240 resultados para SUMATRIPTAN SUCCINATE


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Nesta tese, realizada no âmbito do Programa Doutoral em Química da Universidade de Aveiro, foram desenvolvidas duas famílias de receptores sintéticos: macrocíclicos baseados na plataforma tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina; e acíclicos construídos a partir de diaminas simples. A plataforma macrocíclica foi decorada nos átomos de azoto em ponte com unidades de reconhecimento molecular contendo fragmentos com grupos amida para o reconhecimento de aniões ou com grupos ácidos carboxílicos para a coordenação de metais de transição. Os receptores acíclicos foram obtidos por acoplamento de diaminas (etilenodiamina, orto-fenilenodiamina ou 2-aminobenzilamina) com uma unidade lipofílica incorporando um anel heterocíclico (derivados de oxadiazole ou furano) e com um derivado isocianato. Estas moléculas assimétricas com um grupo amida e um grupo ureia como unidades de reconhecimento molecular foram avaliadas como receptores e transportadores transmembranares de aniões biologicamente relevantes (Cl- e HCO3-). Os resultados experimentais obtidos serão descritos ao longo de três capítulos, após um primeiro capítulo bibliográfico. No Capítulo 1 começa-se por fazer uma revisão bibliográfica sucinta sobre o desenvolvimento recente de receptores funcionais baseados em azacalixarenos bem como das suas aplicações, designadamente no reconhecimento molecular. Numa segunda parte apresenta-se uma revisão sucinta de receptores derivados de (tio)ureias, relacionados com os receptores sintetizados no âmbito desta tese e com propriedades de reconhecimento e transporte transmembranar de aniões. No Capítulo 2 reporta-se uma série de macrociclos novos com os átomos de azoto em ponte de tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina funcionalizados com bromoacetato de metilo. Foram preparados três novos macrociclos com quatro grupos éster, como braços pendentes, a partir de percursores tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina com os anéis de triazina substituídos com cloro, metilamina ou hexilamina. Os grupos acetato foram hidrolisados em condições básicas, tendo cada um dos derivados dialquilamina originado um composto com quatro grupo carboxílicos, enquanto o análogo diclorado originou uma mistura de compostos com dois grupos carboxílico e com os átomos de cloro substituídos por grupos hidroxilo. Subsequentemente, as propriedades de coordenação dos derivados alquilamina para cobre(II) foram avaliadas por espectroscopia de UV-Vis, tendo-se obtido constantes de estabilidades semelhantes (logk ≈ 6,7). No Capítulo 3 descrevem-se três macrociclos obtidos através da funcionalização dos átomos de azoto em ponte de tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina com grupos amida derivados de N-Boc-etilenodiamina, benzilamina e (S)-metilbenzilamina. A afinidade destes receptores para a série de aniões carboxilato (oxalato, malonato, succinato, glutarato, diglicolato, pimelato, suberato, fumarato, maleato, ftalato e isoftalato) e inorgânicos (Cl-, H2PO4- e SO42-) por titulação de RMN de 1H, foi avaliada. Estes macrociclos conjuntamente com os descritos no Capítulo 2 são os primeiros exemplos reportados na literatura de receptores sintéticos baseados na plataforma de tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina com grupos funcionais nos azotos em ponte. O receptor derivado de N-Boc-etilenodiamina, com oito grupos N-H, entre os três receptores, é o que apresenta maior afinidade para os aniões estudados. No Capítulo 4 é descrita a síntese 59 compostos acíclicos (vide supra) obtidos em três passos de síntese com bons rendimentos. No design desta biblioteca de moléculas a afinidade para aniões dos grupos ureia foi modelada pela inserção de diferentes substituintes arilo ou alquilo, com propriedades electrónicas distintas. A introdução destes grupos em conjugação com um anel de oxadiazole ou furano permitiu também modelar a lipofília destes compostos. A afinidade destes receptores para aniões cloreto e bicarbonato, e em alguns casos para fumarato e maleato, foi investigada por titulação de RMN de 1H. Estes compostos apresentaram constantes de associações compatíveis com o transporte transmembranar de cloreto. Por outro lado estes receptores apresentaram afinidades elevadas para fumarato e maleato, com seletividade para este último. São também discutidos os resultados dos ensaios de transporte de cloreto por estes receptores através de vesículas de em POPC. No Capítulo 5 encontram-se as conclusões gerais desta tese de Doutoramento. No Capitulo 6 encontram-se os dados espectroscópicos e os restantes detalhes experimentais para todos os compostos sintetizados.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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The fatty acid composition of the total cellular lipids of Choanephora cucurbitarum incubated for 96 hrs on either glucose-ammonium sulfate or malt-weast extract media was determined. The major fatty acids were palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic and linoleic acids. The saturated fatty acid possessing the longest acyl chain was stearate (C 18:0). The presence of glutamic acid (2.0 x 10-1% or 1.36 x la-2M) in either of the above growth media resulted in increase in percent of 1f-linolenic acid, decrease in percent of linoleic ~iCid and appearance of a new series of fatty acid> C ~8 e.g. C ",,,,'V' C2k:O, C26,O. The addition of glutamic acid had no effect on the lipid yield but slightly decreased the degree of unsaturation. Compounds which duplicated the effect of glutamic acid were acetate, malate, citrate, succinate, 0( -ketoglutarate, prOline, -y -aminobutyric acid and glucose (3%) but not aspartic acid or alanine. ~o correlation was found between glutamic acid pool concentration and the presence in the growth medium of those compounds which stimulate long chain fatty acid production. Four hours of incubation with 27 JJ 1-1 glutamate supported the production of long chain fatty acids. This stimulation is inhibited if 272 .u M isophthalic acid is added with 27 AJ M glutamate. But, long chain fatty acids were detected when 27 JJ M eX -ketoglutarate is also present in the incubation mixture. Five hours of incubation with 100 ,Mg/ml of cycloheximide resulted in over 9CY/o inhibition of cytoplasmic :protein synthesise Glutamate (27 .uM) enhanced the synthesis of long chain fatty acids under these conditions. These findings are discussed in an attempt to provide a plausible explanation COmmon to compounds that support the production of long chain fatty acids.


