996 resultados para STATISTICAL STRENGTH
Effect of zirconia surface treatments on the shear strength of zirconia/veneering ceramic composites
Aim of the investigation was to assess the effect of different surface treatments on the bond strength of veneering ceramics to zirconia. In a shear test, the influences of polishing, sandblasting, and silica-coating of the zirconia surface on bonding were assessed with five different veneering ceramics. In addition the effect of liner application was examined. With one veneering ceramic, the impact of regeneration firing of zirconia was also evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed with one-way ANOVA and post hoc Scheffé's test. Failure in every case occurred in the veneering ceramic adjacent to the interface with a thin layer of ceramic remaining on the zirconia surface, indicating that bond strength was higher than the cohesive strength of the veneering ceramic. Shear strength ranged from 23.5 +/- 3.4 MPa to 33.0 +/- 6.8 MPa without explicit correlation to the respective surface treatment. Regeneration firing significantly decreased the shear strength of both polished and sandblasted surfaces. Findings of this study revealed that bonding between veneering ceramics and zirconia might be based on chemical bonds. On this note, sandblasting was not a necessary surface pretreatment to enhance bond strength and that regeneration firing was not recommended.
Purpose: To investigate the bond strength to dentin of two recent resin-ceramic materials for computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) after 24 hours and after six months storage. Methods and Materials: Ninety cylinders were milled out of Lava Ultimate (3M ESPE) and 90 cylinders out of VITA ENAMIC (VITA Zahnfabrik) (dimension of cylinders: ∅=3.6 mm, h=2 mm). All Lava Ultimate cylinders were sandblasted (aluminium oxide, grain size: 27 μm) and cleaned with ethanol, whereas all VITA ENAMIC cylinders were acid-etched (5% hydrofluoric acid) and cleaned with water-spray. According to the three groups of cements used, the cylinders (n=30/resin-ceramic material) were further pretreated with 1) Scotchbond Universal for RelyX Ultimate (3M ESPE), 2) CLEARFIL Ceramic Primer for PANAVIA F2.0 (Kuraray), or 3) no further pretreatment for Ketac Cem Plus (3M ESPE). The cylinders were then bonded to ground human dentin specimens with 1) Scotchbond Universal and RelyX Ultimate (light-cured), 2) ED PRIMER II and PANAVIA F2.0 (light-cured), or 3) no adhesive system; Ketac Cem Plus (self-cured). Shear bond strength (SBS) was measured after 24 hours for 15 specimens/group and after six months (37°C, 100% humidity) for the other 15 specimens/group. SBS-values were statistically analysed with nonparametric ANOVA followed by exact Wilcoxon rank sum tests (α=0.05). Results: SBS of the two resin-ceramic materials and the three cements after 24 hours and after six months storage are shown in Figure 1. The statistical analysis showed that the duration of storage had a significant effect on SBS of Lava Ultimate for all three cements but had no significant effect on SBS of VITA ENAMIC. For Lava Ultimate SBS-values were (MPa; medians after 24 hours/six months): 13.5/22.5 (p=0.04) for RelyX Ultimate, 11.4/5.8 (p=0.0006) for PANAVIA F2.0, and 0.34/0.09 (p=0.04) for Ketac Cem Plus (Fig. 1). For VITA ENAMIC SBS-values were (MPa; medians after 24 hours/six months): 16.0/21.2 (p=0.10) for RelyX Ultimate, 11.4/14.4 (p=0.06) for PANAVIA F2.0, and 0.43/0.41 (p=0.32) for Ketac Cem Plus (Fig. 1). After 24 hours, there was no significant difference in SBS between Lava Ultimate and VITA ENAMIC for all three cements (p≥0.37). After six months, there was no significant difference in SBS between Lava Ultimate and VITA ENAMIC for RelyX Ultimate and Ketac Cem Plus (p≥0.07) whereas for PANAVIA F2.0, SBS was significantly lower for Lava Ultimate than for VITA ENAMIC (p<0.0001). Conclusion: SBS of Lava Ultimate was more affected by six months storage and by the cement used than was VITA ENAMIC.
