826 resultados para School Context
Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, tem como objectivo reflectir sobre o papel das actividades lúdicas cooperativas no processo de aperfeiçoamento do relacionamento interpessoal no contexto escolar, na visão dos alunos e professores, tendo em conta aspectos como o facto da inserção do jogo cooperativo no contexto escolar ser ainda bastante menosprezada. No entanto, Kishimoto (1993) evidencia-lhe duas importantes funções quando utilizado como elemento pedagógico, sendo uma a dimensão lúdica, ligada à diversão e ao prazer, e a outra, como complemento do conhecimento oferecido ao indivíduo. Esta fundamentação é também partilhada por Soler (2006) que defende que as práticas que apontem para os valores humanos relevantes e coerentes a serem desenvolvidos nas aulas de Educação Física devem partir do envolvimento do grupo em práticas cooperativas. O autor defende também que na aprendizagem cooperativa os alunos deverão trabalhar em pequenos grupos heterogéneos, com o objectivo de ser possível a partilha de experiências, aprendizagens e conhecimentos comuns. Pretende-se desta forma envolver todos os alunos no processo de aprendizagem, sendo essa heterogeneidade o agente facilitador. A investigação teve como base a oferta de actividades de carácter cooperativo, organizadas para uma população alvo composta por 46 alunos de 3º ciclo, mais concretamente duas turmas de 7ºano da Escola E.B. 2,3 Telheiras nº1. A recolha de dados acompanhou a realização destas actividades através da entrega de questionários sociométricos aos alunos em questão, no sentido de apurar até que ponto os objectivos propostos de integração dos alunos mais rejeitados nas turmas foram bem-sucedidos ou não. Finalizado este processo, é possível concluir a importância dos jogos colaborativos como estratégia/ferramenta pedagógica facilitadora da integração de alunos desenquadrados da turma.
A escola inclusiva continua a caminhar para a realidade que se pretende. Não obstante, há que contribuir para continuar a abrir o caminho que as escolas necessitam de percorrer, no sentido de se adaptarem e criarem as condições essenciais para a realização e felicidade de todas as crianças/jovens que a essas mesmas condições têm direito. No Trabalho de Projeto apresentado, aborda-se a trajetória de um grupo/turma, tendo como perspetiva o abrir caminho para práticas inclusivas, nas nossas escolas. Esta investigação surge, assim, como uma forma ou tentativa de intervir na construção de uma escola e educação para todos, tendo como ponto de partida uma turma do 8º ano de escolaridade, numa escola básica, situada no concelho de Almada. É feita a apresentação teórica da temática em questão, após ter sido realizada uma investigação documental, procedendo-se posteriormente à recolha e análise de dados, utilizando a pesquisa documental, a entrevista, a observação naturalista e a sociometria. Segue-se a caracterização da turma, do aluno e dos contextos em que as mesmas se inserem, partimos para uma intervenção estruturada, a longo e a curto prazo, numa dinâmica de planificação/ação/reflexão, onde se aplicam práticas educativas diferenciadas e inclusivas. Foi nosso objetivo, com este trabalho de projeto, conseguir que o grupo alvo seja inclusivo, tendo como base uma abordagem sistémica e ecológica, numa aprendizagem e ensino cooperativos, onde imperem pedagogias e ambientes fomentadores de um contexto escolar aberto à diversidade e à entrada das tecnologias de apoio na sala de aula. A família assume, neste projeto, um papel ativo no contexto escolar, sendo dada a relevância que a mesma deve ter no processo