999 resultados para Sales, Assensio , Obispo de Barcelona


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Purpose –The research examines the sales process practised by SMEs, and barriers and enablers that hinder and support effective selling practices from the selling organisation’s perspective in Scottish-based Food and Drink firms. Design/methodology approach - – The paper adopts an interpretivist perspective with qualitative data gathered through face-to-face semi-structured interviews. 20 people involved in selling activities were interviewed from 15 SMEs across Scotland. Thematic analysis established key findings regarding the sales process practice. Findings – Five themes emerged that affect the operationalisation of the selling process: the owner manager has considerable involvement in the sales process, SMEs with some degree of sales knowledge take a more systematic approach, SMEs lack awareness of how CRM technology can assist them, power is tipped in favour of the buyer and, the geographic location of the SME places constraints on how SMEs conduct business Research limitation/implication – Thematic analysis was chosen over other more traditional methods due to the lack of relevant quantitative data. The phenomenon of the research and research methodology means that it will not be possible to repeat this study and replicate its findings. However, the process that has been adopted does provide a basis for future research. Originality/value - The paper identifies areas where future research is required in the field alongside suggestions where policy makers and government business agencies might focus intervention to assist SMEs improve delivery of the sales process and selling effectiveness


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Rhodes, Mark. 'US Foreign Sales Corporations, Export Tax Credits and the WTO', in: 'The WTO and the Regulation of International Trade: Recent Trade Disputes between the European Union and the United States', (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005), pp.177-189 RAE2008


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OBJECTIVE: This report updates our earlier work on the returns to pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) in the US (1980 to 1984), which showed that the returns distributions are highly skewed. It evaluates a more recent cohort of new drug introductions in the US (1988 to 1992) and examines how the returns distribution is emerging for drugs with life cycles concentrated in the 1990s versus the 1980s. DESIGN AND SETTING: Methods were described in detail in our earlier reports. The current sample included 110 new drug entities (including 28 orphan drugs), and sales data were obtained for the period 1988 to 1998, which represented between 7 and 11 years of sales for the drugs included. 20 years was chosen as the expected market life for this cohort, and a 2-step procedure was used to project future sales for the drugs--during the period until patent expiry and then beyond patent expiry until the 20-year time-horizon was completed. Thus, the values in the first half of the life cycle are essentially based on realised sales, while those in the second half are projected using information on patent expiry and other inputs. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES AND RESULTS: Peak annual sales for the top decile of drugs introduced between 1988 and 1992 in the US amounted to almost $US1.1 billion compared with peak sales of less than $US175 million (1992 values) for the mean compound. In particular, the top decile accounted for 56% of overall sales revenue. Although the sales distributions were skewed in both our earlier and current analysis, the top decile in the later time-period exhibited more rapid rates of growth after launch, a peak that was more than 50% greater in real terms than for the 1980 to 1984 cohort, and a faster rate of expected decline in sales after patent expiry. One factor contributing to the distribution of sales revenues becoming more skewed over time is the orphan drug phenomenon (i.e. most of the orphan drugs are concentrated at the bottom of the distribution). CONCLUSION: The distribution of sales revenues for new drug compounds is highly skewed in nature. In this regard, the top decile of new drugs accounts for more than half of the total sales generated by the 1988 to 1992 cohort analysed. Furthermore, the distribution of sales revenues for this cohort is more skewed than that of the 1980 to 1984 cohort we analysed in previous research.


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Las aportaciones del presente trabajo-informe provienen de las múltiples ocasiones que, en conferencias escuchadas, ponencias asistidas, artículos de revistas y de prensa, conversaciones privadas, Jorge Wagensberg (Director científico de los Museos de Ciencia de la Fundación La Caixa) me (nos) ha tratado de comunicar, tras una experiencia de más de 20 años en el Museo de la Ciencia de Barcelona, cuáles eran las hipótesis de trabajo para construir y desarrollar, en el mismo lugar pero con mucho más espacio, un nuevo Museo de la Ciencia. También de la experiencia generada por una exposición de la Fundación La Caixa “Y después fue... ¡La Forma!” que ha itinerado por múltiples lugares de España (en particular estuvo en el Museo Elder de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria entre Noviembre de 2003 y Febrero de 2004). Y, por último, de la realidad del Museo CosmoCaixa de Barcelona, ya inaugurado el pasado 23 de Septiembre. Todo esto (hipótesis, experiencia y realidad) que Jorge Wagensberg nos ha contado antes y mostrado ahora, es pura museología científica en su forma más moderna y más actual.


