1000 resultados para Sistema semi-presidencialista
A variação temporal e espacial da ecologia de lagos, estuários e reservatórios está relacionada com a variação na composição da população de fitoplâncton, já que esta comunidade é a base da cadeia alimentar marinha e lacustre. Esta pesquisa desenvolveu um modelo para estimativa da dinâmica de biomassa de fitoplâncton, considerando os mecanismos de transporte no meio aquático, crescimento e perdas de sua biomassa. O modelo possui três módulos: (a) hidrodinâmico, que trata dos fluxos quantitativos do meio, associado a um algoritmo de secagem/inundação; (b) de transporte, que trata dos mecanismos de transporte das substâncias no meio; e (c) biológico, que retrata os mecanismos biológicos relacionados ao fitoplâncton. O módulo hidrodinâmico foi resolvido por um esquema semi-implícito de diferenças finitas, com uma abordagem mista Euleriana-Lagrangiana para os termos advectivos. Para os módulos restantes foi utilizado um esquema mais simples, de diferenças centrais. O modelo foi aplicado no sistema formado pela Lagoa Mangueira e Banhado do Taim localizado na parte sul costeira do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Este sistema está inserido no Sistema Hidrológico do Taim como unidade de conservação federal, onde se desenvolve o projeto PELD (Pesquisas Ecológicas de Longa Duração). A hidrodinâmica do sistema foi ajustada e verificada apresentando bons resultados. Testes de secagem e inundação mostraram que as tendências esperadas foram obtidas. O aprimoramento da solução numérica do modelo foi comprovado através de testes de preservação de volume e massa em sistemas conservativos. A análise de sensibilidade dos parâmetros do módulo biológico mostrou que os parâmetros para os quais o modelo é mais sensível a alterações são aqueles relacionados aos efeitos de temperatura nas algas e as perdas por respiração e consumo por zooplâncton. Os cenários de análise propostos proporcionaram uma maior compreensão do transporte do material particulado suspenso e do material escalar genérico, assim como a dinâmica e as florações de algas no sistema em condições físicas e meteorológicas reais.
Este trabalho visa o uso da função de Green de valor inicial no ajuste geostrófico e do método Semi-Lagrangeano na integração de um modelo acoplado oceano-atmosfera descrito pelas equações de águas rasas. O ajuste geostrófico é considerado atravées de perturbações na pressão e do vento. No caso de sistemas sem rotação, é discutida a relação da equação hidrostática com ondas longas não-dispersivas. Com rotação, a conservação da vorticidade potencial permite escolher a elevação correspondente a um estado de equilíbrio geostrófico. O sistema de equações de águas rasas é desacoplado em equações de Klein-Gordon com valores iniciais e termos não-homogêneos acoplados. A resposta dinâmica formada pela resposta transiente e a resposta forçada é obtida para uma perturbação inicial da elevação. A ação do vento como forçante nas equações de momento 2D, através do transporte de Eckman, conduz a uma equação de águas rasas forçada. Uma decomposição da resposta forçada é realizada com uma resposta permanente, que satisfaz a equação de Helmholtz , e com o uso da base dinâmica gerada pela resposta impulso. Um modelo hidrodinâmico 3D introduzido por Casulli e governado por equações não-lineares de águas rasas é integrado na vertical para a obtenção de um modelo 2D. Com isto, as condições de contorno devido a tensão do vento e a fricção devido a topografia do fundo, transformam-se em forçantes do modelo. O modelo foi integrado com um método semi-implícito em diferenças finitas, utilizando-se o método Semi-Lagrangeano para a parte advectiva. Simulações simbólicas foram realizadas para o ajuste geostrófico devido a perturbações de duração infinita e finita para a elevação e para o efeito da tensão do vento. Foram realizadas simulações numéricas para variadas geometrias, em particular a Baia de Guanabara e a Lagoa do Patos.
