957 resultados para Seio frontal


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Although the anti-inflammatory actions of glucocorticoids (GCs) are well established, evidence has accumulated showing that proinflammatory GC effects can occur in the brain, in a poorly understood manner. Using electrophoretic mobility shift assay, real-time PCR, and immunoblotting, we investigated the ability of varying concentrations of corticosterone (CORT, the GC of rats) to modulate lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced activation of NF-kappa B (nuclear factor kappa B), expression of anti- and proinflammatory factors and of the MAP (mitogen-activated protein) kinase family [ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase), p38, and JNK/ SAPK (c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase/ stress-activated protein kinase)], and AKT. In the frontal cortex, elevated CORT levels were proinflammatory, exacerbating LPS effects on NF-kappa B, MAP kinases, and proinflammatory gene expression. Milder proinflammatory GCs effects occurred in the hippocampus. In the absence of LPS, elevated CORT levels increased basal activation of ERK1/ 2, p38, SAPK/ JNK, and AKT in both regions. These findings suggest that GCs do not uniformly suppress neuroinflammation and can even enhance it at multiple levels in the pathway linking LPS exposure to inflammation.


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A memória pode ser definida como o armazenamento e a evocação de uma informação aprendida. Sendo um processo dinâmico, requer a ativação de diversos sistemas para que a informação adquirida seja consolidada. O ATP é um importante neurotransmissor que, após a sua liberação e conseqüente ativação de seus receptores específicos, precisa ser inativado. Esta remoção do ATP da fenda sináptica ocorre através de sua hidrólise promovida pelas ectonucleotidases. Como um dos produtos da hidrólise do ATP, a adenosina é considerada um potente neuromodulador e exerce suas ações através de receptores específicos com ações excitatórias (A2A e A2B ) ou inibitórias (A1 e A3). Vários trabalhos já demonstraram a participação do sistema purinérgico nos processos relacionados a memória da tarefa da esquiva inibitória. Estudos realizados em nosso laboratório mostraram a participação das ectonucleotidases sinaptossomais de hipocampo, córtex entorrinal e córtex parietal na consolidação da memória para esquiva inibitória. No entanto, existem poucos estudos a respeito do sistema purinérgico nos mecanismos de consolidação da memória em outras regiões cerebrais, tais como o córtex cingulado anterior (CA) e posterior (CP) e a área pré-central medial (FR2). Portanto, na primeira parte deste estudo, avaliamos as atividades ectonucleotidásicas em sinaptossomas de CA, CP e FR2 de ratos submetidos à tarefa de esquiva inibitória. Nossos resultados demonstraram um aumento na hidrólise de ATP em sinaptossomas de FR2 e CA; e na hidrólise de ADP em sinaptossomas de FR2 e CP. Este aumento na hidrólise de ATP e ADP ocorreu devido ao choque administrado na tarefa, já que o grupo de animais que não recebeu choque não apresentou alterações na hidrólise de ATP e ADP. Este efeito observado provavelmente não está associado à consolidação da memória, mas a mudanças neuroquímicas e neurohumorais induzidas pelo estresse após o choque. Além disso, foi observado um aumento relacionado ao aprendizado na atividade ATPásica e ADPásica em CP e CA, respectivamente. Estes resultados sugerem fortemente que estas enzimas participam da consolidação da memória em CP e CA. O aumento na hidrólise de ATP e ADP sugere um possível aumento na concentração de adenosina nestas regiões. Portanto, na segunda parte deste estudo, verificamos a influência de agonistas e antagonistas de receptores de adenosina nas memórias de curta (STM) e de longa (LTM) duração na tarefa de esquiva inibitória. Então, neste estudo administramos intrafusões de análogos de adenosina em CP, imediatamente após o treino em esquiva inibitória. Os resultados demonstraram que a intrafusão de DPCPX, um antagonista de receptores A1, em CP, na concentração de 50 nM, aumentou significativamente a retenção da tarefa em ambas STM e LTM. Além disso, a administração de CPA, um agonista de receptores A1 de adenosina, não alterou ambas STM e LTM nas concentrações testadas. Portanto, este estudo sugere que os receptores A1 exercem uma modulação inibitória em CP tanto na STM quanto na LTM para o aprendizado de esquiva inibitória. A regulação dos níveis de ATP e adenosina pelas ectonucleotidases em CP, CA e FR2 controlaria a ativação dos receptores A1 nestas estruturas, podendo exercer efeitos modulatórios na consolidação da memória nestas estruturas.


