146 resultados para SLR
Labdane diterpenes exhibit important bioactivities such as cardiovascular effects in rats as well as effects in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and Alzheimer syndrome. Recently, the labdane diterpenes ent-13-epi-manoil oxide, ribenone and ribenol were isolated from Croton palanostigma. The computational method DFT/B3LYP/cc-pVDZ was used to optimize the structures of these diterpenes and to calculate infrared data. Chemical shifts (δH and δC) of the minimum energy structures (local minimum) were calculated and compared with the experimental data. Comparison of the NMR data by simple linear regression (SLR) showed satisfactory statistical results with a correlation coefficient (R2) and predictive ability (Q2) of over 98%. The predicted NMR data were used to confirm the δH values that have not been published.
[EN] Increased skeletal muscle capillary density would be a logical adaptive mechanism to chronic hypoxic exposure. However, animal studies have yielded conflicting results, and human studies are sparse. Neoformation of capillaries is dependent on endothelial growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a known target gene for hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). We hypothesised that prolonged exposure to high altitude increases muscle capillary density and that this can be explained by an enhanced HIF-1alpha expression inducing an increase in VEGF expression. We measured mRNA levels and capillary density in muscle biopsies from vastus lateralis obtained in sea level residents (SLR; N=8) before and after 2 and 8 weeks of exposure to 4100 m altitude and in Bolivian Aymara high-altitude natives exposed to approximately 4100 m altitude (HAN; N=7). The expression of HIF-1alpha or VEGF mRNA was not changed with prolonged hypoxic exposure in SLR, and both genes were similarly expressed in SLR and HAN. In SLR, whole body mass, mean muscle fibre area and capillary to muscle fibre ratio remained unchanged during acclimatization. The capillary to fibre ratio was lower in HAN than in SLR (2.4+/-0.1 vs 3.6+/-0.2; P<0.05). In conclusion, human muscle VEGF mRNA expression and capillary density are not significantly increased by 8 weeks of exposure to high altitude and are not increased in Aymara high-altitude natives compared with sea level residents.
Numerosi studi hanno messo in evidenza che la struttura delle comunità macrobentoniche delle spiagge sabbiose dipende da una serie di forzanti fisiche; queste ultime interagendo tra loro determinano la morfodinamica della spiagge stesse. Lo scopo di questo lavoro consiste nell’analisi dei popolamenti macrobentonici di due siti presenti lungo la costa emiliano - romagnola, che differiscono per caratteristiche morfodinamiche, grado di antropizzazione e modalità gestionali di difesa dall’erosione costiera. I siti oggetto di studio sono Lido Spina e Bellocchio; il primo è soggetto ad interventi di ripascimento periodici, mentre il secondo rappresenta un’opportunità rara, per lo studio degli effetti del retreat, in quanto è in forte erosione da molti anni ma, essendo inserito all’interno di una riserva naturale, non è sottoposto ad alcuna misura di gestione. Sono state analizzate le comunità macrobentoniche e le variabili abiotiche (mediana e classazione del sedimento, ampiezza della zona intertidale, pendenza della spiaggia, contenuto di sostanza organica totale presente nel sedimento e i principali parametri chimico-fisici). I risultati del presente studio hanno evidenziato un’elevata eterogeneità della struttura di comunità all’interno del sito di Bellocchio rispetto a Spina; inoltre i popolamenti presenti a Bellocchio mostrano una netta differenza tra i due livelli mareali. Per quanto riguarda i descrittori abiotici, i due siti differiscono per ampiezza della zona intertidale e pendenza della spiaggia; in particolare Lido Spina presenta una condizione di minore dissipatività, essendo caratterizzata da un profilo più ripido e una granulometria più grossolana rispetto a Bellocchio. Nel complesso le caratteristiche granulometriche (mediana e classazione) e il contenuto di materia organica rappresentano le variabili ambientali maggiormente responsabili delle differenze osservate tra i popolamenti macrobentonici analizzati. Al fine di valutare la resistenza dell’habitat intertidale agli eventi naturali di disturbo (storm surge e flooding), sono state effettuare delle simulazioni considerando lo scenario attuale (SLR=0), mediante un modello ibrido fuzzy naive Bayes. I risultati indicano una maggiore resistenza delle comunità presenti nel sito di Spina, in quanto non si hanno variazioni significative del numero medio di taxa e di individui; viceversa le simulazioni relative a Bellocchio mostrano una diminuzione del numero medio di taxa e aumento del numero medio di individui, sottolineando una maggiore vulnerabilità delle comunità macrobentoniche presenti in questo sito. L’inasprimento dei fenomeni estremi potrebbe quindi avere un effetto negativo sulla diversità della componente macrobentonica, soprattutto per gli ambienti di transizione già interessati da fenomeni erosivi, come nel caso di Bellocchio. La perdita di specie, che svolgono processi ecosistemici particolarmente importanti, come il riciclo di nutrienti, potrebbe favorire l’aumento di abbondanza di specie opportunistiche, l’insediamento di specie alloctone, con la conseguente alterazione, se non scomparsa delle principali funzioni ecologiche svolte da questi ecosistemi costieri.
