caso de los residuos orgánicos, la evaluación de la respuesta agronómica y medioambiental de la aplicación de materiales con un alto contenido en N (como los residuos procedentes de la industria vinícola y alcoholera). En cuanto al P, debido a la mayor complejidad de su ciclo y de las reacciones que ocurren en el suelo, hay un mayor desconocimiento de los factores que influyen en su dinámica en los sistemas suelo-planta, lo que supone nuevas oportunidades de estudio en la evaluación del uso agrícola de los residuos orgánicos. Teniendo en cuenta los conocimientos previos sobre cada nutriente así como las necesidades específicas en el estudio de los mismos, en esta Tesis se han evaluado: (1) el efecto de la aplicación de residuos procedentes de la industria vinícola y alcoholera en la dinámica del N desde el punto de vista agronómico y medioambiental en una zona vulnerable a la contaminación por nitratos; y (2) los factores que influyen en la disponibilidad de P en el suelo tras la aplicación de residuos orgánicos. Para ello se han llevado a cabo incubaciones de laboratorio así como ensayos de campo que permitieran evaluar la dinámica de estos nutrientes en condiciones reales. Las incubaciones de suelo en condiciones controladas de humedad y temperatura para determinar el N mineralizado se utilizan habitualmente para estimar la disponibilidad de N para el cultivo así como el riesgo medioambiental. Por ello se llevó a cabo una incubación en laboratorio para conocer la velocidad de mineralización de N de un compost obtenido a partir de residuos de la industria vinícola y alcoholera, ampliamente distribuida en Castilla-La Mancha, región con problemas importantes de contaminación de acuíferos por nitratos. Se probaron tres dosis crecientes de compost correspondientes a 230, 460 y 690 kg de N total por hectárea que se mezclaron con un suelo franco arcillo arenoso de la zona. La evolución del N mineral en el suelo a lo largo del tiempo se ajustó a un modelo de regresión no lineal, obteniendo valores bajos de N potencialmente mineralizable y bajas contantes de mineralización, lo que indica que se trata de un material resistente a la mineralización y con una lenta liberación de N en el suelo, mineralizándose tan solo 1.61, 1.33 y 1.21% del N total aplicado con cada dosis creciente de compost (para un periodo de seis meses). Por otra parte, la mineralización de N tras la aplicación de este material también se evaluó en condiciones de campo, mediante la elaboración de un balance de N durante dos ciclos de cultivo (2011 y 2012) de melón bajo riego por goteo, cultivo y manejo agrícola muy característicos de la zona de estudio. Las constantes de mineralización obtenidas en el laboratorio se ajustaron a las temperaturas reales en campo para predecir el N mineralizado en campo durante el ciclo de cultivo del melón, sin embargo este modelo generalmente sobreestimaba el N mineralizado observado en campo, por la influencia de otros factores no tenidos en cuenta para obtener esta predicción, como el N acumulado en el suelo, el efecto de la planta o las fluctuaciones de temperatura y humedad. Tanto el ajuste de los datos del laboratorio al modelo de mineralización como las predicciones del mismo fueron mejores cuando se consideraba el efecto de la mezcla suelo-compost que cuando se aislaba el N mineralizado del compost, mostrando la importancia del efecto del suelo en la mineralización del N procedente de residuos orgánicos. Dado que esta zona de estudio ha sido declarada vulnerable a la contaminación por nitratos y cuenta con diferentes unidades hidrológicas protegidas, en el mismo ensayo de campo con melón bajo riego por goteo se evaluó el riesgo de contaminación por nitratos tras la aplicación de diferentes dosis de compost bajo dos regímenes de riego, riego ajustado a las necesidades del cultivo (90 ó 100% de la evapotranspiración del cultivo (ETc)) o riego excedentario (120% ETc). A lo largo del ciclo de cultivo se estimó semanalmente el drenaje mediante la realización de un balance hídrico, así como se tomaron muestras de la solución de suelo y se determinó su concentración de nitratos. Para evaluar el riesgo de contaminación de las aguas subterráneas asociado con estas prácticas, se utilizaron algunos índices medioambientales para determinar la variación en la calidad del agua potable (Índice de Impacto (II)) y en la concentración de nitratos del acuífero (Índice de Impacto Ambiental (EII)). Para combinar parámetros medioambientales con parámetros de producción, se calculó la eficiencia de manejo. Se observó que la aplicación de compost bajo un régimen de riego ajustado no aumentaba el riesgo de contaminación de las aguas subterráneas incluso con la aplicación de la dosis más alta. Sin embargo, la aplicación de grandes cantidades de compost combinada con un riego excedentario supuso un incremento en el N lixiviado a lo largo del ciclo de cultivo, mientras que no se obtuvieron mayores producciones con respecto al riego ajustado. La aplicación de residuos de la industria vinícola y alcoholera como fuente de P fue evaluada en suelos calizos caracterizados por una alta capacidad de retención de P, lo cual en algunos casos limita la disponibilidad de este nutriente. Para ello se llevó a cabo otro ensayo de incubación con dos suelos de diferente textura, con diferente contenido de carbonato cálcico, hierro y con dos niveles de P disponible; a los que se aplicaron diferentes