924 resultados para Severe Head-injury
Staphylococcus aureus necrotizing pneumonia is recognized as a toxin-mediated disease, yet the tissue-destructive events remain elusive, partly as a result of lack of mechanistic studies in human lung tissue. In this study, a three-dimensional (3D) tissue model composed of human lung epithelial cells and fibroblasts was used to delineate the role of specific staphylococcal exotoxins in tissue pathology associated with severe pneumonia. To this end, the models were exposed to the mixture of exotoxins produced by S. aureus strains isolated from patients with varying severity of lung infection, namely necrotizing pneumonia or lung empyema, or to purified toxins. The necrotizing pneumonia strains secreted high levels of alpha-toxin and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), and triggered high cytotoxicity, inflammation, necrosis and loss of E-cadherin from the lung epithelium. In contrast, the lung empyema strain produced moderate levels of PVL, but negligible amounts of alpha-toxin, and triggered limited tissue damage. alpha-toxin had a direct damaging effect on the epithelium, as verified using toxin-deficient mutants and pure alpha-toxin. Moreover, PVL contributed to pathology through the lysis of neutrophils. A combination of alpha-toxin and PVL resulted in the most severe epithelial injury. In addition, toxin-induced release of pro-inflammatory mediators from lung tissue models resulted in enhanced neutrophil migration. Using a collection of 31 strains from patients with staphylococcal pneumonia revealed that strains producing high levels of alpha-toxin and PVL were cytotoxic and associated with fatal outcome. Also, the strains that produced the highest toxin levels induced significantly greater epithelial disruption. Of importance, toxin-mediated lung epithelium destruction could be inhibited by polyspecific intravenous immunoglobulin containing antibodies against alpha-toxin and PVL. This study introduces a novel model system for study of staphylococcal pneumonia in a human setting. The results reveal that the combination and levels of alpha-toxin and PVL correlate with tissue pathology and clinical outcome associated with pneumonia.
O gênero Leishmania é responsável por um grupo de parasitoses que podem variar desde lesões auto-limitadas até severa injúria de tecido. Estes protozoários são parasitos obrigatoriamente intracelulares, tendo o macrófago como célula hospedeira. Durante o processo de fagocitose os macrófagos utilizam a maquinaria presente em seu citoesqueleto, a qual compreende a participação de miosinas e actinas, para a formação do fagossoma. Estas proteínas estão envolvidas em processos como citocinese, tráfego intracelular de organelas e vesículas, podendo interferir com a penetração do parasito. Alguns trabalhos vêm sendo realizados visando analisar a expressão, localização e o papel de miosina e de actina em Leishamania. Estudos associados à participação destas proteínas motoras em processo vitais para a biologia do parasito podem auxiliar na compreensão de seu ciclo e permitir a geração de conhecimentos que apontem novos alvos para intervenções terapêuticas. Uma vez que a miosina é necessária no transporte intracelular, alguns estudos tentam analisar a expressão e a localização intracelular de miosinas na Leishmania. Estudos mostram a presença de atividades cinásicas do tipo CK2 em diversos tripanossomatídeos, ligadas ao crescimento celular, morfologia e infectividade de promastigotas para macrófagos. Desta maneira, como objetivo desta tese temos o estudo da participação das miosinas, actina e CK2 na infectividade da Leishmania braziliensis. Além disso, investigamos a influência destas proteínas na produção de citocinas pelos macrófagos e em sua atividade microbicida. Lipoxina, latrunculina, nocodazol e TBB promoveram uma inibição de, pelo menos, 50% no crescimento de L. braziliensis. A CK2 secretada pelo parasito foi purificada de seu sobrenadante através de coluna de HPLC e a fração 44 mostrou ser a fração correspondente a esta enzima. A lipoxina e o TBB promoveram a inibição da atividade desta enzima ao contrário da latrunculina que forneceu aumento dessa atividade. O pré-tratamento dos parasitos ou dos macrófagos com lipoxina, latrunculina, nocodazol e TBB promoveram uma inibição de cerca de 50% no índice de associação entre Leishmania e macrófagos não-ativados ou ativados por LPS e IFN-γ. Latrunculina e TBB aumentaram a produção de NO em macrófagos não ativados e não infectados enquanto que em macrófagos ativados à exceção do TBB, todas as drogas diminuíram a produção de NO. A liberação de IL-10 foi diminuída após tratamento com todas as drogas em macrófagos não ativados em ausência de promastigotas e ativados em presença do parasito. Para a produção de TNF-α há uma redução significativa em macrófagos ativados não infectados tratados com latrunculina, nocodazol e TBB. Quando ativados e infectados, os macrófagos tratados com lipoxina tiveram a produção dessa citocina aumentada, ao contrário do TBB em que houve redução. Quando avaliamos a integridade da actina verificamos que todos os compostos foram capazes de influenciar a distribuição dessa proteína, levando a uma redução no índice de associação. Ao transfectarmos a cauda da miosina Va fusionada a GFP nos macrófagos observamos que houve uma diminuição de 94% no índice de associação. Nossos dados confirmam a importância da CK2, actina e miosina Va no processo de interação parasito- macrófago.
