983 resultados para Shallow drilling


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The increased demand for water placed upon the water resources of St. Lucie County by the expanding agricultural use has brought about hydrologic changes with ensuing problems. This report documents these changes and provides data which are necessary in solving the problems. (PDF has 59 pages)


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Scientists from the Institute with the collaboration of Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), Rome designed and built a 10-m (LOA) shallow draft vessel. The prototype vessel was tried at Uta-Ewa, Ikot Abasi, Cross River State. The paper deals with the preliminary economic analysis of the performance of prototype vessel. An analysis of the annual return has shown that 43.66% of the annual gross income was paid to labour; 15.91% was spent on repairs and replacements; 7.76% on fuel and lubricants; 24.38% on maintenance costs and the return of investment, 6.2%. This low return of investment is attributable to high percentage of labour costs as well as low fishing intensity


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Over much of Britain, 1995 and 1996 have been perceived as drought years. To evaluate the impact that local climatic conditions are having upon successional changes in higher vegetation (macrophytes), Speakmans Pond in Epping Forest was surveyed and mapped in 1996. The results are related to previous vegetation surveys carried out in 1989 and 1991. In 1989 the dominant marginal vegetation was floating sweet-grass Glyceria fluitans, which also covered a major part of the main body of the pond. Other abundant species included soft rush Juncus effusus, reed mace Typha latifolia and yellow flag Iris pseudocorus. A small (central) area of open water contained bladderwort Utricularia vulgaris and white water-lily Nymphaea alba. A similar plant coverage was found in 1991, with a dominance of floating sweet-grass along the shallow eastern edge. A marked change in the pond was found during the 1996 survey of vegetation in July, when the pool was dry. The major plant cover now consisted of creeping bent Agrostis stolonifera, with isolated clumps of Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus around the edges; both are terrestrial grasses found on land surrounding the pond. Rushes (Juncus) had increased their distribution round the margins of the pond, and the patch of yellow flag noted in 1989 and 1991 was not found in 1996. The deeper trenches were also dry, but a small patch of white water-lily remained adjacent to one of the trenches.


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[ES]En este trabajo se expone un estudio experimental del proceso de taladrado por fricción, más conocido como Friction Drilling y posterior roscado por laminación, en uniones de chapas de acero y aluminio, muy utilizadas en multitud de sectores, que se caracteriza por la ausencia de tuercas. La base de esta técnica es el calor producido por el rozamiento al entrar en contacto la herramienta rotativa con el material, causando el reblandecimiento del material, la fluencia y la deformación de éste. De este modo, se generará una copa cónica, que se roscará por laminación. En este trabajo se va a estudiar la viabilidad del proceso experimentalmente, obteniendo variables de entrada del proceso óptimas que generen una unión de calidad, atendiendo a diferentes aspectos. Sin embargo, se centra sobre todo en analizar la calidad de la unión en lo que se refiere a la compatibilidad de los materiales. Se estudiará la corrosión galvánica por una parte entre acero y aluminio y, por otra parte, entre acero, aluminio y el material del tornillo. Una vez concluido el trabajo, se espera obtener un proceso de unión de materiales disímiles sin tuerca, ofreciendo una mayor calidad que los procesos implementados actualmente.


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[ES]En el presente trabajo, se pretende optimizar la unión atornillada de chapas de dos materiales disimilares (acero y aluminio) mediante un proceso no convencional, el taladrado por fricción. Dicho proceso está orientado a la calderería fina, sector en el cual tiene gran número de aplicaciones. Se comenzará con una serie de ensayos iníciales y se procederá a realizar pruebas sistemáticas. Se realizarán mediciones de temperaturas, momentos torsores y fuerzas, y se analizaran las tolerancias dimensionales generadas por el proceso para la elección de los parámetros óptimos. El documento se centrará en analizar de forma teórica el comportamiento mecánico de la unión y de los ensayos de tracción correspondientes. Esto servirá para realizar los futuros ensayos de calidad y posteriormente comparar los resultados con los de las uniones convencionales.


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In a recent study in Freshwater Forum on Speakman's Pond (also known as Nursery Pond) the impression was given that it had been a permanent water-filled pond which had recently dried out due to exceptionally low rainfall. In fact, Nursery Pond was created by the extraction of gravel and was never more than 50 cm deep, until the creation of trenches in 1989 to provide a refuge for aquatic life. The Nursery Pond followed a seasonal pattern of filling with winter rain and slowly drying out between 1940 to 1970. It had no established aquatic vegetation, no fish, and only rarely amphibians. Permanent water was present only from about 1979 until 1995 due to leakage from a Thames water storage reservoir.


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With the aid of the German Research Association in the central programme 'Sand movements in the German coastal region', an investigation into the current conditions in the shallow water areas of the coasts of the south-eastern North Sea between Sylt and the Weser estuary was carried out by the author. Foundations of the work are 19 continuous current recordings in five profiles normal to the coast from years 1971 to 1973. Off the coasts of the south-eastern North Sea varying tidal currents impinge; they are currents whose directions may vary periodically through all points of the compass. They are caused by the circulating tides in the North Sea (Amphidromien). The turning flow movement experiences a deformation in the very shallow coastal waters, and as it happens the flow turning movement in the case of high tide continues right up onto the outer flats, while here and in the fore-lying shallow water areas around the time of low water (on account of the small depths of waters), there prevails a more variable current. A result of this hydrodynamical procedure is the development of counter currents. This partial translation of the original paper provides the summary of this study of of the mudflat areas between the Elbe and Weser.