980 resultados para Severe malaria
Background: In Brazil, 99% of malaria cases are concentrated in the Amazon, and malaria's spatial distribution is commonly associated with socio-environmental conditions on a fine landscape scale. In this study, the spatial patterns of malaria and its determinants in a rural settlement of the Brazilian agricultural reform programme called ""Vale do Amanhecer"" in the northern Mato Grosso state were analysed. Methods: In a fine-scaled, exploratory ecological study, geocoded notification forms corresponding to malaria cases from 2005 were compared with spectral indices, such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the third component of the Tasseled Cap Transformation (TC_3) and thematic layers, derived from the visual interpretation of multispectral TM-Landsat 5 imagery and the application of GIS distance operators. Results: Of a total of 336 malaria cases, 102 (30.36%) were caused by Plasmodium falciparum and 174 (51.79%) by Plasmodium vivax. Of all the cases, 37.6% (133 cases) were from residents of a unique road. In total, 276 cases were reported for the southern part of the settlement, where the population density is higher, with notification rates higher than 10 cases per household. The local landscape mostly consists of open areas (38.79 km(2)). Training forest occupied 27.34 km(2) and midsize vegetation 7.01 km(2). Most domiciles with more than five notified malaria cases were located near areas with high NDVI values. Most domiciles (41.78%) and malaria cases (44.94%) were concentrated in areas with intermediate values of the TC_3, a spectral index representing surface and vegetation humidity. Conclusions: Environmental factors and their alteration are associated with the occurrence and spatial distribution of malaria cases in rural settlements.
Background: In a number of malaria endemic regions, tourists and travellers face a declining risk of travel associated malaria, in part due to successful malaria control. Many millions of visitors to these regions are recommended, via national and international policy, to use chemoprophylaxis which has a well recognized morbidity profile. To evaluate whether current malaria chemo-prophylactic policy for travellers is cost effective when adjusted for endemic transmission risk and duration of exposure. a framework, based on partial cost-benefit analysis was used Methods: Using a three component model combining a probability component, a cost component and a malaria risk component, the study estimated health costs avoided through use of chemoprophylaxis and costs of disease prevention (including adverse events and pre-travel advice for visits to five popular high and low malaria endemic regions) and malaria transmission risk using imported malaria cases and numbers of travellers to malarious countries. By calculating the minimal threshold malaria risk below which the economic costs of chemoprophylaxis are greater than the avoided health costs we were able to identify the point at which chemoprophylaxis would be economically rational. Results: The threshold incidence at which malaria chemoprophylaxis policy becomes cost effective for UK travellers is an accumulated risk of 1.13% assuming a given set of cost parameters. The period a travellers need to remain exposed to achieve this accumulated risk varied from 30 to more than 365 days, depending on the regions intensity of malaria transmission. Conclusions: The cost-benefit analysis identified that chemoprophylaxis use was not a cost-effective policy for travellers to Thailand or the Amazon region of Brazil, but was cost-effective for travel to West Africa and for those staying longer than 45 days in India and Indonesia.
Background: Malaria is an important threat to travelers visiting endemic regions. The risk of acquiring malaria is complex and a number of factors including transmission intensity, duration of exposure, season of the year and use of chemoprophylaxis have to be taken into account estimating risk. Materials and methods: A mathematical model was developed to estimate the risk of non-immune individual acquiring falciparum malaria when traveling to the Amazon region of Brazil. The risk of malaria infection to travelers was calculated as a function of duration of exposure and season of arrival. Results: The results suggest significant variation of risk for non-immune travelers depending on arrival season, duration of the visit and transmission intensity. The calculated risk for visitors staying longer than 4 months during peak transmission was 0.5% per visit. Conclusions: Risk estimates based on mathematical modeling based on accurate data can be a valuable tool in assessing risk/benefits and cost/benefits when deciding on the value of interventions for travelers to malaria endemic regions.