Seeley, H. & Urqhart, C. (2007). Action research in developing knowledge networks. In P. Bath, K. Albright & T. Norris (Eds.), Proceedings of ISHIMR 2007, The twelfth international symposium on health information management research (pp. 217-235.) Sheffield: Centre for Health Information Management Research, University of Sheffield.
Few epidemiologic studies describe longitudinal liver chemistry (LC) elevations in cancer patients. A population-based retrospective cohort was identified from 31 Phase 2-3 oncology trials (excluding targeted therapies) conducted from 1985 to 2005 to evaluate background rates of LC elevations in patients (n = 3998) with or without liver metastases. Patients with baseline liver metastases (29% of patients) presented with a 3% prevalence of alanine transaminase (ALT) ≥ 3x upper limits normal (ULN) and 0.2% prevalence of bilirubin ≥ 3xULN. During follow-up, the incidence (per 1000 person-months) of new onset ALT elevations ≥3xULN was 6.1 (95% CI: 4.5, 8.0) and 2.2 (95% CI: 0.9, 4.5) in patients without and with liver metastases, respectively. No new incident cases of ALT and bilirubin elevations suggestive of severe liver injury occurred among those with liver metastases; a single case occurred among those without metastasis. Regardless of the presence of liver metastases, LC elevations were rare in cancer patients during oncology trials, which may be due to enrollment criteria. Our study validates uniform thresholds for detection of LC elevations in oncology studies and serves as an empirical referent point for comparing liver enzyme abnormalities in oncology trials of novel targeted therapies. These data support uniform LC stopping criteria in oncology trials.
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty is frequently used in patients with severe arterial narrowing due to atherosclerosis. However, it induces severe arterial injury and an inflammatory response leading to restenosis. Here, we studied a potential activation of the endocannabinoid system and the effect of FA amide hydrolase (FAAH) deficiency, the major enzyme responsible for endocannabinoid anandamide degradation, in arterial injury. We performed carotid balloon injury in atherosclerosis-prone apoE knockout (apoE(-/-)) and apoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) mice. Anandamide levels were systemically elevated in apoE(-/-) mice after balloon injury. ApoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) mice had significantly higher baseline anandamide levels and enhanced neointima formation compared with apoE(-/-) controls. The latter effect was inhibited by treatment with CB1 antagonist AM281. Similarly, apoE(-/-) mice treated with AM281 had reduced neointimal areas, reduced lesional vascular smooth-muscle cell (SMC) content, and proliferating cell counts. The lesional macrophage content was unchanged. In vitro proliferation rates were significantly reduced in CB1(-/-) SMCs or when treating apoE(-/-) or apoE(-/-)FAAH(-/-) SMCs with AM281. Macrophage in vitro adhesion and migration were marginally affected by CB1 deficiency. Reendothelialization was not inhibited by treatment with AM281. In conclusion, endogenous CB1 activation contributes to vascular SMC proliferation and neointima formation in response to arterial injury.