Este trabalho aborda as representações e práticas dos fisioterapeutas inseridos no Sistema Único de Saúde. Com o intuito de desvendar o modo de pensar e agir, além do nível de inserção que alcançou a fisioterapia dentro do Sistema Único de Saúde, busquei compreender a lógica orientadora de suas ações terapêuticas bem como sua adequação às diretrizes desse Sistema. Para tal, utilizei uma abordagem antropológica de cunho qualitativo com o privilégio da observação participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas em dois serviços de saúde de Porto Alegre: um hospital e um ambulatório de nível secundário. A revisão histórica da profissão ajudou na contextualização e, deste modo, entender por que os fisioterapeutas estão centrados na abordagem física das pessoas. Esse modo de tratar as pessoas é ensinado aos profissionais no processo de formação e reforçado na prática profissional dirigida à reabilitação, tendo o manuseio do paciente um valor importante para o fisioterapeuta. Por sua vez, este tipo de trabalho manual associado a um papel feminino do cuidado são fatores de demérito frente as outras profissões da saúde. Isto reforça a posição hierárquica inferior que o profissional possui dentro do Sistema Único de Saúde, que em alguns momentos é confundido como um especialista da medicina física. Desse modo, este trabalho contribuiu para repensarmos as concepções de saúde que são ensinadas na academia, o que vem a ser o “fazer fisioterapêutico”, bem como, a integralidade das ações terapêuticas dentro do Sistema Único de Saúde.
Boron is a semi-metal present in certain types of soils and natural waters. It is essential to the healthy development of plants and non-toxic to humans, depending on its concentration. It is used in various industries and it s present in water production coming from oil production. More specifically in Rio Grande do Norte, one of the largest oil producers on shore of Brazil, the relationship water/oil in some fields becomes more than 90%. The most common destination of this produced water is disposal in open sea after processing to meet the legal specification. In this context, this research proposes to study the extraction of boron in water produced by microemulsion systems for industrial utilization. It was taken into account the efficiency of extraction of boron related to surfactant (DDA and OCS, both characterized by FT-IR), cosurfactant (butanol and isoamyl alcohol), organic phase (kerosene and heptanes) and aqueous phase (solution of boron 3.6 ppm in alkaline pH). The ratio cosurfactant/ surfactant used was four and the percentage of organic phases for all points of study was set at 5%. It was chosen points with the highest percentage of aqueous phase. Each system was designed for three points of different compositions in relation to the constituents of a pseudoternary diagram. These points were chosen according to studies of phase behavior in pseudoternary diagrams made in previous studies. For this research, points were chosen in the Winsor II region. The excess aqueous solution obtained in these systems was separated and analyzed by ICP OES. For the data set obtained, the better efficiency in the extraction of boron was obtained using the system with DAC, isoamyl alcohol and heptanes, which extracted 49% in a single step. OCS was not viable to the extraction of boron by microemulsion system in the conditions defined in this study
Esta tesis trata de discutir y entender los diversos tipos de redes sociales y formas de interacción social presentes en el sistema penitenciario de Rio Grande do Norte. Nuestro problema se basa en un incremento significativo en las tasas de encarcelamiento y la prisión en Brasil y el mundo en los últimos diez años. Asimismo, la aparición del crimen organizado ya, en cierta medida, el control de las prisiones brasileñas, como el Comando Vermelho (CV) y el Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), una consecuencia directa de las terribles condiciones de las prisiones de Brasil y aumento de la violencia y el crimen en nuestro país. Para resolver el problema, se optó por utilizar las categorías de análisis de Michel Foucault (prisión y la disciplina), Pierre Bourdieu (habitus y campo), Ervirng Goffman (institución total, de interacción, de fachada y de equipo) y Mark Granovetter, Ricardo Abramovay e João Peixoto, entre otros, la nueva sociología económica (Redes, nodos y lazos) como principal apoyo. También construyó una revisión histórica de la cárcel en Brasil y Rio Grande do Norte hasta llegar al objeto. Esto, en términos de investigación cualitativa, se sumergió en el mundo de las prisiones Dr. Francisco Nogueira Fernandes, conocido como Penitenciario de Alcaçuz, ubicado en el municipio de Nísia Bosque, Rio Grande do Norte. Penitenciaría del Estado de origen, las casas de Alcaçuz seiscientos cuarenta y tres reclusos, divididos en cinco pabellones, un total de ciento cuarenta y siete células. Mediante la observación sistemática y la entrevista cualitativa s semi-estructurada como las principales fuentes de recopilación de datos, hemos tratado de explicar el universo que acabamos de analizar por las Ciencias Sociales. Nos dimos cuenta de que, para cumplir con la escena nacional, regaliz viola de manera flagrante lo que se