The aim of this study was to examine the incidence and factors associated with the severity of liver fibrosis in 234 coinfected patients in Brazil. Patients were cared for in our clinic, from 1996 to 2004. Eligible patients were defined as patients with documented HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections and had previously undergone a liver biopsy. Patients with persistently normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were also included. The variables selected for study were age, gender, risk category, history of high alcohol consumption, CD4(+) T cell count, antiretroviral therapy usage, HCV genotype and duration of HCV infection. Stage of fibrosis was scored as follows: F0, no fibrosis; F1, portal fibrosis with no septa; F2, portal fibrosis with few septa; F3, bridging fibrosis with many septa; and F4, cirrhosis. The liver fibrosis stage was F3 in 39 (16.6%) and F4 in 20(8.5%) patients. Among patients with normal ALT, the liver fibrosis stage was F3-F4 in three patients (5.6%). Predictors of severe liver fibrosis (17344) by multivariate analysis were age (older patients) and genotype 3 (genotype I odds ratio [OR], 0.28; 95% confidence interval [0], 0.12 0.65). In summary, in the present study severe liver fibrosis was found in 25% of our patients and was associated with an age of more than 38 years at the time of liver biopsy as well as, HCV genotype 3. No differences were found with respect to CD4(+) T cell counts although patients with a CD4(+) T cell count greater than 50 were excluded.
Background: Leishmania braziliensis is the main causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. Protection against infection is related to development of Th1 responses, but the mechanisms that mediate susceptibility are still poorly understood. Murine models have been the most important tools in understanding the immunopathogenesis of L. major infection and have shown that Th2 responses favor parasite survival. In contrast, L. braziliensis-infected mice develop strong Th1 responses and easily resolve the infection, thus making the study of factors affecting susceptibility to this parasite difficult. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, we describe an experimental model for the evaluation of the mechanisms mediating susceptibility to L. braziliensis infection. BALB/c mice were inoculated with stationary phase promastigotes of L. braziliensis, isolates LTCP393(R) and LTCP15171(S), which are resistant and susceptible to antimony and nitric oxide (NO), respectively. Mice inoculated with LTCP393(R) presented larger lesions that healed more slowly and contained higher parasite loads than lesions caused by LTCP15171(S). Inflammatory infiltrates in the lesions and production of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-10 and TGF-beta were similar in mice inoculated with either isolate, indicating that these factors did not contribute to the different disease manifestations observed. In contrast, IL-4 production was strongly increased in LTCP393(R)-inoculated animals and also arginase I (Arg I) expression. Moreover, anti-IL-4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatment resulted in decreased lesion thickness and parasite burden in animals inoculated with LTCP393(R), but not in those inoculated with LTCP15171(S). Conclusion/Significance: We conclude that the ability of L. braziliensis isolates to induce Th2 responses affects the susceptibility to infection with these isolates and contributes to the increased virulence and severity of disease associated with them. Since these data reflect what happens in human infection, this model could be useful to study the pathogenesis of the L. braziliensis infection, as well as to design new strategies of therapeutic intervention.
Introduction: Treatment of severe bacterial peritonitis, especially by videolaparoscopy, is still a matter of investigation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of videolaparoscopy and laparotomy access with or without antibiotics on the outcome of severe bacterial peritonitis in rats. Materials and Methods: Sixty-four male Wistar rats were equally assigned to 8 groups: Sham surgery (SHAM), SHAM+antibiotics (SHAM+AB), cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), CLP+AB, CLP+videolaparoscopy (VLAP), CLP+laparotomy (LAP), VLAP+AB, and LAP+AB. All treated animals were submitted to an evaluation of bacteremia, white cell counts, and cytokine determinations: interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). The groups treated with antibiotics received gentamicin and metronidazole. Survival was monitored over a period of 7 days. Results: Peritonitis induced by CLP was severe, with IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-alpha levels and lethality being significantly higher compared to the SHAM group. The IL-6 levels in the VLAP group were significantly higher compared to the CLP and VLAP+AB groups, and the TNF-alpha levels in the VLAP and LAP+AB groups were significantly higher compared to the LAP group. The survival time was significantly higher in the CLP+AB and VLAP+AB groups, when compared to the CLP group. There was no significant difference in bacteremia and lethality rates between the resources employed for treatment of peritonitis. Conclusions: Although the use of laparoscopic access itself exacerbates the inflammatory response, the combination with antibiotics minimizes this effect and increases the survival time. However, all of the resources used for treating severe peritonitis, when applied alone or in combination, have an equivalent influence on bacteremia and lethality rates.
