937 resultados para Sheet-metal work.


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Por parte da indústria de estampagem tem-se verificado um interesse crescente em simulações numéricas de processos de conformação de chapa, incluindo também métodos de engenharia inversa. Este facto ocorre principalmente porque as técnicas de tentativa-erro, muito usadas no passado, não são mais competitivas a nível económico. O uso de códigos de simulação é, atualmente, uma prática corrente em ambiente industrial, pois os resultados tipicamente obtidos através de códigos com base no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF) são bem aceites pelas comunidades industriais e científicas Na tentativa de obter campos de tensão e de deformação precisos, uma análise eficiente com o MEF necessita de dados de entrada corretos, como geometrias, malhas, leis de comportamento não-lineares, carregamentos, leis de atrito, etc.. Com o objetivo de ultrapassar estas dificuldades podem ser considerados os problemas inversos. No trabalho apresentado, os seguintes problemas inversos, em Mecânica computacional, são apresentados e analisados: (i) problemas de identificação de parâmetros, que se referem à determinação de parâmetros de entrada que serão posteriormente usados em modelos constitutivos nas simulações numéricas e (ii) problemas de definição geométrica inicial de chapas e ferramentas, nos quais o objetivo é determinar a forma inicial de uma chapa ou de uma ferramenta tendo em vista a obtenção de uma determinada geometria após um processo de conformação. São introduzidas e implementadas novas estratégias de otimização, as quais conduzem a parâmetros de modelos constitutivos mais precisos. O objetivo destas estratégias é tirar vantagem das potencialidades de cada algoritmo e melhorar a eficiência geral dos métodos clássicos de otimização, os quais são baseados em processos de apenas um estágio. Algoritmos determinísticos, algoritmos inspirados em processos evolucionários ou mesmo a combinação destes dois são usados nas estratégias propostas. Estratégias de cascata, paralelas e híbridas são apresentadas em detalhe, sendo que as estratégias híbridas consistem na combinação de estratégias em cascata e paralelas. São apresentados e analisados dois métodos distintos para a avaliação da função objetivo em processos de identificação de parâmetros. Os métodos considerados são uma análise com um ponto único ou uma análise com elementos finitos. A avaliação com base num único ponto caracteriza uma quantidade infinitesimal de material sujeito a uma determinada história de deformação. Por outro lado, na análise através de elementos finitos, o modelo constitutivo é implementado e considerado para cada ponto de integração. Problemas inversos são apresentados e descritos, como por exemplo, a definição geométrica de chapas e ferramentas. Considerando o caso da otimização da forma inicial de uma chapa metálica a definição da forma inicial de uma chapa para a conformação de um elemento de cárter é considerado como problema em estudo. Ainda neste âmbito, um estudo sobre a influência da definição geométrica inicial da chapa no processo de otimização é efetuado. Este estudo é realizado considerando a formulação de NURBS na definição da face superior da chapa metálica, face cuja geometria será alterada durante o processo de conformação plástica. No caso dos processos de otimização de ferramentas, um processo de forjamento a dois estágios é apresentado. Com o objetivo de obter um cilindro perfeito após o forjamento, dois métodos distintos são considerados. No primeiro, a forma inicial do cilindro é otimizada e no outro a forma da ferramenta do primeiro estágio de conformação é otimizada. Para parametrizar a superfície livre do cilindro são utilizados diferentes métodos. Para a definição da ferramenta são também utilizados diferentes parametrizações. As estratégias de otimização propostas neste trabalho resolvem eficientemente problemas de otimização para a indústria de conformação metálica.


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The trend in the automotive industry towards new advanced high strength steels (AHSS), combined with the ongoing reduction in program lead times have increased the need to get tool designs right, first time. Despite the fact that the technology used by sheet metal stamping companies to design and manufacture tooling is advancing steadily, finding optimal process parameters and tool geometries remains a challenge. Consequently, there has been a transition from designs based largely on trial and error techniques and the experience of the stamping engineer, to the increased use of virtual manufacturing and finite element (FE) simulation predictions as an indispensable tool in the design process. This work investigates the accuracy of FE techniques in predicting the forming behavior of AHSS grades, such as TRIP and dual phase, as compared to more commonly used conventional steel grades. Three different methods of simulation, one-step, implicit and explicit techniques, were used to model the forming process for an automotive part. Results were correlated with experimental strain and thickness measurements of manufactured components from the production line.


