992 resultados para Sediment source


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to evaluate the sediment quality in the estuarine protected area known as Canan,ia-Iguape-Peruibe (CIP-PA), located on the southeastern coast of Brazil. The study was designed considering possible negative effects induced by the city of Canan,ia on the sediment quality of surrounding areas. This evaluation was performed using chemical and ecotoxicological analyses. Sediments were predominantly sandy, with low CaCO3 contents. Amounts of organic matter varied, but higher contents occurred closer to the city, as well as did Fe and Total Recoverable Oils and Greases (TROGs) concentrations. Contamination by Cd and Cu was revealed in some samples, while concentrations of Zn were considered low. Chronic toxicity was detected in all tested sediments and acute toxicity occurred only in sediments collected near the city. The principal component analysis (PCA) revealed an association among Cd, Cu, Fe, TROG, fines, organic matter, CaCO3, and chronic toxicity, whereas acute toxicity was found to be associated with Zn and mud. However, because Zn levels were low, acute toxicity was likely due to a contaminant that was not measured. Results show that there is a broad area within the CIP-PA that is under the influence of mining activities (chronic toxicity, moderate contamination by metals), whereas poorer conditions occur closer to Canan,ia (acute toxicity); thus, the urban area seems to constitute a relevant source of contaminants for the estuarine complex. These results show that contamination is already capable of producing risks for the local aquatic biota, which suggests that the CIP-PA effectiveness in protecting estuarine biota may be threatened.


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Admiralty Bay (Antarctica) hosts three scientific stations (Ferraz, Arctowski and Macchu Picchu), which require the use of fossil fuel as an energy source. Fossil fuels are also considered the main source of pollution in the area, representing important inputs of major pollutants (organic compounds) and trace metals and metalloids of environmental interest. Accordingly, this work presents the results of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in sediment profiles from Admiralty Bay. The sediment results from Ferraz station were slightly higher than the other sampling sites. The highest contents were observed for Cu and Zn (from 44 to 89 mg kg(-1)). Otherwise, by using enrichment factors and geochronology analysis, the most relevant enrichment was observed for As in the samples collected close to the Ferraz station, indicating that increasing As content may be associated with the activities associated with this site. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Admiralty Bay on the King George Island hosts the Brazilian, Polish and Peruvian research stations as well as the American and Ecuadorian field stations. Human activities in this region require the use of fossil fuels as an energy source, thereby placing the region at risk of hydrocarbon contamination. Hydrocarbon monitoring was conducted on water and sediment samples from the bay over 15 years. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used for the analysis of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seawater samples and gas chromatography with flame ionization and/or mass spectrometric detection was used to analyse individual n-alkanes and PAHs in sediment samples. The results revealed that most sites contaminated by these Compounds are around the Brazilian and Polish research stations due to the intense human activities, mainly during the summer. Moreover, the sediments revealed the presence of hydrocarbons from different sources, suggesting a mixture of the direct input of oil or derivatives and derived from hydrocarbon combustion. A decrease in PAH concentrations occurred following improvement of the sewage treatment facilities at the Brazilian research station, indicating that the contribution from human waste may be significant.


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Geochemical data are presented for samples from strata, mainly of Miocene age, in the Cape Roberts-1 core (western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica) to assess the sediment provenance. Bulk (major and trace element) chemistry together with bulk mineralogy of fine-grained sandstones, siltstones, mudstones, and diamictites indicate that chemical alteration of source materials, fractionation due to sedimentary sorting, and diagenetic effects were not significant in the Cape Roberts sediment history. Relevant geochemical parameters are consistent with the Cape Roberts sediments being derived mainly from the crystalline basement and the Beacon Supergroup. On the basis of element distributions, an additional contribution from the Ferrar Dolerite and, mainly above about 60 m, influxes of detritus derived from basanitic to intermediate members of the McMurdo Volcanic Group are recognised.


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The early Late Pliocene (3.6 to ~3.0 million years ago) is the last extended interval in Earth's history when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were comparable to today's and global climate was warmer. Yet a severe global glaciation during marine isotope stage (MIS) M2 interrupted this phase of global warmth ~3.30 million years ago, and is seen as a premature attempt of the climate system to establish an ice-age world. Our geochemical and palynological records from five marine sediment cores along a Caribbean to eastern North Atlantic transect show that increased Pacific-to-Atlantic flow via the Central American Seaway weakened the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and attendant northward heat transport prior to MIS M2. The consequent cooling of the northern high latitude oceans permitted expansion of the Greenland ice sheet during MIS M2, despite near-modern atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Before and after MIS M2, heat transport via the NAC was crucial in maintaining warm climates comparable to those predicted for the end of this century.