educativo dos seus educandos, partindo do princípio que qualquer intervenção que se planeie só tem sucesso efetivo com a participação ativa das famílias, colaborando e articulando com a comunidade escolar e desenvolvendo, em contexto familiar, medidas e estratégias interventivas que se vão repercutir fortemente no sucesso educativo das crianças e dos jovens. Neste projeto, implementaram-se estratégias que vão da caraterização inicial da situação à reflexão final que dão continuidade ao desenvolvimento de competências na área da autonomia, sociabilização e aprendizagens académicas do grupo, onde emerge o Teresa Figueiredo – Uma escola para todos: práticas, estratégias e metodologias ULHT-Instituto de Educação 4 João1, aluno com necessidades educativas especiais decorrentes de paralisia cerebral, que se encontra ao abrigo do Decreto-Lei 3/2008, de 7 de Janeiro, acompanhado pela educação especial. Foram alvo desta intervenção vários contextos, considerados prioritários: escolar; sala de aula; conselho de turma; apoio especializado e familiar. O desenvolvimento da intervenção, nos contextos mencionados foi norteado pelos princípios defendidos pela educação inclusiva, princípios explanados no enquadramento teórico da pesquisa realizada, no desenvolvimento deste Projeto. Como resultados da intervenção conseguimos um grupo/turma mais autónomo, com melhor funcionalidade no contexto escolar, onde os alunos aprendem todos juntos, com a entrada de tecnologias de apoio na sala de aula e pedagogias que vão ao encontro das necessidades do grupo e de cada um. As aprendizagens tornaram-se mais acessíveis a todos, com os professores a planificarem atividades direcionadas para o desenvolvimento do trabalho cooperativo e da parceria pedagógica, práticas que contribuem para uma comunidade escolar motivada para a construção de uma escola, cada vez mais, para todos.
Esta dissertação de Mestrado tem por objetivo investigar as representações dos profes-sores sobre a aprendizagem de alunos com deficiência no cotidiano escolar de uma escola inclusiva; as concepções, expectativas, avanços e impasses que permeiam a atuação dos edu-cadores que desenvolvem seu trabalho numa escola pública inclusiva. A base teórica desta pesquisa esteve respaldada na teoria das Representações Sociais e em autores como, Durkheim (1987), Moscovici (1978), Mantoan (2005), Maroja (1998), Emygdio (2011), Sas-saki (1997), Nóvoa (1992), entre outros que ao longo de vários anos vem se preocupando em discutir as representações sociais bem como a temática da inclusão no contexto escolar. A amostra deste estudo foi constituída por oito professoras que trabalham na escola campo de pesquisa, no município de João Pessoa. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir dos instrumentos de pesquisa como, a observação, o diário de campo, o relato de experiência, a exposição e análise de um filme e a entrevista semi estruturada. As respostas obtidas mostraram que para realizar a educação inclusiva faz-se necessário refletir sobre o conceito, o preconceito, as crenças e concepções acerca da inclusão escolar. Constatamos o desejo de maiores condições de trabalho, no que tange a capacitação, mais recursos pedagógicos e a efetiva participação da família, no processo escolar. Observa-mos ainda, que é impossível trabalhar numa escola inclusiva cultivando o preconceito, a indi-vidualidade, a intolerância e a insensibilidade. Ficou evidente a necessidade de maiores discussões, estudos, ações, espaços adequados para o atendimento especializado e envolvimento de todos os atores da educação para que se efetive de forma satisfatória o processo de inclusão escolar.