Empirical research has consistently demonstrated a positive association between psychopathic traits and physical aggression (Campbell, Porter, & Santor, 2004; Gretton, Hare, & Catchpole, 2004; Raine et aI., 2006; Spain, Douglas, Poythress, & Epstein, 2004). Moreover, research has also found that the emotional/interpersonal (Factor 1) psychopathy traits tend to be more closely associated with goal oriented, proactive aggression, whereas the social deviance (Factor 2) psychopathy characteristics have been more closely linked to reactive aggression, which is perpetrated in response to threat or provocation (Flight & Forth, 2007). Blair (2004; 2005; 2006) has recently proposed the Integrated Emotions Systems Model (lES), which posits that the association between Factor 1 psychopathy traits and proactive aggression is due to amygdala dysfunction leading to failed moral socialization. Consequently, individuals who exhibit Factor 1 psychopathy traits do not experience affective empathy in response to distress cues exhibited by others, thus, preventing the inhibition of proactive aggression. The current investigation sought to test this model by examining the associations among the emotional/interpersonal (Factor 1) psychopathy traits, proactive aggression, and affective empathy. After accounting for head injury, Factor 2 psychopathy traits, reactive aggression, and cognitive empathy, it was hypothesized that 1) Factor 1 psychopathy traits would predict proactive aggression, and 2) that affective empathy is a common cause of Factor 1 psychopathy traits, proactive aggression, and of the relationship between these two constructs. This hypothesis assumed that (a) affective empathy would uniquely predict Factor 1 psychopathy traits, (b) that affective empathy would uniquely predict proactive aggression, and (c) that affective empathy would account for the relationship between Factor I psychopathy traits and proactive aggression. The total sample consisted of 137 male undergraduate students. Participants completed measures of psychopathy (SRP III; Paulhus, Hemphill, & Hare, in press), aggression (PCS; Marsee, Kimonis, & Frick, 2004; RPQ; Raine et at, 2006), dispositional cognitive and affective empathy (BES; Jolliffe & Farrington, 2006; TES; Spreng, McKinnon, Mar, & Levine, 2009), and situational cognitive and affective empathy in response to neutral and empathy eliciting video clips. Physiological indices (heart rate & electrodermal activity) of affective empathy were also obtained while participants viewed the neutral and empathy eliciting videos. Findings indicated that Factor I psychopathy traits predicted proactive aggression. In addition, results demonstrated that affective empathy predicted both Factor I psychopathy traits and proactive aggression. However, the association between affective empathy and proactive aggression appeared to be dependent on the conceptualization and measurement of affective empathy. Conversely, affective empathy did not appear to account for the relationship between Factor I psychopathy traits and proactive aggression. Overall, results demonstrated partial support for the IES model. Implications of the results, limitations of the study and future research directions are discussed.
Introduction : La réduction des inégalités sociales de santé est un objectif de santé publique au Canada. Les liens entre les facteurs socio-économiques et les traumatismes en général ont été abondamment mesurés et illustrés notamment en pédiatrie, mais l’association entre les traumatismes crâniens et les inégalités sociales n’est pas assez investiguée dans la littérature. L’intérêt de ce travail en santé publique nous permettra de mieux connaitre les liens entre la défavorisation et les traumatismes crâniens particulièrement la sévérité. Objectif : L’objectif général de cette étude est d’examiner la relation entre les traumatismes crâniens et le statut socio-économique. Méthode : L’échantillon comprend 2269 patients ayant consulté le service d’urgence de l’Hôpital du Sacré Coeur de Montréal entre le 17 Mars 2008 et le 11 Janvier 2012, âgés de 14 ans et plus et habitant Montréal et Laval. Des analyses de régression logistiques ont été appliquées pour