981 resultados para Shoot Meristem
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Transposable elements (TEs) account for a large portion of plant genomes, particularly in grasses, in which they correspond to 50%-80% of the genomic content. TEs have recently been shown to be a source of new genes and new regulatory networks. The most striking contribution of TEs is referred as "molecular domestication", by which the element coding sequence loses its movement capacity and acquires cellular function. Recently, domesticated transposases known as mustang and derived from the Mutator element have been described in sugarcane. In order to improve our understanding of the function of these proteins, we identified mustang genes from Sorghum bicolor and Zea mays and performed a phenetic analysis to assess the diversity and evolutionary history of this gene family. This analysis identified orthologous groups and showed that mustang genes are highly conserved in grass genomes. We also explored the transcriptional activity of sugarcane mustang genes in heterologous and homologous systems. These genes were found to be ubiquitously transcribed, with shoot apical meristem having the highest expression levels, and were downregulated by phytohormones. Together, these findings suggest the possible involvement of mustang proteins in the maintenance of hormonal homeostasis.
Calcium (Ca) and boron (B) have been reported as the major macro-and micronutrient required for castor bean plant yield. The objective of this study was to determine the Ca: B ratios (in the growth media and plant tissue) for fruit yield and shoot dry weight of the castor bean (Ricinus communis L.), grown in a nutrient solution, and to evaluate Ca and B supply on concentration and total uptake of Ca, potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), and B, as well on the seed oil content. The treatments were arranged in a 3 x 3 factorial fashion, consisting of three rates of Ca (40, 80, and 160 mg L-1) and three of B (0.32, 0.96, and 1.60 mg L-1). Calcium and B rates increased the shoot and root dry weight and fruit yield at a Ca: B ratio in the nutrient solution of 166 and 100, respectively. Symptoms of B deficiency were observed in plants supplied with 0.32 mg B L-1, regardless of the Ca concentration in the nutrient solution. Plants which showed visual symptoms of Ca deficiency cultivated with 40 mg Ca L-1 presented concentration of Ca in plant tissue up to 10 g kg(-1). The concentration and total Ca and B uptake increased with the rates of them. Notwithstanding, the shoot Ca accumulation was improved by B rates. In addition, there were no decreases in K and Mg uptake due to Ca rates. Furthermore, addition of 80 mg L-1 of Ca and 1.60 mg L-1 of B in the growth media increased the seed oil content. The Ca: B ratio in the diagnostic leaf associated with the highest plant dry weight (shoot and root) and fruit yield, was 500 (16 to 20 g kg(-1) of Ca, and for 30 to 40 mg kg(-1) of B).
Background: It had long been thought that a lateral meristem, the so-called primary thickening meristem (PTM) was responsible for stem thickening in monocotyledons. Recent work has shown that primary thickening in the stems of monocotyledons is due to the meristematic activity of both the endodermis and the pericycle. Aims: The aim of this work is to answer a set of questions about the developmental anatomy of monocotyledonous plants: (1) Do the stem apices of monocots have a special meristematic tissue, the PTM? (2) Are the primary tissues of the stem the same as those of the root? (3) Is there good evidence for the formation of both the cortex and the vascular tissue from a single meristem, the PTM, in the shoot and from two distinguishable meristems in the root? (4) If the PTM forms only the cortex, what kind of meristem forms the vascular tissue? Methods: Light microscopy was used to examine stem and root anatomy in 16 species from 10 monocotyledonous families. Results: It was observed that radially aligned cortical cells extend outwards from endodermal initial cells in the cortex of the roots and the stems in all the species. The radial gradation in size observed indicates that the cortical cells are derivatives of a meristematic endodermis. In addition, perfect continuity was observed between the endodermis of the root and that of the stem. Meristematic activity in the pericycle gives rise to cauline vascular bundles composed of metaxylem and metaphloem. Conclusion: No evidence was obtained for the existence in monocotyledons of a PTM. Monocotyledons appear to resemble other vascular plants in this respect.
Despite the wide use of plant regeneration for biotechnological purposes, the signals that allow cells to become competent to assume different fates remain largely unknown. Here, it is demonstrated that the Regeneration1 (Rg1) allele, a natural genetic variation from the tomato wild relative Solanum peruvianum, increases the capacity to form both roots and shoots in vitro; and that the gibberellin constitutive mutant procera (pro) presented the opposite phenotype, reducing organogenesis on either root-inducing medium (RIM) or shoot-inducing medium (SIM). Mutants showing alterations in the formation of specific organs in vitro were the auxin low-sensitivity diageotropica (dgt), the lateral suppresser (ls), and the KNOX-overexpressing Mouse ears (Me). dgt failed to form roots on RIM, Me increased shoot formation on SIM, and the high capacity for in vitro shoot formation of ls contrasted with its recalcitrance to form axillary meristems. Interestingly, Rg1 rescued the in vitro organ formation capacity in proRg1 and dgtRg1 double mutants and the ex vitro low lateral shoot formation in pro and ls. Such epistatic interactions were also confirmed in gene expression and histological analyses conducted in the single and double mutants. Although Me phenocopied the high shoot formation of Rg1 on SIM, it failed to increase rooting on RIM and to rescue the non-branching phenotype of ls. Taken together, these results suggest REGENERATION1 and the DELLA mutant PROCERA as controlling a common competence to assume distinct cell fates, rather than the specific induction of adventitious roots or shoots, which is controlled by DIAGEOTROPICA and MOUSE EARS, respectively.
This thesis presents a comparative developmental study of inflorescences and focuses on the production of the terminal flower (TF). Morphometric attributes of inflorescence meristems (IM) were obtained throughout the ontogeny of inflorescence buds with the aim of describing possible spatial constraints that could explain the failure in developing the TF. The study exposes the inflorescence ontogeny of 20 species from five families of the Eudicots (Berberidaceae, Papaveraceae-Fumarioideae, Rosaceae, Campanulaceae and Apiaceae) in which 745 buds of open (i.e. without TF) and closed (i.e. with TF) inflorescences were observed under the scanning electron microscope.rnThe study shows that TFs appear on IMs which are 2,75 (se = 0,38) times larger than the youngest lateral reproductive primordium. The shape of these IMs is characterized by a leaf arc (phyllotactic attribute) of 91,84° (se = 7,32) and a meristematic elevation of 27,93° (se = 5,42). IMs of open inflorescences show a significant lower relative surface, averaging 1,09 (se=0,26) times the youngest primordium size, which suggests their incapacity for producing TFs. The relative lower size of open IMs is either a condition throughout the complete ontogeny (‘open I’) or a result from the drastic reduction of the meristematic surface after flower segregation (‘open II’). rnIt is concluded that a suitable bulge configuration of the IM is a prerequisite for TF formation. Observations in the TF-facultative species Daucus carota support this view, as the absence of the TF in certain umbellets is correlated with a reduction of their IM dimensions. A review of literature regarding histological development of IMs and genetic regulation of inflorescences suggests that in ‘open I’ inflorescences, the histological composition and molecular activity at the tip of the IM could impede the TF differentiation. On the other side, in ‘open II’ inflorescences, the small final IM bulge could represent a spatial constraint that hinders the differentiation of the TF. The existence of two distinct kinds of ontogenies of open inflorescences suggests two ways in which the loss of the TF could have occurred in the course of evolution.rn