Tobacco addiction represents a major public health problem, and most addicted smokers take up the habit during adolescence. We need to know why. With the aim of gaining a better understanding of the meanings smoking and tobacco addiction hold for young people, 85 focused interviews were conducted with adolescent children from economically deprived areas of Northern Ireland. Through adopting a qualitative approach within the community rather than the school context, the adolescent children were given the opportunity to freely express their views in confidence. Children seem to differentiate conceptually between child smoking and adult smoking. Whereas adults smoke to cope with life and are thus perceived by children as lacking control over their consumption, child smoking is motivated by attempts to achieve the status of cool and hard, and to gain group membership. Adults have personal reasons for smoking, while child smoking is profoundly social. Adults are perceived as dependent on nicotine, and addiction is at the core of the children's understanding of adult smoking. Child smoking, on the other hand, is seen as oriented around social relations so that addiction is less relevant. These ideas leave young people vulnerable to nicotine addiction. It is clearly important that health promotion efforts seek to understand and take into account the actions of children within the context of their own world-view to secure their health
This thesis analyzes the current state of the language immersion program in Catalonia after its implementation 30 years ago, and after the immigration wave of the last decade. The language immersion is a method of teaching a second language using a language of instruction different than the students’ mother tongue. The Catalan authorities use this as a method for preserving Catalan in the society.The aim of this study is to examine the use of Catalan at school and outside of school by students who have followed the language immersion program. Language attitudes play an important role for the maintenance of a minority language, as Catalan. Therefore, in this study, the informants’ attitudes towards Catalan have also been measured. The method applied is a quantitative method where the informants have answered a written questionnaire. The results show a high level of knowledge of Catalan and its frequent use in the classroom. In contrast, outside of school the Castilian language is more often used. The informants seem to have a positive attitude towards Catalan.The conclusion is that the language immersion works satisfactory in a school context but often fails outside of school.
Esta dissertação resultou do desenvolvimento de algumas reflexões sobre a Arte-Educação no ensino regular, e visa trazer contribuições ao debate sobre as dificuldades encontradas na sua prática. Uma abordagem histórica é apresentada, com o objetivo de enriquecer os caminhos para o esclarecimento das questões de fundo que permeiam as discussões do momento atual. O trabalho se baseia no pressuposto de que a arte é uma linguagem, como o são, o falar e o escrever, e como tal deve ser considerada no âmbito escolar, levando em conta suas especificidades. Como linguagem livre e criadora, a matéria da arte e primordialmente a vivência do ser humano; seus pensamentos, sua emoção, sua imaginação e sua capacidade simbólica, que se revelam através dos meios físicos disponíveis, que o arte-educador adequará à sua prática. E neste sentido que algumas questões metodológicas são discutidas a partir de situações objetivas, referentes principalmente ao ensino público. Procurou-se mostrar, ainda, que estar sensível ao infinito universo da criação artística é fundamental à formação do arte-educador para que, através de sua atuação junto aos alunos contribua para a democratização das práticas expressivas criadoras nos meios educacionais.
This dissertation was written for the making of a model to be used as reference to the construction and diagnoses of educational projects in on-line environments. The model approaches a series of characteristics, technical and humans, which if considered can increase the potential of awake the interests to the active use of these projects for the students and build conditions to the development of an active posture by the students, fundamental factor to the educational advances. Focused in the students, not in the technology in use, we propose this model as a guide, reference to be used in a critical way in relation with every educational context. This research was made from the qualitative category, trough the method of study of case, using as reference to the analysis the use of the website guanabara.info - website outside of the school context - by it users, heard through the internet, by the use of semi-opened interview, in a data taken of the primary type. We follow as theoretical references Paulo Freire´s work, considering his vision of education and the building of knowledge as a process which occurs between man, and Celestín Freinet, in his pedagogy of humanized and critical insertion of the technologies in the school. At the end, we show the practical utilization of the model constructed using it for the diagnostics of an educational project in the on-line educational environmental moodle