Trabecular bone score (TBS) rests on the textural analysis of DXA to reflect the decay in trabecular structure characterising osteoporosis. Yet, its discriminative power in fracture studies remains incomprehensible as prior biomechanical tests found no correlation with vertebral strength. To verify this result possibly due to an unrealistic set-up and to cover a wide range of loading scenarios, the data from three previous biomechanical studies using different experimental settings was used. They involved the compressive failure of 62 human lumbar vertebrae loaded 1) via intervertebral discs to mimic the in vivo situation (“full vertebra”), 2) via the classical endplate embedding (“vertebral body”) or 3) via a ball joint to induce anterior wedge failure (“vertebral section”). HR-pQCT scans acquired prior testing were used to simulate anterior-posterior DXA from which areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and the initial slope of the variogram (ISV), the early definition of TBS, were evaluated. Finally, the relation of aBMD and ISV with failure load (Fexp) and apparent failure stress (σexp) was assessed and their relative contribution to a multi-linear model was quantified via ANOVA. We found that, unlike aBMD, ISV did not significantly correlate with Fexp and σexp, except for the “vertebral body” case (r2 = 0.396, p = 0.028). Aside from the “vertebra section” set-up where it explained only 6.4% of σexp (p = 0.037), it brought no significant improvement to aBMD. These results indicate that ISV, a replica of TBS, is a poor surrogate for vertebral strength no matter the testing set-up, which supports the prior observations and raises a fortiori the question of the deterministic factors underlying the statistical relationship between TBS and vertebral fracture risk.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
For the first time we report full numerical NLSE-based modeling of generation properties of random distributed feedback fiber laser based on Rayleigh scattering. The model which takes into account the random backscattering via its average strength only describes well power and spectral properties of random DFB fiber lasers. The influence of dispersion and nonlinearity on spectral and statistical properties is investigated. The evidence of non-gaussian intensity statistics is found. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
In part 1 of this article, cleavage initiation in the intercritically reheated coarse-grained heat affected zone (IC CG HAZ) of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels was determined to occur between two closely spaced blocky MA particles. Blunt notch, crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), and precracked Charpy testing were used in this investigation to determine the failure criteria required for cleavage initiation to occur by this mechanism in the IC CG HAZ. It was found that the attainment of a critical level of strain was required in addition to a critical level of stress. This does not occur in the case of high strain rate testing, for example, during precracked Charpy testing. A different cleavage initiation mechanism is then found to operate. The precise fracture criteria and microstructural requirements (described in part I of this article) result in competition between potential cleavage initiation mechanisms in the IC CG HAZ.
The physics of self-organization and complexity is manifested on a variety of biological scales, from large ecosystems to the molecular level. Protein molecules exhibit characteristics of complex systems in terms of their structure, dynamics, and function. Proteins have the extraordinary ability to fold to a specific functional three-dimensional shape, starting from a random coil, in a biologically relevant time. How they accomplish this is one of the secrets of life. In this work, theoretical research into understanding this remarkable behavior is discussed. Thermodynamic and statistical mechanical tools are used in order to investigate the protein folding dynamics and stability. Theoretical analyses of the results from computer simulation of the dynamics of a four-helix bundle show that the excluded volume entropic effects are very important in protein dynamics and crucial for protein stability. The dramatic effects of changing the size of sidechains imply that a strategic placement of amino acid residues with a particular size may be an important consideration in protein engineering. Another investigation deals with modeling protein structural transitions as a phase transition. Using finite size scaling theory, the nature of unfolding transition of a four-helix bundle protein was investigated and critical exponents for the transition were calculated for various hydrophobic strengths in the core. It is found that the order of the transition changes from first to higher order as the strength of the hydrophobic interaction in the core region is significantly increased. Finally, a detailed kinetic and thermodynamic analysis was carried out in a model two-helix bundle. The connection between the structural free-energy landscape and folding kinetics was quantified. I show how simple protein engineering, by changing the hydropathy of a small number of amino acids, can enhance protein folding by significantly changing the free energy landscape so that kinetic traps are removed. The results have general applicability in protein engineering as well as understanding the underlying physical mechanisms of protein folding. ^
The aim of this study was to evaluate the compressive strength of microhybrid (FiltekTM Z250) and nanofilled (FiltekTM Supreme XT) composite resins photo-activated with two different light guide tips, fiber optic and polymer, coupled with one LED. The power density was 653 mW cm−2 when using the fiber optic light tip and 596 mW cm−2 with the polymer. After storage in distilled water at 37 ± 2 "C for seven days, the samples were subjected to mechanical testing of compressive strength in an EMIC universal mechanical testing machine with a load cell of 5 kN and speed of 0.5 mm min−1. The statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA with a confidence interval of 95% and Tamhane’s test. The results showed that the mean values of compressive strength were not influenced by the different light tips (p > 0.05). However, a statistical difference was observed (p < 0.001) between the microhybrid composite resin photo-activated with the fiber optic light tip and the nanofilled composite resin. Based on these results, it can be concluded that microhybrid composite resin photo-activated with the fiber optic light tip showed better results than nanofilled, regardless of the tip used, and the type of the light tip did not influence the compressive strength of either composite. Thus, the presented results suggest that both the fiber optic and polymer light guide tips provide adequate compressive strength to be used to make restorations. However, the fiber optic light tip associated with microhybrid composite resin may be an interesting option for restorations mainly in posterior teeth.