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Introdução: Diversas anormalidades neuroquímicas têm sido relatadas no Transtorno Bipolar (TB), mas os verdadeiros mecanismos envolvidos na fisiopatologia do TB permanecem a ser elucidados. A técnica de espectroscopia por ressonância magnética (1H-MRS) permite a mensuração de certos neurometabólitos no cérebro humano in vivo. Nós utilizamos a 1H-MRS para investigar o N-acetil-L-aspartato (NAA), compostos de colina (Cho), creatina/fosfocreatina (Cr) e o myoinositol (Ino) no córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral (CPFDL) em indivíduos bipolares durante episódio maníaco/misto. Métodos: Dez pacientes bipolares (9 maníacos, 1 misto), diagnosticados através de uma entrevista clínica semi-estruturada (SCID), e 10 voluntários normais pareados por sexo e idade foram estudados. Os neurometabólitos foram mensurados através de voxels de 8cm3 localizados no CPFDL direito e esquerdo para aquisição da 1H-MRS de 1.5T. Imagens de ressonância magnética anatômica ponderadas em T1 e T2 foram obtidas para excluir quaisquer anormalidades neuroanatômicas. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas para NAA, Cho, Cr, Ino, NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr, ou Ino/Cr entre pacientes e controles. Pacientes maníacos/mistos apresentaram níveis significativamente aumentados de myoinositol no CPFDL esquerdo em relação ao CPFDL direito (p = 0,044). Conclusões: Elevação do myoinositol no CPFDL esquerdo em pacientes bipolares durante mania aguda pode representar uma disfunção na via de sinalização do fosfatidilinositol. Estudos longitudinais com maior amostra avaliando o pré e pós-tratamento são necessários para melhor esclarecer este tema.


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A serotonina (5-hidroxitriptamina, 5-HT), é um dos neurotransmissores que possui um papel importante na neurobiologia do comportamento agressivo. Estudos têm demonstrado que níveis elevados de serotonina conduzem a uma diminuição da agressividade em muitas espécies diferentes incluindo a espécie humana. Os receptores 5-HT1B estão envolvidos em funções comportamentais importantes, como o comportamento agressivo. Injeções sistêmicas de agonistas dos receptores 5-HT1B apresentam efeitos específicos antiagressivos. Recentemente, no córtex pré-frontal, mais especificamente na região orbitofrontal, tem sido identificado uma importante inibição no controle do comportamento, em particular o comportamento impulsivo e agressivo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de dois agonistas dos receptores 5-HT1B o CP-94,253 e o CP-93,129 sobre o comportamento agressivo de ratas fêmeas submetidas à provocação social e o papel do córtex pré-frontal: a região orbitofrontal, sobre o comportamento agressivo. Foram utilizadas ratas fêmeas Wistar microinjetadas no nono dia pós-parto com CP-94,253 ou CP-93,129. O agonista dos receptores 5-HT1B o CP-94,253 foi injetado nas doses de 0,56 (n=8) e 1,0 μg/0,2μl (n=8). O outro agonista dos receptores 5-HT1B o CP-93,129 foi injetado na dose de 1,0 μg/0,2μl (n=9). O veículo para o CP-94,253 foi Dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) 5% juntamente com 5% de Tween 80 diluídos em água destilada e para o CP-93,129 o veículo foi salina. O experimento iniciou com fêmeas prenhas. No 5º dia pós-parto, a fêmea foi submetida ao protocolo de provocação social. No 6º dia pós-parto, a fêmea foi submetida à cirurgia estereotáxica e no 9º dia pós-parto a fêmea foi microinjetada com veículo ou agonistas 5- HT1B. Após a microinjeção foi realizado o teste comportamental, sendo que os comportamentos - agressivos e não-agressivos – foram filmados para posterior análise. A freqüência dos comportamentos foi comparada entre os grupos tratados e veículo pela análise de variância no grupo do CP-94,253 e foi utilizado pelo Teste t de Student para comparar o grupo CP-93,129 com o veículo. Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição no comportamento agressivo maternal (ataque lateral, postura agressiva e dominar) após a microinjeção do agonista CP-93,129 comparado com o grupo salina. Os dois agonistas dos receptores 5-HT1B o CP-94,253 e o CP-93,129 não tiveram os mesmos efeitos. O CP- 93,129, quando microinjetado no córtex pré-frontal, na região orbitofrontal de ratas submetidas à provocação social, tem efeitos antiagressivos enquanto que o CP-94,253 não alterou o comportamento agressivo.