Study about the teaching-learning process in History, which intents to point limits and possibilities to this process, starting from its characterization and analysis and understanding of the concepts of history, time, society and culture, used by teachers and students. The field research was performed in the Municipal School of Basic Education Zumbi dos Palmares, located in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba State, in the period between 1996 and 2006. To achieve the objective of the study, a number of research instruments were used, amongst which, interviews, questionnaires and exercises emphasizing conceptual learning. The theoretical-methodological premises of the qualitative research justify the use of these various instruments, and serve as base for the interpretation and analysis of the data. This study demonstrated that some limits and possibilities that are found in the teaching-learning process in History are originated in the school context of the 1st phase of basic education and remain in the 2nd phase of this education level, partly, because of the understanding that teachers and students have regarding the concepts of history, time, society and culture
This thesis aims to build a panoramic analysis with the intention of providing the theoretical initial a thought articulated educational of podcast, a technology orality distributed demand. This joint search considering the various spheres that educational technology in Brazilian use, both in school and non-school contexts, including scenarios and distance. This study unites questions addressed piecemeal in the area to new perspectives about the podcast, in order to characterize its nature, examining such technology from a perspective of educational technology itself, as well as unveiling its main potentials and implications. The survey was conducted from the combined use of quantitative and qualitative categories, with emphasis on the last one. The method of participant observation was followed by immersion of the researcher in the audience groups of Brazilians podcasts. Data collection with sources held in non-school contexts, from a look at targeted interactions given the blogs of Brazilian productions, as well as from open-ended interviews with producers - made online - besides giving themselves from the hearing itself about five hundred podcasts of Brazil. In the school context, the research focused on a literature review of the literature of the study area. Were added to the corpus described statistics derived mainly from "Podpesquisa 2009," Numerical major survey on the use of podcasts in Brazil. The articulation and analysis of the collected data, we used the concept of Education Paulo Freire (1971, 1987), so that, understanding it as synonymous to communication - understood this concept in Freire - were able to reveal the various ramifications educational podcast Brazilian atmosphere permeated by a dialogic between its participants. Moreover, the ideas of Célestin Freinet (1998) about the cooperation, while education practice, conducted the analyzes productive technology addressed in this work. The philosophical thought of Andrew Feenberg (2003) on the notion of "technologies" buoyed technological design elaborate. Such consideration provided the foundation for the reflections and proposals offered in this study, which, in the characterization of the oral nature of the podcast - especially their version for the deaf - appropriated the placements Luis Antonio Marcuschi (2001) about the relationship between orality and writing. In addition to these references, several other authors were considered, dealing with issues that pervade the theme here delimited, contemplating discussions on topics such as educational interest, online production, inclusive education, among other aspects. At the end, there was the podcast as a technology, while still reproducing social asymmetries Brazilian fairly directed at promoting mitigations hierarchical and open production in digital orality promotes. In view of its technical and educational implications in national use, the technology study has revealed potential relevant to the sophistication of teaching practices with orality, in various contexts, and proved adequate to serve as a motto to the revision of school practices, to even the very role of the school. This, by the prospects unveiled here, can, through the podcast, mitigate their questions reproductivist to constitute themselves as under privileged communication, boosted by critical rescue and sophistication of management through the most basic education component: speech
This work is the result of a set of experiences and reflections on teaching in kindergarten and, in particular, the issues raised by first experiences as a teacher and how these issues were being gradually answered from the experience in a school . Guided by these experiences and studies of Oliveira-Formosinho (2002) on the training of kindergarten teachers in the school context, among others as: Barreto, Kuhlmann Jr. (1998), Vasconcelos et. al. (2000); Nóvoa (1992, 1995), Moita (1995), Freire (1996), Tardif (2002, 2009) Kramer (2005) and Hargreaves, Fullan (2000), built as study questions: what situations become in the context of professional training at an institution of early childhood education? Which subjects who took part? How involved? From this perspective the goal of our work is a: to investigate, from the perspective of teachers a public kindergarten, situations of professional interaction that become the context of teacher education. The research took the principles of qualitative approach and an intrinsic case study (STAKE, 1998), whose locus was a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education, so defined by their peculiarities for training faculty in the context of practice. We built the data with a group of nine teachers CMEI this by conducting a questionnaire, interviews and document analysis. Data analysis, guided by the principles of content analysis, allowed to note that beyond the initial training and personnel, the school context contributes to its fundamental training for teachers of kindergarten, whereas their specificities. We conclude by confirming that systematic and unsystematic in situations developed in the school routine, interaction with peers and other members of the school, the teachers take ownership of specific knowledge specific to teaching in kindergarten
