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Context. The Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) is a large public spectroscopic survey at the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope. Aims. A key aim is to provide precise radial velocities (RVs) and projected equatorial velocities (vsini) for representative samples of Galactic stars, which will complement information obtained by the Gaia astrometry satellite. Methods. We present an analysis to empirically quantify the size and distribution of uncertainties in RV and vsini using spectra from repeated exposures of the same stars. Results. We show that the uncertainties vary as simple scaling functions of signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and vsini, that the uncertainties become larger with increasing photospheric temperature, but that the dependence on stellar gravity, metallicity and age is weak. The underlying uncertainty distributions have extended tails that are better represented by Student’s t-distributions than by normal distributions. Conclusions. Parametrised results are provided, which enable estimates of the RV precision for almost all GES measurements, and estimates of the vsini precision for stars in young clusters, as a function of S/N, vsini and stellar temperature. The precision of individual high S/N GES RV measurements is 0.22–0.26 km s-1, dependent on instrumental configuration.


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Context. The young open cluster Dolidze 25, in the direction of the Galactic anticentre, has been attributed a very low metallicity, with typical abundances between −0.5 and −0.7 dex below solar. Aims. We intend to derive accurate cluster parameters and accurate stellar abundances for some of its members. Methods. We have obtained a large sample of intermediate- and high-resolution spectra for stars in and around Dolidze 25. We used the fastwind code to generate stellar atmosphere models to fit the observed spectra. We derive stellar parameters for a large number of OB stars in the area, and abundances of oxygen and silicon for a number of stars with spectral types around B0. Results. We measure low abundances in stars of Dolidze 25. For the three stars with spectral types around B0, we find 0.3 dex (Si) and 0.5 dex (O) below the values typical in the solar neighbourhood. These values, even though not as low as those given previously, confirm Dolidze 25 and the surrounding H ii region Sh2-284 as the most metal-poor star-forming environment known in the Milky Way. We derive a distance 4.5 ± 0.3 kpc to the cluster (rG ≈ 12.3 kpc). The cluster cannot be older than ~3 Myr, and likely is not much younger. One star in its immediate vicinity, sharing the same distance, has Si and O abundances at most 0.15 dex below solar. Conclusions. The low abundances measured in Dolidze 25 are compatible with currently accepted values for the slope of the Galactic metallicity gradient, if we take into account that variations of at least ±0.15 dex are observed at a given radius. The area traditionally identified as Dolidze 25 is only a small part of a much larger star-forming region that comprises the whole dust shell associated with Sh2-284 and very likely several other smaller H ii regions in its vicinity.


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Context. Classical supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs) and supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs) are two types of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) that present similar donors but, at the same time, show very different behavior in the X-rays. The reason for this dichotomy of wind-fed HMXBs is still a matter of debate. Among the several explanations that have been proposed, some of them invoke specific stellar wind properties of the donor stars. Only dedicated empiric analysis of the donors’ stellar wind can provide the required information to accomplish an adequate test of these theories. However, such analyses are scarce. Aims. To close this gap, we perform a comparative analysis of the optical companion in two important systems: IGR J17544-2619 (SFXT) and Vela X-1 (SGXB). We analyze the spectra of each star in detail and derive their stellar and wind properties. As a next step, we compare the wind parameters, giving us an excellent chance of recognizing key differences between donor winds in SFXTs and SGXBs. Methods. We use archival infrared, optical and ultraviolet observations, and analyze them with the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) Potsdam Wolf-Rayet model atmosphere code. We derive the physical properties of the stars and their stellar winds, accounting for the influence of X-rays on the stellar winds. Results. We find that the stellar parameters derived from the analysis generally agree well with the spectral types of the two donors: O9I (IGR J17544-2619) and B0.5Iae (Vela X-1). The distance to the sources have been revised and also agree well with the estimations already available in the literature. In IGR J17544-2619 we are able to narrow the uncertainty to d = 3.0 ± 0.2 kpc. From the stellar radius of the donor and its X-ray behavior, the eccentricity of IGR J17544-2619 is constrained to e< 0.25. The derived chemical abundances point to certain mixing during the lifetime of the donors. An important difference between the stellar winds of the two stars is their terminal velocities (ν∞ = 1500 km s-1 in IGR J17544-2619 and ν∞ = 700 km s-1 in Vela X-1), which have important consequences on the X-ray luminosity of these sources. Conclusions. The donors of IGR J17544-2619 and Vela X-1 have similar spectral types as well as similar parameters that physically characterize them and their spectra. In addition, the orbital parameters of the systems are similar too, with a nearly circular orbit and short orbital period. However, they show moderate differences in their stellar wind velocity and the spin period of their neutron star which has a strong impact on the X-ray luminosity of the sources. This specific combination of wind speed and pulsar spin favors an accretion regime with a persistently high luminosity in Vela X-1, while it favors an inhibiting accretion mechanism in IGR J17544-2619. Our study demonstrates that the relative wind velocity is critical in class determination for the HMXBs hosting a supergiant donor, given that it may shift the accretion mechanism from direct accretion to propeller regimes when combined with other parameters.


