832 resultados para Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes


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We report on ring thulium-doped fiber laser hybrid mode-locked by single-walled carbon nanotubes and nonlinear polarization evolution generating 600-fs pulses at 1910-1980nm wavelength band with 72.5MHz repetition rate. Average output power reached 300mW in single-pulse operation regime, corresponding to 4.88kW peak power and 2.93nJ pulse energy.


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A thulium-doped all-fiber laser passively mode-locked by the co-action of nonlinear polarization evolution and single-walled carbon nanotubes operating at 1860-1980 nm wavelength band is demonstrated. Pumped with the single-mode laser diode at 1.55 μm laser generates near 500-fs soliton pulses at repetition rate ranging from 6.3 to 72.5 MHz in single-pulse operation regime. Having 3-m long cavity average output power reached 300 mW, giving the peak power of 4.88 kW and the pulse energy of 2.93 nJ with slope efficiency higher than 30%. At a 21.6-m long ring cavity average output power of 117 mW is obtained, corresponding to the pulse energy up to 10.87 nJ and a pulse peak power of 21.7 kW, leading to the higher-order soliton generation.


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This thesis demonstrates exciton engineering in semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes through tunable fluorescent quantum defects. By introducing different functional moieties on the sp2 lattice of carbon nanotubes, the nanotube photoluminescence is systematically tuned over 68 meV in the second near-infrared window. This new class of quantum emitters is enabled by a new chemistry that allows covalent attachment of alkyl/aryl functional groups from their iodide precursors in aqueous solution. Using aminoaryl quantum defects, we show that the pH and temperature of complex fluids can be optically measured through defect photoluminescence that encodes the local environment information. Furthermore, defect-bound trions, which are electron-hole-electron tri-carrier quasi-particles, are observed in alkylated single-walled carbon nanotubes at room temperature with surprisingly high photoluminescence brightness. Collectively, the emission from defect-bound excitons and trions in (6,5)-single walled carbon nanotubes is 18-fold brighter than that of the native exciton. These findings pave the way to chemical tailoring of the electronic and optical properties of carbon nanostructures with fluorescent quantum defects and may find applications in optoelectronics and bioimaging.


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The potential energies of van der Waals (VDW) interactions between two parallel, infinitely long and perfect SWNTs with identical, and different sizes were studied based on the continuum Lennard-Jones model. The conclusion of Girifalco's work on (n, n) SWNTs that the potentials of SWNT-SWNT fell on a single curve, is also applicable to SWNTs with different sizes. We further obtained the corresponding constants of the well depth phi(0) and equilibrium VDW gap g(0) for SWNTs with a radius from 2 to 25 Angstrom. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent progress in the production, purification, and experimental and theoretical investigations of carbon nanotubes for hydrogen storage are reviewed. From the industrial point of view, the chemical vapor deposition process has shown advantages over laser ablation and electric-arc-discharge methods. The ultimate goal in nanotube synthesis should be to gain control over geometrical aspects of nanotubes, such as location and orientation, and the atomic structure of nanotubes, including helicity and diameter. There is currently no effective and simple purification procedure that fulfills all requirements for processing carbon nanotubes. Purification is still the bottleneck for technical applications, especially where large amounts of material are required. Although the alkali-metal-doped carbon nanotubes showed high H-2 Weight uptake, further investigations indicated that some of this uptake was due to water rather than hydrogen. This discovery indicates a potential source of error in evaluation of the storage capacity of doped carbon nanotubes. Nevertheless, currently available single-wall nanotubes yield a hydrogen uptake value near 4 wt% under moderate pressure and room temperature. A further 50% increase is needed to meet U.S. Department of Energy targets for commercial exploitation. Meeting this target will require combining experimental and theoretical efforts to achieve a full understanding of the adsorption process, so that the uptake can be rationally optimized to commercially attractive levels. Large-scale production and purification of carbon nanotubes and remarkable improvement of H-2 storage capacity in carbon nanotubes represent significant technological and theoretical challenges in the years to come.


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Nitrogen adsorption on carbon nanotubes is wide- ly studied because nitrogen adsorption isotherm measurement is a standard method applied for porosity characterization. A further reason is that carbon nanotubes are potential adsorbents for separation of nitrogen from oxygen in air. The study presented here describes the results of GCMC simulations of nitrogen (three site model) adsorption on single and multi walled closed nanotubes. The results obtained are described by a new adsorption isotherm model proposed in this study. The model can be treated as the tube analogue of the GAB isotherm taking into account the lateral adsorbate-adsorbate interactions. We show that the model describes the simulated data satisfactorily. Next this new approach is applied for a description of experimental data measured on different commercially available (and characterized using HRTEM) carbon nanotubes. We show that generally a quite good fit is observed and therefore it is suggested that the observed mechanism of adsorption in the studied materials is mainly determined by adsorption on tubes separated at large distances, so the tubes behave almost independently.


