902 resultados para SURGICAL REMOVAL
Determinar la influencia de las espículas peneanas en los cobayos machos sobre el comportamiento sexual, fertilidad y valores espermáticos, fue el objetivo principal de este proyecto de investigación, para ello se incluyeron 10 cobayos machos de cinco meses de edad, peso promedio 988,3±11,40 g y 40 hembras de cuatro meses de edad, peso promedio 815,3±11,80 g, bajo las mismas condiciones de alimentación y mantenimiento. Cinco machos seleccionados al azar fueron extirpados quirúrgicamente las espículas peneanas. Un cobayo entero y un intervenido fueron mantenidos, como reemplazo en el caso de muerte de una unidad experimental y se los excluyó del procedimiento inicial. Se realizaron tres ensayos: en el primero se dividieron en dos tratamientos T1= 4 cobayos machos con espículas peneanas + 20 hembras en jaulas separadas, T2= 4 cobayos machos extirpados las espículas peneanas + 20 hembras en jaulas separadas. Se analizó durante ocho días consecutivos el comportamiento sexual por observación directa de los cobayos en cada jaula. Para el segundo ensayo los mismos tratamientos T1 y T2, permanecieron por treinta días en empadre, para evaluación de la fertilidad. Finalmente en el último ensayo se analizaron parámetros espermáticos, por medio de la extirpación quirúrgica de los testículos y disección del epidídimo de los cobayos en estudio, para este ensayo se incluyeron los cobayos de reemplazo. El diseño experimental que se utilizó en la investigación fue un diseño completamente al azar, las pruebas de significación fueron, T de Student, prueba de Shapiro Wilk, para el análisis de homogeneidad de varianza se utilizó la técnica de Levene y se realizó el análisis de medias repetidas, todo esto con el programa SPSS para Windows versión 22®. Los parámetros de comportamiento sexual, olfateos, mordiscos y montas fueron similares (P>0,05), el número promedio de acicalamientos fue mayor en el grupo de machos enteros en relación al grupo sin espículas (P<0,05). El grupo de hembras que fueron copuladas por cobayos enteros quedaron preñadas un 65% más en comparación con las hembras que fueron cubiertas por los machos extirpados las espículas (P<0,01). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los análisis de parámetros seminales de los machos en estudio. Por lo tanto se concluye que la remoción de las espículas peneanas influye en la fertilidad, pero no en el comportamiento sexual y los valores espermáticos
The correction of diastemas in the anterior region with composite resin is considered to be practical and conservative. Harmony between the restorative material and the periodontium is necessary to achieve satisfactory functional and esthetic results. Whenever excessive gingiva occurs in the interproximal region, removal is necessary to avoid excessively contoured restorations. A predictable technique is described to conservatively remove interproximal tissue in situations in which crown lengthening is required to treat bilateral diastemas. A surgical template based on the diagnostically waxed cast was produced to serve as a reference during periodontal surgery.
BACKGROUND AND AIM There is a lack of suitable in vitro models to evaluate various treatment modalities intending to remove subgingival bacterial biofilm. Consequently, the aims of this in vitro-study were: a) to establish a pocket model enabling mechanical removal of biofilm and b) to evaluate repeated non-surgical periodontal treatment with respect to biofilm removal and reformation, surface alterations, tooth hard-substance-loss, and attachment of periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblasts. MATERIAL AND METHODS Standardized human dentin specimens were colonized by multi-species biofilms for 3.5 days and subsequently placed into artificially created pockets. Non-surgical periodontal treatment was performed as follows: a) hand-instrumentation with curettes (CUR), b) ultrasonication (US), c) subgingival air-polishing using erythritol (EAP) and d) subgingival air-polishing using erythritol combined with chlorhexidine digluconate (EAP-CHX). The reduction and recolonization of bacterial counts, surface roughness (Ra and Rz), the caused tooth substance-loss (thickness) as well as the attachment of PDL fibroblasts were evaluated and statistically analyzed by means of ANOVA with Post-Hoc LSD. RESULTS After 5 treatments, bacterial reduction in biofilms was highest when applying EAP-CHX (4 log10). The lowest reduction was found after CUR (2 log10). Additionally, substance-loss was the highest when using CUR (128±40 µm) in comparison with US (14±12 µm), EAP (6±7 µm) and EAP-CHX (11±10) µm). Surface was roughened when using CUR and US. Surfaces exposed to US and to EAP attracted the highest numbers of PDL fibroblasts. CONCLUSION The established biofilm model simulating a periodontal pocket combined with interchangeable placements of test specimens with multi-species biofilms enables the evaluation of different non-surgical treatment modalities on biofilm removal and surface alterations. Compared to hand instrumentation the application of ultrasonication and of air-polishing with erythritol prevents from substance-loss and results in a smooth surface with nearly no residual biofilm that promotes the reattachment of PDL fibroblasts.