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"From the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. XLVIII."


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v. 1. On the universality of the law of gravitation and on the orbits and general characteristics of binary stars.--v. 2. The capture theory of cosmical evolution, founded on dynamical principles and illustrated by phenomena observed in the spiral nebulae, the planetary system, the double and multiple stars and clusters and the star-clouds of the Milky way.


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Recently, very massive compact stellar systems have been discovered in the intracluster regions of galaxy clusters and in the nuclear regions of late-type disk galaxies. It is unclear how these compact stellar systems - known as ultracompact dwarf (UCD) galaxies or nuclear clusters (NCs) - form and evolve. By adopting a formation scenario in which these stellar systems are the product of multiple merging of star clusters in the central regions of galaxies, we investigate, numerically, their physical properties. We find that physical correlations among velocity dispersion, luminosity, effective radius, and average surface brightness in the stellar merger remnants are quite different from those observed in globular clusters. We also find that the remnants have triaxial shapes with or without figure rotation, and these shapes and their kinematics depend strongly on the initial number and distribution of the progenitor clusters. These specific predictions can be compared with the corresponding results of ongoing and future observations of UCDs and NCs, thereby providing a better understanding of the origin of these enigmatic objects.


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We present a study of the star-forming properties of a stellar mass-selected sample of galaxies in the GOODS (Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey) NICMOS Survey (GNS), based on deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging of the GOODS North and South fields. Using a stellar mass-selected sample, combined with HST/ACS and Spitzer data to measure both ultraviolet (UV) and infrared-derived star formation rates (SFRs), we investigate the star forming properties of a complete sample of ∼1300 galaxies down to log M_*= 9.5 at redshifts 1.5 < z < 3. Eight per cent of the sample is made up of massive galaxies with M_*≥ 10^11 M_⊙. We derive optical colours, dust extinctions and UV and infrared SFR to determine how the SFR changes as a function of both stellar mass and time. Our results show that SFR increases at higher stellar mass such that massive galaxies nearly double their stellar mass from star formation alone over the redshift range studied, but the average value of SFR for a given stellar mass remains constant over this ∼2 Gyr period. Furthermore, we find no strong evolution in the SFR for our sample as a function of mass over our redshift range of interest; in particular we do not find a decline in the SFR among massive galaxies, as is seen at z < 1. The most massive galaxies in our sample (log M_*≥ 11) have high average SFRs with values SFR_UV, corr= 103 ± 75 M_⊙ yr^−1, and yet exhibit red rest-frame (U−B) colours at all redshifts. We conclude that the majority of these red high-redshift massive galaxies are red due to dust extinction. We find that A_2800 increases with stellar mass, and show that between 45 and 85 per cent of massive galaxies harbour dusty star formation. These results show that even just a few Gyr after the first galaxies appear, there are strong relations between the global physical properties of galaxies, driven by stellar mass or another underlying feature of galaxies strongly related to the stellar mass.


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We present the stellar calibrator sample and the conversion from instrumental to physical units for the 24 μm channel of the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS). The primary calibrators are A stars, and the calibration factor based on those stars is 4.54 × 10^-2 MJy sr^–1 (DN/s)^–1, with a nominal uncertainty of 2%. We discuss the data reduction procedures required to attain this accuracy; without these procedures, the calibration factor obtained using the automated pipeline at the Spitzer Science Center is 1.6% ± 0.6% lower. We extend this work to predict 24 μm flux densities for a sample of 238 stars that covers a larger range of flux densities and spectral types. We present a total of 348 measurements of 141 stars at 24 μm. This sample covers a factor of ~460 in 24 μm flux density, from 8.6 mJy up to 4.0 Jy. We show that the calibration is linear over that range with respect to target flux and background level. The calibration is based on observations made using 3 s exposures; a preliminary analysis shows that the calibration factor may be 1% and 2% lower for 10 and 30 s exposures, respectively. We also demonstrate that the calibration is very stable: over the course of the mission, repeated measurements of our routine calibrator, HD 159330, show a rms scatter of only 0.4%. Finally, we show that the point-spread function (PSF) is well measured and allows us to calibrate extended sources accurately; Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) and MIPS measurements of a sample of nearby galaxies are identical within the uncertainties.


