974 resultados para Semilinear Wave Equation


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With the development of seismic exploration, the target becomes more and more complex, which leads to a higher demand for the accuracy and efficiency in 3D exploration. Fourier finite-difference (FFD) method is one of the most valuable methods in complex structure exploration, which keeps the ability of finite-differenc method in dealing with laterally varing media and inherits the predominance of the phase-screen method in stablility and efficiency. In this thesis, the accuracy of the FFD operator is highly improved by using simulated annealing algorithm. This method takes the extrapolation step and band width into account, which is more suitable to various band width and discrete scale than the commonely-used optimized method based on velocity contrast alone. In this thesis, the FFD method is extended to viscoacoustic modeling. Based on one-way wave equation, the presented method is implemented in frequency domain; thus, it is more efficient than two-way methods, and is more convenient than time domain methods in handling attenuation and dispersion effects. The proposed method can handle large velocity contrast and has a high efficiency, which is helpful to further research on earth absorption and seismic resolution. Starting from the frequency dispersion of the acoustic VTI wave equation, this thesis extends the FFD migration method to the acoustic VTI media. Compared with the convetional FFD method, the presented method has a similar computational efficiency, and keeps the abilities of dealing with large velocity contrasts and steep dips. The numerical experiments based on the SEG salt model show that the presented method is a practical migration method for complex acoustical VTI media, because it can handle both large velocity contrasts and large anisotropy variations, and its accuracy is relatively high even in strong anisotropic media. In 3D case, the two-way splitting technique of FFD operator causes artificial azimuthal anisotropy. These artifacts become apparent with increasing dip angles and velocity contrasts, which prevent the application of the FFD method in 3D complex media. The current methods proposed to reduce the azimuthal anisotropy significantly increase the computational cost. In this thesis, the alternating-direction-implicit plus interpolation scheme is incorporated into the 3D FFD method to reduce the azimuthal anisotropy. By subtly utilizing the Fourier based scheme of the FFD method, the improved fast algorithm takes approximately no extra computation time. The resulting operator keeps both the accuracy and the efficiency of the FFD method, which is helpful to the inhancements of both the accuracy and the efficiency for prestack depth migration. The general comparison is presented between the FFD operator and the generalized-screen operator, which is valuable to choose the suitable method in practice. The percentage relative error curves and migration impulse responses show that the generalized-screen operator is much sensiutive to the velocity contrasts than the FFD operator. The FFD operator can handle various velocity contrasts, while the generalized-screen operator can only handle some range of the velocity contrasts. Both in large and weak velocity contrasts, the higher order term of the generalized-screen operator has little effect on improving accuracy. The FFD operator is more suitable to large velocity contrasts, while the generalized-screen operator is more suitable to middle velocity contrasts. Both the one-way implicit finite-difference migration and the two-way explicit finite-differenc modeling have been implemented, and then they are compared with the corresponding FFD methods respectively. This work gives a reference to the choosen of proper method. The FFD migration is illustrated to be more attractive in accuracy, efficiency and frequency dispertion than the widely-used implicit finite-difference migration. The FFD modeling can handle relatively coarse grids than the commonly-used explicit finite-differenc modeling, thus it is much faster in 3D modeling, especially for large-scale complex media.