materiales procedentes de estas industrias (con y sin compostaje previo) aportando diferentes cantidades de P. A lo largo del tiempo se analizó el P disponible del suelo (P Olsen) así como el pH y el carbono orgánico disuelto. Al final de la incubación, con el fin de estudiar los cambios producidos por los diferentes residuos en el estado del P del suelo se llevó a cabo un fraccionamiento del P inorgánico del suelo, el cual se separó en P soluble y débilmente enlazado (NaOH-NaCl-P), P soluble en reductores u ocluido en los óxidos de Fe (CBD-P) y P poco soluble precipitado como Ca-P (HCl-P); y se determinó la capacidad de retención de P así como el grado de saturación de este elemento en el suelo. En este ensayo se observó que, dada la naturaleza caliza de los suelos, la influencia de la cantidad de P aplicado con los residuos en el P disponible sólo se producía al comienzo del periodo de incubación, mientras que al final del ensayo el incremento en el P disponible del suelo se igualaba independientemente del P aplicado con cada residuo, aumentando el P retenido en la fracción menos soluble con el aumento del P aplicado. Por el contrario, la aplicación de materiales orgánicos menos estabilizados y con un menor contenido en P, produjo un aumento en las formas de P más lábiles debido a una disolución del P retenido en la fracción menos lábil, lo cual demostró la influencia de la materia orgánica en los procesos que controlan el P disponible en el suelo. La aplicación de residuos aumentó el grado de saturación de P de los suelos, sin embargo los valores obtenidos no superaron los límites establecidos que indican un riesgo de contaminación de las aguas. La influencia de la aplicación de residuos orgánicos en las formas de P inorgánico y orgánico del suelo se estudió además en un suelo ácido de textura areno francosa tras la aplicación en campo a largo plazo de estiércol vacuno y de compost obtenido a partir de biorresiduos, así como la aplicación combinada de compost y un fertilizante mineral (superfosfato tripe), en una rotación de cultivos. En muestras de suelo recogidas 14 años después del establecimiento del experimento en campo, se determinó el P soluble y disponible, la capacidad de adsorción de P, el grado de saturación de P así como diferentes actividades enzimáticas (actividad deshidrogenasa, fosfatasa ácida y fosfatasa alcalina). Las diferentes formas de P orgánico en el suelo se estudiaron mediante una técnica de adición de enzimas con diferentes substratos específicos a extractos de suelo de NaOH-EDTA, midiendo el P hidrolizado durante un periodo de incubación por colorimetría. Las enzimas utilizadas fueron la fosfatasa ácida, la nucleasa y la fitasa las cuales permitieron identificar monoésteres hidrolizables (monoester-like P), diésteres (DNA-like P) e inositol hexaquifosfato (Ins6P-like P). La aplicación a largo plazo de residuos orgánicos aumentó el P disponible del suelo proporcionalmente al P aplicado con cada tipo de fertilización, suponiendo un mayor riesgo de pérdidas de P dado el alto grado de saturación de este suelo. La aplicación de residuos orgánicos aumentó el P orgánico del suelo resistente a la hidrólisis enzimática, sin embargo no influyó en las diferentes formas de P hidrolizable por las enzimas en comparación con las observadas en el suelo sin enmendar. Además, las diferentes formas de P orgánico aplicadas con los residuos orgánicos no se correspondieron con las analizadas en el suelo lo cual demostró que éstas son el resultado de diferentes procesos en el suelo mediados por las plantas, los microorganismos u otros procesos abióticos. En este estudio se encontró una correlación entre el Ins6P-like P y la actividad microbiana (actividad deshidrogenasa) del suelo, lo cual refuerza esta afirmación. Por último, la aplicación de residuos orgánicos como fuente de N y P en la agricultura se evaluó agronómicamente en un escenario real. Se estableció un experimento de campo para evaluar el compost procedente de residuos de bodegas y alcoholeras en el mismo cultivo de melón utilizado en el estudio de la mineralización y lixiviación de N. En este experimento se estudió la aplicación de tres dosis de compost: 1, 2 y 3 kg de compost por metro lineal de plantación correspondientes a 7, 13 y 20 t de compost por hectárea respectivamente; y se estudió el efecto sobre el crecimiento de las plantas, la acumulación de N y P en la planta, así como la producción y calidad del cultivo. La aplicación del compost produjo un ligero incremento en la biomasa vegetal acompañado por una mejora significativa de la producción con respecto a las parcelas no enmendadas, obteniéndose la máxima producción con la aplicación de 2 kg de compost por metro lineal. Aunque los efectos potenciales del N y P fueron parcialmente enmascarados por otras entradas de estos nutrientes en el sistema (alta concentración de nitratos en el agua de riego y ácido fosfórico suministrado por fertirrigación), se observó una mayor acumulación de P uno de los años de estudio que resultó en un aumento en el número de frutos en las parcelas enmendadas. Además, la mayor acumulación de N y P disponible en el suelo al final del ciclo de cultivo indicó el potencial uso de estos materiales como fuente de estos nutrientes. ABSTRACT Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are essential nutrients in crop production. The development of synthetic fertilizers during the 20th century allowed an