The main purpose of this research was to analyze the relation of the genetic polymorphisms frequently expressed by antigen-presenting cells, erythrocytes and malaria susceptibility/resistance with the human malaria infection cases. The sample used consisted of 23 Plasmodium vivax ( Pv)- and P. falciparum ( Pf)-infected patients, and 21 healthy individuals as a control group, from the Baixo Amazonas population in Para, Brazil. The Asp299Gly polymorphisms in the Toll-like receptor 4 ( TLR4), and Gly42Asp, Arg89Cys, Ala100Thr, and T-33C in the Duffy gene ( FY) were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphism-polymerase chain reaction. The Lys1590Glu and Arg1601Gly polymorphisms in the complement receptor type 1 (CR1) were analyzed by DNA sequencing. According to the results obtained and statistical analysis considering a significance level or alpha = 0.01, we conclude that the low heterozygote frequency (2.27%) for the Asp299Gly mutation, detected in the TLR4 gene, is not related to the Pv and Pf infections in the patients analyzed. Also, the promoter region GATA-1 analysis of the FY gene in the Pv-infected patients showed that the heterozygote frequency for the T-33C mutation (11.36% of the infected patients and 20.45% of the control patients) is not related to infection resistance. Regarding the CR1 gene, the observed heterozygote frequency (9.09%) for the Arg1601Gly mutation in Pf-infected patients when compared to heterozygote frequency in the control group (18.18%) suggests that there is no correlation with infection resistance.
Background: In areas with limited structure in place for microscopy diagnosis, rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) have been demonstrated to be effective. Method: The cost-effectiveness of the Optimal (R) and thick smear microscopy was estimated and compared. Data were collected on remote areas of 12 municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon. Data sources included the National Malaria Control Programme of the Ministry of Health, the National Healthcare System reimbursement table, hospitalization records, primary data collected from the municipalities, and scientific literature. The perspective was that of the Brazilian public health system, the analytical horizon was from the start of fever until the diagnostic results provided to patient and the temporal reference was that of year 2006. The results were expressed in costs per adequately diagnosed cases in 2006 U. S. dollars. Sensitivity analysis was performed considering key model parameters. Results: In the case base scenario, considering 92% and 95% sensitivity for thick smear microscopy to Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, respectively, and 100% specificity for both species, thick smear microscopy is more costly and more effective, with an incremental cost estimated at US$ 549.9 per adequately diagnosed case. In sensitivity analysis, when sensitivity and specificity of microscopy for P. vivax were 0.90 and 0.98, respectively, and when its sensitivity for P. falciparum was 0.83, the RDT was more cost-effective than microscopy. Conclusion: Microscopy is more cost-effective than OptiMal (R) in these remote areas if high accuracy of microscopy is maintained in the field. Decision regarding use of rapid tests for diagnosis of malaria in these areas depends on current microscopy accuracy in the field.
Background: Cryptic species complexes are common among anophelines. Previous phylogenetic analysis based on the complete mtDNA COI gene sequences detected paraphyly in the Neotropical malaria vector Anopheles marajoara. The ""Folmer region"" detects a single taxon using a 3% divergence threshold. Methods: To test the paraphyletic hypothesis and examine the utility of the Folmer region, genealogical trees based on a concatenated (white + 3' COI sequences) dataset and pairwise differentiation of COI fragments were examined. The population structure and demographic history were based on partial COI sequences for 294 individuals from 14 localities in Amazonian Brazil. 109 individuals from 12 localities were sequenced for the nDNA white gene, and 57 individuals from 11 localities were sequenced for the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2). Results: Distinct A. marajoara lineages were detected by combined genealogical analysis and were also supported among COI haplotypes using a median joining network and AMOVA, with time since divergence during the Pleistocene (< 100,000 ya). COI sequences at the 3' end were more variable, demonstrating significant pairwise differentiation (3.82%) compared to the more moderate 2.92% detected by the Folmer region. Lineage 1 was present in all localities, whereas lineage 2 was restricted mainly to the west. Mismatch distributions for both lineages were bimodal, likely due to multiple colonization events and spatial expansion (similar to 798 - 81,045 ya). There appears to be gene flow within, not between lineages, and a partial barrier was detected near Rio Jari in Amapa state, separating western and eastern populations. In contrast, both nDNA data sets (white gene sequences with or without the retention of the 4th intron, and ITS2 sequences and length) detected a single A. marajoara lineage. Conclusions: Strong support for combined data with significant differentiation detected in the COI and absent in the nDNA suggest that the divergence is recent, and detectable only by the faster evolving mtDNA. A within subgenus threshold of >2% may be more appropriate among sister taxa in cryptic anopheline complexes than the standard 3%. Differences in demographic history and climatic changes may have contributed to mtDNA lineage divergence in A. marajoara.