denomina en la Constitución de 1988 y LEP (Ley de Ejecución Penal), sin tener en cuenta los derechos de los individuos a una porción de una oración con un mínimo de dignidad. Se ha demostrado que las personas que permean el universo proviene de un ambiente de la prisión, la sociabilidad violenta, sedo también tienen un habitus precario. La prisión, espacio disciplinario y un tipo específico de interacción social marcada por el control, contribuye a la profundización de habitus, pero que muestra que no es también como un espacio cerrado en absoluto, sino un lugar donde penetran las redes y dinámicas muy social. Al mismo tiempo, se encontró que más de la presencia de "grupos organizados" es el espacio en las cárceles para la interacción social y las redes sociales que pasan dentro y fuera de su espacio
The increasing of pollution in aquatic ecosystems in the last decades has caused an expansion of eutrophication and loss of water quality for human consumption. The increase of frequency and intensity of cyanobacteria blooms have been recognized as a major problem connected to water quality and eutrophication. The knowledge of environmental factors controlling these blooms is a key step towards the management for recovering aquatic ecosystems from eutrophic conditions. Primary productivity in aquatic ecosystems is dependent on light and nutrients availability. In the present work we evaluated the relative importance of the concentration of major nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, and light for phytoplankton growth in the main water reservoir of Rio Grande do Norte State, named Engenheiro Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves (EARG), which is an eutrophic system, dominated by potentially toxic cyanobacteria populations. Limitation of phytoplankton growth was evaluated through bioassays using differential enrichment of nutrients (N and/or P) under two light conditions (low light and high light) and monthly monitoring of chlorophyll-a and nutrients (total nitrogen and phosphorus) concentrations, and water transparency (Secchi depth) at the pelagic region. Our results confirm that EARG reservoir is an eutrophic system with a low water quality. Results of bioassays on the growth of phytoplankton limitation (N or P) were conflicting with the results predicted by the TN:TP ratios, which indicates that these ratios were not a good indicator of algal growth limitation. Nitrogen was the limiting nutrient, considering both frequency and magnitude. Light and hidrology affected phytoplankton response to nutrient enrichment. The extreme eutrophic conditions of this reservoir, dominated by cyanobacteria blooms, demand urgent managing strategies in order to guarantee the multiple uses for this system, including water supply for human population. Although nitrogen is the limiting nutrient, an effective management program must focus on the reduction of both phosphorus and nitrogen input
This research work is focused to show the changes in educational administration from the agreements between the Mossoró / RN and the Ayrton Senna Institute IAS, for education provision. Nowadays, the partnership policy is a constitutive element of the reform of the Brazilian State, which dropped its action on social policies and to strengthen its regulatory role, encouraging private participation in planning, preparation and implementation of public policies, new printing setting the political-social. In this context, the 10 Note Management Programme, developed by the IAS, is part of the neoliberal logic of modernization of public school systems, focusing on results and developing strategies for control and regulation of schools work and its efficiency, effectiveness and greater productivity. The 10 Note focuses on two dimensions: the management of learning and teaching in networking, in a managerial perspective to overcome the culture of failure (expressed as age-grade, dropout and repetition rates in) and implantation of culture of success (as measured in the improvement of the indices). To understanding the process, we have delimited as the object of study, the process of implementing them mentioned program in the city, which its objective is to analyze implications for the school community from the perspective of democratic management, adopting the dimensions of autonomy and participation in institutional processes as a criterion of analysis. From a methodological point of view, the survey was conducted from a literature review and documentary about educational policy developed in the country since the 1990´s, seeking to understand, in a dialectical perspective, the political dimensions of teaching, training and performance of the subjects involved in the school work. Besides the empirical observation, it was also used semi-structured interviews with a methodological tool for gathering information and opinions about the partnership and the implementation of the 10 Note Management Program in the county. The interviewee participants were ex-former education managers, coordinators, school managers, secretaries and teachers. Regarding the dimensions inside the analysis (autonomy and participation), the research led to the conclusion: that GEED, under the guidance of IAS promoted regulation of school autonomy, set