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In exploration geophysics,velocity analysis and migration methods except reverse time migration are based on ray theory or one-way wave-equation. So multiples are regarded as noise and required to be attenuated. It is very important to attenuate multiples for structure imaging, amplitude preserving migration. So it is an interesting research in theory and application about how to predict and attenuate internal multiples effectively. There are two methods based on wave-equation to predict internal multiples for pre-stack data. One is common focus point method. Another is inverse scattering series method. After comparison of the two methods, we found that there are four problems in common focus point method: 1. dependence of velocity model; 2. only internal multiples related to a layer can be predicted every time; 3. computing procedure is complex; 4. it is difficult to apply it in complex media. In order to overcome these problems, we adopt inverse scattering series method. However, inverse scattering series method also has some problems: 1. computing cost is high; 2. it is difficult to predict internal multiples in the far offset; 3. it is not able to predict internal multiples in complex media. Among those problems, high computing cost is the biggest barrier in field seismic processing. So I present 1D and 1.5D improved algorithms for reducing computing time. In addition, I proposed a new algorithm to solve the problem which exists in subtraction, especially for surface related to multiples. The creative results of my research are following: 1. derived an improved inverse scattering series prediction algorithm for 1D. The algorithm has very high computing efficiency. It is faster than old algorithm about twelve times in theory and faster about eighty times for lower spatial complexity in practice; 2. derived an improved inverse scattering series prediction algorithm for 1.5D. The new algorithm changes the computing domain from pseudo-depth wavenumber domain to TX domain for predicting multiples. The improved algorithm demonstrated that the approach has some merits such as higher computing efficiency, feasibility to many kinds of geometries, lower predictive noise and independence to wavelet; 3. proposed a new subtraction algorithm. The new subtraction algorithm is not used to overcome nonorthogonality, but utilize the nonorthogonality's distribution in TX domain to estimate the true wavelet with filtering method. The method has excellent effectiveness in model testing. Improved 1D and 1.5D inverse scattering series algorithms can predict internal multiples. After filtering and subtracting among seismic traces in a window time, internal multiples can be attenuated in some degree. The proposed 1D and 1.5D algorithms have demonstrated that they are effective to the numerical and field data. In addition, the new subtraction algorithm is effective to the complex theoretic models.


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This dissertation starts from the point that the prestack time migration can been considered as an approximation of the prestack depth migration, giving a wave equation based prestack time migration approach. The new approach includes: analytically getting the travel time and amplitude based on the one way wave equation and the stationary-phase theory, using ‘spread’ imaging method and imaging following the prestack depth migration, updating the velocity model with respect to the flats of the events in CRP gathers. Based on this approach, we present a scheme that can image land seismic data without field static correction. We may determine the correct near surface velocities and stack velocities by picking up the residual correction of the events in the CRP gathers. We may get the rational migration section based on the updated velocities and correct the migration section from a floating datum plane to a universal datum plane. We may adaptively determine the migration aperture according to the dips of the imaging structures. This not only speed up the processing, but may suppress the migration noise produce by the extra aperture. We adopt the deconvolution imaging condition of wave equation migration. It may partially compensate the geometric divergence. In this scheme, we use the table-driven technique which may enhance the computational efficiency. If the subsurface is much more complicated, it may be impossible to distinguish the DTS curve. To solve this problem, we proposed a technique to determine the appropriate range of the DTS curve. We synthesize DTS panel in this range using different velocities and depths, and stack the amplitude around the zero time. Determine the correct velocity and location of the considered grid point by comparing the values.


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Aiming at solving the seismic imaging difficulty in complex area, the static correction methods and the migration imaging techniques taking the anisotropy into account are studied in this dissertation. To solve the static correction problems, a new tomography inversion approach is presented which takes use of the apparent slowness and apparent velocity and inverts both head and diving waves over the complete offset ranges. This approach is also taken practice to the practical seismic data processing of south areas of China and gets ideal effects. There are obvious differences between the actual statics and the statics based on the surface consistency hypothesis. In this dissertation, the exact differences formula is derived. The wave-eqation datuming method based on a single shot gather and the hybrid zero-offset wave-equation datuming algorithm based on f-x domain and f-k domain are presented at the same time. Further more, some forward modelings are made and tested. These methods are also put into practical seismic data processing and good results are made. In this dissertation, the true amplitude Kirchhoff pre-stack time migration fomula in VTI media is presented. The high-dense bispectral scanning technique based on the anelliptical time-shifted hyperbola and the geostatistical filtering are adopted to extract the anellipticity parameter. Simultaneously, combined with the practical seismic data imaging, the anisotropic pre-stack time migration flow is proposed and good processing results are made.