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Les propriétés intrinsèques, photophysiques, électrochimiques et cristallographiques des molécules fluorescentes 4,4'-bis(2-benzoxazolyle)stilbène (BBS) et 2,5-bis(5-tert-butyl-2-benzoxazolyle)thiophène (BBT) ont été étudiées en solution et dans les polymères semi-cristallins : poly(butylène succinate) (PBS) et polylactide (PLA). Les deux fluorophores sont caractérisés par de hauts rendements quantiques absolus de fluorescence. Toutefois, une désactivation de la fluorescence peut se produire par croisement intersystème vers l'état triplet pour le BBT, et par photoisomérisation trans-cis pour le BBS. La cinétique de ce dernier processus dépend de la concentration, résultant en un pur isomère cis photo-induit à faibles concentrations, qui est accompagné à des concentrations élevées par l'apparition d'un composé acide après photo-clivage suivi d'une oxydation. Cette étude a révélé des changements spectroscopiques prononcés suite à l’augmentation de la concentration des fluorophores, en particulier à l'état solide, spécifiques à l'agrégation des molécules à l'état fondamental pour le BBT et à la formation d’excimères pour le BBS, permettant ainsi de corréler les propriétés fluorescentes avec les caractéristiques du monocristal pour chaque fluorophore. En outre, le passage d’une dispersion moléculaire à une séparation de phases dans le cas du BBS est accompagné d'un changement de couleur du bleu au vert, qui est sensible à la déformation, à la température et au temps, affectant les rendements quantiques absolus de fluorescence et fournissant une large opportunité à la création d'une grande variété de polymères intelligents indicateurs capables d'auto-évaluation. D’autre part, la solubilité élevée du BBT dans les solvants courants, combinée à ses propriétés optoélectroniques élevées, en font un candidat en tant que référence universelle de fluorescence et matériau intelligent à la fois pour les études de polymères et en solution. Similairement aux mélanges comprenant des polymères miscibles, l'orientation du PBS augmente après ajout d'une molécule fluorescente, dont les monomères ont tendance à être orientés dans des films étirés, contrairement aux excimères ou agrégats.


