984 resultados para Salmonella lyphimurium


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The aim of our survey was to assess the effect of irrigation water of the microbiological quality on the production chain of lettuce in the Dakar area. Microbiological analysis showed that 35% of irrigation water was contaminated by Salmonella spp. between the two water-types used for irrigation (groundwater and wastewater), no significant difference (p>0.05) in their degree of contamination was found. The incidence of different types of irrigation water on the contamination rate of lettuces from the farm (Pikine and Patte d'Oie) was not different either (p>0.05). However, the contamination rate of lettuce from markets of Dalifort and Grand-Yoff that were supplied by the area of Patte d'Oie was greater than those of Sham and Zinc supplied by Pikine (p<0.05). Comparison of serotypes of Salmonella isolated from irrigation water and lettuce showed that irrigation water may affect the microbiological quality of lettuce. Manures, frequently used as organic amendment in cultivating lettuce are another potential source of contamination. These results showed that lettuce may constitute effective vectors for the transmission of pathogens to consumers. Extensive treatment of the used wastewater and/or composting of manure could considerably reduce these risks.


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Interleukin-18 (IL-18) plays an important role in innate and acquired immunity, in particular against intracellular pathogens. However, little is known about the microbial factors that trigger IL-18 secretion by dendritic cells (DCs). To determine the influence of bacterial virulence factors on the activation and release of IL-18, we infected human monocyte-derived DCs with virulence mutants of the facultative intracellular pathogen Salmonella typhimurium. Our results show that infection by S. typhimurium causes caspase-1-dependent activation of IL-18 and triggers the release of IL-18 in human DCs. The secretion of IL-18 by the DCs was closely correlated with the ability of the S. typhimurium strains to induce apoptosis. We demonstrate that activation and release of IL-18 are blocked by mutations in the Salmonella sipB gene, which encodes a virulence factor that activates caspase-1 to induce apoptosis. These findings indicate that the activation and release of IL-18 induced by bacterial virulence factors may represent one component of innate immunity against the intracellular bacteria.


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Summary: Salmonella typhimurium DT104 : a review


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In patients suffering from sickle cell disease (SCD), bone is a preferred site of infection. We report the case of a five-year-and-eight-month-old black African boy with homozygous-SS disease who developed a cranial epidural abscess. This intracranial infectious complication originated from a Salmonella enteritidis osteitis of the frontal bone. Antibiotic treatment alone did not control the disease, so surgery was necessary to remove the necrotic bone and to evacuate the epidural pus. The numerous factors interfering with normal healing of a septic focus in sickle cell anemia, particularly in this previously undescribed intracranial complication, emphasize the need for a primary and early surgical treatment in similar situations.


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Three cases are reported of salmonella aortitis observed in three men aged 55, 60 and 48 years, the last of whom had a prosthetic aortic valve and ascending aorta. The microorganisms were S. typhi murium, S. paratyphi B, and S. wien. Despite antibiotic treatment two patients died of perforating aortitis. The third patient developed S. wien gastroenteritis a few days after surgical replacement of the aortic valve and the ascending aorta. Five years later he presented with several bacteremic episodes due to S. wien, which recurred despite several courses of cotrimoxazole treatment. He has now been asymptomatic for over one year under prolonged cotrimoxazole treatment. Since vascular infection may occur following non typhi salmonellosis in 5% of patients over 50, or who have underlying endothelial lesions, the question arises as to whether non typhi S. gastroenteritis should be treated with antibiotics in these high risk patients, in contrast to present recommendations.


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Salmonella is distributed worldwide and is a pathogen of economic and public health importance. As a multi-host pathogen with a long environmental persistence, it is a suitable model for the study of wildlife-livestock interactions. In this work, we aim to explore the spill-over of Salmonella between free-ranging wild boar and livestock in a protected natural area in NE Spain and the presence of antimicrobial resistance. Salmonella prevalence, serotypes and diversity were compared between wild boars, sympatric cattle and wild boars from cattle-free areas. The effect of age, sex, cattle presence and cattle herd size on Salmonella probability of infection in wild boars was explored by means of Generalized Linear Models and a model selection based on the Akaike’s Information Criterion. Prevalence was higher in wild boars co-habiting with cattle (35.67%, CI 95% 28.19–43.70) than in wild boar from cattle-free areas (17.54%, CI 95% 8.74–29.91). Probability of a wild boar being a Salmonella carrier increased with cattle herd size but decreased with the host age. Serotypes Meleagridis, Anatum and Othmarschen were isolated concurrently from cattle and sympatric wild boars. Apart from serotypes shared with cattle, wild boars appear to have their own serotypes, which are also found in wild boars from cattle-free areas (Enteritidis, Mikawasima, 4:b:- and 35:r:z35). Serotype richness (diversity) was higher in wild boars co-habiting with cattle, but evenness was not altered by the introduction of serotypes from cattle. The finding of a S. Mbandaka strain resistant to sulfamethoxazole, streptomycin and chloramphenicol and a S. Enteritidis strain resistant to ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid in wild boars is cause for public health concern.