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Con esta nota, siguiendo en parte a SMITH 1978, se rectitica la determinación de Zygodon baumgartneri Malta, identificado como Z. viridissimus (Dicks.) R. Brown en los herbarios BCB y BCF, y llamaremos Z. baumgartneri Malta fo. mediterranea (Malta) comb. nov. a las especies de Z. viridissimus (Dicks.) R. Brown fo. mediterranea Malta.


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This article takes a multidimensional or biopsychosocial conception of drug dependency as its starting point. Within this analytical framework, we advocate making the intercultural dimension more visible, since it is essential for the design and implementation of integral intervention processes. We propose intercultural competence as a working model that can increase the capacities of institutions and professionals —a particularly important consideration in the case of social work— in order to effectively address the aforementioned cultural dimension. After an extensive review of the scientific literature, we have defined five processes that can contribute to strengthening an institution’s intercultural competence and four processes that can do the same for a professional’s intercultural competence. Though selected for application in the area of drug dependencies, all these processes can also prove useful in improving attention to any other kind of culturally diverse group or person.


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El texto presenta una experiencia socioconstruccionista que une el trabajo entre estudiantes de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona y de Magisterio de la Universidad del País Vasco. Un trabajo colaborativo entre docentes y estudiantes que conllevó compartir conocimientos y saberes a través del uso de nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (Skype y Blogs). El foco del artículo está situado en las relaciones de enseñanza y aprendizaje propias y singulares de una experiencia concreta, y en lo que se deriva de ello en el desarrollo de identidades de discentes y docentes; en esta línea, surgieron temas vinculados con: las posicionamientos emergentes, los modos de colocarse en los espacios de aprendizaje, las formas de relacionarse con los conocimientos, resistencias y potenciales del uso de nuevas tecnologías, etc. El texto está articulado en dos partes: una primera en la que brevemente se muestra el anclaje teórico que sustentó el trabajo (la investigación narrativa, y el trabajo educativo basado en Leaning by Desing); y una segunda parte que, llevando por título Desayunos Donostia–Barcelona y con una retórica basada en la novela de ficción, presenta experiencias significativas que hablan de los encuentros entre estudiantes y docentes. Dichas experiencias se inscriben dentro de las actividades de los grupos de innovación docente Indaga-t (2010PID-UB/33) y Elkarrikertuz (IT433-10), y es el resultado de trabajos colaborativos entre docentes e investigadores miembros de los mismos.El texto, que parte de la relación entre los grupos de innovación Indaga-t (2010PID-UB/33) y Elkarrikertuz (IT433-10), muestra una experiencia de colaboración que permite a los estudiantes establecer puentes entre diferentes comunidades y entre dos lugares de aprendizaje supuestamente alejados como son las facultades de Bellas Artes y Magisterio. Además nos ha ofrecido la oportunidad de construir experiencias de aprendizaje donde hemos aprendido a trabajar de un modo colaborativo entre docentes y estudiantes.


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It has been 25 years since the publication of a comprehensive review of the full spectrum of salesperformance drivers. This study takes stock of the contemporary field and synthesizes empirical evidence from the period 1982–2008. The authors revise the classification scheme for sales performance determinants devised by Walker et al. (1977) and estimate both the predictive validity of its sub-categories and the impact of a range of moderators on determinant-sales performance relationships. Based on multivariate causal model analysis, the results make two major observations: (1) Five sub-categories demonstrate significant relationships with sales performance: selling-related knowledge (ß=.28), degree of adaptiveness (ß=.27), role ambiguity (ß=-.25), cognitive aptitude (ß=.23) and work engagement (ß=.23). (2) These sub-categories are moderated by measurement method, research context, and salestype variables. The authors identify managerial implications of the results and offer suggestions for further research, including the conjecture that as the world is moving toward a knowledge-intensive economy, salespeople could be functioning as knowledge-brokers. The results seem to back this supposition and indicate how it might inspire future research in the field of personal selling.


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In this paper, we investigate the remanufacturing problem of pricing single-class used products (cores) in the face of random price-dependent returns and random demand. Specifically, we propose a dynamic pricing policy for the cores and then model the problem as a continuous-time Markov decision process. Our models are designed to address three objectives: finite horizon total cost minimization, infinite horizon discounted cost, and average cost minimization. Besides proving optimal policy uniqueness and establishing monotonicity results for the infinite horizon problem, we also characterize the structures of the optimal policies, which can greatly simplify the computational procedure. Finally, we use computational examples to assess the impacts of specific parameters on optimal price and reveal the benefits of a dynamic pricing policy. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.