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Sixty-four volcanic chists, sandstones and tephras between 5.95 and 618.19 meters below sea floor (mbsf) in the Cape Roberts Project cores 2 and 2A cores (CRP-2/2A) were examined for Cenozoic and Mesozoic volcanic components, using optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Minerals and glass shards in a selection of samples were analysed by electron microprobe fined with an EDAX detector. Laser-Ablation ICP-Mass-Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to determine rare earth elements and 14 additional trace elements in glass shards, pyroxenes and feldspars in order to pin-point the onset of McMurdo Volcanic Group (MVG) activity in the stratigraphic column. Pumices in tephra layers of peralkaline phonolite composition in Unit 7.2 -between 108 and 114 mbsf - were also analysed for trace elements by ICP-MS. This tephra unit is not reworked and its isotopic age (21.44 ± 0.05 Ma) is the age of deposition. The height of the eruptive column responsible for the deposition of the tephra was probably less than 8 km; the source was local, probably within 30 km from the drill site. Phonolite of unit 7.2 of CRP-2/2A has no direct petrogenetic relation with the peralkaline trachyte in the tephra-enriched layer of CRP-1 at 116.55 mbsf. Volcanic clasts and sand grains (glass shards, aegirine-augite, anorthoclase) related to Cenozoic activity of MVG were observed only starting from Unit 9.8, where they are dated at 24.22 ± 0.06 Ma at c. 280 mbsf. In this unit the lowest- occurring basaltic glass shard is found at 297.54 mbsf. Sampled McMurdo volcanics are generally vesicular and vary in composition from alkali basalt to trachyte and peralkaline phonolite. By contrast, below 320 mbsf, aphyric or slightly-porphyritic volcanic clasts become more abundant but they are all non-vesiculated, pigeconite and ilmenite-bearing basalts and dolerite of tholeiitic affinity. These rocks are considered to be related to lava flows and associated intrusions of Jurassic age (Kirkpatrick basalts and Ferrar dolerite). As in CRP-1, McMurdo volcanics appear to derive from a variety of lithologics. Besides glaciers, a dominant role of wind transportation from exposed volcanic rocks may be inferred from the contemporary occurrence of glass shards of different compositions at depths above 297.54 mbsf. These data confirm that the onset of magmatic activity in southern Victoria Land is considerably delayed (by about 24 Ma) with respect to northern Victoria Land.


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The Tore Seamount is a circular, volcano-like feature 100 km in diameter with its summit at 2200 m water depth and a small, 5000 m deep basin in its interior. It is situated approximately 300 km west of Lisbon and is surrounded by deep abyssal plains. This site with a standard pelagic stratigraphy is the southernmost point where the so-called Heinrich events have so far been recorded. A succession of alternating interglacial/glacial periods reveals a stratigraphic record back to the beginning of isotopic stage 7 (225 kyr). Climatic changes are identifiable by coherent variations in colour, carbonate content and distribution of ice-rafted detritus in the carbonate-free fraction. Inputs of ice-rafted quartz are well defined. Characteristics in common with other sites showing Heinrich layers include a high terrigenous to biogenic ratio, a dramatic decrease in the accumulation rate of foraminifera shells, an increase in dolomite abundance and the occurrence of polar foraminiferal species indicating southwards penetration of cold waters which lead us to consider a wider southeastern extent of the North Atlantic ice-rafted detritus belt than hitherto. If the presently accepted position of the Polar Front is maintained, icebergs must have been swept southwards from the southern boundary of the pack ice in a current merging into the ancestral Canary Current, bringing ice-rafted material to the Tore Seamount. The coincidence of reddish-feldspar, probably derived from the northern Appalachian Triassic red facies, with the transparent quartz suggests at least a partial Labrador source for all the Heinrich layers here, including HL 3. In comparison to other sites in the entire North Atlantic, two exceptions stand out: the absence of HL 5 and the low detritus to biogenics ratio for HL 3. The simultaneous occurrence of these two types of ice-rafted minerals is a new piece in the puzzle of the origin of Heinrich layers.