intensification of the agriculture increasing crop yields but in turn the great input of nutrients has resulted in some cases in inefficient systems with higher losses to the environment. Regarding P, the scarcity of phosphate rock reserves necessary for the production of phosphate fertilizers aggravates this problem. The use of organic wastes in agriculture as a source of N and P is a good option of management that allows to value the large amount of wastes generated. However, it is important to understand the processes occurring in the soil after application of these materials, as they affect the availability of nutrients that can be used by the crop and the nutrient losses from agricultural systems that can cause problems of contamination. Although soil N dynamic has been more studied than P, the important concern of nitrate pollution in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones requires the evaluation of those management practices that could aggravate this situation, and in the case of organic wastes, the evaluation of the agronomic and environmental response after application of materials with a high N content (such as wastes from winery and distillery industries). On the other hand, due to the complexity of soil P cycle and the reactions that occur in soil, there is less knowledge about the factors that can influence its dynamics in the soil-plant system, which means new opportunities of study regarding the evaluation of the agricultural use of organic wastes. Taking into account the previous knowledge of each nutrient and the specific needs of study, in this Thesis we have evaluated: (1) the effect of the application of wastes from the winery and distillery industries on N dynamics from the agronomic and environmental viewpoint in a vulnerable zone; and (2) the factors that influence P availability in soils after the application of organic wastes. With this purposes, incubations were carried out in laboratory conditions as well as field trials that allow to assess the dynamic of these nutrients in real conditions. Soil incubations under controlled moisture and temperature conditions to determine N mineralization are commonly used to estimate N availability for crops together with the environmental risk. Therefore, a laboratory incubation was conducted in order to determine the N mineralization rate of a compost made from wastes generated in the winery and distillery industries, widely distributed in Castilla-La Mancha, a region with significant problems of aquifers contamination by nitrates. Three increasing doses of compost corresponding to 230, 460 and 690 kg of total N per hectare were mixed with a sandy clay loam soil collected in this area. The evolution of mineral N in soil over time was adjusted to a nonlinear regression model, obtaining low values of potentially mineralizable N and low constants of mineralization, indicating that it is a material resistant to mineralization with a slow release of N, with only 1.61, 1.33 and 1.21% of total N applied being mineralized with each increasing dose of compost (for a period of six months). Furthermore, N mineralization after the application of this material was also evaluated in field conditions by carrying out a N balance during two growing seasons (2011 and 2012) of a melon crop under drip irrigation, a crop and management very characteristic of the area of study. The mineralization constants obtained in the laboratory were adjusted to the actual temperatures observed in the field to predict N mineralized during each growing season, however, this model generally overestimated the N mineralization observed in the field, because of the influence of other factors not taken into account for this prediction, as N accumulated in soil, the plant effect or the fluctuations of temperature and moisture. The fitting of the laboratory data to the model as well as the predictions of N mineralized in the field were better when considering N mineralized from the soil-compost mixture rather than when N mineralized from compost was isolated, underlining the important role of the soil on N mineralization from organic wastes. Since the area of study was declared vulnerable to nitrate pollution and is situated between different protected hydrological units, the risk of nitrate pollution after application of different doses compost was evaluated in the same field trial with melon under two irrigation regimes, irrigation adjusted to the crop needs (90 or 100% of the crop evapotranspiration (ETc)) or excedentary irrigation (120% ETc). Drainage was estimated weekly throughout the growing season by conducting a water balance, samples of the soil solution were taken and the concentration of nitrates was determined. To assess the risk of groundwater contamination associated with these practices, some environmental indices were used to determine the variation in the quality of drinking water (Impact Index (II)) and the nitrates concentration in the groundwater (Environmental Impact Index (EII)). To combine environmental parameters together with yield parameters, the Management Efficiency was calculated. It was observed that the application of compost under irrigation adjusted to the plant needs did not represent a higher risk of groundwater contamination even with the application of the highest doses. However, the application of large amounts of compost combined with an irrigation surplus represented an increase