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Context. The young associations offer us one of the best opportunities to study the properties of young stellar and substellar objects and to directly image planets thanks to their proximity (<200 pc) and age (≈5−150 Myr). However, many previous works have been limited to identifying the brighter, more active members (≈1 M_⊙) owing to photometric survey sensitivities limiting the detections of lower mass objects. Aims. We search the field of view of 542 previously identified members of the young associations to identify wide or extremely wide (1000−100 000 au in physical separation) companions. Methods. We combined 2MASS near-infrared photometry (J, H, K) with proper motion values (from UCAC4, PPMXL, NOMAD) to identify companions in the field of view of known members. We collated further photometry and spectroscopy from the literature and conducted our own high-resolution spectroscopic observations for a subsample of candidate members. This complementary information allowed us to assess the efficiency of our method. Results. We identified 84 targets (45: 0.2−1.3 M_⊙, 17: 0.08−0.2 M_⊙, 22: <0.08 M_⊙) in our analysis, ten of which have been identified from spectroscopic analysis in previous young association works. For 33 of these 84, we were able to further assess their membership using a variety of properties (X-ray emission, UV excess, Hα, lithium and K I equivalent widths, radial velocities, and CaH indices). We derive a success rate of 76–88% for this technique based on the consistency of these properties. Conclusions. Once confirmed, the targets identified in this work would significantly improve our knowledge of the lower mass end of the young associations. Additionally, these targets would make an ideal new sample for the identification and study of planets around nearby young stars. Given the predicted substellar mass of the majority of these new candidate members and their proximity, high-contrast imaging techniques would facilitate the search for new low-mass planets.


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Context: The initial distribution of spin rates of massive stars is a fingerprint of their elusive formation process. It also sets a key initial condition for stellar evolution and is thus an important ingredient in stellar population synthesis. So far, most studies have focused on single stars. Most O stars are, however, found in multiple systems. 

Aims: By establishing the spin-rate distribution of a sizeable sample of O-type spectroscopic binaries and by comparing the distributions of binary subpopulations with one another and with that of presumed-single stars in the same region, we aim to constrain the initial spin distribution of O stars in binaries, and to identify signatures of the physical mechanisms that affect the evolution of the spin rates of massive stars. 

Methods: We use ground-based optical spectroscopy obtained in the framework of the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS) to establish the projected equatorial rotational velocities (νesini) for components of 114 spectroscopic binaries in 30 Doradus. The νesini values are derived from the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of a set of spectral lines, using a FWHM vs. νesini calibration that we derive based on previous line analysis methods applied to single O-type stars in the VFTS sample. 

Results: The overall νesini distribution of the primary stars resembles that of single O-type stars in the VFTS, featuring a low-velocity peak (at νesini<200 kms-1) and a shoulder at intermediate velocities (200 <νesini<300 kms-1). The distributions of binaries and single stars, however, differ in two ways. First, the main peak at νesini ~ 100kms-1 is broader and slightly shifted towards higher spin rates in the binary distribution than that of the presumed-single stars. This shift is mostly due to short-period binaries (Porb~<10 d). Second, the νesini distribution of primaries lacks a significant population of stars spinning faster than 300 kms-1, while such a population is clearly present in the single-star sample. The νesini distribution of binaries with amplitudes of radial velocity variation in the range of 20 to 200 kms-1 (mostly binaries with Porb ~ 10-1000 d and/or with q<0.5) is similar to that of single O stars below νesini~<170kms-1

Conclusions: Our results are compatible with the assumption that binary components formed with the same spin distribution as single stars, and that this distribution contains few or no fast-spinning stars. The higher average spin rate of stars in short-period binaries may either be explained by spin-up through tides in such tight binary systems, or by spin-down of a fraction of the presumed-single stars and long-period binaries through magnetic braking (or by a combination of both mechanisms). Most primaries and secondaries of SB2 systems with Porb~<10 d appear to have similar rotational velocities. This is in agreement with tidal locking in close binaries where the components have similar radii. The lack of very rapidly spinning stars among binary systems supports the idea that most stars with νesini~> 300kms-1 in the single-star sample are actually spun-up post-binary interaction products. Finally, the overall similarities (low-velocity peak and intermediate-velocity shoulder) of the spin distribution of binary and single stars argue for a massive star formation process in which the initial spin is set independently of whether stars are formed as single stars or as components of a binary system.