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The primary approaches for people to understand the inner properties of the earth and the distribution of the mineral resources are mainly coming from surface geology survey and geophysical/geochemical data inversion and interpretation. The purpose of seismic inversion is to extract information of the subsurface stratum geometrical structures and the distribution of material properties from seismic wave which is used for resource prospecting, exploitation and the study for inner structure of the earth and its dynamic process. Although the study of seismic parameter inversion has achieved a lot since 1950s, some problems are still persisting when applying in real data due to their nonlinearity and ill-posedness. Most inversion methods we use to invert geophysical parameters are based on iterative inversion which depends largely on the initial model and constraint conditions. It would be difficult to obtain a believable result when taking into consideration different factors such as environmental and equipment noise that exist in seismic wave excitation, propagation and acquisition. The seismic inversion based on real data is a typical nonlinear problem, which means most of their objective functions are multi-minimum. It makes them formidable to be solved using commonly used methods such as general-linearization and quasi-linearization inversion because of local convergence. Global nonlinear search methods which do not rely heavily on the initial model seem more promising, but the amount of computation required for real data process is unacceptable. In order to solve those problems mentioned above, this paper addresses a kind of global nonlinear inversion method which brings Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method into geophysical inverse problems. QMC has been used as an effective numerical method to study quantum many-body system which is often governed by Schrödinger equation. This method can be categorized into zero temperature method and finite temperature method. This paper is subdivided into four parts. In the first one, we briefly review the theory of QMC method and find out the connections with geophysical nonlinear inversion, and then give the flow chart of the algorithm. In the second part, we apply four QMC inverse methods in 1D wave equation impedance inversion and generally compare their results with convergence rate and accuracy. The feasibility, stability, and anti-noise capacity of the algorithms are also discussed within this chapter. Numerical results demonstrate that it is possible to solve geophysical nonlinear inversion and other nonlinear optimization problems by means of QMC method. They are also showing that Green’s function Monte Carlo (GFMC) and diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) are more applicable than Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) and Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) in real data. The third part provides the parallel version of serial QMC algorithms which are applied in a 2D acoustic velocity inversion and real seismic data processing and further discusses these algorithms’ globality and anti-noise capacity. The inverted results show the robustness of these algorithms which make them feasible to be used in 2D inversion and real data processing. The parallel inversion algorithms in this chapter are also applicable in other optimization. Finally, some useful conclusions are obtained in the last section. The analysis and comparison of the results indicate that it is successful to bring QMC into geophysical inversion. QMC is a kind of nonlinear inversion method which guarantees stability, efficiency and anti-noise. The most appealing property is that it does not rely heavily on the initial model and can be suited to nonlinear and multi-minimum geophysical inverse problems. This method can also be used in other filed regarding nonlinear optimization.


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As active electromagnetic method, field data of CSAMT method follow the equation of diffusion. Propagting in solid earth media, diffusion EM signal has strong attenuation and dispersion, otherwise seismic wave shows weak attenuation and dispersion, therefore the resolution power of CSAMT method is not better than seismic reflection method. However, there is consistence and similarity between EM signal and seismic wave in wave equation, we can apply Kirchhoff integral migration technique, a proven one in seismic method in time domain, to carry out seduo-seismic processing for CSAMT signal in frequency domain so that the attenuation and dispersion could be made compensated in some extent, and the resolution power and interpretation precision of active EM wave could be improved. Satisfying passive homogeneous Helmholtz quation, we proceed with Green theorem and combine the active inhomogenous Helmholtz quation, the Kirchhoff integral formula could be derived. Given practical problems, if we only consider the surface integral value, and assume that the intergral value in other interface is zero, combined with Green theorem in uniform half space, the expression could be simplified, and we can obtain frequency-domain Kirchhoff integral formula in surface, which is also called downward continuation of EM field in frequency domain. With image conditions and energy compensation considered, in order to get image conditions in time domain Fourier inverse transformation in frequency domain can be performed, so we can formulate the active Kirchhoff integral migration expression. At first, we construct relative stratified model, with different frequency series taken into account, then we change the distances between transmitter and reciever, the EM response can be obtained. Analyzing the EM properties, we can clarify near and far zone that can instruct us to carry out transmitter layout in practical application. Combined with field data surveyed in far zone, We perform Kirchhoff integral migration and compare the results with model to interpret. Secondly, with far field EM data, we apply TM mode to get EM response of given 2D model, then apply Kirchhoff integral migration on modelling data and interpret the results.