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Incremental sheet forming enables sheet metal to deform above a conventional strain-based forming limit. The mechanics reason has not been clearly explained yet. In this work, the stress-based forming limit was utilized for through-thickness necking analysis to explain this uncovered question. Stress-based forming limit which has path-independency shows that the stress states in top, middle and bottom surfaces did not exceed the forming limit curve at the same time and each layer has different stress state in terms of their deformation history to suppress necking. It has been found that it is important to consider the gradient stress profile following the deformation history for the proper forming limit analysis of incremental sheet forming. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Shearing is the process where sheet metal is mechanically cut between two tools. Various shearing technologies are commonly used in the sheet metal industry, for example, in cut to length lines, slitting lines, end cropping etc. Shearing has speed and cost advantages over competing cutting methods like laser and plasma cutting, but involves large forces on the equipment and large strains in the sheet material. The constant development of sheet metals toward higher strength and formability leads to increased forces on the shearing equipment and tools. Shearing of new sheet materials imply new suitable shearing parameters. Investigations of the shearing parameters through live tests in the production are expensive and separate experiments are time consuming and requires specialized equipment. Studies involving a large number of parameters and coupled effects are therefore preferably performed by finite element based simulations. Accurate experimental data is still a prerequisite to validate such simulations. There is, however, a shortage of accurate experimental data to validate such simulations. In industrial shearing processes, measured forces are always larger than the actual forces acting on the sheet, due to friction losses. Shearing also generates a force that attempts to separate the two tools with changed shearing conditions through increased clearance between the tools as result. Tool clearance is also the most common shearing parameter to adjust, depending on material grade and sheet thickness, to moderate the required force and to control the final sheared edge geometry. In this work, an experimental procedure that provides a stable tool clearance together with accurate measurements of tool forces and tool displacements, was designed, built and evaluated. Important shearing parameters and demands on the experimental set-up were identified in a sensitivity analysis performed with finite element simulations under the assumption of plane strain. With respect to large tool clearance stability and accurate force measurements, a symmetric experiment with two simultaneous shears and internal balancing of forces attempting to separate the tools was constructed. Steel sheets of different strength levels were sheared using the above mentioned experimental set-up, with various tool clearances, sheet clamping and rake angles. Results showed that tool penetration before fracture decreased with increased material strength. When one side of the sheet was left unclamped and free to move, the required shearing force decreased but instead the force attempting to separate the two tools increased. Further, the maximum shearing force decreased and the rollover increased with increased tool clearance. Digital image correlation was applied to measure strains on the sheet surface. The obtained strain fields, together with a material model, were used to compute the stress state in the sheet. A comparison, up to crack initiation, of these experimental results with corresponding results from finite element simulations in three dimensions and at a plane strain approximation showed that effective strains on the surface are representative also for the bulk material. A simple model was successfully applied to calculate the tool forces in shearing with angled tools from forces measured with parallel tools. These results suggest that, with respect to tool forces, a plane strain approximation is valid also at angled tools, at least for small rake angles. In general terms, this study provide a stable symmetric experimental set-up with internal balancing of lateral forces, for accurate measurements of tool forces, tool displacements, and sheet deformations, to study the effects of important shearing parameters. The results give further insight to the strain and stress conditions at crack initiation during shearing, and can also be used to validate models of the shearing process.


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There is a shortage of experimentally determined strains during sheet metal shearing. These kinds of data are a requisite to validate shearing models and to simulate the shearing process. In this work, strain fields were continuously measured during shearing of a medium and a high strength steel sheet, using digital image correlation. Preliminary studies based on finite element simulations, suggested that the effective surface strains are a good approximation of the bulk strains below the surface. The experiments were performed in a symmetric set-up with large stiffness and stable tool clearances, using various combinations of tool clearance and clamping configuration. Due to large deformations, strains were measured from images captured in a series of steps from shearing start to final fracture. Both the Cauchy and Hencky strain measures were considered, but the difference between these were found negligible with the number of increments used (about 20 to 50). Force-displacement curves were also determined for the various experimental conditions. The measured strain fields displayed a thin band of large strain between the tool edges. Shearing with two clamps resulted in a symmetric strain band whereas there was an extended area with large strains around the tool at the unclamped side when shearing with one clamp. Furthermore, one or two cracks were visible on most of the samples close to the tool edges well before final fracture. The fracture strain was larger for the medium strength material compared with the high-strength material and increased with increasing clearance.