Wound debridement refers to the removal of necrotic, devitalized, or contaminated tissue and/or foreign material to promote wound healing. Surgical debridement uses sharp instruments to cut dead tissue from a wound and it is the quickest and most efficient method of debridement. A wound debridement simulator [1,2] can ensure that a medical trainee is competent prior to performing a procedure on a genuine patient. Irrigation is performed at different stages of debridement in order to remove debris and reduce the bacteria count through rinsing the wound. This paper presents a novel approach for realistic irrigation visualization based on texture representations of debris. This approach applies image processing techniques to a series of images, which model the cleanliness of the wound. The active texture is generated and updated dynamically based on the irrigation state, location, and range. Presented results demonstrate that texture mapping and image processing techniques can provide effective and efficient solutions for irrigation visualization in the wound debridement simulator.
An acoustic neuroma (also known as a vestibular schwannoma) is an intracranial tumour of the vestibular nerve that is commonly treated by surgical resection. Following resection of an acoustic neuroma, patients may experience a range of symptoms that include deficits in gaze stability, mobility and balance. Vestibular rehabilitation may be useful in reducing the severity and minimizing the impact of these symptoms.
This project was an observational study of outpatients following lower limb surgical procedures for removal of skin cancers. Findings highlight a previously unreported high surgical site failure rate. Results also identified four potential risk factors (increasing age, presence of leg pain, split skin graft and haematoma) which negatively impact on surgical site healing in this population.
Within the cardiac high dependency unit it is currently a member of the surgical team who makes the decision for a patient's chest drain to be removed after cardiac surgery. This has often resulted in delays in discharging one patient and therefore in admitting the next. A pilot study was carried out using a working standard that had been developed, incorporating an algorithmic model. The results have enabled nursing staff in a cardiac high dependency unit to undertake this responsibility independently.
Välikorvaleikkauksiin usein liittyvän välikorvan ja kuuloluuketjun kirurgisen rekonstruktion tavoitteena on luoda olosuhteet, jotka mahdollistavat hyvän kuulon sekä välikorvan säilymisen tulehduksettomana ja ilmapitoisena. Välikorvan rekonstruktiossa on käytetty implanttimateriaaleina perinteisesti potilaan omia kudoksia sekä tarvittaessa erilaisia hajoamattomia biomateriaaleja, mm. titaania ja silikonia. Ongelmana biomateriaalien käytössä voi olla bakteerien adherenssi eli tarttuminen vieraan materiaalin pintaan, mikä saattaa johtaa biofilmin muodostumiseen. Tämä voi aiheuttaa kroonisen, huonosti antibiootteihin reagoivan infektion kudoksessa, mikä usein käytännössä johtaa uusintaleikkaukseen ja implantin poistoon. Maitohappo- ja glykolihappopohjaiset biologisesti hajoavat polymeerit ovat olleet kliinisessä käytössä jo vuosikymmeniä. Niitä on käytetty erityisesti tukimateriaaleina mm. ortopediassa sekä kasvo- ja leukakirurgiassa. Niitä ei ole toistaiseksi käytetty välikorvakirurgiassa. Korvan kuvantamiseen käytetään ensisijaisesti tietokonetomografiaa (TT). TT-tutkimuksen ongelmana on potilaan altistuminen suhteellisen korkealle sädeannokselle, joka kasvaa kumulatiivisesti, jos kuvaus joudutaan toistamaan. Väitöskirjatyö selvittää uuden, aiemmin kliinisessä työssä rutiinisti lähinnä hampaiston ja kasvojen alueen kuvantamiseen käytetyn rajoitetun kartiokeila-TT:n soveltuvuutta korvan alueen kuvantamiseen. Väitöskirjan kahdessa ensimmäisessä osatyössä tutkittiin ja verrattiin kahden kroonisia ja postoperatiivisia korvainfektioita aiheuttavan bakteerin, Staphylococcus aureuksen ja Pseudomonas aeruginosan, in vitro adherenssia titaanin, silikonin ja kahden eri biohajoavan polymeerin (PLGA) pintaan. Lisäksi tutkittiin materiaalien albumiinipinnoituksen vaikutusta adherenssiin. Kolmannessa osatyössä tutkittiin eläinmallissa PLGA:n biokompatibiliteettia eli kudosyhteensopivuutta kokeellisessa välikorvakirurgiassa. Chinchillojen välikorviin istutettiin PLGA-materiaalia, eläimiä seurattiin, ja ne lopetettiin 6 kk:n kuluttua operaatiosta. Biokompatibiliteetin arviointi perustui kliinisiin havaintoihin sekä kudosnäytteisiin. Neljännessä osatyössä tutkittiin kartiokeila-TT:n soveltuvuutta korvan alueen kuvantamiseen vertaamalla sen tarkkuutta perinteisen spiraali-TT:n tarkkuuteen. Molemmilla laitteilla kuvattiin ohimo- eli temporaaliluita korvan alueen kliinisesti ja kirurgisesti tärkeiden rakenteiden kuvantumisen tarkkuuden arvioimiseksi. Viidennessä osatyössä arvioitiin myös operoitujen temporaaliluiden kuvantumista kartiokeila-TT:ssa. Bakteeritutkimuksissa PLGA-materiaalin pintaan tarttui keskimäärin korkeintaan saman verran tai vähemmän bakteereita kuin silikonin tai titaanin. Albumiinipinnoitus vähensi bakteeriadherenssia merkitsevästi kaikilla materiaaleilla. Eläinkokeiden perusteella PLGA todettiin hyvin siedetyksi välikorvassa. Korvakäytävissä tai välikorvissa ei todettu infektioita, tärykalvon perforaatioita tai materiaalin esiin työntymistä. Kudosnäytteissä näkyi lievää tulehdusreaktiota ja fibroosia implantin ympärillä. Temporaaliluutöissä rajoitettu kartiokeila-TT todettiin vähintään yhtä tarkaksi menetelmäksi kuin spiraali-TT välikorvan ja sisäkorvan rakenteiden kuvantamisessa, ja sen aiheuttama kertasäderasitus todettiin spiraali-TT:n vastaavaa huomattavasti vähäisemmäksi. Kartiokeila-TT soveltui hyvin välikorvaimplanttien ja postoperatiivisen korvan kuvantamiseen. Tulokset osoittavat, että PLGA on välikorvakirurgiaan soveltuva, turvallinen ja kudosyhteensopiva biomateriaali. Biomateriaalien pinnoittaminen albumiinilla vähentää merkittävästi bakteeriadherenssia niihin, mikä puoltaa pinnoituksen soveltamista implanttikirurgiassa. Kartiokeila-TT soveltuu korvan alueen kuvantamiseen. Sen tarkkuus kliinisesti tärkeiden rakenteiden osoittamisessa on vähintään yhtä hyvä ja sen potilaalle aiheuttama sädeannos pienempi kuin nykyisen korva-spiraali-TT:n. Tämä tekee menetelmästä spiraali-TT:aa potilasturvallisemman vaihtoehdon erityisesti, jos potilaan tilanne vaatii seurantaa ja useampia kuvauksia, ja jos halutaan kuvata rajoitettuja alueita uni- tai bilateraalisesti.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Eagle syndrome is symptomatic elongation of the styloid process, or calcification of the stylomandibular ligament. Difficulty with deglutition. phonation. cervical movement. and the sensation of a foreign body in the oropharynx are all symptoms of this syndrome. Its treatment consists of partial removal of the styloid process. leaving it within the range of normality. We describe the technique, report it case, and point Out Sortie of the advantages. such as the simplicity of the procedure, reduced operating time, and lack risks of operative complications. (C) 2008 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this clinical study, we proposed to observe the efficacy of the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue (SCCT) by carbon dioxide (CO2) laser surgery. Twelve patients with SCCT were treated with excisional surgery using the CO2 laser with a spot size of 0.8 mm, 10 W, power density of 2.5 W/cm(2) in continuous mode, and under constant vacuum removal of the plume. The post surgical clinical evaluations were done every day until the sutures were removed and then every 7 days up to 1 month postoperatively. Subjects were re-examined quarterly until the fifth year post surgery. After 5 yr of follow-up for all subjects, there was no recurrence of the SCCT at the involved sites. The functional and aesthetic results observed were excellent. It is concluded that CO2 laser ablation of SCCT is an extremely useful surgical technique that can provide a clean field and is capable of providing surgical results consistent with accepted principles of oncological surgery. (C) 2012 Laser Institute of America.