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NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">The efficacy of antitumoral responses can be increased using combinatorial vaccine strategies. We recently showed that vaccination could be optimized by local administration of diverse molecular or bacterial agents to target and augment antitumoral CD8 T cells in the genital mucosa (GM) and increase regression of cervical cancer in an animal model. Non muscle-invasive bladder cancer is another disease that is easily amenable to local therapies. In contrast to data obtained in the GM, in this study we show that intravesical (IVES) instillation of synthetic toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists only modestly induced recruitment of CD8 T cells to the bladder. However, IVES administration of Ty21a, a live bacterial vaccine against typhoid fever, was much more effective and increased the number of total and vaccine-specific CD8 T cells in the bladder approximately 10 fold. Comparison of chemokines induced in the bladder by either CpG (a TLR-9 agonist) or Ty21a highlighted the preferential increase in complement component 5a, CXCL5, CXCL2, CCL8, and CCL5 by Ty21a, suggesting their involvement in the attraction of T cells to the bladder. IVES treatment with Ty21a after vaccination also significantly increased tumor regression compared to vaccination alone, resulting in 90% survival in an orthotopic murine model of bladder cancer expressing a prototype tumor antigen. Our data demonstrate that combining vaccination with local immunostimulation may be an effective treatment strategy for different types of cancer and also highlight the great potential of the Ty21a vaccine, which is routinely used worldwide, in such combinatorial therapies.


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Intestinal infection with Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis, a food-borne infection spread to humans especially through contaminated eggs and egg-products as well as undercooked contaminated fresh meat, is the most common cause of intestinal inflammation in the European Union. Enteritis caused by Salmonella Enteritidis is characterized by fever, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. The disruption of the intestinal epithelial barrier function contributes to diarrhoea and is responsible for the perpetuation of the inflammatory process. In this sense, oxidative stress and the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-1β are described to induce the disorganization of the tight junctions (TJ), the most apical epithelial intercellular junctions and responsible for the paracellular permeability. The interest of this chapter relies not only in the investigation dealing with the mechanisms of TJ regulation but also in the contribution to the development of new tools for the prevention of epithelial barrier disruption in enteritis caused by Salmonella Enteritidis.


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Salmonella enterica – Fluorokinoloni- ja makrolidiresistenssimekanisimit Vakavia salmonellainfektioita on pitkään hoidettu fluorokinoloniantibiooteilla, kuten siprofloksasiinilla. Fluorokinolonien runsas käyttö niin ihmisillä kuin eläimilläkin on kuitenkin johtanut fluorokinoloniresistenttien salmonellakantojen lisääntymiseen. Vuoteen 2002 asti kaikki matalan tason fluorokinoloniresistenssiä ilmentävät salmonellakannat olivat resistenttejä nalidiksiinihapolle, joka on vanha ensimmäisen polven kinoloniantibiootti jota ei enää käytetä infektioiden hoidossa. Vuonna 2003 havaitsimme aivan uudentyyppisen resistenssifenotyypin salmonelloissa. Kaikki uuden fenotyypin kannat osoittivat matalaa fluorokinoloniresistenssiä (MIC ≥0.125 mg/L), mutta useat kannat olivat yllättäen aikaisempaa herkempiä nalidiksiinihapolle (MIC ≤32 mg/L). Ilmiöllä on suuri merkitys salmonellan antibioottiherkkyyksien määrittämisessä, sillä jos kanta on ollut nalidiksiinihapolle herkkä, sitä on pidetty herkkänä myös fluorokinoloneille. Väitöskirjatyössä määritettiin vuosina 2003–2007 Suomessa kerättyjen kotimaisten ja ulkomaalaisten S. enterica -kantojen fluorokinoloniresistenssiä sekä tutkittiin uuden salmonellafenotyypin epidemiologiaa ja resistenssimekanismeja. Lisäksi tutkittiin salmonellan hoidossa mahdollisesti käyttökelpoisen makrolidiantibioottijohdannaisen, atsitromysiinin tehoa salmonelloihin ja erityisesti matalaa fluorokinoloniresistenssiä ilmentäviin kantoihin. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että matalaa fluorokinoloniresistenssiä osoittavien salmonellakantojen määrä vähenee. Lasku oli voimakkainta Kaakkois-Aasiasta tuoduissa kannoissa. Uusi resistenssifenotyyppi on plasmidivälitteinen ja qnr-geenit olivat ainoa plasmidivälitteinen kinoloniresistenssimekanismi, joka kannoista löydettiin. Myöskään kromosomaalisten gyrA, gyrB ja parE -geenien QRDR-alueelta ei löydetty fluorokinoloniresistenssiä aiheuttavia mutaatioita. Transformaatiolla osoitettiin qnr-plasmidien olevan siirtyviä ja uusi resistenssifenotyyppi saatiin ilmennettyä myös herkässä vastaanottajakannassa. Nämä tulokset osoittavat, että vaikka S. enterican qnr-fenotyyppi on toistaiseksi levinnyt pääasiassa Kaakkois-Aasiaan, se siirtyy helposti bakteerista toiseen ja tulee todennäköisesti aiheuttamaan hoito-ongelmia myös muualla maailmassa. Uudentyyppinen qnr-fenotyyppi voi olla vaikea havaita perinteisellä herkkyysmäärityksellä. Siksi laboratorioissa tulisi aina määrittää sekä siprofloksasiiniettä nalidiksiinihappoherkkyydet. Atsitromysiinin osoitettiin olevan herkkyysmääritysten mukaan tehokas salmonelloja kohtaan mukaanlukien matala-asteista fluorokinoloniresistenssiä ilmentävät bakteerikannat.