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To determine the potential inhalatory risk posed by carbon nanotubes (CNTs), a tier-based approach beginning with an in vitro assessment must be adopted. The purpose of this study therefore was to compare 4 commonly used in vitro systems of the human lung (human blood monocyte-derived macrophages [MDM] and monocyte-derived dendritic cells [MDDC], 16HBE14o- epithelial cells, and a sophisticated triple cell co-culture model [TCC-C]) via assessment of the biological impact of different CNTs (single-walled CNTs [SWCNTs] and multiwalled CNTs [MWCNTs]) over 24h. No significant cytotoxicity was observed with any of the cell types tested, although a significant (p < .05), dose-dependent increase in tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α following SWCNT and MWCNT exposure at concentrations up to 0.02mg/ml to MDM, MDDC, and the TCC-C was found. The concentration of TNF-α released by the MDM and MDDC was significantly higher (p < .05) than the TCC-C. Significant increases (p < .05) in interleukin (IL)-8 were also found for both 16HBE14o- epithelial cells and the TCC-C after SWCNTs and MWCNTs exposure up to 0.02mg/ml. The TCC-C, however, elicited a significantly (p < .05) higher IL-8 release than the epithelial cells. The oxidative potential of both SWCNTs and MWCNTs (0.005-0.02mg/ml) measured by reduced glutathione (GSH) content showed a significant difference (p < .05) between each monoculture and the TCC-C. It was concluded that because only the co-culture system could assess each endpoint adequately, that, in comparison with monoculture systems, multicellular systems that take into consideration important cell type-to-cell type interactions could be used as predictive in vitro screening tools for determining the potential deleterious effects associated with CNTs.


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Electrical and thermal transport properties of the carbon nanotube bulk material compacted by spark plasma sintering have been investigated. The electrical conductivity of the as-prepared sample shows a lnT dependence from 4 to 50 K, after which the conductivity begins to increase approximately linearly with temperature. A magnetic field applied perpendicularly to the sample increases the electrical conductivity in the range of 0-8T at all testing temperatures, indicating that the sample possesses the two-dimensional weak localization at lower temperatures (?50 K), while behaviors like a semimetal at higher temperatures (?50 K). This material acts like a uniform compact consisting of randomly distributed two dimensional graphene layers. For the same material, the thermal conductivity is found to decrease almost linearly with decreasing temperature, similar to that of a single multi-walled carbon nanotube. Magnetic fields applied perpendicularly to the sample cause the thermal conductivity to decrease significantly, but the influence of the magnetic fields becomes weak when temperature increases.


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We report a highly efficient switch built from an organic molecule assembled between single-wall carbon nanotube electrodes. We theoretically show that changes in the distance between the electrodes alter the molecular conformation within the gap, affecting in a dramatic way the electronic and charge transport properties, with an on/off ratio larger than 300. This opens up the perspective of combining molecular electronics with carbon nanotubes, bringing great possibilities for the design of nanodevices.


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Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes can provide reactive sites on the porphyrin-like defects. It is well known that many porphyrins have transition-metal atoms, and we have explored transition-metal atoms bonded to those porphyrin-like defects inN-doped carbon nanotubes. The electronic structure and transport are analyzed by means of a combination of density functional theory and recursive Green's function methods. The results determined the heme B-like defect (an iron atom bonded to four nitrogens) is the most stable and has a higher polarization current for a single defect. With randomly positioned heme B defects in nanotubes a few hundred nanometers long, the polarization reaches near 100%, meaning they are effective spin filters. A disorder-induced magnetoresistance effect is also observed in those long nanotubes, and values as high as 20 000% are calculated with nonmagnectic eletrodes.


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Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology® is the World's first encyclopedia ever published in the field of nanotechnology. The 10-volume Encyclopedia is an unprecedented single reference source that provides ideal introduction and overview of most recent advances and emerging new aspects of nanotechnology spanning from science to engineering to medicine. Although there are many books/handbook and journals focused on nanotechnology, no encyclopedic reference work has been published covering all aspects of nanoscale science and technology dealing with materials synthesis, processing, fabrication, probes, spectroscopy, physical properties, electronics, optics, mechanics, biotechnology, devices, etc. The Encyclopedia fills this gap to provide basic information on all fundamental and applied aspects of nanotechnology by drawing on two decades of pioneering research. It is the only scientific work of its kind since the beginning of the field of nanotechnology bringing together core knowledge and the very latest advances. It is written for all levels audience that allows non-scientists to understand the nanotechnology while providing up-to-date latest information to active scientists to experts in the field. This outstanding encyclopedia is an indispensable source for research professionals, technology investors and developers seeking the most up-to-date information on the nanotechnology among a wide range of disciplines from science to engineering to medicine.