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Along with the widespread and in-depth applications in petroleum prospecting and development, the seismic modeling and migration technologies are proposed with a higher requirement by oil industrial, and the related practical demand is getting more and more urgent. Based on theories of modeling and migration methods for wave equation, both related with velocity model, I thoroughly research and develop some methods for the goal of highly effective and practical in this dissertation. In the first part, this dissertation probes into the layout designing by wave equations modeling, focusing on the target-oriented layout designing method guided by wave equation modeling in complicated structure areas. It is implemented by using the fourth order staggered grid finite difference (FD) method in velocity-stress 2D acoustic wave equations plus perfectly matched layer (PML) absorbing boundary condition. To design target-oriented layout: (a) match the synthetic record on the surface with events of subsurface structures by analyzing the snapshots of theoretical model; (b) determine the shot-gather distance by tracking the events of target areas and measuring the receiving range when it reaches the surface; (c) restrict the range of valid shot-gather distance by drawing seismic windows in single shot records; (d) choose the best trace distance by comparing the resolution of prospecting targets from the simulated records with different trace distance. Eventually, we obtained the observation system parameters, which achieve the design requirements. In the second part, this dissertation presents the practical method to improve the 3D Fourier Finite Difference (FFD) migration, and carefully analyzes all the factors which influence 3D FFD migration’s efficiency. In which, one of the most important parameters of migration is the extrapolating step. This dissertation presents an efficient 3D FFD migration algorithm, which use FFD propagator to extrapolate wavefields over big layers, and use Born-Kirchhoff interpolator to image wavefields over small layers between the big ones. Finally, I show the effectiveness of this hybrid migration method by comparing migration results from 3D SEG/EAGE model with different methods.


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In the last several decades, due to the fast development of computer, numerical simulation has been an indispensable tool in scientific research. Numerical simulation methods which based on partial difference operators such as Finite Difference Method (FDM) and Finite Element Method (FEM) have been widely used. However, in the realm of seismology and seismic prospecting, one usually meets with geological models which have piece-wise heterogeneous structures as well as volume heterogeneities between layers, the continuity of displacement and stress across the irregular layers and seismic wave scattering induced by the perturbation of the volume usually bring in error when using conventional methods based on difference operators. The method discussed in this paper is based on elastic theory and integral theory. Seismic wave equation in the frequency domain is transformed into a generalized Lippmann-Schwinger equation, in which the seismic wavefield contributed by the background is expressed by the boundary integral equation and the scattering by the volume heterogeneities is considered. Boundary element-volume integral method based on this equation has advantages of Boundary Element Method (BEM), such as reducing one dimension of the model, explicit use the displacement and stress continuity across irregular interfaces, high precision, satisfying the boundary at infinite, etc. Also, this method could accurately simulate the seismic scattering by the volume heterogeneities. In this paper, the concrete Lippmann-Schwinger equation is specifically given according to the real geological models. Also, the complete coefficients of the non-smooth point for the integral equation are introduced. Because Boundary Element-Volume integral equation method uses fundamental solutions which are singular when the source point and the field are very close,both in the two dimensional and the three dimensional case, the treatment of the singular kernel affects the precision of this method. The method based on integral transform and integration by parts could treat the points on the boundary and inside the domain. It could transform the singular integral into an analytical one both in two dimensional and in three dimensional cases and thus it could eliminate the singularity. In order to analyze the elastic seismic wave scattering due to regional irregular topographies, the analytical solution for problems of this type is discussed and the analytical solution of P waves by multiple canyons is given. For the boundary reflection, the method used here is infinite boundary element absorbing boundary developed by a pervious researcher. The comparison between the analytical solutions and concrete numerical examples validate the efficiency of this method. We thoroughly discussed the sampling frequency in elastic wave simulation and find that, for a general case, three elements per wavelength is sufficient, however, when the problem is too complex, more elements per wavelength are necessary. Also, the seismic response in the frequency domain of the canyons with different types of random heterogeneities is illustrated. We analyzed the model of the random media, the horizontal and vertical correlation length, the standard deviation, and the dimensionless frequency how to affect the seismic wave amplification on the ground, and thus provide a basis for the choice of the parameter of random media during numerical simulation.