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The relative effects of paleoceanographic and paleogeographic variations, sediment lithology, and diagenetic processes on the final preserved chemistry of Japan Sea sediments are evaluated by investigating the rare earth element (REE), major element, and trace element concentrations in 59 squeeze-cake whole-round and 27 physical-property sample residues from Sites 794, 795, and 797, cored during ODP Leg 127. The most important variation in sedimentary chemical composition is the increase in SiO2 concentration through the Pliocene diatomaceous sequences, which dilutes most other major and trace element components by various degrees. This biogenic input is largest at Site 794 (Yamato Basin), moderately developed at Site 797 (Yamato Basin), and of only minor importance at Site 795 (Japan Basin), potentially reflecting basinal contrasts in productivity with the Yamato Basin recording greater biogenic input than the Japan Basin and with the easternmost sequence of Site 794 lying beneath the most productive waters. There are few systematic changes in solid-phase chemistry resulting from the opal-A/opal-CT or opal-CT/quartz silica phase transformations. Most major and trace element concentrations are controlled by the aluminosilicate fraction of the sediment, although the effects of diagenetic silica phases and manganese carbonates are of localized importance. REE total abundances (Sum REE) in the Japan Sea are strongly dependent upon the paleoceanographic position of a given site with respect to terrigenous and biogenic sources. REE concentrations at Site 794 overall correspond well to aluminosilicate chemical indices and are strongly diluted by SiO2 within the upper Miocene-Pliocene diatomaceous sequence. Eu/Eu* values at Site 794 reach a maximum through the diatomaceous interval as well, most likely suggesting an association of Eu/Eu* with the siliceous component, or reflecting slight incorporation of a detrital feldspar phase. SumREE at Site 795 also is affiliated strongly with aluminosilicate phases and yet is diluted only slightly by siliceous input. At Site 797, SumREE is not as clearly associated with the aluminosilicate fraction, is correlated moderately to siliceous input, and may be sporadically influenced by detrital heavy minerals originating from the nearby rifted continental fragment composing the Yamato Rise. Ce/Ce* profiles at all three sites increase essentially monotonically with depth and record progressive diagenetic LREE fractionation. The observed Ce/Ce* increases are not responding to changes in the paleoceanographic oxygenation state of the overlying water, as there is no independent evidence to suggest the proper oceanographic conditions. Ce/Ce* correlates slightly better with depth than with age at the two Yamato Basin sites. The downhole increase in Ce/Ce* at Sites 794 and 797 is a passive response to the diagenetic transfer of LREE (except Ce) from sediment to interstitial water. At Site 795, the overall lack of correlation between Ce/Ce* and Lan/Ybn suggests that other processes mask the diagenetic behavior of all LREEs. First-order calculations of the Ce budget in Japan Sea waters and sediment indicate that ~20% of the excess Ce adsorbed by settling particles is recycled within the water column and that an additional ~38% is recycled at or near the seafloor. Thus, because the remaining excess Ce is only ~10% of the total Ce, there is not a large source of Ce to the deeply buried sediment, further suggesting that the downhole increase in Ce/Ce* is a passive response to diagenetic behavior of the other LREEs. The REE chemistry of Japan Sea sediment therefore predicts successive downhole addition of LREEs to deeply buried interstitial waters.


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Mixed assemblages of Pliocene and Quaternary foraminifera occur within the Quaternary succession of the CRP-1 drillhole. Pliocene foraminifera are not present in the lowermost Unit 4.1. are rare in Unit 3.1 and 2.3, are relatively common in Units 2.2 and 2.1, and are absent in Unit 1.1. Fifteen and twelve species were documented in two of the samples from Units 2.2 and 2.1 respectively. A census count of foraminifera in a sample at 26.89 mbsf (Unit 2.2) indicated that 39% of the tests were from a Pliocene source, with the remaining 61% tests assigned to the in situ Quaternary assemblage. There appears to be a close correlation between the stratigraphic distribution of ice-rafted sediments and the test number and diversity of Pliocene taxa. It is concluded that Pliocene assemblages were not derived from submarine outcrops on Roberts Ridge, but are more likely to have been rafted to the site via major trunk valley drainage systems such as operated within the Mackay and Ferrar glacial valleys. The co-occurrence of marine biota (including foraminifera), fossil wood, pollen, and igneous clasts in the Quaternary succession of CRP-l, points to the marine and terrestrial facies of the Pliocene Sirius Group as a likely source. A major episode of erosion and transport of sediment into the offshore marine basins at about ~1 Ma may have been triggered by dynamism in the ice sheet-glacier system, an episode of regional uplift in the Transantarctic Mountains, sea level oscillations and associated changes in the land-to-sea drainage baselines, or some combination of these factors.