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OBJETIVO: Relatar as características demográficas, clínicas, diagnóstica e terapêutica de pacientes com abscesso esplênico (AE) causado por Salmonella. MÉTODO: Análise retrospectiva de dados de pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Cirurgia Geral e Aparelho Digestivo do Hospital Universitário Gaffrée-Guinle no período de janeiro de 2001 a dezembro de 2005, a estes se incluiu um caso tratado em outro hospital em época anterior. RESULTADOS: Dentre 4823 pacientes recentemente atendidos, dois apresentaram AE causado por Salmonella enteritidis, enquanto o caso mais antigo o agente responsável foi a Salmonella typhi. Todos eram homens, com idade média de 45 anos. Em nenhum deles foi identificada condição predisponente à formação do abscesso; os exames de imagem foram capazes de diagnosticar o AE. Todos foram tratados por esplenectomia e antibioticoterapia e evoluíram para cura. CONCLUSÕES: A Salmonella, apesar de infrequente, pode ser o agente causal do AE. Caracteristicamente os abscessos eram grandes e apresentavam material necrótico em seu interior. Nesta condição, a esplenectomia associada a antibioticoterapia mostrou-se eficaz no tratamento.


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Foram caracterizadas antigenicamente amostras de Salmonella isoladas de aves (portadoras e doentes) provenientes de diversas regiões do país durante o período de 1962 a 1991. Nas 2123 culturas analisadas foram reconhecidos 90 sorovares, distribuídos em 14 sorogrupos com predominância dos grupos O:9 (40,0%), O:4 (33,3%), O:7 (10,6%) e O: 3,10 (6,7%). A maior diversidade de sorovares foi reconhecida no sorogrupo O:7 com 22 tipos distintos, secundado por O:4, O:3,10 e O:9, constituídos de 19, 15 e 10 sorotipos, respectivamente. No computo geral, foi determinada a média de 10,8 sorovares isolados por ano. Os sorovares classificados como muito frequentes nos três decênios, representando 65 a 67%, dos isolamentos, foram S. Gallinarum, S. Pullorum, S. Typhimurium, S. Heidelberg, S. Enteritidis e S. Infantis. Considerações de natureza bacteriológica e epidemiológica foram discutidas em relação a alguns dos sorotipos prevalentes.


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Foram caracterizadas antigenicamente amostras de Salmonella isoladas de matérias-primas e de ração para aves em 1976 e durante doze anos consecutivos (1979-1991). As 2293 culturas analisadas provieram de sete regiões distintas do país e possibilitaram o reconhecimento de 151 sorovares, classificados bioquimicamente nas subespécies I (99,6%) IIIa (0,33%) e IV (0,04%), respectivamente. Os sorovares identificados se distribuiram por 17 sorogrupos, com predominância de O:7 (30,4%), O:4 (24,5%), O:3,10 (19,1%), O:13 (7,8%), O:1,3,19 (4,9%) e O:18 (3,7), que representam 90% dos grupos sorológicos caracterizados e constituídos de 103 (68,2%) sorotipos. Dentre os dez sorovares mais frequentemente reconhecidos citam-se S. Montevideo, S. Senftenberg, S. Havana, S. Mbandaka, S. Tennessee, S. Infantis, S. Agona, S. Anatum, S. Cerro e S. Bredeney. Alguns aspectos de caráter epidemiológico foram discutidos, envolvendo particularmente, determinados sorotipos e inclusive confrontando-se os resultados obtidos com aqueles oriundos de investigação conexa em aves.


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Um total de 150 carcaças de frango congeladas, de quatro marcas comerciais, foram analisadas para pesquisa de Salmonella. Foram examinadas 43 carcaças de cada uma das marcas A, B, D e 21 da marca C. Observou-se um percentual de 32,0% de contaminação. Foram identificados 11 sorotipos: S. Agona, S. Anatum, S. Enteritidis, S. Hadar, S. Havana, S. Mbandaka, S. Montevideo, S. Ouakam, S. Poona, S. Schwarzengrund e S. I 4, 5, 12: -. O antibiograma das cepas mostrou 100% de resistência à ampicilina, 75,0% à cefalotina, 52,1% à cefoxitina, 22,9% à tobramicina, 6,2% à polimixina B e à tetraciclina, 4,2% à gentamicina e 2,1% à netilmicina, ao aztreonam e à amicacina. Todas as cepas apresentaram sensibilidade total ao cloranfenicol e ao sulfazotrim.