The mandible has a mixed embryological origin, and its growth is associated with the secondary cartilage of the condyle process (CP). In this area, growth depends on an array of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence protein metabolism. In the present study, we used an adolescent rat model to evaluate the growth and development of the CP under conditions of pre- and postnatal protein deficiency, combined with or without the stress of severe burn injury (BI). We found that protein deficiency severely undermined the growth of the CP, by altering the thickness of its constituent layers. BI is also capable of affecting CP growth, although the effect is less severe than protein deficiency. Interestingly, the summed effect of protein deficiency and BI on the CP is less severe than protein deficiency alone. A possible explanation is that the increased carbohydrates in a hypoproteic diet stimulate the production of endogenous insulin and protein synthesis, which partially compensates for the loss of lean body mass caused by BI.
The pivotal role of spleen CD4(+) T cells in the development of both malaria pathogenesis and protective immunity makes necessary a profound comprehension of the mechanisms involved in their activation and regulation during Plasmodium infection. Herein, we examined in detail the behaviour of non-conventional and conventional splenic CD4(+) T cells during P. chabaudi malaria. We took advantage of the fact that a great proportion of CD4(+) T cells generated in CD1d(-/-) mice are I-A(b)-restricted (conventional cells), while their counterparts in I-Ab(-/-) mice are restricted by CD1d and other class IB major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules (non-conventional cells). We found that conventional CD4(+) T cells are the main protagonists of the immune response to infection, which develops in two consecutive phases concomitant with acute and chronic parasitaemias. The early phase of the conventional CD4(+) T cell response is intense and short lasting, rapidly providing large amounts of proinflammatory cytokines and helping follicular and marginal zone B cells to secrete polyclonal immunoglobulin. Both TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma production depend mostly on conventional CD4(+) T cells. IFN-gamma is produced simultaneously by non-conventional and conventional CD4(+) T cells. The early phase of the response finishes after a week of infection, with the elimination of a large proportion of CD4(+) T cells, which then gives opportunity to the development of acquired immunity. Unexpectedly, the major contribution of CD1d-restricted CD4(+) T cells occurs at the beginning of the second phase of the response, but not earlier, helping both IFN-gamma and parasite-specific antibody production. We concluded that conventional CD4(+) T cells have a central role from the onset of P. chabaudi malaria, acting in parallel with non-conventional CD4(+) T cells as a link between innate and acquired immunity. This study contributes to the understanding of malaria immunology and opens a perspective for future studies designed to decipher the molecular mechanisms behind immune responses to Plasmodium infection.
The highly expressed D7 protein family of mosquito saliva has previously been shown to act as an anti-inflammatory mediator by binding host biogenic amines and cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs). In this study we demonstrate that AnSt-D7L1, a two-domain member of this group from Anopheles stephensi, retains the CysLT binding function seen in the homolog AeD7 from Aedes aegypti but has lost the ability to bind biogenic amines. Unlike any previously characterized members of the D7 family, AnSt-D7L1 has acquired the important function of binding thromboxane A(2) (TXA(2)) and its analogs with high affinity. When administered to tissue preparations, AnSt-D7L1 abrogated Leukotriene C(4) (LTC(4))-induced contraction of guinea pig ileum and contraction of rat aorta by the TXA(2) analog U46619. The protein also inhibited platelet aggregation induced by both collagen and U46619 when administered to stirred platelets. The crystal structure of AnSt-D7L1 contains two OBP-like domains and has a structure similar to AeD(7). In AnSt-D7L1, the binding pocket of the C-terminal domain has been rearranged relative to AeD7, making the protein unable to bind biogenic amines. Structures of the ligand complexes show that CysLTs and TXA(2) analogs both bind in the same hydrophobic pocket of the N-terminal domain. The TXA(2) analog U46619 is stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions of the omega-5 hydroxyl group with the phenolic hydroxyl group of Tyr 52. LTC(4) and occupies a very similar position to LTE(4) in the previously determined structure of its complex with AeD7. As yet, it is not known what, if any, new function has been acquired by the rearranged C-terminal domain. This article presents, to our knowledge, the first structural characterization of a protein from mosquito saliva that inhibits collagen mediated platelet activation.
