982 resultados para Sensory Systems


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Research on surgical decision making and risk management usually focuses on peri-operative care, despite the magnitude and frequency of intra-operative risks. The aim of this study was to examine ophthalmic surgeons' intra-operative decisions and risk management strategies in order to explore differences in cognitive processes.


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To explore the presentation behaviours and pathways to detection of adults who first presented to UK hospital eye services with severe glaucoma.


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PURPOSE: To consider whether STZ-induced hyperglycemia renders rat retinal function and ocular blood flow more susceptible to acute intraocular pressure (IOP) challenge.

METHODS: Retinal function (electroretinogram, ERG) was measured during acute IOP challenge (10-100 mmHg, 5 mmHg increments, 3 min/step, vitreal cannulation) in adult Long-Evans rats (6-week old, citrate: n=6, STZ: n=10) 4 weeks after citrate buffer or streptozotocin (STZ, 65 mg/kg, blood glucose > 15 mmol/l) injection. At each IOP, dim and bright flash (-4.56, -1.72 log cd.s.m^-2) ERG responses were recorded to measure inner retinal and ON-bipolar cell function, respectively. Ocular blood flow (laser Doppler flowmetry, citrate; n=6, STZ; n=10) was also measured during acute IOP challenge. Retinae were isolated for qPCR analysis of nitric oxide synthase mRNA expression endothelial, eNos; inducible, iNos; neuronal, nNos).

RESULTS: STZ-induced diabetes increased the susceptibility of inner retinal (IOP at 50% response, 60.1, CI: 57.0-62.0 mmHg vs. citrate: 67.5, CI: 62.1-72.4 mmHg) and ON-bipolar cell function (STZ: 60.3, CI: 58.0-62.8 mmHg vs. citrate: 65.1, CI: 58.0-62.78 mmHg) and ocular blood flow (43.9, CI: 40.8-46.8 vs. citrate: 53.4, CI: 50.7-56.1 mmHg) to IOP challenge. Citrate eyes showed elevated eNos mRNA (+49.7%) after IOP stress, an effect not found in STZ-diabetic eyes (-5.7%, P<0.03). No difference was observed for iNos or nNos (P>0.05) following IOP elevation.

CONCLUSIONS: STZ-induced diabetes increased functional susceptibility during acute IOP challenge. This functional vulnerability is associated with a reduced capacity for diabetic eyes to upregulate eNOS expression and to autoregulate blood flow in response to stress.


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Purpose: In randomised clinical trials (RCTs) the selection of appropriate outcomes is crucial to the assessment of whether one intervention is better than another. The purpose of this review is to identify different clinical outcomes reported in glaucoma trials.

Methods We conducted a systematic review of glaucoma RCTs. A sample or selection of glaucoma trials were included bounded by a time frame (between 2006 and March 2012). Only studies in English language were considered. All clinical measured and reported outcomes were included. The possible variations of clinical outcomes were defined prior to data analysis. Information on reported clinical outcomes was tabulated and analysed using descriptive statistics. Other data recorded included type of intervention and glaucoma, duration of the study, defined primary outcomes, and outcomes used for sample size calculation, if nominated.

Results The search strategy identified 4323 potentially relevant abstracts. There were 315 publications retrieved, of which 233 RCTs were included. A total of 967 clinical measures were reported. There were large variations in the definitions used to describe different outcomes and their measures. Intraocular pressure was the most commonly reported outcome (used in 201 RCTs, 86%) with a total of 422 measures (44%). Safety outcomes were commonly reported in 145 RCTs (62%) whereas visual field outcomes were used in 38 RCTs (16%).

Conclusions There is a large variation in the reporting of clinical outcomes in glaucoma RCTs. This lack of standardisation may impair the ability to evaluate the evidence of glaucoma interventions.