The school inclusion presents a number of challenges that has been mobilizing initiatives and studies about its effectiveness. If on one hand in such studies and initiatives it becomes important to emphasize on the role and training of teachers, on the other, there is few studies about the role (and performance) of the pedagogical coordination in face of this process. In this sense, this research focuses on the role of educational coordination in face of the school inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and it undertakes the following study s questions: has the action by the coordinator contributed to the process of including students with Special Educational Needs? How is it presented in the process of inclusion of students with SEN in regular education? And it aims to: investigate the role of the pedagogical coordinator in the process of inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs of Primary Education at regular schools; and to analyze the limits and possibilities of the coordinator actions in the process of inclusion of students with SEN. For the effectiveness of the research, a state school of Elementary School located at the city of Natal/RN was taken as an empiric field. It was selected as research subjects 4 coordinators, 2 teachers of the Multifunctional Resources Room and 2 teachers of 6th to 9th grades. The methodological approach that was used in this research is consistent with the qualitative approach, and it is configured as a case study, as it is understood that this type of research responds to the objective of the study, assuming the observation of everyday school life, the educational document analysis and interviews with the subjects as procedures and tools to build data. The construction and analysis of the data were followed by a dialogue with the literature dedicated to coordinating education and school enrollment. Considering the responsibilities of the contemporary pedagogical coordination due to the challenges and possibilities of schooling for all students, specially regarding to what is referred as collaborative work and ongoing training of teachers, this study points out to the lack of an articulated action related to the school inclusion process, considering the monitoring of the teaching activity and its dialogue with the Multifunctional Resources Room. Moreover, the emphasis on meeting the daily school routines and the compliance with bureaucratic procedures, put it into second, restructuring of the Political-Pedagogical and the possibility of mobilization of school around the problematization and systematization of an inclusive school project. The effectiveness of school s inclusion, therefore, implies the scaling of the functions of the pedagogical coordination, as well as the reorganization of the school it self, to ensure the mediation of collaborative actions, contemplating the teachers continuing education, having as a landmark difficulties, problems and experiences constructed in the school context
This research part of the educational context of the Federal Rio Grande do Norte, through the resumption of legal frameworks that characterize it as an institution belonging to the Federal Network of Professional Education and Technology Brazilian, with a focus on continued education policies for the servers who work there specifically teachers, especially those who have their work in the Teaching of Natural Science and Mathematics. To do this the cut in an agreement between the IFRN and UFRN PPGECNM through the professional master's degree Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. This agreement as we have research collaborators 08 master teachers who graduated in the period 2004 to 2010, so we undertook a qualitative and quantitative research aimed to conduct the study in general terms of description and analysis of the impacts caused by the formation of masters IFRN in PPGECNM UFRN, taking into account the production of the same academic (dissertation), his performance in the context of the institution and the historical, social, economic and political aspects involved, and also meet the guidelines of the project at the Observatory in 2008 - MEC / CAPES / BSD-P. We used the theoretical options methodological elements of Comprehensive Interview and multireferentiality, our data collection instrument was the main interview, we also performed the analysis of dissertations by lecturers and teachers featured, from the specific descriptors used in catalogs USP / IFUSP (1992, 1996) and UNICAMP / FE / CEDOC (1998) and by other researchers. In analyzing and understanding the speech of the interviewees were able to identify the implications of teacher education in the school context, the motivation to seek the Master; how was the construction of the object of study of the educational product and its use in teaching practice and intervention, the question of the role of master teachers in the school environment to the post master taking into account changes in professional performance and influence in the working groups, how does the use of research and investigation in the classroom after training and between training and educational quality in the context of IFRN. In reading and analysis of the dissertations were able to identify the main focus and under-explored thematic focus as well as the theoretical methodological references. At the end of the research developed a product that could be used for technical analysis studies and assessment in quantitative terms the results achieved by the master teachers IFRN through his training in PPGECNM UFRN