of N leaching during the growing season compared with the unamended plots, while no additional yield with respect to the adjusted irrigation strategy is obtained. The application of wastes derived from the winery and distillery industry as source of P was evaluated in calcareous soils characterized by a high P retention capacity, which in some cases limits the availability of this nutrient. Another incubation experiment was carried out using two soils with different texture, different calcium carbonate and iron contents and two levels of available P; to which different materials from these industries (with and without composting) were applied providing different amounts of P. Soil available P (Olsen P), pH and dissolved organic carbon were analyzed along time. At the end of the incubation, in order to study the changes in soil P status caused by the different residues, a fractionation of soil inorganic P was carried out, which was separated into soluble and weakly bound P (NaOH-NaCl- P), reductant soluble P or occluded in Fe oxides (CBD-P) and P precipitated as poorly soluble Ca-P (HCl-P); and the P retention capacity and degree of P saturation were determined as well. Given the calcareous nature of the soils, the influence of the amount of P applied with the organic wastes in soil available P only occurred at the beginning of the incubation period, while at the end of the trial the increase in soil available P equalled independently of the amount of P applied with each residue, increasing the P retained in the least soluble fraction when increasing P applied. Conversely, the application of less stabilized materials with a lower content of P resulted in an increase in the most labile P forms due to dissolution of P retained in the less labile fraction, demonstrating the influence of organic matter addition on soil P processes that control P availability in soil. As expected, the application of organic wastes increased the degree of P saturation in the soils, however the values obtained did not exceed the limits considered to pose a risk of water pollution. The influence of the application of organic wastes on inorganic and organic soil P forms was also studied in an acid loamy sand soil after long-term field application of cattle manure and biowaste compost and the combined application of compost and mineral fertilizer (triple superphosphate) in a crop rotation. Soil samples were collected 14 years after the establishment of the field experiment, and analyzed for soluble and available P, P sorption capacity, degree of P saturation and enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase). The different forms of organic P in soil were determined by using an enzyme addition technique, based on adding enzymes with different substrate specificities to NaOH-EDTA soil extracts, measuring the hydrolyzed P colorimetrically after an incubation period. The enzymes used were acid phosphatase, nuclease and phytase which allowed to identify hydrolyzable monoesters (monoester-like P) diesters (DNA-like P) and inositol hexakisphosphate (Ins6P-like P). The long-term application of organic wastes increased soil available P proportionally to the P applied with each type of fertilizer, assuming a higher risk of P losses given the high degree of P saturation of this soil. The application of organic wastes increased soil organic P resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis, but no influence was observed regarding the different forms of enzyme hydrolyzable organic P compared to those observed in the non-amended soil. Furthermore, the different forms of organic P applied with the organic wastes did not correspond to those analyzed in the soil which showed that these forms in soil are a result of multifaceted P turnover processes in soil affected by plants, microorganisms and abiotic factors. In this study, a correlation between Ins6P-like P and the microbial activity (dehydrogenase activity) of soil was found, which reinforces this claim. Finally, the application of organic wastes as a source of N and P in agriculture was evaluated agronomically in a real field scenario. A field experiment was established to evaluate the application of compost made from wine-distillery wastes in the same melon crop used in the experiments of N mineralization and leaching. In this experiment the application of three doses of compost were studied: 1 , 2 and 3 kg of compost per linear meter of plantation corresponding to 7, 13 and 20 tonnes of compost per hectare respectively; and the effect on plant growth, N and P accumulation in the plant as well as crop yield and quality was studied. The application of compost produced a slight increase in plant biomass accompanied by a significant improvement in crop yield with respect to the unamended plots, obtaining the maximum yield with the application of 2 kg of compost per linear meter. Although the potential effects of N and P were partially masked by other inputs of these nutrients in the system (high concentration of nitrates in the irrigation water and phosphoric acid supplied by fertigation), an effect of P was observed the first year of study resulting in a greater plant P accumulation and in an increase in the number of fruits in the amended plots. In addition, the higher accumulation of available N and P in the topsoil at the end of the growing season indicated the potential use of this material as source of these nutrients.