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Friction can influence the quality of the finished product to a large extent in certain manufacturing processes. Sheet metal forming is a particular case, where the friction between the hard-die and the relatively soft work-piece can be extremely important. Under such conditions, topography of the harder surface can influence the resistance to traction at the interface. This paper discusses about the correlation between certain features of the surface; topography and coefficient of friction based on experiments involving sliding of a few soft metal pins against a harder material. A brief description of the experimental procedure and the analysis are presented. A hybrid parameter which encapsulates both the amplitude features as well as the relative packing of peaks is shown to correlate well with the coefficient of friction.


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[ES]En el presente trabajo, se pretende optimizar la unión atornillada de chapas de dos materiales disimilares (acero y aluminio) mediante un proceso no convencional, el taladrado por fricción. Dicho proceso está orientado a la calderería fina, sector en el cual tiene gran número de aplicaciones. Se comenzará con una serie de ensayos iníciales y se procederá a realizar pruebas sistemáticas. Se realizarán mediciones de temperaturas, momentos torsores y fuerzas, y se analizaran las tolerancias dimensionales generadas por el proceso para la elección de los parámetros óptimos. El documento se centrará en analizar de forma teórica el comportamiento mecánico de la unión y de los ensayos de tracción correspondientes. Esto servirá para realizar los futuros ensayos de calidad y posteriormente comparar los resultados con los de las uniones convencionales.


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As espumas de alumínio são materiais ultraleves, o que as torna atractivas para um largo espectro de aplicações comerciais na área da defesa, na indústria automóvel e aeroespacial, entre outras. Actualmente, há um grande interesse na utilização de espumas de alumínio em componentes estruturais ultraleves, incorporados em sistemas de absorção de energia para protecção contra o impacto. O recurso à simulação numérica para resolver problemas de engenharia em várias áreas é cada vez mais comum. A modelação numérica dos materiais assume vital importância quando o problema envolve a análise de processos tecnológicos como, por exemplo, a conformação plástica de materiais, ou a análise de estruturas. Deste modo, torna-se imprescindível garantir que a modelação dos materiais é de tal forma rigorosa que permite simular o melhor possível o seu comportamento real nas condições concretas da análise a realizar. A forma mais comum de garantir o rigor dos modelos utilizados é a validação dos modelos numéricos tendo por base resultados experimentais. Neste trabalho, fez-se a caracterização do comportamento mecânico das espumas de alumínio com nome comercial ALPORAS!, obtidas pelo processo de fabrico denominado expansão directa do metal fundido por adição de um agente expansor. Esta caracterização consistiu num conjunto de ensaios experimentais quer no regime quasi-estático, quer no regime dinâmico. No regime quasi-estático realizaram-se ensaios de compressão uniaxial e de compressão multiaxial. Para a caracterização no regime dinâmico foram realizados ensaios em barras de Hopkinson de polimetil-metacrilato (PMMA). Com base nos resultados experimentais obtidos determinaram-se os parâmetros dos dois modelos constitutivos para espumas metálicas implementados no programa comercial Abaqus™/Explicit. Estes modelos, e os respectivos parâmetros determinados, foram validados reproduzindo numericamente alguns ensaios experimentais quasi-estáticos e dinâmicos. Assim, verificou-se a adequabilidade dos modelos em diversas condições quer em termos de esforços quer em termos de regime de taxa de deformação Por último, desenvolveu-se uma estrutura inovadora para absorção de energia durante um impacto, constituída por componentes perfilados em liga de alumínio e por componentes em espumas de alumínio. Esta estrutura foi testada exclusivamente com recurso à simulação numérica, utilizando os modelos constitutivos validados anteriormente.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica - Construções Mecânicas


