978 resultados para STROKE VOLUME


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This paper describes the development of a two-dimensional transient catalyst model. Although designed primarily for two-stroke direct injection engines, the model is also applicable to four-stroke lean burn and diesel applications. The first section describes the geometries, properties and chemical processes simulated by the model and discusses the limitations and assumptions applied. A review of the modeling techniques adopted by other researchers is also included. The mathematical relationships which are used to represent the system are then described, together with the finite volume method used in the computer program. The need for a two-dimensional approach is explained and the methods used to model effects such as flow and temperature distribution are presented. The problems associated with developing surface reaction rates are discussed in detail and compared with published research. Validation and calibration of the model is achieved by comparing predictions with measurements from a flow reactor. While an extensive validation process, involving detailed measurements of gas composition and thermal gradients, has been completed, the analysis is too detailed for publication here and is the subject of a separate technical paper.


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Tese de mestrado, Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015


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Background. Initial evidence suggests that the integrity of the ipsilesional corticospinal tract (CST) after stroke is strongly related to motor function in the chronic state but not the treatment gain induced by motor rehabilitation. Objective. We examined the association of motor status and treatment benefit by testing patients with a wide range of severity of hemiparesis of the left and right upper extremity. Method. Diffusion tensor imaging was performed in 22 patients beyond 12 months after onset of stroke with severe to moderate hemiparesis. Motor function was tested before and after 2 weeks of modified constraint-induced movement therapy. Results. CST integrity, but not lesion volume, correlated with the motor ability measures of the Wolf Motor Function Test and the Motor Activity Log. No differences were found between left and right hemiparesis. Motor performance improved significantly with the treatment regime, and did so equally for patients with left and right arm paresis. However, treatment benefit was not associated with either CST integrity or lesion volume. Conclusion. CST integrity correlated best in this small trial with chronic long-term status but not treatment-induced improvements. The CST may play a different role in the mechanisms mediating long-term outcome compared to those underlying practice-induced gains after a chronic plateau in motor function.


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Background. The purpose of this study was to analyse whether the parallel life situation between stroke patients and their informal caregivers (dyads) shown in cross-sectional studies prevails also in a longitudinal perspective. Methods. A total of 377 Swedish stroke patients, aged ‡65 years, and their 268 informal caregivers were followed from hospital admission and one year on. Analyses were based on patient interviews, functional ability (MMSE) score, Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) score, Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) score, self-rated health score, and the Gothenburg Quality of Life (GQL) activity score. Similar information was obtained by postal questionnaires from informal caregivers, also including information on the nature and amount of assistance provided and on Caregiver Burden (CB) score. Results. Before index admission informal caregivers provided care on average 5 h per week and after discharge 11 h per week (P < 0.0001). Support volume was associated with patient sex (more for men), low patient’s functional ability, low received municipal social service support, closeness of patient–caregiver relation, and short distance to patient’s home. Significant positive associations within the dyads were found for HAD anxiety score (P < 0.0001), total NHP score (P < 0.0001), and GQL activity score (P < 0.0001) after adjustment for patient’s age, sex, functional ability, and patient–caregiver relationship. CB score increased with amount of informal caregiver support, patient’s age, and with low functional ability and low amount of municipal social service support. All these associations were constant across time. Conclusions. There was an association within the dyads regarding anxiety score, NHP score, and activity score. CB score was generally high.


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Limited information is available regarding predictors of psychosocial difficulties in children following stroke. This study aimed to (i) compare social competence of children with arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) to those with chronic illness and healthy controls and (ii) investigate the contribution of stroke pathology, neurological outcome and environment. Thirty-six children with AIS > 12 months prior to recruitment were compared with children with chronic illness (asthma) (n = 15) and healthy controls (n = 43). Children underwent intellectual assessment, and children and parents completed questionnaires to assess social competence. Children with AIS underwent MRI scan and neurological evaluation. Child AIS was associated with poorer social adjustment and participation, and children with AIS were rated as having more social problems than controls. Lesion volume was not associated with social outcome, but subcortical stroke was linked to reduced social participation and younger stroke onset predicted better social interaction and higher self-esteem. Family function was the sole predictor of social adjustment. Findings highlight the risk of social impairment following pediatric stroke, with both stroke and environmental factors influencing children's social competence in the chronic stages of recovery. They indicate the potential for intervention targeting support at the family level.