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L'adaptation à l'environnement est essentielle à la survie cellulaire et des organismes en général. La capacité d'adaptation aux variations en oxygène repose sur des mécanismes de détection de l'hypoxie et une capacité à répondre en amorçant un programme d'angiogenèse. Bien que la contribution du facteur induit par l'hypoxie (HIF) est bien définie dans l'induction d'une telle réponse, d'autres mécanismes sont susceptibles d'être impliqués. Dans cette optique, les études démontrant l'influence du métabolisme énergétique sur le développement vasculaire sont de plus en plus nombreuses. L'un de ces composés, le succinate, a récemment été démontré comme étant le ligand du GPR91, un récepteur couplé aux protéines G. Parmi les différents rôles attribués à ce récepteur, notre laboratoire s'intéressa aux rôles du GPR91 dans la revascularisation observée suite à des situations d'hypoxie dont ceux affectant la rétine. Il existe cependant d'autres conditions pour lesquelles une revascularisation serait bénéfique notamment suite à un stress hypoxique-ischémique cérébral. Nos travaux ont pour objectifs de mieux comprendre le rôle et le fonctionnement de ce récepteur durant le développement et dans le cadre de pathologies affectant la formation de vaisseaux sanguins. Dans un premier temps, nous avons déterminé le rôle du GPR91 dans la guérison suite à un stress hypoxique-ischémique cérébral chez le nouveau-né. Nous montrons que ce récepteur est exprimé dans le cerveau et en utilisant des souris n'exprimant pas le GPR91, nous démontrons que dans un modèle d'hypoxie-ischémie cérébrale néonatal l'angiogenèse prenant place au cours de la phase de guérison dépend largement du récepteur. L'injection intracérébrale de succinate induit également l'expression de nombreux facteurs proangiogéniques et les résultats suggèrent que le GPR91 contrôle la production de ces facteurs. De plus, l'injection de ce métabolite avant le modèle d'hypoxie-ischémie réduit substantiellement la taille de l'infarctus. In vitro, des essaies de transcription génique démontrent qu'à la fois les neurones et les astrocytes répondent au succinate en induisant l'expression de facteurs bénéfiques à la revascularisation. En considérant le rôle physiologique important du GPR91, une seconde étude a été entreprise afin de comprendre les déterminants moléculaires régissant son activité. Bien que la localisation subcellulaire des RCPG ait traditionnellement été considérée comme étant la membrane plasmique, un nombre de publications indique la présence de ces récepteurs à l'intérieur de la cellule. En effet, tel qu'observé par microscopie confocale, le récepteur colocalise avec plusieurs marqueurs du réticulum endoplasmique, que celui-ci soit exprimé de façon endogène ou transfecté transitoirement. De plus, l’activation des gènes par stimulation avec le succinate est fortement affectée en présence d'inhibiteur du transport d'acides organiques. Nous montrons que le profil de facteurs angiogéniques est influencé selon la localisation ce qui affecte directement l'organisation du réseau tubulaire ex vivo. Finalement, nous avons identifié une région conservée du GPR91 qui agit de signal de rétention. De plus, nous avons découvert l'effet de l'hypoxie sur la localisation. Ces travaux confirment le rôle de régulateur maître de l'angiogenèse du GPR91 lors d'accumulation de succinate en condition hypoxique et démontrent pour la première fois l'existence, et l'importance, d'un récepteur intracellulaire activé par un intermédiaire du métabolisme. Ces données pavent donc la voie à une nouvelle avenue de traitement ciblant GPR91 dans des pathologies hypoxiques ischémiques cérébrales et soulèvent l'importance de tenir compte de la localisation subcellulaire de la cible dans le processus de découverte du médicament.


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La sepsis es un evento inflamatorio generalizado del organismo inducido por un daño causado generalmente por un agente infeccioso. El patógeno más frecuentemente asociado con esta entidad es el Staphylococcus aureus, responsable de la inducción de apoptosis en células endoteliales debida a la producción de ceramida. Se ha descrito el efecto protector de la proteína C activada (PCA) en sepsis y su relación con la disminución de la apoptosis de las células endoteliales. En este trabajo se analizó la activación de las quinasas AKT, ASK1, SAPK/JNK y p38 en un modelo de apoptosis endotelial usando las técnicas de Western Blotting y ELISA. Las células endoteliales (EA.hy926), se trataron con C2-ceramida (130μM) en presencia de inhibidores químicos de cada una de estas quinasas y PCA. La supervivencia de las células en presencia de inhibidores químicos y PCA fue evaluada por medio de ensayos de activación de las caspasas 3, 7 y 9, que verificaban la muerte celular por apoptosis. Los resultados evidencian que la ceramida reduce la activación de AKT y aumenta la activación de las quinasas ASK, SAPK/JNK y p38, en tanto que PCA ejerce el efecto contrario. Adicionalmente se encontró que la tiorredoxina incrementa la activación/fosforilación de AKT, mientras que la quinasa p38 induce la defosforilación de AKT.