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The real media always attenuate and distort seismic waves as they propagate in the earth. This behavior can be modeled with a viscoelastic and anisotropic wave equation. The real media can be described as fractured media. In this thesis, we present a high-order staggered grid finite-difference scheme for 2-D viscoelastic wave propagation in a medium containing a large number of small finite length fractures. We use the effective medium approach to compute the anisotropic parameters in each grid cell. By comparing our synthetic seismogram by staggered-grid finite-difference with that by complex-ray parameter ray tracing method, we conclude that the high-order staggered-grid finite-difference technique can effectively used to simulate seismic propagation in viscoelastic-anisotropic media. Synthetic seismograms demonstrate that strong attenuation and significant frequency dispersion due to viscosity are important factors of reducing amplitude and delaying arrival time varying with incidence angle or offset. On the other hand, the amount of scattered energy not only provides an indicator of orientation of fracture sets, but can also provide information about the fracture spacing. Analysis of synthetic seismograms from dry- and fluid-filled fractures indicates that dry-filled fractures show more significant scattering on seismic wavefields than fluid-filled ones, and offset-variations in P-wave amplitude are observable. We also analyze seismic response of an anticlinal trap model that includes a gas-filled fractured reservoir with high attenuation, which attenuates and distorts the so-called bright spot.


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A major impetus to study the rough surface and complex structure in near surface model is because accuracy of seismic observation and geophysical prospecting can be improved. Wave theory study about fluid-satuated porous media has important significance for some scientific problems, such as explore underground resources, study of earth's internal structure, and structure response of multi-phase porous soil under dynamic and seismic effect. Seismic wave numerical modeling is one of the effective methods which understand seismic propagation rules in complex media. As a numerical simulation method, boundary element methods had been widely used in seismic wave field study. This paper mainly studies randomly rough surface scattering which used some approximation solutions based on boundary element method. In addition, I developed a boundary element solution for fluid saturated porous media. In this paper, we used boundary element methods which based on integral expression of wave equation to study the free rough surface scattering effects of Kirchhoff approximation method, Perturbation approximation method, Rytov approximation method and Born series approximation method. Gaussian spectrum model of randomly rough surfaces was chosen as the benchmark model. The approximation methods result were compared with exact results which obtained by boundary element methods, we study that the above approximation methods were applicable how rough surfaces and it is founded that this depends on and ( here is the wavenumber of the incident field, is the RMS height and is the surface correlation length ). In general, Kirchhoff approximation which ignores multiple scatterings between any two surface points has been considered valid for the large-scale roughness components. Perturbation theory based on Taylor series expansion is valid for the small-scale roughness components, as and are .Tests with the Gaussian topographies show that the Rytov approximation methods improves the Kirchhoff approximation in both amplitude and phase but at the cost of an extra treatment of transformation for the wave fields. The realistic methods for the multiscale surfaces come with the Born series approximation and the second-order Born series approximation might be sufficient to guarantee the accuracy of randomly rough surfaces. It could be an appropriate choice that a complex rough surface can be divided into large-, medium-, and small-scale roughness components with their scattering features be studied by the Kirchhoff or Rytov phase approximations, the Born series approximation, and the perturbation theory, respectively. For this purpose, it is important to select appropriate parameters that separate these different scale roughness components to guarantee the divided surfaces satisfy the physical assumptions of the used approximations, respectively. In addition, in this paper, the boundary element methods are used for solving the porous elastic wave propagation and carry out the numerical simulation. Based on the fluid-saturated porous model, this paper analyses and presents the dynamic equation of elastic wave propagation and boundary integral equation formulation of fluid saturated porous media in frequency domain. The fundamental solutions of the elastic wave equations are obtained according to the similarity between thermoelasticity and poroelasticity. At last, the numerical simulation of the elastic wave propagation in the two-phase isotropic media is carried out by using the boundary element method. The results show that a slow quasi P-wave can be seen in both solid and fluid wave-field synthetic seismograms. The boundary element method is effective and feasible.