The present thesis analyses the effects of the enrichment of the soil with fertilizer and sea level rise (SLR) on salt marsh vegetation. We simulated different conditions of the salt marshes under current and projected sea level rise. These habitats are colonised by various types of plants, we focused on species belonging to the genus Spartina. This plant seems to be particularly sensitive to eutrophication due to human activities, as experiments have documented a loss of habitat associated with altered nutrient conditions. We manipulated experimentally the types of sediment, the concentration of nutrients and sea level rise. We wanted to test whether eutrophication can affect the aboveground/belowground growth of the vegetation, and indirectly the erosion of the sediment, with potentially interacting effects with soil type and SLR in affecting the loss of the habitats and species. The study lasted from July to October. The data were analysed using Permanova. The results showed that the plants were placed in growth spiked sediment different from those raised in the untreated sediment. Furthermore, the sediment underwent a level of erosion differently depending on the growth of plants and the condition they were in the pots, current or future sea levers. These results suggest that the total salt marsh habitat is very sensitive to changes caused by human activities, and that excessive eutrophication, combined with SLR will likely facilitate further loss of salt marsh vegetation.
Time series of geocenter coordinates were determined with data of two global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs), namely the U.S. GPS (Global Positioning System) and the Russian GLONASS (Global’naya Nawigatsionnaya Sputnikowaya Sistema). The data was recorded in the years 2008–2011 by a global network of 92 permanently observing GPS/GLONASS receivers. Two types of daily solutions were generated independently for each GNSS, one including the estimation of geocenter coordinates and one without these parameters. A fair agreement for GPS and GLONASS was found in the geocenter x- and y-coordinate series. Our tests, however, clearly reveal artifacts in the z-component determined with the GLONASS data. Large periodic excursions in the GLONASS geocenter z-coordinates of about 40 cm peak-to-peak are related to the maximum elevation angles of the Sun above/below the orbital planes of the satellite system and thus have a period of about 4 months (third of a year). A detailed analysis revealed that the artifacts are almost uniquely governed by the differences of the estimates of direct solar radiation pressure (SRP) in the two solution series (with and without geocenter estimation). A simple formula is derived, describing the relation between the geocenter z-coordinate and the corresponding parameter of the SRP. The effect can be explained by first-order perturbation theory of celestial mechanics. The theory also predicts a heavy impact on the GNSS-derived geocenter if once-per-revolution SRP parameters are estimated in the direction of the satellite’s solar panel axis. Specific experiments using GPS observations revealed that this is indeed the case. Although the main focus of this article is on GNSS, the theory developed is applicable to all satellite observing techniques. We applied the theory to satellite laser ranging (SLR) solutions using LAGEOS. It turns out that the correlation between geocenter and SRP parameters is not a critical issue for the SLR solutions. The reasons are threefold: The direct SRP is about a factor of 30–40 smaller for typical geodetic SLR satellites than for GNSS satellites, allowing it in most cases to not solve for SRP parameters (ruling out the correlation between these parameters and the geocenter coordinates); the orbital arc length of 7 days (which is typically used in SLR analysis) contains more than 50 revolutions of the LAGEOS satellites as compared to about two revolutions of GNSS satellites for the daily arcs used in GNSS analysis; the orbit geometry is not as critical for LAGEOS as for GNSS satellites, because the elevation angle of the Sun w.r.t. the orbital plane is usually significantly changing over 7 days.