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Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae forms nitrogen-fixing nodules on several legumes, including pea (Pisum sativum) and vetch (Vicia cracca), and has been widely used as a model to study nodule biochemistry. To understand the complex biochemical and developmental changes undergone by R. leguminosarum bv. viciae during bacteroid development, microarray experiments were first performed with cultured bacteria grown on a variety of carbon substrates (glucose, pyruvate, succinate, inositol, acetate, and acetoacetate) and then compared to bacteroids. Bacteroid metabolism is essentially that of dicarboxylate-grown cells (i.e., induction of dicarboxylate transport, gluconeogenesis and alanine synthesis, and repression of sugar utilization). The decarboxylating arm of the tricarboxylic acid cycle is highly induced, as is gamma-aminobutyrate metabolism, particularly in bacteroids from early (7-day) nodules. To investigate bacteroid development, gene expression in bacteroids was analyzed at 7, 15, and 21 days postinoculation of peas. This revealed that bacterial rRNA isolated from pea, but not vetch, is extensively processed in mature bacteroids. In early development (7 days), there were large changes in the expression of regulators, exported and cell surface molecules, multidrug exporters, and heat and cold shock proteins. fix genes were induced early but continued to increase in mature bacteroids, while nif genes were induced strongly in older bacteroids. Mutation of 37 genes that were strongly upregulated in mature bacteroids revealed that none were essential for nitrogen fixation. However, screening of 3,072 mini-Tn5 mutants on peas revealed previously uncharacterized genes essential for nitrogen fixation. These encoded a potential magnesium transporter, an AAA domain protein, and proteins involved in cytochrome synthesis.


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Spontaneous mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841 were isolated that grow faster than the wild type on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. These strains (RU1736 and RU1816) have frameshift mutations (gtsR101 and gtsR102, respectively) in a GntR-type regulator (GtsR) that result in a high rate of constitutive GABA transport. Tn5 mutagenesis and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR showed that GstR regulates expression of a large operon (pRL100242 to pRL100252) on the Sym plasmid that is required for GABA uptake. An ABC transport system, GtsABCD (for GABA transport system) (pRL100248-51), of the spermidine/putrescine family is part of this operon. GtsA is a periplasmic binding protein, GtsB and GtsC are integral membrane proteins, and GtsD is an ATP-binding subunit. Expression of gtsABCD from a lacZ promoter confirmed that it alone is responsible for high rates of GABA transport, enabling rapid growth of strain 3841 on GABA. Gts transports open-chain compounds with four or five carbon atoms with carboxyl and amino groups at, or close to, opposite termini. However, aromatic compounds with similar spacing between carboxyl and amino groups are excellent inhibitors of GABA uptake so they may also be transported. In addition to the ABC transporter, the operon contains two putative mono-oxygenases, a putative hydrolase, a putative aldehyde dehydrogenase, and a succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase. This suggests the operon may be involved in the transport and breakdown of a more complex precursor to GABA. Gts is not expressed in pea bacteroids, and gtsB mutants are unaltered in their symbiotic phenotype, suggesting that Bra is the only GABA transport system available for amino acid cycling.


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The DcuS-DcuR system of Escherichia coli is a two-component sensor-regulator that controls gene expression in response to external C-4-dicarboxylates and citrate. The DcuS protein is particularly interesting since it contains two PAS domains, namely a periplasmic C-4-dicarboxylate-sensing PAS domain (PASp) and a cytosolic PAS domain (PASc) of uncertain function. For a study of the role of the PASc domain, three different fragments of DcuS were overproduced and examined: they were PASc-kinase, PASc, and kinase. The two kinase-domain-containing fragments were autophosphorylated by [gamma-P-32]ATP. The rate was not affected by fumarate or succinate, supporting the role of the PASp domain in C-4-dicarboxylate sensing. Both of the phosphorylated DcuS constructs were able to rapidly pass their phosphoryl groups to DcuR, and after phosphorylation, DcuR dephosphorylated rapidly. No prosthetic group or significant quantity of metal was found associated with either of the PASc-containing proteins. The DNA-binding specificity of DcuR was studied by use of the pure protein. It was found to be converted from a monomer to a dimer upon acetylphosphate treatment, and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis suggested that it can oligomerize. DcuR specifically bound to the promoters of the three known DcuSR-regulated genes (dctA, dcuB, and frdA), with apparent K(D)s of 6 to 32 muM for untreated DcuR and less than or equal to1 to 2 muM for the acetylphosphate-treated form. The binding sites were located by DNase I footprinting, allowing a putative DcuR-binding motif [tandemly repeated (T/A)(A/T)(T/C)(A/T)AA sequences] to be identified. The DcuR-binding sites of the dcuB, dctA, and frdA genes were located 27, 94, and 86 bp, respectively, upstream of the corresponding +1 sites, and a new promoter was identified for dcuB that responds to DcuR.