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Using low cost portable devices that enable a single analytical step for screening environmental contaminants is today a demanding issue. This concept is here tried out by recycling screen-printed electrodes that were to be disposed of and by choosing as sensory element a low cost material offering specific response for an environmental contaminant. Microcystins (MCs) were used as target analyte, for being dangerous toxins produced by cyanobacteria released into water bodies. The sensory element was a plastic antibody designed by surface imprinting with carefully selected monomers to ensure a specific response. These were designed on the wall of carbon nanotubes, taking advantage of their exceptional electrical properties. The stereochemical ability of the sensory material to detect MCs was checked by preparing blank materials where the imprinting stage was made without the template molecule. The novel sensory material for MCs was introduced in a polymeric matrix and evaluated against potentiometric measurements. Nernstian response was observed from 7.24 × 10−10 to 1.28 × 10−9 M in buffer solution (10 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl, pH 6.6), with average slopes of −62 mVdecade−1 and detection capabilities below 1 nM. The blank materials were unable to provide a linear response against log(concentration), showing only a slight potential change towards more positive potentials with increasing concentrations (while that ofthe plastic antibodies moved to more negative values), with a maximum rate of +33 mVdecade−1. The sensors presented good selectivity towards sulphate, iron and ammonium ions, and also chloroform and tetrachloroethylene (TCE) and fast response (<20 s). This concept was successfully tested on the analysis of spiked environmental water samples. The sensors were further applied onto recycled chips, comprehending one site for the reference electrode and two sites for different selective membranes, in a biparametric approach for “in situ” analysis.


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BACKGROUND: carbon nanotubes (CNT) can have adverse effects on health. Therefore, minimizing the risk associated with CNT exposure is of crucial importance. The aim of this work was to evaluate if coating multi-walled CNT (MWCNT) with polymers could modify their toxicity, thus representing a useful strategy to decrease adverse health effects of CNT. We used industrially-produced MWCNT uncoated (NT1) or coated (50/50 wt%) with acid-based (NT2) or polystyrene-based (NT3) polymer, and exposed murine macrophages (RAW 264.7 cell line) or Balb/c mice by intratracheal administration. Biological experiments were performed both in vitro and in vivo, examining time- and dose-dependent effects of CNT, in terms of cytotoxicity, expression of genes and proteins related to oxidative stress, inflammation and tissue remodeling, cell and lung tissue morphology (optical and transmission electron microscopy), and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid content analysis.RESULTS: extensive physico-chemical characterization of MWCNT was performed, and showed, although similar dimensions for the 3 MWCNT, a much smaller specific surface area for NT2 and NT3 as compared to NT1 (54.1, 34 and 227.54 m(2)/g respectively), along with different surface characteristics. MWCNT-induced cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammation were increased by acid-based and decreased by polystyrene-based polymer coating both in vitro in murine macrophages and in vivo in lung of mice monitored for 6 months.CONCLUSIONS: these results demonstrate that coating CNT with polymers, without affecting their intrinsic structure, may constitute a useful strategy for decreasing CNT toxicity, and may hold promise for improving occupational safety and that of general the user.


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Les nanotubes de carbone forment une structure quasi-unidimensionnelle de diamètre nanométrique, dont les propriétés mécaniques et électroniques, en particulier leur remarquable conductivité électrique, présentent un grand potentiel pour la conception de dispositifs électroniques. Les nanotubes fonctionnalisés, c’est-à-dire dont la paroi a été chimiquement modifiée, présentent aussi un intérêt majeur pour leur mise en œuvre facilitée et pour la formation d’une interface active entre le nanotube et l’environnement, cette dernière étant essentielle pour la conception de nanocapteurs chimiques et biologiques. La présente thèse porte sur l’étude des mécanismes gouvernant le transport électrique dans les nanotubes de carbone et leurs dérivés fonctionnalisés. Les travaux, de nature expérimentale, ont été réalisés sur des dispositifs électroniques constitués d’un nanotube individuel monoparoi ou biparoi, additionné de groupes fonctionnels au besoin. En première partie, on s’intéresse à l’effet de la dimensionnalité sur les mécanismes d’injection des porteurs de charge au niveau des contacts électriques avec le nanotube. En seconde partie, on étudie l’effet de la fonctionnalisation covalente sur les propriétés de transport électrique des nanotubes, et on montre notamment que l’impact de l’addition des greffons varie fortement selon leur valence et qu’il est possible d’obtenir des nanotubes fonctionnalisés avec une bonne conductance. En troisième partie, on explore les phénomènes de saturation du courant et de claquage électrique survenant à haut voltage. Enfin, on discute de l’impact des résultats obtenus sur l’avancement de la compréhension des mécanismes de transport électrique dans les systèmes hautement confinés, ainsi que des perspectives fondamentales et technologiques ouvertes par ces travaux.


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This paper describes the development, electrochemical characterization and utilization of a cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc), modified multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), and paraffin composite electrode for the quantitative determination of epinephrine (EP) in human urine samples. The electrochemical profile of the proposed composite electrode was analyzed by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) that showed a shift of the oxidation peak potential of EP at 175 mV to less positive value, compared with a paraffin/graphite composite electrode without CoPc. DPV experiments in PBS at pH 6.0 were performed to determine EP without any previous step of extraction, clean-up, and derivatization, in the range from 1.33 to 5.50 mu mol L(-1), with a detection limit of 15.6 nmol L(-1) (2.86) of EP in electrolyte prepared with purified water. The lifetime of the proposed sensors was at least over 1000 determinations with 1.7 and 3.1 repeatability and reproducibility relative standard deviations, respectively. Human urine samples without any purification step were successfully analyzed under the standard addition method using paraffin/MWCNT/CoPc composite electrode. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.