993 resultados para Secondary electron microscope


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Much of what we currently understand about the structure and energetics of multiply charged anions in the gas phase is derived from the measurement of photoelectron spectra of simple dicarboxylate dianions. Here we have employed a modified linear ion-trap mass spectrometer to undertake complementary investigations of the ionic products resulting from laser-initiated electron photodetachment of two model dianions. Electron photodetachment (ePD) of the \[M-2H](2-) dianions formed from glutaric and adipic acid were found to result in a significant loss of ion signal overall, which is consistent with photoelectron studies that report the emission of slow secondary electrons (Xing et al., 2010 \[201). The ePD mass spectra reveal no signals corresponding to the intact \[M-2H](center dot-) radical anions, but rather \[M-2H-CO2](center dot-) ions are identified as the only abundant ionic products indicating that spontaneous decarboxylation follows ejection of the first electron. Interestingly however, investigations of the structure and energetics of the \[M-2H-CO2](center dot-) photoproducts by ion-molecule reaction and electronic structure calculation indicate that (i) these ions are stable with respect to secondary electron detachment and (ii) most of the ion population retains a distonic radical anion structure where the radical remains localised at the position of the departed carboxylate moiety. These observations lead to the conclusion that the mechanism for loss of ion signal involves unimolecular rearrangement reactions of the nascent \[M-2H](center dot-) carbonyloxyl radical anions that compete favourably with direct decarboxylation. Several possible rearrangement pathways that facilitate electron detachment from the radical anion are identified and are computed to be energetically accessible. Such pathways provide an explanation for prior observations of slow secondary electron features in the photoelectron spectra of the same dicaboxylate dianions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract: We report the growth and the electron cyclotron resonance measurements of n-type Si/Si0.62Ge0.38 and Si0.94Ge0.06/Si0.62Ge0.38 modulation-doped heterostructures grown by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition. The strained Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels were grown on relaxed Si0.62Ge0.38 buffer layers, which consist of 0.6 mu m uniform Si0.62Ge0.38 layers and 0.5 mu m compositionally graded relaxed SiGe layers from 0 to 38% Ge. The buffer layers were annealed at 800 degrees C for 1 h to obtain complete relaxation. A 75 Angstrom Si(SiGe) channel with a 100 Angstrom spacer and a 300 Angstrom 2 X 10(19) cm(-3) n-type supply layer was grown on the top of the buffer layers. The cross-sectional transmission electron microscope reveals that the dense dislocation network is confined to the buffer layer, and relatively few dislocations terminate on the surface. The plan-view image indicates the threading dislocation density is about 4 X 10(6) cm(-2). The far-infrared measurements of electron cyclotron resonance were performed at 4 K with the magnetic field of 4-8 T. The effective masses determined from the slope of the center frequency of the absorption peak versus applied magnetic field plot are 0.203m(0) and 0.193m(0) for the two dimensional electron gases in the Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels, respectively. The Si effective mass is very close to that of a two dimensional electron gas in an Si MOSFET (0.198m(0)). The electron effective mass of Si0.94Ge0.06 is reported for the first time and is about 5% lower than that of pure Si.


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Nanoscale deformation in the tribolayer of an Al–Mg alloy is studied using an in situ mechanical probe in a transmission electron microscope. The sample is strained locally at room temperature and the deformation is observed in real time. It is observed that when the tungsten probe comes into contact with the tribolayer, the material exhibits further hardening followed by material removal.


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Controlling the properties of nanostructures requires a detailed understanding of structure, microstructure, and chemistry at ever-decreasing length scales. The modern day transmission electron microscope has thus become an indispensable tool in the study of nanostructures. In this Perspective, we present a brief account of the capabilities of the TEM with some typical examples for characterizing nanostructures. The modern-day TEM has moved from a simple characterization tool to a nanoscale laboratory enabling in situ observation of several fundamental processes at unprecedented resolution levels.


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The mechanism of sub-microscopic precipitation in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy selected for its maximum response to ageing has been studied by a standardized oxide-replica technique in a 100 kV. Philips Electron Microscope. Contrary to earlier conclusions, examination of the oxide replicas has been shown to reveal details of the precipitation process almost as clearly as the thin-foil transmission technique. The reported formation of spherical Guinier-Preston zones followed by the development of a Widmanstaetten pattern of precipitated platelets has been confirmed. The zones have, however, been shown to grow into the platelets and not to dissolve in the matrix as reported earlier. The precipitation process has been correlated with the Hardness/Ageing Time curve and the structure of the precipitates has also been discussed.