Multivariate statistical analysis on the kaolinite/chlorite ratios from 20 South Atlantic sediment cores allowed for the extraction of two processes controlling the fluctuations of the kaolinite/chlorite ratio during the last 130,000 yrs, (1) the relative strength of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) inflow into the South Atlantic Ocean and (2) the influx of aeolian sediments from the south African continent. The NADW fluctuation can be traced in the entire deep South Atlantic while the dust signal is restricted to the vicinity of South Africa. Our data indicate that NADW formation underwent significant changes in response to glacial/interglacial climate changes with enhanced export to the Southern Hemisphere during interglacials. The most pronounced phases with Enhanced South African Dust Export (ESADE) occurred during cold Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5d and across the Late Glacial/Holocene transition from 16 ka to 4 ka (MIS 2 to 1). This particular pattern is attributed to the interaction of Antarctic Sea Ice extent, the position of the westerlies and the South African monsoon system.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08
La stratégie actuelle de contrôle de la qualité de l’anode est inadéquate pour détecter les anodes défectueuses avant qu’elles ne soient installées dans les cuves d’électrolyse. Des travaux antérieurs ont porté sur la modélisation du procédé de fabrication des anodes afin de prédire leurs propriétés directement après la cuisson en utilisant des méthodes statistiques multivariées. La stratégie de carottage des anodes utilisée à l’usine partenaire fait en sorte que ce modèle ne peut être utilisé que pour prédire les propriétés des anodes cuites aux positions les plus chaudes et les plus froides du four à cuire. Le travail actuel propose une stratégie pour considérer l’histoire thermique des anodes cuites à n’importe quelle position et permettre de prédire leurs propriétés. Il est montré qu’en combinant des variables binaires pour définir l’alvéole et la position de cuisson avec les données routinières mesurées sur le four à cuire, les profils de température des anodes cuites à différentes positions peuvent être prédits. Également, ces données ont été incluses dans le modèle pour la prédiction des propriétés des anodes. Les résultats de prédiction ont été validés en effectuant du carottage supplémentaire et les performances du modèle sont concluantes pour la densité apparente et réelle, la force de compression, la réactivité à l’air et le Lc et ce peu importe la position de cuisson.
Este estudio presenta un análisis exploratorio sobre la correlación entre la fortaleza institucional, las condiciones de paz, y el emprendimiento en una muestra de 23 departamentos en Colombia usando datos de 2014. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo se propusieron y construyeron tres índices siguiendo definiciones conceptuales seminales o estándares de evaluación internacional, a saber: 1) El Índice de Fortaleza Institucional, 2) El Índice de Construcción de Paz (construido a partir del índice de paz negativa y el índice de paz positiva) y 3) El Índice de Emprendimiento Productivo. Los resultados no muestran una correlación significativa entre todos los tres índices. Por un lado, existe una correlación significativa (p<0.05) entre los índices de fortaleza institucional y emprendimiento productivo. Por otro lado, existen correlaciones negativas no significativas entre los índices de paz positiva y fortaleza institucional, emprendimiento productivo y paz positiva y emprendimiento productivo y construcción de paz. En un segundo acercamiento, la población de los departamentos fue la variable con mayor número de correlaciones significativas (p<0.01) entre variables relacionadas con emprendimiento productivo, empleo, producto interno bruto, sofisticación industrial, innovación (patentes) y crimen. Finalmente, se discuten las conclusiones y las futuras investigaciones.