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The function of seismic data in prospecting and exploring oil and gas has exceeded ascertaining structural configuration early. In order to determine the advantageous target area more exactly, we need exactly image the subsurface media. So prestack migration imaging especially prestack depth migration has been used increasingly widely. Currently, seismic migration imaging methods are mainly based on primary energy and most of migration methods use one-way wave equation. Multiple will mask primary and sometimes will be regarded as primary and interferes with the imaging of primary, so multiple elimination is still a very important research subject. At present there are three different wavefield prediction and subtraction methods: wavefield extrapolation; feedback loop; and inverse-scattering series. I mainly do research on feedback loop method in this paper. Feedback loop method includs prediction and subtraction.Currently this method has some problems as follows. Firstly, feedback loop method requires the seismic data used to predict multiple is full wavefield data, but usually the original seismic data don’t meet this assumption, so seismic data must be regularized. Secondly, Multiple predicted through feedback loop method usually can’t match the real multiple in seismic data and they are different in amplitude, phase and arrrival time. So we need match the predicted multiple and that in seismic data through estimating filtering factors and subtract multiple from seismic data. It is the key for multiple elimination how to select a correct matching filtering method. There are many matching filtering methods and I put emphasis on Least-square adaptive matching filtering and L1-norm minimizing adaptive matching filtering methods. Least-square adaptive matching filtering method is computationally very fast, but it has two assumptions: the signal has minimum energy and is orthogonal to the noise. When seismic data don’t meet the two assumptions, this method can’t get good matching results and then can’t attenuate multiple correctly. L1-norm adaptive matching filtering methods can avoid these two assumptions and then get good matching results, but this method is computationally a little slow. The results of my research are as follows: 1. Proposed a method that interpolates seismic traces based on F-K migration and demigration. The main advantage of this method is that it can interpolate seismic traces in any offsets. It shows this method is valid through a simple model. 2. Comparing different Least-square adaptive matching filtering methods. The results show that equipose multi-channel adaptive matching filtering methods can get better results of multiple elimination than other matcing methods through three model data and two field data. 3. Proposed equipose multi-channel L1-norm adaptive matching filtering method. Because L1-norm is robust to large amplitude differences, there are no assumption on the signal has minimum energy and orthogonality, this method can get better results of multiple elimination. 4. Research on multiple elimination in inverse data space. The method is a new multiple elimination method and it is different from those methods mentioned above.The advantages of this method is that it is simple in theory and no need for the adaptive subtraction and computationally very fast. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not stabilized in its solution. The results show that equipose multi-channel and equipose pesudo-multi-channel least-square matching filtering and equipose multi-channel and equipose pesudo-multi-channel L1-norm matching filtering methods can get better results of multiple elimination than other matcing methods through three model data and many field data.