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High-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs), including type 16, have been identified as factors in cervical carcinogenesis. However, the presence and expression of the virus per se appear to be insufficient for carcinogenesis. Rather, cofactors most likely are necessary in addition to viral gene expression to initiate neoplasia. One candidate cofactor is prolonged exposure to sex hormones. To examine the possible effects of estrogen on HPV-associated neoplasia, we treated transgenic mice expressing the oncogenes of HPV16 under control of the human keratin-14 promoter (K14-HPV16 transgenic mice) and nontransgenic control mice with slow release pellets of 17beta-estradiol. Squamous carcinomas developed in a multistage pathway exclusively in the vagina and cervix of K14-HPV16 transgenic mice. Estrogen-induced carcinogenesis was accompanied by an incremental increase in the incidence and distribution of proliferating cells solely within the cervical and vaginal squamous epithelium of K14-HPV16 mice. Expression of the HPV transgenes in untreated transgenic mice was detectable only during estrus; estrogen treatment resulted in transgene expression that was persistent but not further upregulated, remaining at low levels at all stages of carcinogenesis. The data demonstrate a novel mechanism of synergistic cooperation between chronic estrogen exposure and the oncogenes of HPV16 that coordinates squamous carcinogenesis in the female reproductive tract of K14-HPV16 transgenic mice.


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At alkaline pH the bacteriorhodopsin mutant D85N, with aspartic acid-85 replaced by asparagine, is in a yellow form (lambda max approximately 405 nm) with a deprotonated Schiff base. This state resembles the M intermediate of the wild-type photocycle. We used time-resolved methods to show that this yellow form of D85N, which has an initially unprotonated Schiff base and which lacks the proton acceptor Asp-85, transports protons in the same direction as wild type when excited by 400-nm flashes. Photoexcitation leads in several milliseconds to the formation of blue (630 nm) and purple (580 nm) intermediates with a protonated Schiff base, which decay in tens of seconds to the initial state (400 nm). Experiments with pH indicator dyes show that at pH 7, 8, and 9, proton uptake occurs in about 5-10 ms and precedes the slow release (seconds). Photovoltage measurements reveal that the direction of proton movement is from the cytoplasmic to the extracellular side with major components on the millisecond and second time scales. The slowest electrical component could be observed in the presence of azide, which accelerates the return of the blue intermediate to the initial yellow state. Transport thus occurs in two steps. In the first step (milliseconds), the Schiff base is protonated by proton uptake from the cytoplasmic side, thereby forming the blue state. From the pH dependence of the amplitudes of the electrical and photocycle signals, we conclude that this reaction proceeds in a similar way as in wild type--i.e., via the internal proton donor Asp-96. In the second step (seconds) the Schiff base deprotonates, releasing the proton to the extracellular side.


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The use of computer programs to predict drug absorption in humans and to simulate dissolution profiles has become a valuable tool in the pharmaceutical area. The objective of this study was to use in silico methods through software GastroPlusTM and DDDPlusTM to simulate drug absorption curves and dissolution profiles, and to establish in vitro-in vivo correlations (IVIVCs). The work presented herein is divided into five chapters and includes the drugs ketoprofen, pyrimethamine, metronidazole, fluconazole, carvedilol and doxazosin. In Chapter 1, simulated plasma curves for ketoprofen matrix tablets are presented and IVIVC was established. The use of simulated intrinsic dissolution tests for pyrimethamine and metronidazole as a tool for biopharmaceutics classification is detailed in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, simulation of plasma curves for fluconazole capsules with different dissolution profiles is demonstrated as a tool for biowaiver. IVIVC studies were also conducted for carvedilol immediate-release tablets from dissolution profiles in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 covers the application of simulated dissolution tests for development of doxazosin extended-release formulations. Simulation of plasma curves and IVIVC using the software GastroPlusTM as well as intrinsic dissolution tests and dissolution profiles using the software DDDPlusTM proved to be a tool of wide application in predicting biopharmaceutical characteristics of drugs and formulations, allowing the reduction of time and costs of experimental laboratory work.


