139 resultados para Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi


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The South American pepper frog, Leptodactylus labyrinthicus, is a large species that lays eggs in foam nests in holes dug out of the banks of different bodies of water. Recently, it was reported that only 6-10% of eggs are fertilized in foam nests of L. labyrinthicus and the remaining unfertilized eggs are consumed by the tadpoles inside the nest. Here we tested experimentally the influence of the ingestion of trophic eggs on the survivorship and growth of L. labyrinthicus tadpoles. Tadpoles fed on trophic eggs and subsequently fed on dry fish food grew larger than those fed only on dry fish food, and this suggests that the ingestion of trophic eggs is an adaptation to improve tadpole growth. The ingestion of trophic eggs also seems to be important for the maintenance of tadpoles in environments with unpredictable rainfall, as they were able to survive for about 70 days feeding only on these trophic eggs and one tadpole managed to complete metamorphosis feeding on trophic eggs only. Details of the spawning behaviour observed in the field, occurrence of multiple mating, and predation on eggs by terrestrial invertebrates and vertebrates are also reported.


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Microbial contamination of an enclosed area may come from outside or be generated within the area itself. In the study described here, bioaerosol levels in hospital air were quantified and related to those found in the air outside, taking into account some of the environmental variables that affect air quality, such as the number of occupants of a room and the type of ventilation. Airborne bacteria were collected for five minute by blowing air at 500 L min -1 in high speed jets on to the surface on plates culture in a single-stage bioaerosol impactor. The mean viable count of bacteria in the air outside in the hospital, São Paulo State, was 77 ± 4 CFU m -3, while in the air inside the hospital it was 302 ± 260 CFU m-3. The operating theatre was the only space sampled with a controlled environment and, after orthopedic surgery, it had the highest bioaerosol count recorded (867 ± 482 CFU m-3). In the enclosed environments, nine bacterial species were identified. Despite the difficulty in establishing precise numbers of bacteria in the bioaerosols in hospital environments, the values obtained demonstrate a need to instigate suitable programs to keep the microbial density low in these environments, and eliminate microorganisms presenting a significant risk to their occupants. It is also recommended that such programs include the monitoring of hospital air, with the aim of defining standards for acceptable numbers of bacteria in the bioaerosol.


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The use of masks is generally accepted as a means of protecting the individual against microbial pathogens that might be inhaled in unhealthy environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of disposable surgical masks sold in Brazil, against coliforms in aerosols emitted by the aerators of a sanitary sewage treatment station. The filtration efficiency varied from 50.9% to 99.9% for 6 masks from different sources.


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The frog species Ceratophrys joazeirensis Mercadal, 1986 is only known from the Caatinga (semi-arid savanna) and, until recently, from the type locality of Juazeiro, State of Bahia, Brazil. It has now also been found in the States of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte, in environments of hypoxerophylic Caatinga. Cytogenetic and comparative analysis of the cranial morphology of C. joazeirensis and C. aurita (Raddi, 1823) were undertaken. The karyotype of the species is also shown for the first time. The results show important differences in the cranial morphology between C. joazeirensis (8n) and C. aurita (8n), species whose areas of distribution (Caatinga and Northeast Atlantic forest, respectively) are contiguous. The chromosomes of C. joazeirensis show similar size and morphology to the ones of C. aurita (C. dorsata), C. ornata Bell, 1843 (8n) and C. cranwelli Barrio, 1980 (2n). Such data would be in agreement with the opinion of some authors who consider these species to constitute a monophyletic group. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.


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Infection in hospitals is a serious problem for the Public Health System. It is responsible for the increasing number of hospital deaths, as well as the longer time patients may have to stay in hospital, raising the costs of confinement more and more. The most common hospital infection is urinary tract infections (UTI), the use of the urinary catheter being the main risk factor. The aim of this study was to evaluate the profile of UTI among hospitalized patients in a University Hospital in Brazil, from October to December 2003. Out of 271 samples of urine checked, 51 were positive, 27 of these from patients having community-acquired UTI and 24 whose infection originated in the hospital. The community-acquired UTIs were more frequent in female patients (63%). The highest incidence of infection was caused by Escherichia coli (74%), especially in patients aged from 0 to 15 (37%). The episodes of hospital-acquired infection happened, in the main, in male patients aged above 50 (68%) who were using a lasting vesical catheter; in this group of patients the infection was frequently caused by E. coli (29.1%) and Klebsiella spp. (29.1%). E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae exhibited strong resistance (62.5%) to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, as well as to ampicillin, showing that these drugs should not be used to cure UTIs in this institution.


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Laboratory tests to detect urinary infection at a lawer cost than uroculture are necessary. Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride was evaluated in parallel with uroculture in 342 urine samples, for the detection of significant bacteriuria. The results showed that the test has high sensitivity (91.3%) but low specificity (64.3%), and negative predictive value 99.0%. Although the test cannot replace uroculture as a diagnostic method, it can be recommended for preliminary screening, and could eliminate the need for uroculture of negative samples.


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It is known that the transmission of hospital infections, whether environmental or cross infection, is facilitated by the enhanced survival of microorganisms on dry surfaces that is caused by the presence of biological fluids. To demonstrate the need for care with bodily substances in the routine of cleaning, this study evaluated the influence of some body fluids (blood, urine and artificial saliva), deposited in the same way on various surfaces and allowed to dry, on the survival of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923). Blood was able to preserve bacterial viability for up to 72 days when deposited on ceramic flooring. Fabric of cotton fiber allowed longer survival than synthetic fabric. These results show that the composition of biological fluid and type of support influence bacterial survival in normal conditions.


