993 resultados para Seca prolongada


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In Cape Verde, the low soil cover and inadequate practices on rain fed agricultural lands constitute major problems related to desertification. To the fragility of the land associates severe water erosion, causing tons of land to be washed away from the fields every year during the rainy season. Therefore, the aim in the scope of combating desertification is to provide a certain degree of permanent soil cover to serve as shield for the impact of rain. During the selection workshop several technologies, all related to vegetative cover either as strips or surface cover were discussed. Only two technologies were selected: vegetation strip with pigeon pea and afforestation with fruit trees.  Technology 1: Pigeon pea (cajanus cajan) barriers/strips. It consists in planting seeds of pigeon pea, a leguminous perennial shrub that has dual purpose of protecting the soil and feed people. It is planted in association with maize crop. After the maize is harvested, the soil remains with some degree of cover. Though the objective was to plant as strip barriers, six meters apart, most farmers planted it as surface cover.  Technology 2: Afforestation with fruit trees. It consists in the plantation of different fruit tree species in humid areas to provide both soil cover and feed for farmers. Since fruit trees require several years to provide effective cover, and though it was implemented in some areas, it was not evaluated during the project’s period.


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In Cape Verde, the low soil cover and inadequate practices on rain fed agricultural lands constitute major problems related to desertification. To the fragility of the land associates severe water erosion, causing tons of land to be washed away from the fields every year during the rainy season. Therefore, the aim in the scope of combating desertification is to provide a certain degree of permanent soil cover to serve as shield for the impact of rain. During the selection workshop several technologies, all related to vegetative cover either as strips or surface cover were discussed. Only two technologies were selected: vegetation strip with pigeon pea and afforestation with fruit trees.  Technology 1: Pigeon pea (cajanus cajan) barriers/strips. It consists in planting seeds of pigeon pea, a leguminous perennial shrub that has dual purpose of protecting the soil and feed people. It is planted in association with maize crop. After the maize is harvested, the soil remains with some degree of cover. Though the objective was to plant as strip barriers, six meters apart, most farmers planted it as surface cover.  Technology 2: Afforestation with fruit trees. It consists in the plantation of different fruit tree species in humid areas to provide both soil cover and feed for farmers. Since fruit trees require several years to provide effective cover, and though it was implemented in some areas, it was not evaluated during the project’s period.


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As ilhas de Cabo Verde elevam-se de um soco submarino, em forma de ferradura, situado a uma profundidade da ordem de 3.000 metros. Deste soco emergem três pedestais bem distintos1. A Norte, compreendendo as ilhas de St° Antão, S. Vicente, St.ª Luzia e S. Nicolau e os ilhéus Boi, Pássaros, Branco e Raso. A Leste e a Sul, com as ilhas do Sal, Boa Vista, Maio e Santiago e os ilhéus Rabo de Junco, Curral de Dadó, Fragata, Chano, Baluarte e de Santa Maria. A Oeste, compreendendo as ilhas do Fogo e da Brava e os ilhéus Grande, Luís Carneiro e de Cima (Fig. 1 - Mapa de Cabo Verde e distribuição das ilhas nos três pedestais). A formação das ilhas teria sido iniciada por uma actividade vulcânica submarina central, mais tarde completada por uma rede físsural manifestada nos afloramentos. A maior parte das ilhas é dominada por emissões de escoadas lávicas e de materiais piroclásticos (escórias, bagacinas ou "lapilli" e cinzas) subaéreos, predominantemente basálticas. O Arquipélago de Cabo Verde fica localizado na margem Oriental do Atlântico Norte, a cerca de 450 Km da Costa Ocidental da África e a cerca de 1.400 Km a SSW das Canárias, limitado pelos paralelos 17° 13' (Ponta Cais dos Fortes, Ilha de St° Antão) e 14º 48' (Ponta de Nho Martinho, Ilha Brava), de latitude Norte e pelos meridianos de 22° 42' (ilhéu Baluarte, Ilha da Boa Vista) e 25° 22' (Ponta Chã de Mangrado, Ilha de St° Antão) de longitude Oeste de Greenwich. O Arquipélago de Cabo Verde fica situado a cerca de 2.000 Km a Leste do actual "rift" da "Crista Média Atlântica" e a Oeste da zona de quietude magnética ("quite zone"), entre as isócronas dos 120 e 140 M.A., segundo Vacquier (1972), e a dos 107 e 153 M.A., segundo Haynes & Rabinowitz (1975), argumentos invocados para se considerar que as ilhas teriam sido geradas em ambiente oceânico. O Arquipélago de Cabo Verde fica situado numa região elevada do actual fundo oceânico, que faz parte da "Crista de Cabo Verde" (" Cape Verde Rise"), e que na vizinhança das ilhas corresponde a um domo com cerca de 400 Km de largura (Lancelot et al., 1977). Presume-se que um domo daquelas dimensões representa um fenómeno importante, possivelmente relacionado com descompressão e fusão parcial (Le Bas, 1980) que forneceria a fonte dos magmas que originaram as ilhas (Stillman et al., 1982). As ilhas se teriam implantado por um mecanismo do tipo "hot-spot", de acordo com alguns autores.