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Simultaneous non-invasive visualization of blood vessels and nerves in patients can be obtained in the eye. The retinal vasculature is a target of many retinopathies. Inflammation, readily manifest by leukocyte adhesion to the endothelial lining, is a key pathophysiological mechanism of many retinopathies, making it a valuable and ubiquitous target for disease research. Leukocyte fluorography has been extensively used in the past twenty years; however, fluorescent markers, visualization techniques, and recording methods have differed between studies. The lack of detailed protocol papers regarding leukocyte fluorography, coupled with lack of uniformity between studies, has led to a paucity of standards for leukocyte transit (velocity, adherence, extravasation) in the retina. Here, we give a detailed description of a convenient method using acridine orange (AO) and a commercially available scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO, HRA-OCT Spectralis) to view leukocyte behavior in the mouse retina. Normal mice are compared to mice with acute and chronic inflammation. This method can be readily adopted in many research labs.


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Birds are capable of true navigation, the ability to return to a known goal from a place they have never visited before. This is demonstrated most spectacularly during the vast migratory journeys made by these animals year after year, often between continents and occasionally global in nature. However, it remains one of the great unanswered questions in science, despite more than 50 years of research in this field. Nevertheless, the study of true navigation in birds has made significant advances in the previous 20 years, in part thanks to the integration of many disciplines outside its root in behavioural biology, to address questions of neurobiology, molecular aspects, and the physics of sensory systems and environmental cues involved in bird navigation, often involving quantum physics. However, true navigation remains a controversial field, with many conflicting and confusing results making interpretation difficult, particularly for those outside or new to the field. Unlike many general texts on migration, which avoid discussion of these issues, this review will present these conflicting findings and assess the state of the field of true navigation during bird migration.


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As part of a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of perceptual traits in healthy adults, we measured stereo acuity, the duration of alternative percepts in binocular rivalry and the extent of dichoptic masking in 1060 participants. We present the distributions of the measures, the correlations between measures, and their relationships to other psychophysical traits. We report sex differences, and correlations with age, interpupillary distance, eye dominance, phorias, visual acuity and personality. The GWAS, using data from 988 participants, yielded one genetic association that passed a permutation test for significance: The variant rs1022907 in the gene VTI1A was associated with self-reported ability to see autostereograms. We list a number of other suggestive genetic associations (p<10-5).


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During migratory journeys, birds may become displaced from their normal migratory route. Experimental evidence has shown that adult birds can correct for such displacements and return to their goal. However, the nature of the cues used by migratory birds to perform long distance navigation is still debated. In this experiment we subjected adult lesser black-backed gulls migrating from their Finnish/Russian breeding grounds (from >60°N) to Africa (to < 5°N) to sensory manipulation, to determine the sensory systems required for navigation. We translocated birds westward (1080 km) or eastward (885 km) to simulate natural navigational challenges. When translocated westwards and outside their migratory corridor birds with olfactory nerve section kept a clear directional preference (southerly) but were unable to compensate for the displacement, while intact birds and gulls with the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve sectioned oriented towards their population-specific migratory corridor. Thus, air-borne olfactory information seems to be important for migrating gulls to navigate successfully in some circumstances.


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Purpose: To assess the bacterial contamination risk in cataract surgery associated with mechanical compression of the lid margin immediately after sterilization of the ocular surface.

Setting: Department of Cataract, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.

Design: Prospective randomized controlled double-masked trial.

Methods: Patients with age-related cataract were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups. In Group A (153 eyes), the lid margin was compressed and scrubbed for 360 degrees 5 times with a dry sterile cotton-tipped applicator immediately after ocular sterilization and before povidone-iodine irrigation of the conjunctival sac. Group B (153 eyes) had identical sterilization but no lid scrubbing. Samples from the lid margin, liquid in the collecting bag, and aqueous humor were collected for bacterial culture. Primary outcome measures included the rate of positive bacterial culture for the above samples. The species of bacteria isolated were recorded.

