908 resultados para Sensation-seeking


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Tämän tutkielman aiheena on ammattikääntäjien tiedonhaku, kun käytettävissä on ainoastaan verkkolähteitä. Tutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu, mistä ja miten ammattikääntäjät etsivät tietoa internetistä kääntäessään lähtötekstiä englannista suomeen. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on osoittaa, että tiedonhakutaidot ja lähdekriittisyys ovat käännöskompetensseja, joita tulisi sekä ylläpitää että opettaa osana kääntäjäkoulutusta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin empiirisesti käyttämällä kolmea metodia. Käännösprosessi ja sen aikana tapahtunut tiedonhaku tallennettiin käyttäen Camtasia-näyttövideointiohjelmaa ja Translog-II -näppäilyntallennusohjelmaa. Lisäksi tutkimukseen osallistuneet kääntäjät täyttivät kaksi kyselyä, joista ensimmäinen sisälsi taustatietokysymyksiä ja toinen itse prosessiin liittyviä retrospektiivisiä kysymyksiä. Kyselyt toteutettiin Webropol-kyselytyökalulla. Aineistoa kerättiin yhteensä viidestä koetilanteesta. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin lähemmin kolmen ammattikääntäjän tiedon-hakutoimintoja erottelemalla käännösprosesseista ne tauot, joiden aikana kääntäjät etsivät tietoa internetistä. Käytettyjen verkkolähteiden osalta tutkimuksessa saatiin vastaavia tuloksia kuin aiemmissakin tutkimuksissa: eniten käytettyjä olivat Google, Wikipedia sekä erilaiset verkkosanakirjat. Tässä tutkimuksessa kuitenkin paljastui, että ammattikääntäjien tiedonhaun toimintamallit vaihtelevat riippuen niin kääntäjän erikoisalasta kuin hänen tiedonhakutaitojensa tasosta. Joutuessaan työskentelemään tutun työympäristönsä ja oman erikoisalansa ulkopuolella turvautuu myös osa ammattikääntäjistä alkeellisimpiin tiedonhakutekniikoihin, joita käännöstieteen opiskelijoiden on havaittu yleisesti käyttävän. Tulokset paljastivat myös, että tiedonhaku voi viedä jopa 70 prosenttia koko käännösprosessiin kuluvasta ajasta riippuen kääntäjän aiemmasta lähtötekstin aihepiiriin liittyvästä tietopohjasta ja tiedonhaun tehokkuudesta. Tutkimuksessa saatujen tulosten pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että myös ammattikääntäjien tulisi kehittää tiedonhakutaitojaan pitääkseen käännösprosessinsa tehokkaana. Lisäksi kääntäjien pitäisi muistaa arvioida kriittisesti käyttämiään tietolähteitä: lähdekritiikki on tarpeen erityisesti verkkolähteitä käytettäessä. Tästä syystä tiedonhakutaitoja ja lähdekriittisyyttä tulisikin opettaa ja harjoitella jo osana kääntäjäkoulutusta. Kääntäjien ei myöskään pidä jättää tiedonhakua pelkkien verkkolähteiden varaan, vaan jatkossakin käyttää hyväkseen niin painettuja tietolähteitä kuin myös henkilölähteitä.


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This study examined high school student perceptions of discretion utilized by educators in high school disciplinary proceedings. Using a sample of 6 high school students who had experienced differing levels of formal discipline, the study investigated the discretionary factors that influence an educator's decision making. The study was a generic qualitative study where the primary source of data collection was open-ended interviews to ensure the integrity of the research as a study of student voices and perceptions. Journaling was also employed to record observations and to identify researcher assumptions. The data were analyzed employing aspects of a grounded theory approach. The findings were coded to reveal 5 areas high school students identified in relation to discipline and discretion: punitive discipline versus problem resolution, effective processes, educator discretion, student discretion, and the student-educator relationship. The final discussion highlights the need for a community vision for high school discipline in order to channel discretion and to uphold students' best interests. Restorative justice is proposed as a feasible vision for high school discipline, whereby participants' responses are measured against a restorative paradigm.


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This is a study of education students’ conceptions of and experiences with academic stress and help-seeking. The study explored teacher education and Master of Education students’ academic stress by examining causes of academic stress and how these stressors affect students’ academic and university experiences. Stress-related help-seeking was also a focus of this study, and was explored using inquiries regarding where participants sought stress-related support. Additionally, exploring students’ use of the Internet for stress-related information or support was a goal of this study. These research goals were pursued using a qualitative methodology that applied grounded theory design. Consequently, data were used to develop a theory that would contribute to existing literature. Specifically, participant descriptions related to causes of and responses to academic stress aligned with Maslow’s (1954) theory of human motivation and Alderfer’s (1969) E. R. G. theory, and led to theoretical contributions that took a hierarchy of student needs and motivation into consideration.


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Cet article a précédemment été publié par la Supreme Court Law Review (Second Series).