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Cabo Verde é um País insular, situado à 500kms da costa Ocidental Africana. Composto por 10 ilhas de origem vulcânicas, pertencentes a zona climática Saheliana árida, onde a precipitação anual é muito limitada e a estação das chuvas vai de Agosto a Outubro. A área do estudo é a bacia hidrográfica de Ribeira Seca, situada na parte nordeste da ilha de Santiago. De acordo com o Censo 2000, a população da bacia é estimada em 14.343 habitantes. Apesar de ser uma das bacias mais exploradas de Santiago, do ponto de vista da extracção da água, não existe um único piezométro. A obtenção de valores do volume explorado na bacia é uma tarefa bastante difícil, uma vez que a grande maioria dos poços e nascentes não é licenciado. Um conjunto de pontos de observação, onde periodicamente se efectua as medições do nível da água e o caudal das nascentes, constitui a rede de quantidade de água que compreende a rede piezométrica e a de caudais das nascentes. Este trabalho pretende elaborar uma rede de referência de quantidade de água que visa essencialmente a caracterização do recurso e o acompanhamento da sua evolução espaço-temporal para uma adequada gestão do mesmo.


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Severe land degradation has strongly affected both people’s livelihood and the environment in Cape Verde (Cabo Verde in Portuguese), a natural resource poor country. Despite the enormous investment in soil and water conservation measures (SWC or SLM), which are visible throughout the landscape, and the recognition of their benefits, their biophysical and socioeconomic impacts have been poorly assessed and scientifically documented. This paper contributes to filling this gap, by bringing together insights from literature and policy review, field survey and participatory assessment in the Ribeira Seca Watershed through a concerted approach devised by the DESIRE project (the “Desire approach”). Specifically, we analyze government strategies towards building resilience against the harsh conditions, analyze the state of land degradation and its drivers, survey and map the existing SWC measures, and assess their effectiveness against land degradation, on crop yield and people’s livelihood. We infer that the relative success of Cape Verde in tackling desertification and rural poverty owes to an integrated governance strategy that comprises raising awareness, institutional framework development, financial resource allocation, capacity building, and active participation of rural communities. We recommend that specific, scientific-based monitoring and assessment studies be carried out on the biophysical and socioeconomic impact of SLM and that the “Desire approach” be scaled-up to other watersheds in the country.


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Dans cet article, l´auteur caractérise l´eau et l´agriculture des îles du Cap Vert et analyse les défis de l´eau après la construction du barrage de Poilao dans la Vallée de Ribeira Seca, sur l´île de Santiago, en se servant de l´approche GIRE (Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau). Au niveau de la législation, il s´avère nécessaire de proposer de nouvelles lois, décrets et règlements qui soient en accord avec notre réalité, en opposition à un important lot d´instruments juridiques inapplicables, obsolètes et de compréhension difficile. La construction du barrage de Poilão a produit des impacts environnementaux, socio-économiques et sur l´irrigation. Il s´agit de trouver un modèle de gestion qui s´adapte à la réalité du Cap Vert et de l´île de Santiago, regroupant tous les partenaires pour une gestion durable de la vallée de Ribeira Seca et qui puisse servir d´exemple aux futurs barrages à construire.


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This paper presents the assessment and mapping of the Ribeira Seca catchment, an insular Sahelian mountain region sensitive to desertification, located on the island of Santiago, Cabo Verde. Desertification is a threat to the global environment, representing a serious ecological problemin Cabo Verde. To successfully combat desertification, an evaluation of desertification consequences is required and the building of cartography of the sensitivity for arid and semi-arid ecosystems is required as a first step. The MEDALUS model was the basis for this study in which six quality indicators were used: climate, soil, vegetation, land management, erosion and social factors. Several parameters were defined for each indicator with weights varying between 1 (very low) and 2 (very high). The geometric mean of each of the six quality indicators was employed to produce a map of areas sensitive to desertification. The results of this study show that more than 50% of the watershed show clear evidence of becoming a desertified area.