The primary aim was to evaluate the effect of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylamino-propyl) carbodiimide (EDC) on endogenous enzymatic activity within radicular dentin and push-out bond strength of adhesively luted fiber posts, at baseline and after artificial aging. Additionally, the effect of different cementation strategies on endogenous enzymatic activity and fiber post retention was evaluated. The experiment was carried out on extracted human teeth, following endodontic treatment and fiber post cementation. Three cementation strategies were performed: resin cement in combination with etch-and-rinse (EAR) adhesive system, with self-etch (SE) system and self-adhesive (SE) cement. Each of the mentioned strategies had a control and experimental (EDC) group in which root canal was irrigated with 0.3M EDC for 1 minute. The push-out bond strength test was performed 24h after cementation and after 40.000 thermocycles. In order to investigate the effect of EDC and different cementation strategies, in situ zymography analyses of the resin-dentin interfaces were conducted. Statistical analyses were conducted with the software Stata 12.0 (Stata Corp, College Station, Texas, USA) and the significance was set for p<0.05. The results of statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed that the variables “EDC”, “root region” and “artificial aging” significantly influenced fiber posts’ retention to root canal (p<0.05). The highest values were observed in coronal third. The mean values observed after artificial aging were lower when compared to baseline, however EDC was effective in preserving bond strength. The level of enzymatic activity varied between the groups and EDC had a beneficial effect on silencing the enzymatic activity. Within the limitations of the study, it was concluded that the choice of cementation strategy did not influence posts’ retention, while EDC contributed to the preservation of bond strength after artificial aging and reduced enzymatic activity within radicular dentin. In vivo trials are necessary to confirm the results of this in vitro study.
Although being studied only for few years, Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) will become the predominant way of producing stainless-steel elements in a near-like future. The analysis and study of such elements has yet to be defined in a proper way, but the projects regarding this subject are innovating more and more thanks to the findings discovered by the latter. This thesis is focused on an initial stage on the analysis of mechanical and geometrical properties of such stainless-steel elements produced by MX3D laboratories in Amsterdam, and to perform a calibration of the design strength values by means of Annex D of Eurocode 0, which talks about the analysis of the semi-probabilistic safety factors, hence the definition of characteristic values. Moreover, after testing the stainless-steel specimens by means of strain gauges and after obtaining mechanical and geometrical properties, a statistical analysis of such properties and an evaluation of characteristic values is performed. After this, there is to execute the calibration of design strength values of WAAM inclined bars and intersections.
This study investigated the effect of simulated microwave disinfection (SMD) on the linear dimensional changes, hardness and impact strength of acrylic resins under different polymerization cycles. Metal dies with referential points were embedded in flasks with dental stone. Samples of Classico and Vipi acrylic resins were made following the manufacturers' recommendations. The assessed polymerization cycles were: A-- water bath at 74ºC for 9 h; B-- water bath at 74ºC for 8 h and temperature increased to 100ºC for 1 h; C-- water bath at 74ºC for 2 h and temperature increased to 100ºC for 1 h;; and D-- water bath at 120ºC and pressure of 60 pounds. Linear dimensional distances in length and width were measured after SMD and water storage at 37ºC for 7 and 30 days using an optical microscope. SMD was carried out with the samples immersed in 150 mL of water in an oven (650 W for 3 min). A load of 25 gf for 10 sec was used in the hardness test. Charpy impact test was performed with 40 kpcm. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (5%). The Classico resin was dimensionally steady in length in the A and D cycles for all periods, while the Vipi resin was steady in the A, B and C cycles for all periods. The Classico resin was dimensionally steady in width in the C and D cycles for all periods, and the Vipi resin was steady in all cycles and periods. The hardness values for Classico resin were steady in all cycles and periods, while the Vipi resin was steady only in the C cycle for all periods. Impact strength values for Classico resin were steady in the A, C and D cycles for all periods, while Vipi resin was steady in all cycles and periods. SMD promoted different effects on the linear dimensional changes, hardness and impact strength of acrylic resins submitted to different polymerization cycles when after SMD and water storage were considered.