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Objective: The goal of this study was to identify rates, characteristies, and predictors of mental health treatment seeking by military members with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Method: Our sample was drawn from the 2002 Canadian Community Health Survey-Canadian Forces Supplement (CCHS-CF) dataset. The CCHS-CF is the first epidemiologic survey of PTSD and other mental health conditions in the Canadian military and includes 8441 nationally representative Canadian Forces (CF) members. Of those, 549 who met the criteria for lifetime PTSD were included in our analyses. To identify treatment rates and characteristics, we examined frequency of treatment contact by professional and facility type. To identify predictors of treatment seeking, we conducted a binary logistic regression with lifetime treatment seeking as the outcome variable. Results: About two-thirds of those with PTSD consulted with a professional regarding mental health problems. The most frequently consulted professionals, during both the last year and lifetime, included social workers and counsellors, medical doctors and general practitioners, and psychiatrists. Consultations during the last year most often took place in a CF facility. Treatment seeking was predicted by cumulative lifetime trauma exposure, index traumatic event type, PTSD symptom interference, and comorbid major depressive disorder. Those with comorbid depression were 3.75 times more likely to have sought treatment than those without. Conclusions: Although a significant portion of military members with PTSD sought mental health treatment, 1 in 3 never did. Trauma-related and illness and (or) need factors predicted treatment seeking. Of all the predictors of treatment seeking, comorbid depression most increased the likelihood of seeking treatment.


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La question posée dans ce mémoire de recherche concerne l’artiste contemporain japonais Aida Makoto, comme figure provocante et ironique, remettant en question les appareils de répression et d’aliénation de la société capitaliste japonaise. L’objectif de ma réflexion est de montrer l’apport de la schizo-analyse dans l’analyse d’œuvres plastiques comportant des prédispositions à l’utilisation de celle-ci. À travers les œuvres de l’artiste Aida Makoto où une multiplicité de corps emplit l’espace de la toile, et à partir des concepts de multiplicité et de sensation théorisés par Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari, la recherche apportera une seconde lecture aux œuvres de cet artiste en mettant en avant les aspects révolutionnaires de sa création artistique. Constitué de deux chapitres, le mémoire porte dans un premier temps sur la picturalité de l’œuvre, d’ordre technique, esthétique et éthique, en mettant en avant les composés de sensation présents sur la toile, ceci afin, dans un second temps, d’appréhender la figuration, de la visagéité à la multiplicité, comme aspect central de l’œuvre. Ainsi, la Figure, au sens deleuzien du terme, permettrait à l’artiste Aida Makoto d’entamer une fuite schizophrénique à l’occasion de laquelle il pourra créer à l’abri de toute répression ou normalisation de ses machines désirantes par la société capitaliste japonaise.


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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique


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Information communication technology (IC T) has invariably brought about fundamental changes in the way in which libraries gather. preserve and disseminate information. The study was carried out with an aim to estimate and compare the information seeking behaviour (ISB) of the academics of two prominent universities of Kerala in the context of advancements achieved through ICT. The study was motivated by the fast changing scenario of libraries with the proliferation of many high tech products and services. The main purpose of the study was to identify the chief source of information of the academics, and also to examine academics preference upon the form and format of information source. The study also tries to estimate the adequacy of the resources and services currently provided by the libraries.The questionnaire was the central instrument for data collection. An almost census method was adopted for data collection engaging various methods and tools for eliciting data.The total population of the study was 957, out of which questionnaire was distributed to 859 academics. 646 academics responded to the survey, of which 564 of them were sound responses. Data was coded and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software and also with the help of Microsofl Excel package. Various statistical techniques were engaged to analyse data. A paradigm shift is evident by the fact that academies push themselves towards information in internet i.e. they prefer electronic source to traditional source and the very shift is coupled itself with e-seeking of information. The study reveals that ISB of the academics is influenced priman'ly by personal factors and comparative analysis shows that the ISB ofthc academics is similar in both universities. The productivity of the academics was tested to dig up any relation with respect to their ISB, and it is found that productivity of the academics is extensively related with their ISB. Study also reveals that the users ofthe library are satisfied with the services provided but not with the sources and in conjunction, study also recommends ways and means to improve the existing library system.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the information-seeking behavior of science and social science research scholars, including service effectiveness, satisfaction level on different type of sources and various methods adopted by the scholars for keeping up to dateData were gathered using a questionnaire survey of 200, randomly selected, PhD students of science and social science departments of four universities in Kerala, IndiaAlthough similarities exist between social science and science PhD students with regard to information-seeking behavior, there are significant differences as well. There is a significant difference between science and social science scholars on the perception of the adequacy of print journals and database collection which are very relevant to the research purposes. There is no significant difference between science and social science scholars on the perception of the adequacy of e-journals, the most used source for keeping up to date. The study proved that scholars of both the fields are dissatisfied with the effectiveness of the library in keeping them up to date with latest developments