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Alanine dehydrogenase (AldA) is the principal enzyme with which pea bacteroids synthesize alanine de novo. In free-living culture, AMA activity is induced by carboxylic acids (succinate, malate, and pyruvate), although the best inducer is alanine. Measurement of the intracellular concentration of alanine showed that AldA contributes to net alanine synthesis in laboratory cultures. Divergently transcribed from aldA is an AsnC type regulator, aldR. Mutation of aldR prevents induction of AldA activity. Plasmid-borne gusA fusions showed that aldR is required for transcription of both aldA and aldR; hence, AldR is autoregulatory. However, plasmid fusions containing the aldA-aldR intergenic region could apparently titrate out AldR, sometimes resulting in a complete loss of AldA enzyme activity. Therefore, integrated aldR::gusA and aldA::gusA fusions, as well as Northern blotting, were used to confirm the induction of aldA activity. Both aldA and aldR were expressed in the II/III interzone and zone III of pea nodules. Overexpression of aldA in bacteroids did not alter the ability of pea plants to fix nitrogen, as measured by acetylene reduction, but caused a large reduction in the size and dry weight of plants. This suggests that overexpression of aldA impairs the ability of bacteroids to donate fixed nitrogen that the plant can productively assimilate. We propose that the role of AldA may be to balance the alanine level for optimal functioning of bacteroid metabolism rather than to synthesize alanine as the sole product of N-2 reduction.


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The tetraprotonated form of the dioxatetraazamacrocycle, 6,19-dioxa-3,9,16,22-tetraaza[,14)]-triaconta-1(26),11,13,24, 27,29-hexaene, (H4L1)(4+), was used as the receptor for binding studies with carboxylate anionic substrates of different shapes, sizes, and charges [succinate (suc(2-)), cyclo- hexanetricarboxylate (cta(3-)), phthalate (ph(2-)), isophthalate (iph(2-)), terephthalate (tph(2-)), and benezenetricarboxylate (btc(3-))]. Association constants were determined by potentiometry in aqueous solution at 298.2 K and 0.10 M KCl and by H-1 NMR titration in D2O. The strongest association was found for the btc3- anion at 5-7 pH region. From both techniques it was possible to establish the binding preference trend of the receptor for the different substrates, and the H-1 NMR spectroscopy gave important suggestions about the type of interactions between partners and the location of the substrates in the supramolecular entities formed. The effective binding constants at pH 6 follow the order: btc(3-)>iph(2-)>cta(3-) =ph(2-)>tph(2-)>suc(2-). All the studies suggest that the anionic substrates bind to the receptor via N-H center dot center dot center dot O = C hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions, and the aromatic substrates can also establish pi-pi stacking interactions. The crystal structures of (H4L1)(4+) and its supramolecular assemblies with ph(2-) and tph(2-) were determined by X-ray diffraction. The last two structures showed that the association process in solid state occurs via multiple N-H center dot center dot center dot O = C hydrogen bonds with the anionic substrate located outside the macrocyclic cavity of the receptor. Molecular dynamics simulations carried out for the association of (H4L1)(4+) with tph(2-) and btC(3-) in water solution established at atomic level the existence of all interactions suggested by the experimental studies, which act cooperatively in the binding process. Furthermore, the binding free energies were estimated and the values are in agreement with the experimental ones, indicating that the binding of these two anionic substrates occurs into the receptor cavity. However, the tph(2-) has also propensity to leave the macrocyclic cavity and its molecular recognition can also happen at the top of the receptor. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The new dioxatetraazamacrocycle (L-1) was synthesized by a 2 + 2 condensation and characterized. Stability constants of its copper(II) complexes were determined by spectrophotometry in DMSO at 298.2 K in 0. 10 mol dm(-3) KClO4. Mainly dinuclear complexes are formed and the presence of mononuclear species is dependent on the counterion (Cl- or ClO4-). The association constants of the dinuclear copper(II) complexes with dicarboxylate anions [oxalate (oxa(2-)), malonate (mal(2-)), succinate (suc(2-)), and glutarate (glu(2-))] were also determined by spectrophotometry at 298.2 K in DMSO, and it was found that values decrease with an increase of the alkyl chain between the carboxylate groups. X-Band EPR spectra of the dicopper(II) complexes and of their cascade species in frozen DMSO exhibit dipole-dipole coupling, and their simulation, together with their UV-vis spectra, showed that the copper centres of the complexes in solution had square pyramidal geometries though with different distortions. From the experimental data, it was also possible to predict the Cu...Cu distances, the minimum being found at 6.4 angstrom for the (Cu2LCl4)-Cl-1 complex and then successively this distance slightly increases when the chloride anions are replaced by dicarboxylate anions, from 6.6 angstrom for oxa(2-) to 7.8 for glu(2-). The crystal structures of the dinuclear copper cascade species with oxa(2-) and suc(2-) were determined and showed one anion bridging both copper centres and Cu...Cu distances of 5.485(7) angstrom and 6.442(8) angstrom, respectively.