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Cortical interneurons are characterized by their distinct morphological, physiological and biochemical properties, acting as modulators of the excitatory activity by pyramidal neurons, for example. Various studies have revealed differences in both distribution and density of this cell group throughout distinct cortical areas in several species. A particular class of interneuron closely related to cortical modulation is revealed by the immunohistochemistry for calcium binding proteins calbindin (CB), calretinina (CR) and parvalbumin (PV). Despite the growing amount of studies focusing on calcium binding proteins, the prefrontal cortex of primates remains relatively little explored, particularly in what concerns a better understanding of the organization of the inhibitory circuitry across its subdivisions. In the present study we characterized the morphology and distribution of neurons rich in calcium-binding proteins in the medial, orbital and dorsolateral areas of the prefrontal cortex of the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Using both morphometric and stereological techniques, we found that CR-reactive neurons (mainly double bouquet and bipolar cells) have a more complex dendritic arborization than CB-reactive (bitufted and basket cells) and PV-reactive neurons (chandelier cells). The neuronal densities of CR- and CB-reactive cells are higher in the supragranular layers (II/III) whilst PV-reactive neurons, conversely, are more concentrated in the infragranular layers (V/VI). CR-reactive neurons were the predominant group in the three regions evaluated, being most prevalent in dorsomedial region. Our findings point out to fundamental differences in the inhibitory circuitry of the different areas of the prefrontal cortex in marmoset