The NK1.1 molecule participates in NK, NKT, and T-cell activation, contributing to IFN-gamma production and cytotoxicity. To characterize the early immune response to Plasmodium chabaudi AS, spleen NK1.1(+) and NK1.1(-) T cells were compared in acutely infected C57BL/6 mice. The first parasitemia peak in C57BL/6 mice correlated with increase in CD4(+)NK1.1(+)TCR-alpha beta(+), CD8(+)NK1.1(+)TCR-alpha beta(+), and CD4(+)NK1.1(-)TCR-alpha beta(+) cell numbers per spleen, where a higher increment was observed for NK1.1(+) T cells compared to NK1.1(-) T cells. According to the ability to recognize the CD1d-alpha-GalCer tetramer, CD4(+)NK1.1(+) cells in 7-day infected mice were not predominantly invariant NKT cells. At that time, nearly all NK1.1(+) T cells and around 30% of NK1.1(-) T cells showed an experienced/activated (CD44(HI)CD69(HI)CD122(HI)) cell phenotype, with high expression of Fas and PD-L1 correlating with their low proliferative capacity. Moreover, whereas IFN-gamma production by CD4(+)NK1.1(+) cells peaked at day 4 p.i., the IFN-gamma response of CD4(+)NK1.1(-) cells continued to increase at day 5 of infection. We also observed, at day 7 p.i., 2-fold higher percentages of perforin(+) cells in CD8(+)NK1.1(+) cells compared to CD8(+)NK1.1(-) cells. These results indicate that spleen NK1.1(+) and NK1.1(-) T cells respond to acute P. chabaudi malaria with different kinetics in terms of activation, proliferation, and IFN-gamma production.
Background: Cerebral malaria (CM) is a syndrome characterized by neurological signs, seizures and coma. Despite the fact that CM presents similarities with cerebral stroke, few studies have focused on new supportive therapies for the disease. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy has been successfully used in patients with numerous brain disorders such as stroke, migraine and atherosclerosis. Methodology/Principal Findings: C57BL/6 mice infected with Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) were exposed to daily doses of HBO (100% O(2), 3.0 ATA, 1-2 h per day) in conditions well-tolerated by humans and animals, before or after parasite establishment. Cumulative survival analyses demonstrated that HBO therapy protected 50% of PbA-infected mice and delayed CM-specific neurological signs when administrated after patent parasitemia. Pressurized oxygen therapy reduced peripheral parasitemia, expression of TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-10 mRNA levels and percentage of gamma delta and alpha beta CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphocytes sequestered in mice brains, thus resulting in a reduction of blood-brain barrier (BBB)dysfunction and hypothermia. Conclusions/Significance: The data presented here is the first indication that HBO treatment could be used as supportive therapy, perhaps in association with neuroprotective drugs, to prevent CM clinical outcomes, including death.
Background: Areas that are endemic for malaria are also highly endemic for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Nevertheless, it is unknown whether HBV infection modifies the clinical presentation of malaria. This study aimed to address this question. Methodology and Findings: An observational study of 636 individuals was performed in Rondonia, western Amazon, Brazil between 2006 and 2007. Active and passive case detections identified Plasmodium infection by field microscopy and nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). HBV infections were identified by serology and confirmed by real-time PCR. Epidemiological information and plasma cytokine profiles were studied. The data were analyzed using adjusted multinomial logistic regression. Plasmodium-infected individuals with active HBV infection were more likely to be asymptomatic (OR: 120.13, P < 0.0001), present with lower levels of parasitemia and demonstrate a decreased inflammatory cytokine profile. Nevertheless, co-infected individuals presented higher HBV viremia. Plasmodium parasitemia inversely correlated with plasma HBV DNA levels (r=-0.6; P=0.0003). Conclusion: HBV infection diminishes the intensity of malaria infection in individuals from this endemic area. This effect seems related to cytokine balance and control of inflammatory responses. These findings add important insights to the understanding of the factors affecting the clinical outcomes of malaria in endemic regions.