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Pre-stack seismic inversion has become the emphasis and hotspot owing to the exploration & exploitation of oil field and the development of seismic technology. Pre-stack seismic inversion has the strongpoint of making the most of amplitude versus offset compared with the post-stack method. In this dissertation, the three parameters were discussed from multi-angle reflectance of P-wave data based on Zoeppritz’s and Aki & Richard’s equation, include P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, and density. The three parameters are inversed synchronously from the pre-stack multi-angle P-wave data, based on rockphysics model and aimed at the least remnant difference between model simulation and practical data. In order to improve the stability of inversion and resolution to thin bed, several techniques were employed, such as the wavelet transform with multi-scale function, adding the Bayesian soft constraint and hard constraints (the horizon, structure and so on) to the inversion process. Being the result, the uncertainty of the resolution is reduced, the reliability and precision are improved, the significance of parameters becomes clearer. Meeting to the fundamental requirement of pre-stack inversion, some research in rockphysics are carried out which covered the simulation and inversion of S-wave velocity, the influence of pore fluids to geophysical parameters, and the slecting and analyzing of sensitive parameters. The difference between elastic wave equation modeling and Zoeppritz equation method is also compared. A series of key techniques of pre-stack seismic inversion and description were developed, such as attributes optimization, fluid factors, etc. All the techniques mentioned above are assembled to form a technique sets and process of synchronous pre-stack seismic inversion method of the three parameters based on rock physics and model simulation. The new method and technology were applied in many areas with various reservoirs, obtained both geological and economic significance, which proved to be valid and rational. This study will promote the pre-stack inversion technology and it’s application in hidden reservoirs exploration, face good prospects for development and application.


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At present, in order to image complex structures more accurately, the seismic migration methods has been developed from isotropic media to the anisotropic media. This dissertation develops a prestack time migration algorithm and application aspects for complex structures systematically. In transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI media), the dissertation starts from the theory that the prestack time migration is an approximation of the prestack depth migration, based on the one way wave equation and VTI time migration dispersion relation, by combining the stationary-phase theory gives a wave equation based VTI prestack time migration algorithm. Based on this algorithm, we can analytically obtain the travel time and amplitude expression in VTI media, as while conclude how the anisotropic parameter influence the time migration, and by analyzing the normal moveout of the far offset seismic data and lateral inhomogeneity of velocity, we can update the velocity model and estimate the anisotropic parameter model through the time migration. When anisotropic parameter is zero, this algorithm degenerates to the isotropic time migration algorithm naturally, so we can propose an isotopic processing procedure for imaging. This procedure may keep the main character of time migration such as high computational efficiency and velocity estimation through the migration, and, additionally, partially compensate the geometric divergence by adopting the deconvolution imaging condition of wave equation migration. Application of this algorithm to the complicated synthetic dataset and field data demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach. In the dissertation we also present an approach for estimating the velocity model and anisotropic parameter model. After analyzing the velocity and anisotropic parameter impaction on the time migration, and based on the normal moveout of the far offset seismic data and lateral inhomogeneity of velocity, through migration we can update the velocity model and estimate the anisotropic parameter model by combining the advantages of velocity analysis in isotropic media and anisotropic parameter estimation in VTI media. Testing on the synthetic and field data, demonstrates the method is effective and very steady. Massive synthetic dataset、2D sea dataset and 3D field datasets are used for VTI prestack time migration and compared to the stacked section after NMO and prestack isotropic time migration stacked section to demonstrate that VTI prestack time migration method in this paper can obtain better focusing and less positioning errors of complicated dip reflectors. When subsurface is more complex, primaries and multiples could not be separated in the Radon domain because they can no longer be described with simple functions (parabolic). We propose an attenuating multiple method in the image domain to resolve this problem. For a given velocity model,since time migration takes the complex structures wavefield propagation in to account, primaries and multiples have different offset-domain moveout discrepancies, then can be separated using techniques similar to the prior migration with Radon transform. Since every individual offset-domain common-reflection point gather incorporates complex 3D propagation effects, our method has the advantage of working with 3D data and complicated geology. Testing on synthetic and real data, we demonstrate the power of the method in discriminating between primaries and multiples after prestack time migration, and multiples can be attenuated in the image space considerably.