With the exception of the cleft lip, developmental defects (DD) of the lip are rare. The upper lip originates from the ectomesenchyme and is formed by the merging of the nasal medial and lateral processes with the maxillary process. Disturbances during this formation period can cause DD with functional and/or esthetic repercussions. We present a case of DD of the upper lip in a patient with a history of progressive growth of the left lateral portion of the upper lip that occurred from the time of birth until the age of 22 years. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the area from the left philtral columns to the left commissure of the lip, extending the portion of the surface mucosa creating a flaccid and asymptomatic tissue mass. All other buccal structures appeared to be within normal limits and without any evidence of defects or deformities. In the surgical planning we decided to carry out corrective surgery in two phases. The first phase accomplished a conservative excision of the total abnormal labial tissue mass with a CO2 laser radiation (5 W in continuous mode, bunch diameter φ = 0.6 mm with a power density of 768 W/cm2 and fluency of 0.231 J/cm2) being careful to preserve the vermilion portion of the lip. Postsurgical clinical evaluations were done every three days until the skin sutures were removed and then every seven days until two months post surgery. While the entire mass of excessive tissue could not be completely removed, the removal of the excessive mucosal tissue produced a very good outcome relative to lip function, with a good esthetic result without scarring, and good tissue mobility. The results showed that the CO2 laser is an extremely useful instrument that can provide excellent control of the surgical field and allow for healing that produces excellent functional and esthetic results. © 2005 Taylor & Francis.
Background: Excisional biopsies of gingival overgrowths, performed with safety margins, frequently result in mucogingival defects. These defects may produce esthetic problems and increase the chances of dentin hyperesthesia and its possibility of hindering oral hygiene. Methods: Two clinical cases are reported in which gingival overgrowths were removed by excisional biopsy, resulting in unsightly defects. The first clinical case presents an invasive approach for the treatment of a recurrent pyogenic granuloma in the anterior maxilla, and the second depicts a complete removal of a peripheral odontogenic fibroma in the posterior maxilla. In both situations, the soft-tissue defects were repaired by periodontal plastic surgery, including a laterally positioned flap and a coronally positioned flap, respectively. Results: Periodontal plastic surgery successfully restored the defects that resulted from biopsies, and no recurrence has been noticed in the 5-year postoperative follow-up period. Conclusions: The combination of biopsy and periodontal plastic surgery in a one-step procedure seems to be suitable to remove gingival overgrowths in most areas of the mouth, regardless of esthetic significance. Such procedures seem to restore gingival health, encourage healing, and create both esthetics and function in the excised area.
The ramus sagittal split osteotomy or mandibular body is an established technique for correction of dentofacial deformities but can have an accurate indication in cases requiring surgical access to remove lesions or more teeth included in the region of the mandibular angle. The main advantages of this technique are the possibility of preservation of the inferior alveolar nerve bundle and significant reduction in postoperative morbidity. In this article, the authors show a case in which the sagittal osteotomy of the mandible was used to gain access for removal of a lesion (complex odontoma).