971 resultados para Self sustainable agriculture
"March 1991."
Mode of access: Internet.
"December 2000."
Soil Health, Soil Biology, Soilborne Diseases and Sustainable Agriculture provides readily understandable information about the bacteria, fungi, nematodes and other soil organisms that not only harm food crops but also help them take up water and nutrients and protect them from root diseases. Complete with illustrations and practical case studies, it provides growers and their consultants with holistic solutions for building an active and diverse soil biological community capable of improving soil structure, enhancing plant nutrient uptake and suppressing root pests and pathogens.
[EN] The concept of sustainability when referring to food production rests, in general, on 3 main aspects: 1) respect for the environment; 2) economic and social benefits for all involved in production; and 3) production of sufficient quantity of quality food at an accessible price. In this contribution we focus on the main aspects of the traditional sheep's milk and cheese production (under the Denomination of Origin Idiazabal Cheese) in the Basque Country that contribute primarily to its sustainability. It is based on the local latxa or carranzana breeds of sheep, adapted to the mountainous terrain. The sheepherder takes advantage of local resources to reduce management costs by combining indoor dry forage and concentrates with outdoor grazing throughout lactation, according to local pasture availability, and thus avoiding having to buy large amounts of feed. This system facilitates recycling of manure, fertilising pastures and forest at the same time. Use of local breeds helps maintain biodiversity of sheep breeds. Cheese is produced industrially (44.5% of the total cheese produced in 2008) from milk of many flocks, or artisanally (38.3%) by the sheepherders with the milk from their own flocks. Transforming their own milk into cheese is advantageous for the following reasons: 1) higher economic returns as compared to selling the milk to cheese factories because cheese price directly sold to consumers is more competitive than industrial cheese sold in supermarkets; 2) increases the value of women's work (over 80% of the cheese makers are women) in the community and their self-esteem; 3) it creates rural jobs and contributes to rural development; 4) we have demonstrated both with experimental and commercial flocks that part-time grazing allows the sheepherder to obtain high yields of milk, and cheese, of high nutritional and functional quality. Currently a less sustainable, intensive sheep's milk production with foreign, imported breeds kept indoors constantly is gaining favour among milk producers because of its perceived higher economic profitability.
A partir de las últimas décadas se ha impulsado el desarrollo y la utilización de los Sistemas de Información Geográficos (SIG) y los Sistemas de Posicionamiento Satelital (GPS) orientados a mejorar la eficiencia productiva de distintos sistemas de cultivos extensivos en términos agronómicos, económicos y ambientales. Estas nuevas tecnologías permiten medir variabilidad espacial de propiedades del sitio como conductividad eléctrica aparente y otros atributos del terreno así como el efecto de las mismas sobre la distribución espacial de los rendimientos. Luego, es posible aplicar el manejo sitio-específico en los lotes para mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de los insumos agroquímicos, la protección del medio ambiente y la sustentabilidad de la vida rural. En la actualidad, existe una oferta amplia de recursos tecnológicos propios de la agricultura de precisión para capturar variación espacial a través de los sitios dentro del terreno. El óptimo uso del gran volumen de datos derivado de maquinarias de agricultura de precisión depende fuertemente de las capacidades para explorar la información relativa a las complejas interacciones que subyacen los resultados productivos. La covariación espacial de las propiedades del sitio y el rendimiento de los cultivos ha sido estudiada a través de modelos geoestadísticos clásicos que se basan en la teoría de variables regionalizadas. Nuevos desarrollos de modelos estadísticos contemporáneos, entre los que se destacan los modelos lineales mixtos, constituyen herramientas prometedoras para el tratamiento de datos correlacionados espacialmente. Más aún, debido a la naturaleza multivariada de las múltiples variables registradas en cada sitio, las técnicas de análisis multivariado podrían aportar valiosa información para la visualización y explotación de datos georreferenciados. La comprensión de las bases agronómicas de las complejas interacciones que se producen a la escala de lotes en producción, es hoy posible con el uso de éstas nuevas tecnologías. Los objetivos del presente proyecto son: (l) desarrollar estrategias metodológicas basadas en la complementación de técnicas de análisis multivariados y geoestadísticas, para la clasificación de sitios intralotes y el estudio de interdependencias entre variables de sitio y rendimiento; (ll) proponer modelos mixtos alternativos, basados en funciones de correlación espacial de los términos de error que permitan explorar patrones de correlación espacial de los rendimientos intralotes y las propiedades del suelo en los sitios delimitados. From the last decades the use and development of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Satellite Positioning Systems (GPS) is highly promoted in cropping systems. Such technologies allow measuring spatial variability of site properties including electrical conductivity and others soil features as well as their impact on the spatial variability of yields. Therefore, site-specific management could be applied to improve the efficiency in the use of agrochemicals, the environmental protection, and the sustainability of the rural