Results: Group A and Group B each comprised 153 eyes. The positive rate of lid margin cultures was 54.24%. The positive rate of cultures for liquid in the collecting bag was significantly higher in Group A (23.53%) than in Group B (9.80%) (P=.001).The bacterial species cultured from the collecting bag in Group B were the same as those from the lid margin in Group A. The positive culture rate of aqueous humor in both groups was 0%.

Conclusion: Mechanical compression of the lid margin immediately before and during cataract surgery increased the risk for bacterial contamination of the surgical field, perhaps due to secretions from the lid margin glands.

Financial Disclosure: No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned.


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Purpose. We assessed the prevalence and predictors of inaccurate refractive error among rural refractionists in western China. Methods. A subset of primary school children with visual acuity (VA) ≤6/12 in ≥1 eye, undergoing subjective refinement by local refractionists after cycloplegic autorefraction in an ongoing population-based study, received repeat refraction by university optometrists for quality control. Results. Among 502 children (mean age 10.5 years, 53.2% girls), independent predictors of poor (inaccurate by ≥1.0 diopter [D]) refraction by 21 rural practitioners (66.7% with high school or lower education) included hyperopia (odds ratio [OR], 4.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.4-7.3, P < 0.001), astigmatism (OR = 3.8; 95% CI, 2.5-5.6; P < 0.001) and VA uncorrectable to >6/12 by the rural refractionist (OR = 4.7; 95% CI, 3.1-7.3; P = < 0.001). Among 201 children whose vision was uncorrectable in ≥1 eye by the rural refractionists, vision could be improved to >6/12 by the university optometrist in 110 (54.7%). We estimate vision could be so improved in 9.1% of all children refracted by these rural refractionists. A reason for inaccuracy in this setting is the erroneous tendency of rural refractionists to adjust instrument values for accommodation, even under cycloplegia. Conclusions. Rural refractionists in western China have little formal training and frequently fail to optimize VA among children, even when autorefractors are used. Training is needed emphasizing better use of automated refraction, particularly in children with astigmatism and hyperopia. © 2014 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.


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PURPOSE. We determined the causes and five-year incidence of blindness and visual impairment (VI) in an adult, urban Chinese population. METHODS. Participants underwent a comprehensive eye examination at baseline in 2003 and then five years later. The World Health Organization (WHO) and United States (US) definitions were used to define incident blindness (WHO visual acuity [VA] < 20/400 in the better-seeing eye, US VA ≤ 20/200) and incident VI (WHO VA < 20/60-20/400, US VA < 20/40->20/200). RESULTS. Among 1405 baseline participants, 924 (75%) of 1232 survivors (87.7%) participated in the 5-year follow-up. The incidences of VI and blindness were 5.38% (95% confidence interval [CI] 3.99% ~ 7.07%) and 0.33% (95% CI 0.07% ~ 0.95%), respectively, based on the WHO definition, and 9.85% (95% CI 7.96% ~ 12.0%) and 1.42% (95% CI 0.76% ~ 2.41%), respectively, based on the US definition. Incidence of blindness and VI (WHO definition) increased significantly with older age (P < 0.001) and poorer baseline presenting VA in the worse-seeing eye (P < 0.001). The leading cause of best-corrected VI (WHO definition) was cataract (64.6%), whereas the main causes of presenting VI were refractive error (40.4%) and cataract (38.4%). CONCLUSIONS. The incidence of VI in urban Southern China is high. The major causes are unoperated cataract and undercorrected refractive error, reflecting the need for better surgical and refractive care, even in this urban setting. © 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.