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Purpose: the purpose of this study was to evaluate complications occurring after immediate reconstruction of severe frontal sinus fractures, including cases where the fracture was not limited to the anterior wall and also involved the posterior wall and/or sinus floor.Patients and Methods: the records of twenty-six patients presently undergoing follow-up for frontal sinus fracture reconstruction were reviewed. Information regarding demographics, fracture characteristics and causes, associated facial fractures, use of grafts or implants, type of fixation used, nasofrontal duct management, use of antibiotics, and complications were noted. Patients were asked to return for clinical and radiographic follow-up to access late complications.Results: the average age of patients with frontal fractures was 29.1 years and 92.3% were male. Mean follow-up was 3.6 years. The most common causes of fracture were motor vehicle accidents and physical aggression. All patients presented with comminuted and dislocated anterior wall fractures, 34.6% presented with posterior wall fractures, and 46% had sinus floor fractures. Complications occurred in 7 patients (26.92%) and included pneumoencephalus, frontal cutaneous fistula, frontal bone irregularity, and sinusitis.Conclusions: Frontal sinus reconstruction is a good procedure for immediate fracture treatment if there is not excessive comminution, dislocation, or instability of the posterior wall and if the frontonasal duct area is intact or can be repaired. Most complications result from incorrect indication for reconstruction. (C) 2004 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Purpose: In this study, we evaluated the results of spontaneous osteoneogenesis of the frontal sinus with autogenous bone plug versus obliteration with heterogeneous (human) bone in monkeys (Cebus apella).Materials and Methods: Eight young adult male C apella monkeys underwent an ostectomy of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus, removal of the sinus mucosa, and inner decortication of the bony walls and then were divided into 2 groups of 4 each, as follows. Group I monkeys underwent obliteration of the nasofrontal ducts with a free segment of frontallis muscle and corticocancellous heterogeneous bone, followed by full obliteration of the sinus with corticocancellous heterogeneous bone (Dayton Regional Tissue Bank, Dayton, OH). Group II monkeys underwent obliteration of the nasofrontal ducts with a frontal muscle segment and tibial autogenous bone plug, without full obliteration of the frontal sinus. In all animals, the sinus anterior wall was repositioned and fixed with 1.0 plate and screws. The monkeys were killed after 180 days, and routine laboratory procedures were followed for hematoxylin-eosin staining and histologic evaluation of the specimens.Results: the 2 studied techniques were both effective in obliterating the frontal sinus with newly formed bone. The nasofrontal ducts were obliterated by new bone formation or fibrous tissue (1 animal only).Conclusions: Both methods used for frontal sinus obliteration were effective; the heterogeneous bone (human bone) was well tolerated and presented low antigenicity. The nasofrontal duct obliteration with autogenous muscle associated with autogenous tibial bone (group II) or with heterogeneous bone (group I) was effective, isolating the frontal sinus from the nasal cavity. The spontaneous obliteration resulted, in the period analyzed, in earlier bone maturation compared with the obliteration by heterogeneous bone. (C) 2003 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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The decline in frontal cognitive functions contributes to alterations of gait and increases the risk of falls in patients with dementia, a category which included Alzheimer's disease (AD). The objective of the present study was to compare the gait parameters and the risk of falls among patients at different stages of AD, and to relate these variables with cognitive functions. This is a cross-sectional study with 23 patients with mild and moderate AD. The Clinical Dementia Rating was used to classify the dementia severity. The kinematic parameters of gait (cadence, stride length, and stride speed) were analyzed under two conditions: (a) single task (free gait) and (b) dual task (walking and counting down). The risk of falls was evaluated using the Timed Up-and-Go test. The frontal cognitive functions were evaluated using the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), the Clock Drawing Test (CDT) and the Symbol Search Subtest. The patients who were at the moderate stage suffered reduced performance in their stride length and stride speed in the single task and had made more counting errors in the dual task and still had a higher fall risk. Both the mild and the moderate patients exhibited significant decreases in stride length, stride speed and cadence in the dual task. Was detected a significant correlation between CDT, FAB, and stride speed in the dual task condition. We also found a significant correlation between subtest Similarities, FAB and cadence in the dual task condition. The dual task produced changes in the kinematic parameters of gait for the mild and moderate AD patients and the gait alterations are related to frontal cognitive functions, particularly executive functions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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is a predominant characteristic, conditioned by the presence of castes with different morphology, ontogeny, and development. The soldier caste is unique among social insects and it is responsible for colony defense. Soldiers belonging to the Nasutitermitinae subfamily are very peculiar, since they may be polymorphic and present a nasus in addition to either developed or vestigial mandibles. The defensive secretions of soldiers of the neotropical Nasutitermitinae have been the aim of several chemical studies, but few data exist concerning the anatomy and histology of the exocrine glands. This article presents a comparative study on the anatomy of the frontal gland of soldiers of several Nasutitermitinae species: Syntermes dirus (Burmeister), Syntermes nanus (Constantino), Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri), Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) and Velocitermes heteropterus (Silvestri), with emphasis on the ultramorphology and ultrastructure of the frontal tube.


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The Nasutitermitinae species are the most diverse and derived of the Isoptera. The phylogeny of this subfamily has been a point of divergence. In an attempt to solve this problem, we propose the use of the morphological features of the head, frontal gland and its associated muscles as phylogenetic characters in some Nasutitermitinae genera. Results found about the head and frontal gland morphology are discussed and suggested to be used in future systematic studies of termites.


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The primary function of the soldier caste in the Isoptera is the defense of the termite society. The simplest defense is mechanical with oversized mandibles. Besides the mandibles, some termite soldiers use exocrine glands as a means of chemical defense. These glands produce substances which are toxic and/or repellent to termites enemies. Here we report the only case in the Neotropical fauna of dehiscence of the frontal gland in the soldier caste of the Brazilian termite, Serritermes serrifer (Bates).


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A new treatment of frontal sinus hypertrophy is described. The anterior wall is removed, inverted, and attached again. The resulting depression is filled with bone dust. Details are discussed, and a case is presented.


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Based on the lack of electromyographic researches on sport and programmes of physical conditioning, we can say that it is necessary to reexamine some exercises routinely used in the programmes of physical conditioning. Thus, the trapezius and serratus anterior muscles were studied electromyographically so that we could evaluate the validity in some ways of execution of the frontal-lateral cross, dumbbells exercises for the development of these muscles. We analyzed 24 male volunteers, 18 to 25 years old, using a 2-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and Hewlett Packard surface electrodes. For the execution of the exercise it was used a supine bench, a straight board and two bars of 40 cm made of light wood. The results showed that TS acted preferentially in standing modality and in the inclined supine modality, however with activity levels that do not justify its inclusion in physical fitness programmes.