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Germanium nanowires were grown on Au coated Si substrates at 380 degrees C in a high vacuum (5 x 10(-5) Torr) by e-beam evaporation of Germanium (Ge). The morphology observation by a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) shows that the grown nanowires are randomly oriented with an average length and diameter of 600 nm and 120 nm respectively for a deposition time of 60 min. The nanowire growth ratewas measured to be similar to 10 nm/min. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies revealed that the Ge nanowires were single crystalline in nature and further energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDAX) has shown that the tip of the grown nanowires was capped with Au nanoparticles, this shows that the growth of the Ge nanowires occurs by the vapour liquid solid (VLS) mechanism. HRTEM studies on the grown Ge nanowire show that they are single crystalline in nature and the growth direction was identified to be along [110]. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Generation of raw materials for dry powder inhalers by different size reduction methods can be expected to influence physical and chemical properties of the powders. This can cause differences in particle size, size distribution, shape, crystalline properties, surface texture and energy. These physical properties of powders influence the behaviour of particles before and after inhalation. Materials with an amorphous surface have different surface energy compared to materials with crystalline surface. This can affect the adhesion and cohesion of particles. Changes in the surface nature of the drug particles results in a change in product performance. By stabilization of the raw materials the amorphous surfaces are converted into crystalline surfaces. The primary aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the surface properties of the inhalation particles on the quality of the product. The quality of the inhalation product is evaluated by measuring the fine particle dose (FPD). FDP is the total dose of particles with aerodynamic diameters smaller than 5,0 μm. The secondary aim of this study was to achieve the target level of the FPD and the stability of the FPD. This study was also used to evaluate the importance of the stabilization of the inhalation powders. The study included manufacturing and analysing drug substance 200 μg/dose inhalation powder batches using non-stabilized or stabilized raw materials. The inhaler formulation consisted of micronized drug substance, lactose <100μm and micronized lactose <10μm. The inhaler device was Easyhaler®. Stabilization of the raw materials was done in different relative humidity, temperature and time. Surface properties of the raw materials were studied by dynamic vapour sorption, scanning electron microscopy and three-point nitrogen adsorption technique. Particle size was studied by laser diffraction particle size analyzer. Aerodynamic particle size distribution from inhalers was measured by new generation impactor. Stabilization of all three raw materials was successful. A clear difference between nonstabilized and stabilized raw materials was achieved for drug substance and lactose <10μm. However for lactose <100μm the difference wasn’t as clear as wanted. The surface of the non-stabilized drug substance was more irregular and the particles had more roughness on the surface compared to the stabilized drug substances particles surface. The surface of the stabilized drug particles was more regular and smoother than non-stabilized. Even though a good difference between stabilized and non-stabilized raw materials was achieved, a clear evidence of the effect of the surface properties of the inhalation particles on the quality of the product was not observed. Stabilization of the raw materials didn’t lead to a higher FPD. Possible explanations for the unexpected result might be too rough conditions in the stabilization of the drug substance or smaller than wanted difference in the degree of stabilization of the main component of the product <100μm. Despite positive effects on the quality of the product were not seen there appears to be some evidence that stabilized drug substance results in smaller particle size of dry powder inhalers.


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In the present study, 6061 Al metallic matrix was reinforced by 12.2 wt% df SiC particulates using liquid metallurgy route. The composite material thus obtained was extruded and characterized in the as-solutionized and peak aged conditions in order to delineate the effect of aging associated precipitation of secondary phases on the tensile fracture behavior of the composite samples. The results' of microstructural characterization studies carried out using scanning electron microscope revealed the increased presence of precipitated secondary phases in the metallic matrix and a more pronounced interfacial segregation of alloying elements in case of peak aged samples when compared to the as-solutionized samples. The results of the fractographic studies conducted on the as-solutionized samples revealed that the failure was dominated by the SiC particulates cracking while for the peak aged samples the fracture surface revealed a comparatively more pronounced SiC/6061 Al debonding and reduced SiC particulates cracking. This change in the failure behavior was rationalized in terms of embrittlement of the interfacial region brought about by the aging heat treatment and is correlated, in addition, with the mechanical properties of the composite samples in as-solutionized and peak aged conditions.