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The dibenzodioxatetraazamacrocycle [26]pbz(2)N(4)O(2) was characterised by single crystal X-ray diffraction and the protonation constants of this compound and the stability constants of its copper(II) and lead(II) complexes were determined by potentiometry in water at 298.2 K in 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KNO3. Mono- and dinuclear complexes were found for both metal ions, the dinuclear complexes being the main species in the 5-7.5 pH range for copper(II) and 7.5-8.5 for lead(II). As expected the values of the stability constants for the copper(II) complexes are lower than those for related macrocycles containing only nitrogen atoms. The presence of mono- and dinuclear copper complexes was also confirmed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. These results suggest that the symmetric macrocyclic cavity of [26]pbZ(2)N(4)O(2) has enough space for the coordination of two metal ions. Additionally, NMR spectroscopy showed that the dinuclear complex of lead(II) has high symmetry. The equilibrium constants of the dinuclear copper(II) complexes and dicarboxylate anions (oxalate, malonate and succinate) were also determined in 0.10 mol dm-3 aqueous KNO3 solution. Only species containing one anion, Cu(2)H(h)LA((2+h)), were found, strongly suggesting that the anion bridges the two copper(II) ions. The binding constants of the cascade species formed by [Cu-2[26]pbZ(2)N(4)O(2)(H2O)(4+) with dicarboxylate anions decrease with the increase in length of the alkyl chain of the anion, a fact which was attributed to a higher conformational energy necessary for the rearrangement of the macrocycle to accommodate the larger anions bridging the two copper(II) centres. The variation of the magnetic susceptibility with temperature Of [Cu-2(H-2[26]pbz(2)N(4)O(2))(oxa)(3)]-4H(2)O and [Cu-2([26]pbz(2)N(4)O(2))(suc)Cl-2] were measured and the two complexes showed different behaviour. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The extent to which lactoperoxidase (LP) activity was affected while varying the concentration of various compounds normally present in the reaction medium was investigated. LP activity increased with increasing concentrations of 2,2'-azino-bis-3-ethylbenz-thiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS) but decreased with increasing thiocyanate concentrations. Maximum activity was at 0.1 mm for peroxide. Activity increased in the presence of lactose, whey protein concentrate, sodium, magnesium and calcium chlorides, but decreased in the presence of casein. Activity was similar in either acetate or phosphate buffers but higher in either citrate or succinate buffers. These compounds influence LP activity and should be considered when optimum activity conditions are being established.


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Glutamate plays a central role in a wide range of metabolic processes in bacterial cells. This review focuses on the involvement of glutamate in bacterial stress responses. In particular it reviews the role of glutamate metabolism in response against acid stress and other stresses. The glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) system has been implicated in acid tolerance in several bacterial genera. This system facilitates intracellular pH homeostasis by consuming protons in a decarboxylation reaction that produces γ-aminobutyrate (GABA) from glutamate. An antiporter system is usually present to couple the uptake of glutamate to the efflux of GABA. Recent insights into the functioning of this system will be discussed. Finally the intracellular fate of GABA will also be discussed. Many bacteria are capable of metabolising GABA to succinate via the GABA shunt pathway. The role and regulation of this pathway will be addressed in the review. © 2012 The Authors Journal of Applied Microbiology © 2012 The Society for Applied Microbiology.