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The aim of this study was to identify the resistance profile of Staphylococcus aureus strains, in relation to induced clindamycin resistance, and to detect oxacillin resistance by the routine phenotypic methods. The strains were isolated from nasal or lingual swabs taken from healthy adult carriers with no medical history of hospitalization or antibiotic treatment. Eighteen strains were distinguished by the different patterns generated by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Four (22.2%) of these showed sensitivity to clindamycin by the conventional antibacterial susceptibility test, but demonstrated inducible resistance to it by the D-test. One strain (5.6%) was characterized as borderline oxacillin-resistant S. aureus (BORSA), and another (5.6%) as CA MRSA (community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Both of these strains were shown to be cefoxitin susceptible by the disk diffusion test. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) failed to detect the mecA gene in this last strain and it was thus classified as BORSA. These results show the importance of incorporating the D-test into the routine lab tests for S. aureus inducible clindamycin resistance and also of including the cefoxitin resistance test among the phenotypic methods for MRSA characterization.


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Flavonoids, including quercetin, have been reported to modulate the ability of Staphylococcus aureus to adhere to host tissue without exhibiting direct antibacterial activity. In the present study, we evaluated the interaction of S. aureus pretreated with 40 μg/mL of quercetin with neutrophils to assay oxidative burst stimulation, using luminol-amplified chemiluminescence. S. aureus pre-incubated with subinhibitory concentration of quercetin induced significantly less light emission by neutrophils than did untreated bacteria. The results of the present study demonstrate that quercetin decreases S. aureus uptake by neutrophils.


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The steroidal glycoalkaloid solamargine and its parent aglycone solasodine, isolated from Solanum palinacanthum, were studied in vitro for cytotoxicity and biotransformation by the hepatic S9 fraction as the metabolic activating system. The MTT uptake assay was used to determine viability after 24 h in RAW 264.7 mouse macrophage-like and SiHa cells exposed to various concentrations of the alkaloids in the presence and absence of the hepatic S9 microsomal fraction. The dose-response curves were established for solamargine and solasodine in the presence and absence of external metabolizing system. From these data, the cytotoxic index (CI50) was calculated with mean values of 7.2 and 13.6 μg/mL for Raw cells and 8.6 and 26.0 μg/mL for SiHa cells, respectively. Mass spectrometry was performed to compare the fragmentation patterns of the alkaloids to predict metabolism by the S9 fraction. The mass spectra demonstrated a distinct fragmentation patterns for solamargine and solasodine after the addition of the S9 fraction. In the present study, we demonstrate that the cytotoxic effect of solamargine and solasodine and their metabolites prepared in vitro by biotransformation with the S9 fraction are comparable. These findings suggest that the metabolic activation system S9 fraction may fail to suppress the cytotoxicity of these alkaloids. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Ten Brazilian medicinal plants used to treat gastritis and ulcers were carefully selected on the basis of ethnopharmacological importance and antiulcerogenic activity previously described. The antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts was determined in analysis conditions that simulate a real biological activity on inhibition of the oxidative burst induced in neutrophils using Helicobacter pylori as activator, by a luminol-amplified chemiluminescence assay. The extracts, at low concentration (5 g/mL), exhibited a large variation in inhibitory effects of H. pylori-induced oxidative burst ranging from 48% inhibition to inactive, but all extracts, excluding Byrsonima intermedia, had inhibitory activity over 80% at the concentration of 100 g/mL. The total suppressive antioxidant capacity measured as the effective concentration, which represents the extract concentration producing 50% inhibition of the chemiluminescence induced by H. pylori, varies from 27.2 to 56.8 g/mL and was in the following order: Qualea parviflora > Qualea multiflora > Alchornea triplinervia > Qualea grandiflora > Anacardium humile > Davilla elliptica > Mouriri pusa > Byrsonima basiloba > Alchornea glandulosa > Byrsonima intermedia. The main groups of compounds in tested extracts are presented. Differences in the phytochemical profile, quantitatively and qualitatively, of these plants can explain and justify their protective effect on the gastric mucosa caused by the neutrophil-generated ROS that occurs when H. pylori displays its evasion mechanisms. © 2013 Cibele Bonacorsi et al.


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Sabe-se que a transmissão de infecções hospitalares, via cruzada ou ambiental, é facilitada pela sobrevivência de microrganismos em superfícies secas que pode ser favorecida pela presença de fluídos biológicos. Visando demonstrar o cuidado com substâncias corporais na rotina de limpeza, esse estudo avaliou a influência de alguns fluídos biológicos (sangue, urina e saliva artificial) na sobrevivência de Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), depositados de modo similar, sobre diferentes superfícies após secagem. O sangue foi capaz de preservar a viabilidade bacteriana por até 72 dias quando depositado sobre piso cerâmico. O tecido em fibra de algodão permitiu maior tempo de sobrevivência em comparação ao tecido sintético. Esses resultados demonstram que a composição do fluído biológico e o tipo de suporte altera o tempo da sobrevivência bacteriana em condições ambientais. Palavras–chave: Staphylococcus aureus; fluidos biológicos; sobrevivência bacteriana


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)