It is still common among contemporary educational proposals an overemphasis abstraction, to the formalism and symbolism of mathematical knowledge at the expense of the sociocultural aspects of Mathematics. Coming up by questioning some academic mathematical tenets and valuing knowledge developed in different sociocultural contexts within Mathematical Education, the Ethnomatematics is consolidating itself as a research field. Despite its contributions to the educational context, because its philosophical character and the paucity of debates about the subject, the implementation of educational proposals for basic education are scarce. Given this situation, this dissertation comes up with a view to develop an educational intervention in the light of Ethnomathematics in a class of 6th grade of an elementary school from a red ceramic industries workers community, located in a countryside from Russas-CE and from this intervention, to develop a set of pedagogical recommendations aiming basic education teachers. Adopting a perspective of qualitative research, particularly guided by action research, this study used observation, field diary, interviews and activities with students as tools for data collection. It was found that the use of field research as part of teaching and learning favored the placement of students as critical subjects of their own reality . Furthermore, the educational experience culminated in the development of a method of teaching based on a relationship between protocooperational Ethnomatematics and the Resolution of Problems. It is necessary to broaden the debate about the ways in which the Ethnomatematics can contribute to the school context, bringing proposals closer to the reality of basic education teachers in order to help the promotion of an education which values cultural diversity without taking away the students from the access of the academic knowledge
The school is the social place which should provide the formation of critical readers. In this context, the role of the teacher is crucial when it comes to teaching reading. Thus, this doctoral research aims to explicit the reading practices evidenced from social voices of teachers and Fundamental School students from state public schools at RN that have successful results, according to IDEB 2009. Moreover, we seek to explicit, through the positions of teachers, the conceptions of reading underlying their reading activities, as well as elucidate the social voices related to teaching of reading that are present in the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School and in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of the educational institutions investigated. In order to accomplish this goal, we carried out observations in the classroom, applied questionnaires with teachers and students in the 9th grade of Fundamental School, in classes of Portuguese Language, and also performed dialogical meetings with the management and pedagogics schools teams. The theoretical foundation that guides the research comes from bakhtinian thinking (2009, 2010), which addresses the dialogical perspective of language and active responsive comprehension. Furthermore, this work is anchored in theoretical reflections of Antunes (2005, 2009) and Geraldi (2003, 2006, 2010) about the reading and writing in the country, which contribute to the resizing of the teaching and learning process of Portuguese Language. This study belongs to the field of Applied Linguistics, which investigates language as social practice in the context of learning mother language or in contexts where relevant questions about the use of language are evidenced. The parameters of qualitative research in a social-historic perspective are adopted seeking to understand the school context by the subjects involved in research. The research corpus is composed of: (i) information constructed through the use of questionnaires with teachers and students; (ii) information constructed from the observed lesson and dialogue with management and pedagogical teams; (iii) a set of selected information, i.e., empiricism built through documentary analysis of the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School (CONSELHO NACIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO, 2010) and the Political- Pedagogical Projects of the investigated schools. The analysis of the sayings of teachers and students suggest reading practices from various texts, in particular, from the literary sphere, in activities involving discussions, reading and reading comprehension exercises, interviews, songs, seminars organizations, concerts, dramatizations, literary weeks, among other practices. Furthermore, these analyses reveal that teach Portuguese Language requires commitment, responsibility and satisfaction, as well as more grounded theoretical principles, which make teaching practice more efficient. The research also reveals that the success of the teaching-learning process occurs by virtue of the involvement of school s segments in the educational process, creating therefore a network of responsibilities. In this sense, this research may contribute to the production of knowledge that can guide and enrich the teaching and learning of reading, envisioning a pedagogical practice constructed from the relationship with the other, i.e., from the dialogism which provides formation of young people that exercise their citizenship