examiner la relation entre le quintile du statut socio-économique (mesuré à l’aide d’un proxy écologique) et la sévérité du traumatisme crânien (mesuré à l’aide de la tomodensitométrie). Résultat : A Montréal et à Laval, la cote d’avoir un scan normal est plus élevée chez les patients de quintile de revenu plus pauvre Q1 par rapport au quintile de revenu plus riche Q5, avec les valeurs respectives de 1,104 et 1,522 pour les régions de Montréal et Laval. A Laval lorsqu’on passe du quintile le plus pauvre Q1 au quintile le plus riche Q5, les cotes diminuent de 1,522 pour Q1; 1,302 pour le quintile de revenu bas; 1,126 pour le quintile de revenu moyen; 1,176 pour le quintile élevé à 1 pour le quintile le plus riche (quintile de référence). Conclusion : Bien que la relation entre les traumatismes et le statut socio-économique soit non significative, plusieurs questions se posent à travers ce mémoire notamment les causes différentes du traumatisme crânien en fonction du statut socio-économique et le territoire de résidence. D’autres recherches plus approfondies seraient utiles pour mieux informer les programmes de santé publique. Mots Clés : Traumatisme crânien, Statut socio-économique, Santé publique, Inégalités sociales, Chutes, Accidents de la route, Causes de traumatisme, Quintile de revenu
Le traumatisme crânien léger (TCL) est l'un des troubles neurologiques les plus courants affectant la santé publique. Aussi, les troubles du sommeil sont fréquents chez les patients atteints de TCL. Les études chez les rongeurs montrent que certains marqueurs de plasticité synaptique diminuent après le TCL, ce qui pourrait nuire à la plasticité du cerveau. Nous suggérons que la perte de sommeil intensifie l'effet négatif de TCL, qui peut refléter les changements des marqueurs de plasticité synaptique ou des changements des voies physiologiques qui régulent le sommeil. En utilisant un modèle de traumatisme crânien sur crâne fermé (closed head injury), nous avons étudié la relation bidirectionnelle entre le TCL et le sommeil en évaluant les effets de TCL sur l’activité électrique du cerveau par électroencéphalographie (EEG), et ceux de la privation de sommeil (PS) sur l'expression génique post-TCL. Premièrement, l'activité EEG a été enregistrée pour voir si l'architecture du sommeil est altérée suite au TCL. Nous avons ensuite voulu tester si la PS suite TCL induit des changements dans l'expression des gènes : Arc, Homer1a, Hif1a, Bdnf, Fos et éphrines, qui ont été liés à la plasticité synaptique et à la régulation du sommeil. Nous avons également étudié l'effet de la PS post-TCL sur le génome complet dans les régions cibles (cortex et l'hippocampe). Les principaux résultats obtenus dans cette étude confirment que TCL modifie de manière significative l'activité spectrale pendant l'éveil, le sommeil Rapid Eye Movement (REM) et le sommeil non-REM dans le deuxième 24 heures post-TCL. Fait intéressant, la capacité de maintenir de longues périodes d'éveil a été altérée immédiatement après TCL (première 24h post-TCL). La dynamique de l'activité delta pendant l'éveil a été modifié par le TCL. Parallèlement à ces modifications, des changements dans l'expression des gènes ont été observés dans le cortex et l'hippocampe. Seulement Arc et EfnA3 ont montré une interaction TCL / PS et ce dans l’hippocampe, tandis que l'expression de tous les autres gènes semblait être affectée par la PS ou TCL indépendamment. Nos résultats montrent pour la première fois que le TCL induit l'expression de deux chimiokines (Ccl3 et Cxcl5) à la fois dans le cortex cérébral et l'hippocampe 2,5 jours post-TCL. Également, nous avons observé que le TCL induit une diminution de l'expression de Lgals3 et S100A8 dans le cortex, et une augmentation d’Olig2 dans l'hippocampe. Les résultats concernant les effets de la PS sur le génome complet du cortex et de l'hippocampe montrent des changements significatifs dans les gènes impliqués dans diverses fonctions physiologiques, telles que les rythmes circadiens, la réponse inflammatoire, ainsi que de l'activation des cellules gliales. En général, nos résultats précisent les changements dans la qualité de l’éveil ainsi que dans l'expression de divers gènes après TCL.