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Morphine withdrawal is characterized by physical symptoms and a negative affective state. The 41 amino acid polypeptide corticotropin-releasing, hormone (CRH) is hypothesized to mediate, in part, both the negative affective state and the physical withdrawal syndrome. Here, by means of dual-immunohistochemical methodology, we examined the co-expression of the c-Fos protein and CRH following naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal. Rats were treated with slow-release morphine 50 mg/kg (subcutaneous, s.c.) or vehicle every 48 It for 5 days, then withdrawn with naloxone 5 mg/kg (s.c.) or saline 48 h after the final morphine injection. Two hours after withdrawal rats were perfused transcardially and their brains were removed and processed for immunohistochemistry. We found that naloxone-precipitated withdrawal of morphine-dependent rats increased c-Fos immunoreactivity (IR) in CRH positive neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamus. Withdrawal of morphine-dependent rats also increased c-Fos-IR in the central amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. however these were in CRH negative neurons. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.


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This thesis is concerned with the development of hydrogels that adhere to skin and can be used for topical or trans dermal release of active compounds for therapeutic or cosmetic use. The suitability of a range of monomers and initiator systems for the production of skin adhesive hydro gels by photopolymerisation was explored and an approximate order of monomer reactivity in aqueous solution was determined. Most notably, the increased reactivity of N-vinyl pyrrolidone within an aqueous system, as compared to its low rate of polymerisation in organic solvents, was observed. The efficacy of a series of photoinitiator systems for the preparation of sheet hydrogels was investigated. Supplementary redox and thermal initiators were also examined. The most successful initiator system was found to be Irgacure 184, which is commonly used in commercial moving web production systems that employ photopolymerisation. The influence of ionic and non-ionic monomers, crosslinking systems, water and glycerol on the adhesive and dynamic mechanical behaviour of partially hydrated hydrogel systems was examined. The aim was to manipulate hydrogel behaviour to modify topical and transdermal delivery capability and investigated the possibility of using monomer combinations that would influence the release characteristics of gels by modifying their hydrophobic and ionic nature. The copolymerisation of neutral monomers (N-vinyl pyrrolidone, N,N-dimethyl acrylamide and N-acryloyl morpholine) with ionic monomers (2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulphonic acid; sodium salt, and the potassium salt of 3-sulphopropyl acrylate) formed the basis of the study. Release from fully and partially hydrated hydrogels was studied, using model compounds and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, Ibuprofen. Release followed a common 3-stage kinetic profile that includes an initial burst phase, a secondary phase of approximate first order release and a final stage of infinitesimally slow release such that the compound is effectively retained within the hydrogel. Use of partition coefficients, the pKa of the active and a knowledge of charge-based and polar interactions of polymer and drug were complementary in interpreting experimental results. In summary, drug ionisation, hydrogel composition and external release medium characteristics interact to influence release behaviour. The information generated provides the basis for the optimal design of hydrogels for specific dermal release applications and some understanding of the limitations of these systems for controlled release applications.


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The immunostimulatory capacities of cationic liposomes are well-documented and are attributed both to inherent immunogenicity of the cationic lipid and more physical capacities such as the formation of antigen depots and antigen delivery. Very few studies have however been conducted comparing the immunostimulatory capacities of different cationic lipids. In the present study we therefore chose to investigate three of the most well-known cationic liposome-forming lipids as potential adjuvants for protein subunit vaccines. The ability of 3ß-[N-(N',N'-dimethylaminoethane)carbomyl] cholesterol (DC-Chol), 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium propane (DOTAP), and dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) liposomes incorporating immunomodulating trehalose dibehenate (TDB) to form an antigen depot at the site of injection (SOI) and to induce immunological recall responses against coadministered tuberculosis vaccine antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 are reported. Furthermore, physical characterization of the liposomes is presented. Our results suggest that liposome composition plays an important role in vaccine retention at the SOI and the ability to enable the immune system to induce a vaccine specific recall response. While all three cationic liposomes facilitated increased antigen presentation by antigen presenting cells, the monocyte infiltration to the SOI and the production of IFN-? upon antigen recall was markedly higher for DDA and DC-Chol based liposomes which exhibited a longer retention profile at the SOI. A long-term retention and slow release of liposome and vaccine antigen from the injection site hence appears to favor a stronger Th1 immune response.