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The goal of this research is to develop the prototype of a tactile sensing platform for anthropomorphic manipulation research. We investigate this problem through the fabrication and simple control of a planar 2-DOF robotic finger inspired by anatomic consistency, self-containment, and adaptability. The robot is equipped with a tactile sensor array based on optical transducer technology whereby localized changes in light intensity within an illuminated foam substrate correspond to the distribution and magnitude of forces applied to the sensor surface plane. The integration of tactile perception is a key component in realizing robotic systems which organically interact with the world. Such natural behavior is characterized by compliant performance that can initiate internal, and respond to external, force application in a dynamic environment. However, most of the current manipulators that support some form of haptic feedback either solely derive proprioceptive sensation or only limit tactile sensors to the mechanical fingertips. These constraints are due to the technological challenges involved in high resolution, multi-point tactile perception. In this work, however, we take the opposite approach, emphasizing the role of full-finger tactile feedback in the refinement of manual capabilities. To this end, we propose and implement a control framework for sensorimotor coordination analogous to infant-level grasping and fixturing reflexes. This thesis details the mechanisms used to achieve these sensory, actuation, and control objectives, along with the design philosophies and biological influences behind them. The results of behavioral experiments with a simple tactilely-modulated control scheme are also described. The hope is to integrate the modular finger into an %engineered analog of the human hand with a complete haptic system.


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There is a body of literature that suggests that student self-assessment is a main goal in higher education (Boud et al., 1995; Tan, 2008); moreover new forms of work organization require a high level of skills and competences. The efforts to deal with competence gaps could be developed at many levels, such as employers, educational institutions, individuals and public agents. Employers could put into practice competence development programs to moderate these gaps. Educational institutions can restructure the curriculum to support students in attaining the competences that are essential in the labour market. Individuals themselves may deploy their resources (time and money) in general or specific competence training. Further, government agencies could fund competence promotion programs. Such challenges for education drive change in learning curricula and method, to properly include the competences required for developing global workers who can move beyond basic competence, to enhanced flexibility and adaptability. In performance assessment methods, there is a shift from the traditional exam-based assessments to more innovative task assessment, which considers performance in multiple different tasks carry out by students. ICTs make it technologically feasible to carry out a complete and complex selfassessment of competences, which provides immediate results to students or other recipients. In the case of students, the evaluation of competences is relevant as developing competences is part - if not all - of the objectives of education. Therefore, it is an important element of the quality of educational organizations (e.g., universities), and of their organizational success. Further, educational organizations may put special emphasis on some differentiating competences, which can be a means of positioning and differentiation from competitors. Competence assessment is an instrument to make students conscious of their strengths and weaknesses, leading to higher motivation to develop their own learning career


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El trasplante de órganos y/o tejidos es considerado como una opción terapéutica viable para el tratamiento tanto de enfermedades crónicas o en estadios terminales, como de afectaciones no vitales, pero que generen una disminución en la calidad de vida percibida por el paciente. Este procedimiento, de carácter multidimensional, está compuesto por 3 actores principales: el donante, el órgano/tejido, y el receptor. Si bien un porcentaje significativo de investigaciones y planes de intervención han girado en torno a la dimensión biológica del trasplante, y a la promoción de la donación; el interés por la experiencia psicosocial y la calidad de vida de los receptores en este proceso ha aumentado durante la última década. En relación con esto, la presente monografía se plantea como objetivo general la exploración de la experiencia y los significados construidos por los pacientes trasplantados, a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre esta temática. Para ello, se plantearon unos objetivos específicos derivados del general, se seleccionaron términos o palabras claves por cada uno de estos, y se realizó una búsqueda en 5 bases de datos para revistas indexadas: Ebsco Host (Academic Search; y Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection); Proquest; Pubmed; y Science Direct. A partir de los resultados, se establece que si bien la vivencia de los receptores ha comenzado a ser investigada, aún es necesaria una mayor exploración sobre la experiencia de estos pacientes; exploración que carecería de objetivo si no se hiciera a través de las narrativas o testimonios de los mismos receptores


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With the advent of digital era web applications have become inevitable part of our lives. We are using the web to manage even the financially or ethically sensitive issues. For this reason exploration of information seeking behavior is an exciting area of research. Current study provides insight on information seeking behavior using a classic ‘Find the Difference’ game. 50 university students between the age of 19 and 26 participated in the study. Eye movement data were recorded with a Tobii T120 device. Participants carried out 4 continuous tasks. Each task included two pictures side by side with 7 hidden differences. After finishing the tasks, participants were asked to repeat the game with the same picture set. This data collection methodology allows the evaluation of learning curves. Additionally, participants were asked about their hand preference. For the purpose of analysis the following metrics were applied: task times (including saccades), fixation count and fixation duration (without saccades). The right- and left-hand side on each picture was selected as AOI (Area of Interest) to detect side preference in connection with hand preference. Results suggest a significant difference between male and female participants regarding aggregated task times (male 58.37s respectively female 68.37s), deviation in the number of fixations and fixation duration (apparently female have less but longer fixations) and also in the distribution of fixations between AOIs. Using eyetracking data current paper highlights the similarities and differences in information acquisition strategies respectively reveals gender and education (Arts vs. Sciences) dependent characteristics of interaction.