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The oceanographic and tectonic conditions of accretionary margins are well-suited for several potential processes governing methane generation, storage and release. To identify the relevant methane evolution pathways in the northern Cascadia accretionary margin, a four-site transect was drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 311. The d13C values of methane range from a minimum value of -82.2 per mil on an uplifted ridge of accreted sediment near the deformation front (Site U1326, 1829 mbsl, meters below sea level) to a maximum value of -39.5 per mil at the most landward location within an area of steep canyons near the shelf edge (Site U1329, 946 mbsl). An interpretation based solely on methane isotope values might conclude the 13C-enrichment of methane indicates a transition from microbially- to thermogenically-sourced methane. However, the co-existing CO2 exhibits a similar trend of 13C-enrichment along the transect with values ranging from -22.5 per mil to +25.7 per mil. The magnitude of the carbon isotope separation between methane and CO2 (Ec = 63.8 ± 5.8) is consistent with isotope fractionation during microbially mediated carbonate reduction. These results, in conjunction with a transect-wide gaseous hydrocarbon content composed of > 99.8% (by volume) methane and uniform dDCH4 values (-172 per mil ± 8) that are distinct from thermogenic methane at a seep located 60 km from the Expedition 311 transect, suggest microbial CO2 reduction is the predominant methane source at all investigated sites. The magnitude of the intra-site downhole 13C-enrichment of CO2 within the accreted ridge (Site U1326) and a slope basin nearest the deformation front (Site U1325, 2195 mbsl) is ~ 5 per mil. At the mid-slope site (Site U1327, 1304 mbsl) the downhole 13C-enrichment of the CO2 is ~ 25 per mil and increases to ~ 40 per mil at the near-shelf edge Site U1329. This isotope fractionation pattern is indicative of more extensive diagenetic alteration at sites with greater 13C-enrichment. The magnitude of the 13C-enrichment of CO2 correlates with decreasing sedimentation rates and a diminishing occurrence of stratigraphic gas hydrate. We suggest the decreasing sedimentation rates increase the exposure time of sedimentary organic matter to aerobic and anaerobic degradation, during burial, thereby reducing the availability of metabolizable organic matter available for methane production. This process is reflected in the occurrence and distribution of gas hydrate within the northern Cascadia margin accretionary prism. Our observations are relevant for evaluating methane production and the occurrence of stratigraphic gas hydrate within other convergent margins.


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One hundred and twenty-eight surface-sediment samples collected off North-West Africa were studied geochemically to detect the expressions of different meridional climate regimes and zonal productivity gradients in the surface sediments. This geochemical multi-tracer approach, coupled with additional information on the bulk carbonate and TOC contents makes it possible to characterise the sedimentological regime in detail. Typical terrigenous elements like Al, K and Fe mirror the importance of the humid (fluvial) influence in the north of the study area and the dominance of aeolian input in the south. Furthermore, the distributions of Ti and Fe in the surface sediments serve as tracers for the supply of eolian volcanic material from the Canary Islands. The spatial variability of the TOC contents in the surface sediments closely follows the ocean surface productivity patterns, whereas the CaCO3 contents are mainly controlled by dilution with terrigenous matter. The potential productivity proxy Ba is not a reliable tracer for productivity in this region, since it is mainly supplied by terrigenous input (coupled with aluminosilicates).


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Geochemical and mineralogical proxies for paleoenvironmental conditions have the underlying assumption that climate variations have an impact on terrestrial weathering conditions. Varying properties of terrigenous sediments deposited at sea are therefore often interpreted in terms of paleoenvironmental change. Also in gravity core GeoB9307-3 (18° 33.99' S, 37° 22.89' E), located off the Zambezi River, environmental changes during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS 1) and the Younger Dryas (YD) are accompanied by changing properties of the terrigenous sediment fraction. Our study focuses on the relationship of variability in the hydrological system and changes in the magnetic properties, major element geochemistry and granulometry of the sediments. We propose that changes in bulk sedimentary properties concur with environmental change, although not as a direct response of climate driven pedogenic processes. Spatial varying rainfall intensities on a sub-basin scale modify sediment export from different parts of the Zambezi River basin. During humid phases, such as HS 1 and the YD, sediment was mainly exported from the coastal areas, while during more arid phases sediments mirror the hinterland soil and lithological properties and are likely derived from the northern Shire sub-basin. We propose that a de-coupling of sedimentological and organic signals with variable discharge and erosional activity can occur.