life. Currently, there is a wide offer of technological resources to capture spatial variation across sites within field. However, the optimum use of data coming from the precision agriculture machineries strongly depends on the capabilities to explore the information about the complex interactions underlying the productive outputs. The covariation between spatial soil properties and yields from georeferenced data has been treated in a graphical manner or with standard geostatistical approaches. New statistical modeling capabilities from the Mixed Linear Model framework are promising to deal with correlated data such those produced by the precision agriculture. Moreover, rescuing the multivariate nature of the multiple data collected at each site, several multivariate statistical approaches could be crucial tools for data analysis with georeferenced data. Understanding the basis of complex interactions at the scale of production field is now within reach the use of these new techniques. Our main objectives are: (1) to develop new statistical strategies, based on the complementarities of geostatistics and multivariate methods, useful to classify sites within field grown with grain crops and analyze the interrelationships of several soil and yield variables, (2) to propose mixed linear models to predict yield according spatial soil variability and to build contour maps to promote a more sustainable agriculture.
Oil palm is a significant and developing crop in many developing countries. The introduction of oil palm puts pressure on natural resources because it is often planted in cleared-cut land that previously supported other crops or was forested. This has led to environmental concerns which require attention. Hence it is important that new plantations are managed in a sustainable way to reduce the impact of oil palm cultivation on ecosystems whilst maximising yield and productivity to farmers. The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) technology is one option that can benefit both agronomic plant health and ecosystems. AMF have the potential to increase conventional agricultural productivity and are crucial for the sustainable functioning of agricultural ecosystems. This paper provides an insight into how AMF application might benefit oil palm cultivation through more sustainable management and the practical use of AMF for oil palm plantations.
ABSTRACTAs important as the establishment of projects of ecological restoration is its assessment post-implementation to know whether the area is becoming self-sustainable or need to be redirected. In this way, this study aimed to know the current situation of a 5-year-old rehabilitated riparian forest,inserted in an anthropogenic impacted region,at the das Velhas River, Minas Gerais State, studying the canopy openness and recruitment of seedlings as plant indicators. 15 plots were allocated in the forest, where hemispherical photographs were taken to analyze the canopy openness and evaluate all seedlings from 0.30 m to 1.30 m height.Canopy openness ranged from 23.7% to 38.8% between seasons and only 192 seedlings were found,from 13 species, five of them exotic and aggressive. Although canopy openness was low, it seems that lateral penetration of light has been favoring the development and dominancy of plants from invasive species, whereas few native ones have been recruited. The exotic/invasive plants may compromise the success of restoration mainly by competition with native planted species. The outcomes evidenced an unsustainability of the riparian forest and the requirement of some management actions to control exotic and invasive plants and ensure the preservation of the area and its ecological roles over time.
El objetivo principal de esta monografía es identificar cuáles son las razones que justifican las contradicciones entre el discurso y el comportamiento de Estados Unidos en el marco de la Organización Mundial del Comercio, particularmente con relación a prácticas anticompetitivas derivadas del programa de protección a la agricultura del país. Para ello se analizan el interés nacional y los elementos de la seguridad nacional a partir de los cuales éste se ha construido. También se evalúan los procesos de formulación de política comercial y las interacciones entre los representantes políticos, las asociaciones de productores y el sector privado para mostrar como este comportamiento contradictorio corresponde a la legitimización de un interés particular.
Transformation of the south-western Australian landscape from deep-rooted woody vegetation systems to shallow-rooted annual cropping systems has resulted in the severe loss of biodiversity and this loss has been exacerbated by rising ground waters that have mobilised stored salts causing extensive dry land salinity. Since the original plant communities were mostly perennial and deep rooted, the model for sustainable agriculture and landscape water management invariably includes deep rooted trees. Commercial forestry is however only economical in higher rainfall (>700 mm yr−1) areas whereas much of the area where biodiversity is threatened has lower rainfall (300–700 mm yr−1). Agroforestry may provide the opportunity to develop new agricultural landscapes that interlace ecosystem services such as carbon mitigation via carbon sequestration and biofuels, biodiversity restoration, watershed management while maintaining food production. Active markets are developing for some of these ecosystem services, however a lack of predictive metrics and the regulatory environment are impeding the adoption of several ecosystem services. Nonetheless, a clear opportunity exists for four major issues – the maintenance of food and fibre production, salinisation, biodiversity decline and climate change mitigation – to be managed at a meaningful scale and a new, sustainable agricultural landscape to be developed.