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Purpose: To assess the repeatability and accuracy of optical biometry (Lenstar LS900 optical low-coherence reflectometry [OLCR] and IOLMaster partial coherence interferometry [PCI]) and applanation ultrasound biometry in highly myopic eyes. Setting: Division of Preventive Ophthalmology, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Guangzhou, China. Design: Comparative evaluation of diagnostic technology. Methods: Biometric measurements were taken in highly myopic subjects with a spherical equivalent (SE) of -6.00 diopters (D) or higher and an axial length (AL) longer than 25.0 mm. Measurements of AL and anterior chamber depth (ACD) obtained by OLCR were compared with those obtained by PCI and applanation A-scan ultrasound. Right eyes were analyzed. Repeatability was evaluated using the coefficient of variation (CoV) and agreement, using Bland-Altman analyses. Results: The mean SE was -11.20 D ± 4.65 (SD). The CoVs for repeated AL measurements using OLCR, PCI, and applanation ultrasound were 0.06%, 0.07%, and 0.20%, respectively. The limits of agreement (LoA) for AL were 0.11 mm between OLCR and PCI, 1.01 mm between OLCR and applanation ultrasound, and 1.03 mm between PCI and ultrasound. The ACD values were 0.29 mm, 0.53 mm, and 0.51 mm, respectively. These repeatability and agreement results were comparable in eyes with extreme myopia (AL ≥27.0 mm) or posterior staphyloma. The mean radius of corneal curvature was similar between OLCR and PCI (7.66 ± 0.24 mm versus 7.64 ± 0.25 mm), with an LoA of 0.12 mm. Conclusion: Optical biometry provided more repeatable and precise measurements of biometric parameters, including AL and ACD, than applanation ultrasound biometry in highly myopic eyes. Financial Disclosure: No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. © 2012 ASCRS and ESCRS.


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Purpose: To assess the demographics and distribution of corneal astigmatism before cataract surgery in Chinese patients. Setting: State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Design: Clinic-based cross-sectional study. Methods: From July 2009 to May 2011, preoperative bilateral partial coherence interferometry (IOLMaster) was performed in consecutive patients having cataract surgery. Patient demographics and keratometric data were recorded. Results: The mean age of the 2849 patients (4831 eyes) was 70.56 years ± 9.55 (SD); there was a predominance of women patients (64.0%). The mean axial length was 23.58 ± 1.13 mm. The mean corneal astigmatism in this cohort was 1.01 D (range 0.05 to 6.59 D). Corneal astigmatism was between 0.25 D and 1.25 D in 67.7% of eyes, 1.25 D or higher in 27.5% eyes, and less than 0.25 D in 4.8% of eyes. Astigmatism was with the rule in 25.1% of eyes, against the rule (ATR) in 58.2% of eyes, and oblique in 16.7% of eyes. The mean steep keratometry measurement was 44.76 ± 1.56 D. Against-the-rule astigmatism increased significantly with older age. Conclusions: Corneal astigmatism largely fell between 0.25 D and 1.25 D in these predominantly elderly female Chinese patients, and ATR astigmatism increased with age. Financial Disclosure: No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. © 2012 ASCRS and ESCRS.


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PURPOSE. To explore factors potentially influencing the success or failure of rural Chinese hospitals in increasing cataract surgical output and quality. METHODS. Focus groups (FGs, n = 10) were conducted with hospital administrators, doctors, and nurses at 28 county hospitals in Guangdong Province. Discussions explored respondents' views on increasing surgical volume and quality and improving patient satisfaction. Respondents numerically ranked possible strategies to increase surgical volume and quality and patient satisfaction. FG transcripts were independently coded by two reviewers utilizing the constant comparative method following the grounded theory approach, and numerical responses were scored and ranked. RESULTS. Ten FGs and 77 ranking questionnaires were completed by 33 administrators, 23 doctors, and 21 nurses. Kappa values for the two coders were greater than 0.7 for all three groups. All groups identified a critical need for enhanced management training for hospital directors. Doctors and nurses suggested reducing surgical fees to enhance uptake, although administrators were resistant to this. Although doctors saw the need to improve equipment, administrators felt current material conditions were adequate. Respondents agreed that patient satisfaction was generally high, and did not view increasing patient satisfaction as a priority. CONCLUSIONS. Our findings highlight agreements and disagreements among the three stakeholder groups about improving surgical output and quality, which can inform strategies to improve cataract programs in rural China. Respondents' beliefs about high patient satisfaction are not in accord with other studies in the area, highlighting a potential area for intervention. © 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.