up the selection process for exercising the office of school administration and system awards to schools, pupils and teachers, subject to results, there is mismatch between the managerial logic and the democratic management principles, that the ideological discourse of modernization of municipal management coexists with traditional practices, centralizing patronage, which ignores the democratic participation in the school decisions processes, the goals of the partnership were partially achieved, since that the city has improved over the approval and dropouts, although the approval of the Education Municipal Plan of the rules institutional (administrative, financial and educational) and the creation of the Councils observed that the school community participation is still limited, not being characterized as a coordinated intervention, capable of promoting the transformation and improvement its quality in the county. In the same way, the orientation of networking is a limit to the autonomy of schools, given the external definition of goals and strategies to be adopted, along with pressure exerted through the accountability of each school community for their achievements
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The pressure for a new pattern of sustainable development began to require of modern organizations the conciliation between competitiveness and a environmental protection. In this sense, a tool that acts in the implementation of structured strategies is the Environmental Management System (EMS), which focuses on improving environmental performance. This improvement, in turn, can generate to the organizations many benefits , among which, obtaining competitive advantages, susceptible of measurement from different perspectives. One of these is the application of VRIO model, reasoned by the Resource-Based View (RBV), which considers that differences between companies occurs due to differences between its internal resources and capabilities. However, although was been found some studies in the literature that evaluate the competitive potential of certain organizations , such assessments are not performed on specific objects, like the SEM s. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the resources and capabilities (environmental strategies) adopted by the SGA of the Verdegreen Hotel, identifying which of these have the potential to generate competitive advantage. For this, this exploratory-descriptive character study and delineated as field research and case study was used as data collection tools: a literature survey, semi-structured interviews, document research and participant observation. The interpretation of results and consolidation of information were conducted from a qualitative approach, using two techniques of data analysis, namely: content analysis and analysis through VRIO model. The results show that the hotel is quite structured in relation to their EMS, as well as reaching related to improving the management of environmental factors, strengthening the image and gains in competitiveness benefits. On the other hand, the main difficulties for the implementation of the system are related to employees and suppliers. With regard to environmental strategies adopted, of the 25 strategies identified, 10 showed the potential to generate competitive advantage
The Grass, have high relation for C/N and a fascicule root system, is an alternative for use in the system of tillage (SPD) in northeastern Brazil. This work had the objective to assess the effects of three plants and grass cover on the components of production of the corn crop in no-tillage system and accumulation of biomass of their grass. The design was randomized blocks with four replications, with each plot area of 112 m2 (5,6 x 20,0m). The treatments consisted of the corn cultivation, DKB-333-B, about three grass species (Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria humidicola and Tifton in the system of tillage and a witness, without vegetation. The B. decumbens provided higher income to the corn crop, producing 5708 kg ha-1, didn't differ of the witness. The use of grass as cover plants are a viable alternative to the SPD of the corn crop, adding value by producing two crops (corn and grass), and protect the soil against erosion and produce forage for ruminants during the between-season.
Forage plants cultivated in consortium with crop corn, facilitating the weed control in farming and cattle raising ecosystem, interfering not only in your biological productivity, like in your potential of distribution and infestation in area. This experiment was realized with the aim to evaluate the weed suppress by Brachiaria decumbens in intercropping with corn (Zea mays L.). The even was composed by combination of four forage plant density (0, 10, 15 and 20 kg ha(-1)) and three weed species (Ipomoea grandifolia, Digitaria horizontalis and Cenchrus echinatus), planted intercropping with corn. It was constated that B. decumbens was efficient in weed infestation suppress, being the most effective control for D. horizontalis. The leaf area and dry phytomass of weeds were affected (P<0.05) by forage plant presence, with variation between the density curve of Brachiaria only for weed D. horizontalis and I. grandifolia.