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Syntactic foams made by mechanical mixing of polymeric binder and hollow spherical particles are used as core materials in sandwich structured materials. Low density of such materials makes them suitable for weight sensitive applications. The present study correlates various postcompression microscopic observations in syntactic foams to the localized events leading the material to fracture. Depending upon local stress conditions the fracture features of syntactic foam are identified for various modes of fracture such as compressive, shear and tensile. Microscopic observations were also taken at sandwich structures containing syntactic foam as core materials and also at reinforced syntactic foam containing glass fibers. These observations provide conclusive evidences for the fracture features generated under different failure modes. All the microscopic observations were taken using scanning electron microscope in secondary electron mode. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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For the first time silicon nanowires have been grown on indium (In) coated Si (100) substrates using e-beam evaporation at a low substrate temperature of 300 degrees C. Standard spectroscopic and microscopic techniques have been employed for the structural, morphological and compositional properties of as grown Si nanowires. The as grown Si nanowires have randomly oriented with an average length of 600 nm for a deposition time of 15 min. As grown Si nanowires have shown indium nanoparticle (capped) on top of it confirming the Vapor Liquid Solid (VLS) growth mechanism. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) measurements have revealed pure and single crystalline nature of Si nanowires. The obtained results have indicated good progress towards finding alternative catalyst to gold for the synthesis of Si nanowires. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electron beam irradiation induced, bending of Iron filled, multiwalled carbon nanotubes is reported. Bending of both the carbon nanotube and the Iron contained within the core was achieved using two approaches with the aid of a high resolution electron microscope (HRTEM). In the first approach, bending of the nanotube structure results in response to the irradiation of a pristine kink defect site, while in the second approach, disordered sites induce bending by focusing the electron beam on the graphite walls. The HRTEM based in situ observations demonstrate the potential for using electron beam irradiation to investigate and manipulate the physical properties of confined nanoscale structures. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. doi:10.1063/1.3688083]


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8MeV electron irradiation effects on thioglycolic acid (TGA)-capped CdTe quantum dots (QD) are discussed in this study. CdTe QDs were characterized using x-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Steady-state and time-resolved emission spectroscopy and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy were performed before and after irradiation with 8MeV electrons. XRD and TEM confirm the growth of TGA-capped CdTe QDs. The photoemission wavelength, intensity and lifetimes were found to vary with electron dose. At lower doses, they were found to be increasing (red-shift of photoluminescence (PL) peak and intensity) while the intensity decreased at higher electron doses. The observed changes in PL property, XPS and XRD analysis suggest possible epitaxial growth of the CdS shell on the CdTe core. This work demonstrates electron beam induced formation of the CdS layer on the CdTe core, which is a key step towards growth of the water soluble CdTe/CdS core-shell structure for biomedical labelling applications.


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For the first time, high quality tin oxide (SnO2) nanowires have been synthesized at a low substrate temperature of 450 degrees C via vapor-liquid-solid mechanism using an electron beam evaporation technique. The grown nanowires have shown length of 2-4 mu m and diameter of 20-60 nm. High resolution transmission electron microscope studies on the grown nanowires have shown the single crystalline nature of the SnO2 nanowires. We investigated the effect of growth temperature and oxygen partial pressure on SnO2 nanowires growth. Variation of substrate temperature at a constant oxygen partial pressure of 4 x 10(-4) mbar suggested that a temperature equal to or greater than 450 degrees C was the best condition for phase pure SnO2 nanowires growth. The SnO2 nanowires grown on a SiO2 substrate were subjected to UV photo detection. The responsivity and quantum efficiency of SnO2 NWs photo detector (at 10V applied bias) was 12 A/W and 45, respectively, for 12 mu W/cm(2) UV lamp (330 nm) intensity on the photo detector.


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Growth of high density germanium nanowires on Si substrates by electron beam evaporation (EBE) has been demonstrated using gold as catalyst. The germanium atoms are provided by evaporating germanium by electron beam evaporation (EBE) technique. Effect of substrate (growth) temperature and deposition time on the growth of nanowires has studied. The morphology of the nanowires was investigated by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). It has been observed that a narrow temperature window from 380 degrees C to 480 degrees C is good for the nanowires growth as well as restriction on the maximum length of nanowires. It is also observed that high substrate temperature leading to the completely absence of nanowire growth.


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Ag-Ni films were electrodeposited over a Cu substrate. Structural characterization revealed a fibrous microstructure with an amorphous structure for the as-deposited film. Isothermal annealing at 400 degrees C of the film inside transmission electron microscope led to amorphous-to-crystalline transition along with the evolution of nano-sized particles in the microstructure. The crystalline phase was Ni-Ag solid solution. The relative volume fraction of the nano-sized particles increased gradually with time. There was however no detectable decomposition of solid solution phase till about 4 h of annealing. Beyond 4 h phase separation initiated and pure Ag and Ni phases formed in the film. This study provides a methodology by which microstructural engineering of as-electrodeposited amorphous Ag-Ni films can be conducted to isolate a particular microstructure in order to tap specific potentially usable functionalities. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.