The adverse effects on Latin America and the Caribbean of the global economic and financial crisis, the worst since the 1930s, have been considerably less than was once feared. Although a run of growth was cut short in 2009 and regional output shrank by 1.9%, the impact of the crisis was limited by the application of countercyclical fiscal and monetary policies by many of the region’s governments. The recovery in the economies, particularly in South America, has gone hand-in-hand with the rapid resurgence of the emerging economies of Asia, with all the favourable consequences this has had for global trade. A similar pattern may be observed regarding the impact of the crisis on labour markets in Latin America and the Caribbean. Although millions of people lost their jobs or had to trade down to lower-quality work, levels of employment (including formal employment) fell by less than originally foreseen. At the same time, real wages rose slightly in a context of falling inflation. The labour market thus stabilized domestic demand, and this contributed to the recovery that began in many countries in late 2009. Improved international trade and financing conditions, and the pick-up in domestic demand driven by macroeconomic policies, have led different commentators to estimate growth in the region’s economy at some 6% in 2010. As detailed in the first part of this edition of the Bulletin, the upturn has been manifested at the regional level by the creation of formal employment, a rise in the employment rate, a decline in joblessness and a moderate increase in real wages. Specifically, it is estimatedthat the regional unemployment rate will have dropped by 0.6 percentage points, from 8.1% in 2009 to 7.5% in 2010. The performance of different countries and subregions has been very uneven, however. On the one hand, there is Brazil, where high economic growth has been accompanied by vigorous creation of formal jobs and the unemployment rate has dropped to levels not seen in a long time. Other countries in South America have benefited from strong demand for natural resources from the Asian countries. Combined with higher domestic demand, this has raised their economic growth rates and had a positive impact on employment indicators. On the other hand, the recovery is still very weak in certain countries and subregions, particularly in the Caribbean, with employment indicators continuing to worsen.Thus, the recovery in the region’s economy in 2010 may be characterized as dynamic but uneven. Growth estimates for 2011 are less favourable. The risks associated with the imbalances in the world economy and the withdrawal of countercyclical fiscal packages are likely to cause the region to grow more slowly in 2011. Accordingly, a small further reduction of between 0.2 and 0.4 percentage points in the unemployment rate is projected for 2011. However, these indicators of recovery do not guarantee growth with decent work in the long term. To bolster the improvement in labour market indicators and generate more productive employment and decent work, the region’s countries need to strengthen their macroeconomic policies, improve regional and global policy coordination, identify and remove bottlenecks in the labour market itself and enhance instruments designed to promote greater equality. Like the rest of the world, the Latin American and Caribbean region is also confronted with the challenge of transforming the way it produces so that its economies can develop along tracks that are sustainable in the long term. Climate change and the consequent challenge of developing and strengthening low-carbon production and consumption patterns will also affect the way people work. A great challenge ahead is to create green jobs that combine decent work with environmentally sustainable production patterns. From this perspective, the second part of this Bulletin discusses the green jobs approach, offering some information on the challenges and opportunities involved in moving towards a sustainable economy in the region and presenting a set of options for addressing environmental issues and the repercussions of climate change in the world of work. Although the debate about the green jobs concept is fairly new in the region, examples already exist and a number of countries have moved ahead with the application of policies and programmes in this area. Costa Rica has formulated a National Climate Change Strategy, for example, whose foremost achievements include professional training in natural-resource management. In Brazil, fuel production from biomass has increased and social housing with solar panelling is being built. A number of other countries in the region are making progress in areas such as ecotourism, sustainable agriculture and infrastructure for climate change adaptation, and in formalizing the work of people who recycle household waste. The shift towards a more environmentally sustainable economy may cause jobs to be destroyed in some economic sectors and created in others. The working world will inevitably undergo major changes. If the issue is approached by way of social dialogue and appropriate public policies, there is a chance to use this shift to create more decent jobs, thereby contributing to growth in the economy, the construction of higher levels of equality and protection for the environment.