This study aimed to evaluate the performance and profitability of Canindé goats kept under semi-intensive management in mix farming system. 84 animals were used, being 81 does e three bucks.. The means of fertility rate at parturition, prolificacy and percentages of pregnant, kid survival and reproductive rate were compared by Tukey test at significance level of 5.0%. The kid weights from birth to weaning were submitted to variance analysis considering sex and birth type and the means were compared by Tukey test at 5.0% of significance. The percentages of fertility rate by ultrassographic were 91.36 and parturition 74.84. The prolificacy was 1.53. Independently of sex the mortality rate of kids from birth to weaning was 12.3. The average weights of offspring were 2.11 and 1.92 kg and 6.74 and 6.84 kg for male and female offspring at birth and weaning, in this order. The average weights of kids, meaning PN, P28, P56, P63, in the first season of kidding were 2.11 ± 0.46 kg, 3.63 ± 1.04 kg, 5.96 ± 158 kg and 6.74 ± 1.79 kg. There was significant differences (P<0,05) only to birth weight of kids sons of buck 135. However, the fertility at parturition for first and second breeding seasons (BS) were 87.65 and 62.96, respectively (P<0.05). The prolificacy was 1.58 and 1.47 to first and second BS in this order. The percentages of offspring survival from birth to weaning, to first and second BS were 92.86 and 80.00, respectively. From the first BS the reproduction rate was 1.28 while in the second was 0.74. After weaning the duration of lactation was 104 days to first breeding parturition and 38 days in the second one. The total milk production was 853.50 kg. The kids weight gain was influenced by season of year, wet and dry and buck (P<0.05). Were concluded that the seasons of year when breeding season and parturition occur strongly affected the productive performance and profitability of production system
The objective of this study was to characterize the socioeconomic profile of the family farmers who live and work in Brazilian rural space and highlight the importance of family agribusiness through the significant relation between some variables as the value of the total production, GDP share in total area of the establishments, agricultural production and farmer income, that show the important participation of these farmers in agricultural productivity and consequently on the economy of country. Therefore, this sector deserves a greater attention and more investment in the development of public policies that lead to a quality education in rural areas, availability of technical courses for farmers, technical assistance more efficient and effective, as well as funding more readily available
Most of ontogenetic studies on circadian timing system have been developed on infants, adults and elderly. The puberty has not been a stage of life few studied, except for researches in human adolescents, that presents phase delay in sleep-wake cycle. However, few studies have focused on the basis of this circadian change due to methodological difficulties. Thus, an animal model to study the sleep-wake cycle at puberty is essential. In the common marmoset, a social primate, the circadian activity periodicity stabilizes around 4 months (juvenile stage) and the 8h period component has a seasonal variation. Puberty stage of this species begins near the 8th month of age in males and near the 7th month in females with 7 months of duration. With the aim to characterize the circadian motor activity rhythm during puberty in marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) the motor activity was continuous registered by actiwatches in 6 animals between 5-12 months. Since the social factor influence the behavior of this specie, behavioral observations were realized in 30 minutes windows twice/week to a general evaluation of the influence social interactions dynamic across experiment. Determination of puberty onset was done by fecal progesterone and estrogens in females, and androgens in males. From the analysis of the multiple regression test was selected a model that evaluate age and seasonal variables effect on the activity rhythm according to the higher explanation coefficient. The total activity was the only parameter influenced by age. Moreover, the activity onset was the parameter more explained by the model, and the sunrise was the factor that most influenced it. After the puberty onset, 2 dyads advanced the activity onset. The activity total decreased in 1 dyad and increased in 2 dyads. This increase may be related to the birth of infants in these families. The motor activity circadian component stabilized later in 1 dyad, coinciding with the puberty onset of these animals, while bimodality, caused by the 8 h component, was modulated by seasonality. The agonistic behavior was not evaluated due to reduced number of events. There were changes across ages in affiliative behavior of contact in 1 dyad, grooming done in 1 animal and grooming received in 2 animals. Although there is evidence of puberty effect on the activity motor rhythm, the photoperiodic fluctuations influenced the rhythm. Therefore is not possible to affirm if the puberty modulate the activity rhythm in marmosets
The availability of nitrogen interferes in the dry matter quantity produced by the common bean crop, carrying on earlier or later closure of row spacings. Thus, the objective this study was to evaluate the response of common bean in three plants population (200, 240 and 300,000 plants per ha) in winter, to the nitrogen application at sowing (10 or 20 kg ha(-1)) and nitrogen rates at sidedressing (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 kg ha(-1)). The experimental design was a randomized block with four replicates in a factorial arrangement 3x2x5. According to the results obtained it was concluded that: a smaller plants population provided significant increase on productivity. Nitrogen rates at sowing (10 or 20 kg ha(-1)) did not alter the common bean productivity. The application of increasing nitrogen rates proposed significant increment of productivity and the fertilization with 100 kg ha(-1) at sidedressing increased in 20% the grain productivity compared with the control.