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I was recently part of a small committee looking at higher qualifications in contact lens practice and the discussion turned to future technologies. There was mention of different materials and different applications of contact lenses. Drug delivery with contact lenses was discussed as this has been talked about in the literature for a while. The first paper I could find that talked about using contact lenses for drug delivery dates back over 40 years. There was a review paper in CLAE in 2008 that looked specifically at this too [1]. However, where are these products? Why are we not seeing them in the market place? Maybe the technology is not quite there yet, or maybe patents are prohibiting usage or maybe the market is not big enough to develop such products? We do have lenses on the market with slow release of lubricating agents but not therapeutic agents used for ocular or systemic conditions. Contact lenses with pathogen detectors may be part of our contact lens armoury of the future and again we can already see papers in the literature that have trialled this technology for glucose monitoring in diabetics or lactate concentration in the tear film. Future contact lenses may incorporate better optics based on aberration control and we see this starting to emerge with aspheric designs designed to minimise spherical aberration. Irregular corneas can be fitted with topography based designs and again this technology exists and is being used by some manufacturers in their designs already. Moreover, the topography based fitting of irregular corneas is certainly something we see a lot of today and CLAE has seen many articles related to this over the last decade or so. What about further into the future? Well one interesting area must the 3-dimensional contact lenses, or contact lenses with electronic devices built in that simulate a display screen. A little like the virtual display spectacles that are already sold by electronics companies. It does not take much of a stretch of the imagination to see a large electronic company taking this technology on and making it viable. Will we see people on the train watching movies on these electronic virtual reality contact lenses? I think we will, but when is harder to know.


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Magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) MnFe2O4 and Fe3O4 were stabilised by depositing an Al(OH)3 layer via a hydrolysis process. The particles displayed excellent colloidal stability in water and a high affinity to [18F]-fluoride and bisphosphonate groups. A high radiolabeling efficiency, 97% for 18F-fluoride and 100% for 64Cu-bisphosphonate conjugate, was achieved by simply incubating NPs with radioactivity solution at room temperature for 5min. The properties of particles were strongly dependant on the thickness and hardness of the Al(OH)3 layer which could in turn be controlled by the hydrolysis method. The application of these Al(OH)3 coated magnetic NPs in molecular imaging has been further explored. The results demonstrated that these NPs are potential candidates as dual modal probes for MR and PET. In vivo PET imaging showed a slow release of 18F from NPs, but no sign of efflux of 64Cu. © 2014 The Authors.


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Developing a framework for assessing interactions between multiple anthropogenic stressors remains an important goal in environmental research. In coastal ecosystems, the relative effects of aspects of global climate change (e.g. CO2 concentrations) and localized stressors (e.g. eutrophication), in combination, have received limited attention. Using a long-term (11 month) field experiment, we examine how epiphyte assemblages in a tropical seagrass meadow respond to factorial manipulations of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2(aq)) and nutrient enrichment. In situ CO2(aq) manipulations were conducted using clear, open-top chambers, which replicated carbonate parameter forecasts for the year 2100. Nutrient enrichment consisted of monthly additions of slow-release fertilizer, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), to the sediments at rates equivalent to theoretical maximum rates of anthropogenic loading within the region (1.54 g N m−2 d−1 and 0.24 g P m−2 d−1). Epiphyte community structure was assessed on a seasonal basis and revealed declines in the abundance of coralline algae, along with increases in filamentous algae under elevated CO2(aq). Surprisingly, nutrient enrichment had no effect on epiphyte community structure or overall epiphyte loading. Interactions between CO2(aq) and nutrient enrichment were not detected. Furthermore, CO2(aq)-mediated responses in the epiphyte community displayed strong seasonality, suggesting that climate change studies in variable environments should be conducted over extended time-scales. Synthesis. The observed responses indicate that for certain locations, global stressors such as ocean acidification may take precedence over local eutrophication in altering the community structure of seagrass epiphyte assemblages. Given that nutrient-driven algal overgrowth is commonly cited as a widespread cause of seagrass decline, our findings highlight that alternate climate change forces may exert proximate control over epiphyte community structure.


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Campomanesia adamantium and Campomanesia pubescens are morphologically similar, occur in the same regions of the Cerrado, are difficult to differentiate and exhibit naturally slow growth and development. The objectives of this study were to analyze fruit and seed biometric data, emergence capacity and seedling growth characteristics. Fruit from both species was collected and used to measure biometric data of the fruit and seeds and to set up two emergence and two seedling growth experiments. C. adamantium fruit is round and has wider, pale yellow seeds while C. pubescens fruit is ellipsoidal to pyriform with yellow gold seeds. C. adamantium’s greater fresh fruit mass and biometric variability favors selection of promising material for commercialization. Seed drying reduced the speed and rate of seedling emergence of C. adamantium, but had no effect on C. pubescens. Leaf number, height, shoot dry weight and the ratio of shoot dry weight to root dry weight were greater in C. adamantium than in the slower growing C. pubescens. Increases in substrate volume favor seedling development. Slow-release fertilizer application at 1g per 115 cm3 substrate increased leaf formation, plant height and shoot dry weight of seedlings of both species and lateral budding in C. adamantium. Until 120 days after transplant, lateral budding was not observed in C. pubescens seedlings. For all traits evaluated in this experiment, C. adamantium seedling growth was greater than that of C. pubescens.