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O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é uma síndrome clínica caracterizada por uma perturbação focal da função cerebral. Geralmente ocasiona quadro de disfunção motora acompanhada de prejuízo da função respiratória. Tendo em vista tal quadro e suas possíveis repercussões, a fisioterapia respiratória tem sido amplamente requisitada com o intuito reverter ou minimizar as complicações. Dentre os recursos utilizados para este fim, os espirômetros de incentivo são utilizados com o objetivo de restaurar os volumes pulmonares, modificando o padrão respiratório e de ventilação pulmonar, prevenindo a incidência das complicações pulmonares. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar o desempenho na realização da espirometria de incentivo volume-orientada (EI) e seus efeitos agudos sobre os volumes pulmonares em pacientes após AVC e sujeitos saudáveis. Foram selecionados 40 voluntários, de ambos os gêneros, divididos em grupo experimental (GE), composto por 20 pacientes após AVC e grupo controle (GC) composto por 20 sujeitos saudáveis, pareados quanto à idade, gênero e Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC). A coleta dos dados foi realizada em duas etapas: (1) Avaliação cognitiva e neurofuncional (Mini Exame do Estado Mental, National Institute Stroke Scale, Medida de Independência Funcional, teste de desempenho da aprendizagem) (2) Avaliação Respiratória (espirometria, manovacuometria e cinemática tóraco-abdominal, através da Pletismografia Opto-eletrônica). A análise estatística foi realizada através do software Graphpad Prism 4.0, em que foram utilizados os testes t Student e ANOVA two-way para comparação intergrupos e adotado nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados mostraram que os pacientes apresentam desempenho inferior na aprendizagem da espirometria de incentivo, com uma média de erros maior 2,95 ± 1,39, quando comparados aos sujeitos saudáveis, 1,15 ± 0,98. Em relação à prática observacional utilizada não foi encontrada diferença entre a aprendizagem através do vídeo ou do terapeuta. Em relação aos efeitos agudos da espirometria de incentivo volume-orientada, os pacientes após AVC apresentaram valores de volume corrente 24,7%, 18% e 14,7% inferiores quando comparados aos sujeitos saudáveis nos momentos pré-EI, EI e pós-EI, porém a espirometria de incentivo induziu incrementos de volume similares em ambos os grupos estudados, com 75, 3% para os pacientes e 73,3% para os sujeitos saudáveis. A espirometria de incentivo promove ganhos significativos no volume corrente da parede torácica, tanto em pacientes acometidos por AVC como em sujeitos saudáveis, no entanto o desempenho da aprendizagem é inferior para os pacientes, para ambas as práticas com vídeo ou terapeuta


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Collateral circulation, defined as the supplementary vascular network that maintains cerebral blood flow (CBF) when the main vessels fail, constitutes one important defense mechanism of the brain against ischemic stroke. In the present study, continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL) was used to quantify CBF and obtain perfusion territory maps of the major cerebral arteries in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and their normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) controls. Results show that both WKY and SHR have complementary, yet significantly asymmetric perfusion territories. Right or left dominances were observed in territories of the anterior (ACA), middle and posterior cerebral arteries, and the thalamic artery. Magnetic resonance angiography showed that some of the asymmetries were correlated with variations of the ACA. The leptomeningeal circulation perfusing the outer layers of the cortex was observed as well. Significant and permanent changes in perfusion territories were obtained after temporary occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery in both SHR and WKY, regardless of their particular dominance. However, animals with right dominance presented a larger volume change of the left perfusion territory (23 +/- 9%) than animals with left dominance (7 +/- 5%, P<0.002). The data suggest that animals with contralesional dominance primarily safeguard local CBF values with small changes in contralesional perfusion territory, while animals with ipsilesional dominance show a reversal of dominance and a substantial increase in contralesional perfusion territory. These findings show the usefulness of CASL to probe the collateral circulation.


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Background. Further clarification is needed with regard to the degree of atrophy in individual muscle groups and its possible relationship to joint torque deficit poststroke. Objective. The purpose of this study was to investigate quadriceps and hamstring muscle volume and strength deficits of the knee extensors and flexors in people with chronic hemiparesis compared with a control group. Design. This was a cross-sectional study. Methods. Thirteen individuals with hemiparesis due to chronic stroke (hemiparetic group) and 13 individuals who were healthy (control group) participated in this study. Motor function, quadriceps and hamstring muscle volume, and maximal concentric and eccentric contractions of the knee extensors and flexors were assessed. Results. Only the quadriceps muscle of the paretic limb showed reduced muscle volume (24%) compared with the contralateral (nonparetic) limb. There were no differences in muscle volume between the hemiparetic and control groups. The peak torque of the paretic-limb knee extensors and flexors was reduced in both contraction modes and velocities compared with the nonparetic limb (36%-67%) and with the control group (49%-75%). The nonparetic limb also showed decreased extensor and flexor peak torque compared with the control group (17%-23%). Power showed similar deficits in strength (12%-78%). There were significant correlations between motor function and strength deficits (.54-.67). Limitations. Magnetic resonance imaging coil length did not allow measurement of the proximal region of the thigh. Conclusions. There were different responses between quadriceps and hamstring muscle volumes in the paretic limb that had quadriceps muscle atrophy only. However, both paretic and nonparetic limbs showed knee extensor and flexor torque and power reduction.


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CBV is a vital perfusion parameter in estimating the viability of brain parenchyma (eg, in cases of ischemic stroke or after interventional vessel occlusion). Recent technologic advances allow parenchymal CBV imaging tableside in the angiography suite just before, during, or after an interventional procedure. The aim of this work was to analyze our preliminary clinical experience with this new imaging tool in different neurovascular interventions.