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Datuming which has not been well solved in complex areas is a long-existing problem in seismic processing and imaging. Theoretically, Wave-equation datuming(WED) works well in the areas with substantial surface topography and areas of complex velocity structure. However, many difficulties still exist in practice. There are three main reasons: (1) It’s difficult to obtain the velocity model. (2) The computational cost is high and the efficiency is low. (3) Reflection waveform distortions are introduced by low S/N ratio in seismic data. The second and third problems are involved in the paper. To improve computational efficiency, DP1 proposed by Fu Li-Yun is applied in WED. Some quantitative and semi-quantitative conclusions of assessing the computational accuracy and efficiency have been obtained by comparing the adaptation of three operators( PS, SSF, DP1) to the surface topography and the lateral velocity variation. Moreover, the impacts of near surface scattering associated with complex surface topography on WED is analyzed theoretically. According to the analysis results, the following conclusions have been obtained. WED is stable and effective when the field data has high S/N ratio and velocity model is accurate. However ,it doesn’t work well when S/N ratio of field data is low. So denoising techniques in process of WED is important for low S/N data. The paper presents the theoretical analysis for the issues facing WED, which is expected to provide a useful reference to the further development of this technology.


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On the subject of oil and gas exploration, migration is an efficacious technique for imagining structures underground. Wave-equation migration (WEM) dominates over other migration methods in accuracy, despite of higher computational cost. However, the advantages of WEM will emerge as the progress of computer technology. WEM is sensitive to velocity model more than others. Small velocity perturbations result in grate divergence in the image pad. Currently, Kirrchhoff method is still very popular in the exploration industry for the reason of difficult to provide precise velocity model. It is very urgent to figure out a way to migration velocity modeling. This dissertation is mainly devoted to migration velocity analysis method for WEM: 1. In this dissertation, we cataloged wave equation prestack depth migration. The concept of migration is introduced. Then, the analysis is applied to different kinds of extrapolate operator to demonstrate their accuracy and applicability. We derived the DSR and SSR migration method and apply both to 2D model. 2. The output of prestack WEM is in form of common image gathers (CIGs). Angle domain common image gathers (ADCIGs) gained by wave equation are proved to be free of artifacts. They are also the most potential candidates for migration velocity analysis. We discussed how to get ADCIGs by DSR and SSR, and obtained ADCIGs before and after imaging separately. The quality of post stack image is affected by CIGs, only the focused or flattened CIGs generate the correct image. Based on wave equation migration, image could be enhanced by special measures. In this dissertation we use both prestack depth residual migration and time shift imaging condition to improve the image quality. 3. Inaccurate velocities lead to errors of imaging depth and curvature of coherent events in CIGs. The ultimate goal of migration velocity analysis (MVA) is to focus scattered event to correct depth and flatten curving event by updating velocities. The kinematic figures are implicitly presented by focus depth aberration and kinetic figure by amplitude. The initial model of Wave-equation migration velocity analysis (WEMVA) is the output of RMO velocity analysis. For integrity of MVA, we review RMO method in this dissertation. The dissertation discusses the general ideal of RMO velocity analysis for flat and dipping events and the corresponding velocity update formula. Migration velocity analysis is a very time consuming work. Respect to computational convenience, we discus how RMO works for synthetic source record migration. In some extremely situation, RMO method fails. Especially in the areas of poorly illuminated or steep structure, it is very difficult to obtain enough angle information for RMO. WEMVA based on wave extrapolate theory, which successfully overcome the drawback of ray based methods. WEMVA inverses residual velocities with residual images. Based on migration regression, we studied the linearized scattering operator and linearized residual image. The key to WEMVA is the linearized residual image. Residual image obtained by Prestack residual migration, which based on DSR is very inefficient. In this dissertation, we proposed obtaining residual migration by time shift image condition, so that, WEMVA could be implemented by SSR. It evidently reduce the computational cost for this method.