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This thesis presents an analysis of the largest catalog to date of infrared spectra of massive young stellar objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Evidenced by their very different spectral features, the luminous objects span a range of evolutionary states from those most embedded in their natal molecular material to those that have dissipated and ionized their surroundings to form compact HII regions and photodissociation regions. We quantify the contributions of the various spectral features using the statistical method of principal component analysis. Using this analysis, we classify the YSO spectra into several distinct groups based upon their dominant spectral features: silicate absorption (S Group), silicate absorption and fine-structure line emission (SE), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission (P Group), PAH and fine-structure line emission (PE), and only fine-structure line emission (E). Based upon the relative numbers of sources in each category, we are able to estimate the amount of time massive YSOs spend in each evolutionary stage. We find that approximately 50% of the sources have ionic fine-structure lines, indicating that a compact HII region forms about half-way through the YSO lifetime probed in our study. Of the 277 YSOs we collected spectra for, 41 have ice absorption features, indicating they are surrounded by cold ice-bearing dust particles. We have decomposed the shape of the ice features to probe the composition and thermal history of the ice. We find that most the CO2 ice is embedded a polar ice matrix that has been thermally processed by the embedded YSO. The amount of thermal processing may be correlated with the luminosity of the YSO. Using the Australia Telescope Compact Array, we imaged the dense gas around a subsample of our sources in the HII complexes N44, N105, N113, and N159 using HCO+ and HCN as dense gas tracers. We find that the molecular material in star forming environments is highly clumpy, with clumps that range from subparsec to ~2 parsecs in size and with masses between 10^2 to 10^4 solar masses. We find that there are varying levels of star formation in the clumps, with the lower-mass clumps tending to be without massive YSOs. These YSO-less clumps could either represent an earlier stage of clump to the more massive YSO-bearing ones or clumps that will never form a massive star. Clumps with massive YSOs at their centers have masses larger than those with massive YSOs at their edges, and we suggest that the difference is evolutionary: edge YSO clumps are more advanced than those with YSOs at their centers. Clumps with YSOs at their edges may have had a significant fraction of their mass disrupted or destroyed by the forming massive star. We find that the strength of the silicate absorption seen in YSO IR spectra feature is well-correlated with the on-source HCO+ and HCN flux densities, such that the strength of the feature is indicative of the embeddedness of the YSO. We estimate that ~40% of the entire spectral sample has strong silicate absorption features, implying that the YSOs are embedded in circumstellar material for about 40% of the time probed in our study.


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We measured the distribution in absolute magnitude - circular velocity space for a well-defined sample of 199 rotating galaxies of the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA) using their stellar kinematics. Our aim in this analysis is to avoid subjective selection criteria and to take volume and large-scale structure factors into account. Using stellar velocity fields instead of gas emission line kinematics allows including rapidly rotating early-type galaxies. Our initial sample contains 277 galaxies with available stellar velocity fields and growth curve r-band photometry. After rejecting 51 velocity fields that could not be modelled because of the low number of bins, foreground contamination, or significant interaction, we performed Markov chain Monte Carlo modelling of the velocity fields, from which we obtained the rotation curve and kinematic parameters and their realistic uncertainties. We performed an extinction correction and calculated the circular velocity v_circ accounting for the pressure support of a given galaxy. The resulting galaxy distribution on the M-r - v(circ) plane was then modelled as a mixture of two distinct populations, allowing robust and reproducible rejection of outliers, a significant fraction of which are slow rotators. The selection effects are understood well enough that we were able to correct for the incompleteness of the sample. The 199 galaxies were weighted by volume and large-scale structure factors, which enabled us to fit a volume-corrected Tully-Fisher relation (TFR). More importantly, we also provide the volume-corrected distribution of galaxies in the M_r - v_circ plane, which can be compared with cosmological simulations. The joint distribution of the luminosity and circular velocity space densities, representative over the range of -20 > M_r > -22 mag, can place more stringent constraints on the galaxy formation and evolution scenarios than linear TFR fit parameters or the luminosity function alone.