El dolor es un problema importante para los pacientes hospitalizados en las UCI porque genera malestar y distrés. Además, la investigación ha demostrado que en algunos pacientes críticos el dolor agudo puede persistir después de alta y convertirse en crónico. La gestión eficaz del dolor en pacientes críticos requiere un enfoque interdisciplinario, que incorpore la visión y trabajo de expertos que representan una amplia variedad de especialidades clínicas. Así, la utilización de la intervención psicológica en el tratamiento del dolor es una parte integral de un enfoque global. Basado en una revisión de la evidencia científica, se identifican y señalan: (1) los tipos de dolor más comunes; (2) las características del dolor; (3) las patologías más frecuentes asociadas con la presencia de dolor; (4) los procedimientos que generan dolor en la UCI; (5) los métodos de evaluación del dolor; (6) la intervención del mismo y; (7) la contribución del psicólogo en la evaluación y manejo del dolor con el paciente, los familiares y los profesionales de la salud. La revisión realizada indica que los procesos psicológicos influyen tanto en la experiencia del dolor como en los resultados del tratamiento, por lo tanto la integración de los principios psicológicos en el tratamiento del dolor parecen tener potencial mejora de los resultados beneficiando la salud del paciente.
Objetivo: realizar un análisis comparativo entre un grupo control y pacientes con trauma craneoencefálico, TCE, para determinar si existen diferencias neuropsicológicas a los seis meses de evolución y así orientar programas de intervención acordes con las necesidades de esta población. Materiales y métodos: se evaluó un total de setenta y nueve pacientes con antecedente de TCE con mínimo de seis meses de evolución y setenta y nueve sujetos en grupo control, el cual presentó una escolaridad promedio de once años frente a nueve años del grupo de TCE; ambos grupos con una media de treinta y cuatro años de edad, sin antecedentes neurológicos y/o psiquiátricos. La media del Glasgow en el grupo de TCE se ubicó en un rango moderado con una puntuación de once. Se aplicó la evaluación neuropsicológica breve en español Neuropsi a los dos grupos. Resultados: los grupos muestran diferencias significativas (p≤0,05) en las tareas de orientación, atención, memoria, lenguaje, lectura y escritura. Conclusiones: el TCE deja secuelas neuropsicológicas significativas, aún seis meses después de ocurrido el evento traumático. Estos hallazgos sugieren que los pacientes con TCE requieren de tratamiento después de superar la etapa inicial.
The sequential analysis of repeated binary responses: a score test for the case of three time points
In this paper a robust method is developed for the analysis of data consisting of repeated binary observations taken at up to three fixed time points on each subject. The primary objective is to compare outcomes at the last time point, using earlier observations to predict this for subjects with incomplete records. A score test is derived. The method is developed for application to sequential clinical trials, as at interim analyses there will be many incomplete records occurring in non-informative patterns. Motivation for the methodology comes from experience with clinical trials in stroke and head injury, and data from one such trial is used to illustrate the approach. Extensions to more than three time points and to allow for stratification are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a seletividade do herbicida topramezone aplicado de forma isolada e em mistura com tebuthiuron, em pós-emergência inicial, sobre dez variedades de cana-de-açúcar em condição de cana-planta. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: topramezone + Dash® (70 g ha-1 + 0,25% v/v); topramezone + tebuthiuron + Dash® (70 + 1.000 g ha-1 + 0,25% v/v); topramezone + tebuthiuron + Dash® (100 + 1.000 g ha-1 + 0,25% v/v); e ametryn + tebuthiuron (1.500 + 1.000 g ha-1), aplicados aos 35 dias após o plantio, além de uma testemunha sem aplicação de herbicidas. Durante a condução do experimento, todas as parcelas permaneceram livres da interferência das plantas daninhas por meio de capinas. As plantas de cana-de-açúcar estavam com duas a quatro folhas por ocasião da aplicação dos herbicidas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados em parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições, sendo as variedades dispostas nas parcelas e os herbicidas nas subparcelas. As variedades utilizadas foram: SP 83 2847, SP 80 3280, RB 85 5453, SP 80 1842, SP 89 1115, RB 86 7515, PO 8862, RB 85 5156, SP 80 1816 e SP 81 3250. As avaliações visuais de fitotoxicidade foram realizadas aos 7, 14, 28 e 35 dias após a aplicação. Ao final do estudo foram determinados os parâmetros tecnológicos pol, fibra e brix e os parâmetros produtivos rendimento de colmos e produção de açúcar. A formulação isolada de topramezone seguida de suas misturas com tebuthiuron proporcionaram inicialmente severos sintomas visuais de injúrias às plantas de cana-de-açúcar; contudo, as plantas de todas as variedades testadas tiveram uma total recuperação visual a partir dos 35 dias após a aplicação dos herbicidas. A mistura de tebuthiuron com topramezone reduziu os sintomas de injúrias iniciais provocados por este último. A mistura de ametryn + tebuthiuron foi o tratamento que evidenciou a ação fitotóxica menos severa às plantas, independentemente da variedade estudada. Nenhum dos herbicidas testados afetou negativamente os componentes tecnológicos e produtivos, sendo as diferenças observadas dependentes apenas das variedades. Podem-se considerar seletivos os herbicidas utilizados sobre as variedades avaliadas de cana-de-açúcar.