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Guilhotinas são máquinas robustas, de corte rectilíneo, normalmente associadas a equipamentos de baixo custo, devido à pequena quantidade de dispositivos tecnológicos incorporados. No entanto, esta situação pode ser alterada através da criatividade dos projetistas deste tipo de equipamento. Analisando algumas operações específicas, pode-se observar que algumas ferramentas, quando associadas ao equipamento, podem aumentar substancialmente a produtividade do processo de corte e a qualidade do produto final. Em relação ao processo de corte de chapas finas de metal, pode-se observar que na fase final de corte, o peso do material a cortar é suspenso por uma pequena porção de material que ainda não foi sujeita ao corte. Este facto leva a uma deformação plástica nesta última zona, causando problemas de qualidade no produto final, que não ficará completamente plano. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em torno deste problema, estudando a melhor solução para desenvolver uma nova ferramenta, capaz de evitar a falta de nivelamento da placa, após corte. Um novo equipamento foi concebido, capaz de ser facilmente incorporado na guilhotina, permitindo o acompanhamento da inclinação da lâmina durante a operação de corte. O sistema é totalmente automatizado, sendo operado por uma única instrução de corte dada pelo operador da máquina. Este sistema permite à empresa fabricante aumentar o valor agregado de cada máquina, oferecendo aos clientes soluções avançadas, contribuindo desta forma para a sustentabilidade do negócio da empresa.


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This thesis in Thermal Flow Drilling and Flowtap in thin metal sheet and pipes of copper and copper alloys had as objectives to know the comportment of copper and copper alloys sheet metal during the Thermal Flow Drill processes with normal tools, to know the best Speed and Feed machine data for the best bushing quality, to known the best Speed for Form Tapping processes and to know the best bush long in pure copper pipes for water solar interchange equipment. Thermal Flow Drilling (TFD) and Form Tapping (FT) is one of the research lines of the Institute of Production and Logistics (IPL) at University of Kassel. At December 1995, a work meeting of IPL, Santa Catarina University, Brazil, Buenos Aires University, Argentine, Tarapacá University (UTA), Chile members and the CEO of Flowdrill B.V. was held in Brazil. The group decided that the Manufacturing Laboratory (ML) of UTA would work with pure copper and brass alloys sheet metal and pure copper pipes in order to develop a water interchange solar heater. The Flowdrill BV Company sent tools to Tarapacá University in 1996. In 1999 IPL and the ML carried out an ALECHILE research project promoted by the DAAD and CONICyT in copper sheet metal and copper pipes and sheet metal a-brass alloys. The normal tools are lobed, conical tungsten carbide tool. When rotated at high speed and pressed with high axial force into sheet metal or thin walled tube generated heat softens the metal and allows the drill to feed forward produce a hole and simultaneously form a bushing from the displacement material. In the market exist many features but in this thesis is used short and longs normal tools of TFD. For reach the objectives it was takes as references four qualities of the frayed end bushing, where the best one is the quality class I. It was used pure copper and a-brass alloys sheet metals, with different thickness. It was used different TFD drills diameter for four thread type, from M-5 to M10. Similar to the Aluminium sheet metals studies it was used the predrilling processes with HSS drills around 30% of the TFD diameter (1,5 – 3,0 mm D). In the next step is used only 2,0 mm thick metal sheet, and 9,2 mm TFD diameter for M-10 thread. For the case of pure commercial copper pipes is used for ¾” inch diameter and 12, 8 mm (3/8”) TFD drill for holes for 3/8” pipes and different normal HSS drills for predrilling processes. The chemical sheet metal characteristics were takes as reference for the material behaviour. The Chilean pure copper have 99,35% of Cu and 0,163% of Zinc and the Chilean a-brass alloys have 75,6% of Cu and 24,0% of Zinc. It is used two German a-brass alloys; Nº1 have 61,6% of Cu, 36,03 % of Zinc and 2,2% of Pb and the German a-brass alloys Nº2 have 63,1% of Cu, 36,7% of Zinc and 0% of Pb. The equipments used were a HAAS CNC milling machine centre, a Kistler dynamometer, PC Pentium II, Acquisition card, TESTPOINT and XAct software, 3D measurement machine, micro hardness, universal test machine, and metallographic microscope. During the test is obtained the feed force and momentum curves that shows the material behaviour with TFD processes. In general it is take three phases. It was possible obtain the best machining data for the different sheet of copper and a-brass alloys thick of Chilean materials and bush quality class I. In the case of a-brass alloys, the chemical components and the TFD processes temperature have big influence. The temperature reach to 400º Celsius during the TFD processes and the a-brass alloys have some percents of Zinc the bush quality is class I. But when the a-brass alloys have some percents of Lead who have 200º C melting point is not possible to obtain a bush, because the Lead gasify and the metallographic net broke. During the TFD processes the recrystallization structures occur around the Copper and a-brass alloy bush, who gives more hardness in these zones. When the threads were produce with Form Tapping processes with Flowtap tools, this hardness amount gives a high limit load of the thread when hey are tested in a special support that was developed for it. For eliminated the predrilling processes with normal HSS drills it was developed a compound tool. With this new tool it was possible obtain the best machining data for quality class I bush. For the copper pipes it is made bush without predrilling and the quality class IV was obtained. When it is was used predrilling processes, quality classes I bush were obtained. Then with different HSS drill diameter were obtained different long bush, where were soldering with four types soldering materials between pipes with 3/8” in a big one as ¾”. Those soldering unions were tested by traction test and all the 3/8” pipes broken, and the soldering zone doesn’t have any problem. Finally were developed different solar water interchange heaters and tested. As conclusions, the present Thesis shows that the Thermal Flow Drilling in thinner metal sheets of cooper and cooper alloys needs a predrilling process for frayed end quality class I bushings, similar to thinner sheets of aluminium bushes. The compound tool developed could obtain quality class I bushings and excludes predrilling processes. The bush recrystalization, product of the friction between the tool and the material, the hardness grows and it is advantageous for the Form Tapping. The methodology developed for commercial copper pipes permits to built water solar interchange heaters.