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Introduction: Fluocinolone acetonide slow release implant (Iluvien®) was approved in December 2013 in UK for treatment of eyes which are pseudophakic with DMO that is unresponsive to other available therapies. This approval was based on evidence from FAME trials which were conducted at a time when ranibizumab was not available. There is a paucity of data on implementation of guidance on selecting patients for this treatment modality and also on the real world outcome of fluocinolone therapy especially in those patients that have been unresponsive to ranibizumab therapy. Method: Retrospective study of consecutive patients treated with fluocinolone between January and August 2014 at three sites were included to evaluate selection criteria used, baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes at 3-month time point. Results: Twenty two pseudophakic eyes of 22 consecutive patients were included. Majority of patients had prior therapy with multiple intravitreal anti-VEGF injections. Four eyes had controlled glaucoma. At baseline mean VA and CRT were 50.7 letters and 631 μm respectively. After 3 months, 18 patients had improved CRT of which 15 of them also had improved VA. No adverse effects were noted. One additional patient required IOP lowering medication. Despite being unresponsive to multiple prior therapies including laser and anti-VEGF injections, switching to fluocinolone achieved treatment benefit. Conclusion: The patient level selection criteria proposed by NICE guidance on fluocinolone appeared to be implemented. This data from this study provides new evidence on early outcomes following fluocinolone therapy in eyes with DMO which had not responded to laser and other intravitreal agents.


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Urea is the most used N fertilizer for upland rice, however, a great percentage of N loss can occur with the use of this fertilizer. The use of products that provide reduction of N loss for urea fertilizers can contribute to increase N use efficiency. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of N rates applied in the form of coated urea in the content and accumulation of N in dry biomass, apparent recovery of nitrogen and grain yield of upland rice. The experimental design was a randomized complete blocks arranged in a 4 x 3 + 1 factorial scheme. The treatments consisted of four sources of N fertilizer [1. Common urea; 2. Polymer-coated urea for slow release of N (PCU); 3. urea with the urease inhibitor N-(n-Butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT); and 4. urea coated with copper sulfate and boric acid as urease inhibitors (UCCB)], with three fertilization rates (30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 of N). In addition, we included a control treatment without N application. Coated urea did not provide increases in rice grain yield in relation to common urea. The increasing amount of N resulted in significant increases in rice grain yield (from 3217 to 5548 kg ha-1, 2010/11, and from 3392 to 4560 kg ha-1, 2011/12). The apparent nitrogen recovery rate decreased with the increase in N applied doses.


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Waste management worldwide has received increasing attention from global policies in recent years. In particular, agro-industrial streams represent a global concern due to the huge volumes generated and a high number of residues, which produce an environmental and economic impact on the ecosystem. The use of biotechnological approaches to treat these streams could allow the production of desirable by-products to be reinjected into the production cycle through sustainable processes. Purple phototrophic bacteria (PPB) are targeted as microorganisms capable to reduce the pressure of agro-industrial streams on environmental issues, due to their metabolic versatility (autotrophic and/or heterotrophic growth under different conditions). This Ph.D. research project aims to assess the effectiveness of PPB cultivation for industrial streams valorisation in the applications of biogas desulfurization and microbial protein production. For these purposes, the first part of the present work is dedicated to the cultivation of purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) for biogas streams upgrading, cleaning biogas from sulfur compounds (H2S), and producing elemental sulfur (S0), potentially suitable as a slow-release fertilizer. The second part of the thesis, instead, sees the application of purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) on streams rich in organics, such as molasses, generating biomass with high content of proteins and pigments, useful as supplements in animal feed. The assessment of the main metabolic mechanisms involved in the two processes is evaluated at a laboratory scale using flasks and a photobioreactor, to define the consumption of substrates and the accumulation of products both in the autotrophic (on biogas) and in heterotrophic grow (on molasses). In conclusion, the effectiveness of processes employing PPB for a sustainable valorisation of several agro-industrial streams has been proved promising, using actual residues, and coupling their treatments with the production of added-value by-products.