Os autores apresentam revisão geral da distribuição e metabolização da glicose, com ênfase para os distúrbios que ocorrem no trauma crânio-encefálico, como a hiperglicemia que ocorre na fase aguda. Finalizando, são feitos comentários sobre as possíveis conseqüências desses conhecimentos sobre os procedimentos atuais, que aconselham a restrição na oferta de glicose a pacientes com catabolismo acentuado e que necessitam poupar o contingente de proteína corporal.
Thirty-four consecutive adult patients with subdural traumatic hygroma were analysed for clinical evolution, serial computed tomography scan (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) over a period of several months. Five of the patients presented CT scan and MRI evolution data showing increasing density over a period of 11 days to 6 months post trauma. In these five patients, final clinical and CT scan data were benign, with complete spontaneous resolution. Descriptions in literature of evolving traumatic subdural hygroma have presented CT scan density modifications changing into chronic subdural hematoma. Our patients show another possibility, density transformation, which sometimes show as subdural hematoma in CT scan and MRI, but with final evolution where clinical condition and CT scan return to normal.
Background: Traumatic subdural hygroma (TSHy) is an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the subdural space after head injury. It appears to be relatively common, but its onset time and natural history are not well defined. Considered a benign epiphenomenon of trauma, the pathogenesis of TSHy is still unclear and many questions remain unanswered. This study adds to the information on TSHy, and proposes a classification based on pathogenesis.Methods: Thirty-four consecutive adult patients with TSHy were analyzed for clinical evolution and serial CT scan, during a period of several months. TSHy diagnosis was based on published CT scan criteria of hypodense subdural collection after trauma, without enhancement and neomembrane, with a minimum distance of 3 mm between the skull and brain. Ventricle size was analyzed by calculating the bicaudate index (BCI). For comparison, the BCI was measured from CT scan at three moments: admission, at time of TSHy diagnosis, and from last CT scan.Results: There were 34 patients, aged between 16 and 85 years (mean 40), half of them were below 40 years. Road traffic crashes were the main cause of head injury. The mean time for hygroma diagnosis was 9 days. Twenty-one patients (61.8%) underwent conservative treatment for TSHy and 13 (38.2%), surgical treatment. TSHy are early lesions and can be detected in the first 24 hours after trauma, usually as small subdural effusion (SSEff). Based on clinical and CT scan findings, we divided the 34 patients into 3 groups, (Ia and Ib) without evident mass effect and (II) with evident mass effect. Group Ia includes patients without ventricle dilation; Ib, patients with associated ventricle dilations.Conclusions: SSEff detected in the first 24 hours posttrauma in our series evolved into TSHy suggesting that this is an early lesion; all THSy were divided in three groups according to the pathophysiologic mechanism. These three groups probably represent a continuum of CSF absorption impairment. Group la represents what most authors consider a simple hygroma, with no impairment on CSF absorption. Group Ib represent the external hydrocephalus form with various degrees of CSF imbalance, and group II were the cases presenting marked mass effect.