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Un dels processos tradicionals de conformació de xapa més utilitzats a nivell industrial, degut a la seva rapidesa d’operació i la seva maduresa del procés, és l’embotició. Per a dur a terme aquest procés és necessària la construcció d’uns utillatges (matriu i punxó) per a cada tipus de producte. Aquests utillatges estan fabricats amb materials altament resistents ja que han de poder suportar càrregues molt importants durant la deformació. A més, s’han de garantir unes precisions dimensionals molt bones per tal d’evitar el xoc entre les dues parts de l’utillatge i per a assegurar que la peça obtinguda tingui les dimensions desitjades. Aquest fet implica que el procés d’obtenció de les matrius i punxons tingui un cost molt elevat i per a amortitzar-lo és necessari que la producció sigui en massa.L’objecte d’aquest projecte és adaptar el centre de mecanitzat Kondia HS1000 per tal de poder dur a terme recerca bàsica de la tecnologia de conformat incremental de xapa (ISF) en el Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria del Producte, Procés i Producció (GREP)


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Friction plays an important role in sheet metal forming (SMF) and the roughness of the surface of the sheet is a major factor that influences friction. In finite element method (FEM) models of metal forming, the roughness has usually been assumed to be constant; even though it is commonly observed that sheet drawn under tension over a tool radius results in the surface becoming shiny, indicating a major change in surface morphology. An elastic–plastic FEM model for micro-contact between a flat surface and a single roughness peak has been developed. The model was used to investigate the effect of the membrane stress in the sheet on the deformation of an artificial roughness peak. From the simulation results, the change in asperity, or deformation of the local peak, for a given nominal tool contact stress is significantly influenced by the local substrate stress. The height of the asperity decreases with increasing substrate stress and the local pressure is much higher than the nominal pressure. In addition, the local contact stress decreases with an increase in the substrate stress levels.


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Friction is a critical factor for sheet metal forming (SMF). The Coulomb friction model is usually used in most finite element (FE) simulation for SMF. However, friction is a function of the local contact deformation conditions, such as local pressure, roughness and relative velocity. Frictional behaviour between contact surfaces can be based on three cases: boundary, hydrodynamic and mixed lubrication. In our microscopic friction model based on the finite element method (FEM), the case of dry contact between sheet and tool has been considered. In the view of microscopic geometry, roughness depends upon amplitude and wavelength of surface asperities of sheet and tool. The mean pressure applied on the surface differs from the pressure over the actual contact area. The effect of roughness (microscopic geometric condition) and relative speed of contact surfaces on friction coefficient was examined in the FE model for the microscopic friction behaviour. The analysis was performed using an explicit FE formulation. In this study, it was found that the roughness of deformable sheet decreases during sliding and the coefficient of friction increases with increasing roughness of contact surfaces. Also, the coefficient of friction increases with the increase of relative velocity and adhesive friction coefficient between contact surfaces.