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BACKGROUND AND AIM: We have previously shown in a rat model of focal cerebral ischemia that sleep deprivation after stroke onset aggravates brain damage. Others reported that sleep deprivation prior to stroke is neuroprotective. The main aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the neuroprotection may be related to an increase in sleep (sleep rebound) during the acute phase of stroke. METHODS: Male Sprague Dawley rats (n=36) were subjected to continuous polygraphic recordings for baseline, total sleep deprivation (TSD), and 24h after ischemia. TSD for 6h was performed by gentle handling and immediately followed by ischemia. Focal cerebral ischemia was induced by permanent occlusion of distal branches of the middle cerebral artery. Control experiments included ischemia without SD (nSD) and sham surgery with TSD (n=6/group). RESULTS: Shortly after stroke, the amount of slow wave sleep (SWS) and paradoxical sleep (PS) increased significantly (p<0.05) in the TSD/ischemia, resulting in an increase in the total sleep time by 30% compared to baseline, or by 20% compared with the nSD/ischemia group. The infarct volume decreased significantly by 50% in the TSD/ischemia compared to nSD group (p<0.02). Removal of sleep rebound by allowing TSD-rats sleep for 24h before ischemia eliminated the reduction in the infarct size. CONCLUSION PRESTROKE: Sleep deprivation results in sleep rebound and reduces brain damage. Sleep rebound may be causally related to the neuroprotection.


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With the introduction of the mid-level ethanol blend gasoline fuel for commercial sale, the compatibility of different off-road engines is needed. This report details the test study of using one mid-level ethanol fuel in a two stroke hand held gasoline engine used to power line trimmers. The study sponsored by E3 is to test the effectiveness of an aftermarket spark plug from E3 Spark Plug when using a mid-level ethanol blend gasoline. A 15% ethanol by volume (E15) is the test mid-level ethanol used and the 10% ethanol by volume (E10) was used as the baseline fuel. The testing comprises running the engine at different load points and throttle positions to evaluate the cylinder head temperature, exhaust temperature and engine speed. Raw gas emissions were also measured to determine the impact of the performance spark plug. The low calorific value of the E15 fuel decreased the speed of the engine along with reduction in the fuel consumption and exhaust gas temperature. The HC emissions for E15 fuel and E3 spark plug increased when compared to the base line in most of the cases and NO formation was dependent on the cylinder head temperature. The E3 spark plug had a tendency to increase the temperature of the cylinder head irrespective of fuel type while reducing engine speed.


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The U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard mandates that by 2022, 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels must be produced on a yearly basis. Ethanol production is capped at 15 billion gallons, meaning 21 billion gallons must come from different alternative fuel sources. A viable alternative to reach the remainder of this mandate is iso-butanol. Unlike ethanol, iso-butanol does not phase separate when mixed with water, meaning it can be transported using traditional pipeline methods. Iso-butanol also has a lower oxygen content by mass, meaning it can displace more petroleum while maintaining the same oxygen concentration in the fuel blend. This research focused on studying the effects of low level alcohol fuels on marine engine emissions to assess the possibility of using iso-butanol as a replacement for ethanol. Three marine engines were used in this study, representing a wide range of what is currently in service in the United States. Two four-stroke engine and one two-stroke engine powered boats were tested in the tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, near Annapolis, Maryland over the course of two rounds of weeklong testing in May and September. The engines were tested using a standard test cycle and emissions were sampled using constant volume sampling techniques. Specific emissions for two-stroke and four-stroke engines were compared to the baseline indolene tests. Because of the nature of the field testing, limited engine parameters were recorded. Therefore, the engine parameters analyzed aside from emissions were the operating relative air-to-fuel ratio and engine speed. Emissions trends from the baseline test to each alcohol fuel for the four-stroke engines were consistent, when analyzing a single round of testing. The same trends were not consistent when comparing separate rounds because of uncontrolled weather conditions and because the four-stroke engines operate without fuel control feedback during full load conditions. Emissions trends from the baseline test to each alcohol fuel for the two-stroke engine were consistent for all rounds of testing. This is due to the fact the engine operates open-loop, and does not provide fueling compensation when fuel composition changes. Changes in emissions with respect to the baseline for iso-butanol were consistent with changes for ethanol. It was determined iso-butanol would make a viable replacement for ethanol.


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The current article presents a novel physiological control algorithm for ventricular assist devices (VADs), which is inspired by the preload recruitable stroke work. This controller adapts the hydraulic power output of the VAD to the end-diastolic volume of the left ventricle. We tested this controller on a hybrid mock circulation where the left ventricular volume (LVV) is known, i.e., the problem of measuring the LVV is not addressed in the current article. Experiments were conducted to compare the response of the controller with the physiological and with the pathological circulation, with and without VAD support. A sensitivity analysis was performed to analyze the influence of the controller parameters and the influence of the quality of the LVV signal on the performance of the control algorithm. The results show that the controller induces a response similar to the physiological circulation and effectively prevents over- and underpumping, i.e., ventricular suction and backflow from the aorta to the left ventricle, respectively. The same results are obtained in the case of a disturbed LVV signal. The results presented in the current article motivate the development of a robust, long-term stable sensor to measure the LVV.