LARES is a new spherical geodetic satellite designed for SLR observations. It is made of solid tungsten alloy covered with 92 corner cubes. Due to a very small area-to-mass ratio, the sensitivity of LARES orbits to non-gravitational forces is greatly minimized. We processed 82 weeks (Feb12-Aug13) of LARES observations from a global SLR network and we analyzed the contribution of LARES data to the current SLR products (e.g., global scale and geocenter coordinates). The quality of the combined LARES+LAGEOS-1/2 solutions is also addressed in the paper. Introduction LARES
During the last years the use of tracking cameras for SLR observations became less important due to the high accuracy of the predicted orbits. Upcoming new targets like satellites in eccentric orbits and space debris objects, however, require tracking cameras again. In 2013 the interline CCD camera was replaced at the Zimmerwald Observatory with a so called scientific CMOS camera. This technology promises a better performance for this application than all kinds of CCD cameras. After the comparison of the different technologies the focus will be on the integration in the Zimmerwald SLR system.
The indirect solar radiation pressure caused by reflected or re-emitted radiation by the Earth’s surface is an important non-gravitational force perturbing the orbits of geodetic satellites (Rubincam and Weiss, 1986; Martin and Rubincam, 1996). In the case of LAGEOS this acceleration is of the order of 15% of the direct solar radiation pressure. Therefore, Earth radiation pressure has a non-negligible impact not only on LAGEOS orbits, but also on the SLR-derived terrestrial reference frame. We investigate the impact of the Earth radiation pressure on LAGEOS orbits and on the SLR-derived parameters. Earth radiation pressure has a remarkable impact on the semi-major axes of the LAGEOS satellites, causing a systematic reduction of 1.5 mm. The infrared Earth radiation causes a reduction of about 1.0 mm and the Earth’s reflectivity of 0.5 mm of the LAGEOS’ semi-major axes. The global scale defined by the SLR network is changed by 0.07 ppb, when applying Earth radiation pressure. The resulting station heights differ by 0.5-0.6 mm in the solution with and without Earth radiation pressure. However, when range biases are estimated, the height differences are absorbed by the range biases, and thus, the station heights are not shifted.
Several techniques have been proposed to exploit GNSS-derived kinematic orbit information for the determination of long-wavelength gravity field features. These methods include the (i) celestial mechanics approach, (ii) short-arc approach, (iii) point-wise acceleration approach, (iv) averaged acceleration approach, and (v) energy balance approach. Although there is a general consensus that—except for energy balance—these methods theoretically provide equivalent results, real data gravity field solutions from kinematic orbit analysis have never been evaluated against each other within a consistent data processing environment. This contribution strives to close this gap. Target consistency criteria for our study are the input data sets, period of investigation, spherical harmonic resolution, a priori gravity field information, etc. We compare GOCE gravity field estimates based on the aforementioned approaches as computed at the Graz University of Technology, the University of Bern, the University of Stuttgart/Austrian Academy of Sciences, and by RHEA Systems for the European Space Agency. The involved research groups complied with most of the consistency criterions. Deviations only occur where technical unfeasibility exists. Performance measures include formal errors, differences with respect to a state-of-the-art GRACE gravity field, (cumulative) geoid height differences, and SLR residuals from precise orbit determination of geodetic satellites. We found that for the approaches (i) to (iv), the cumulative geoid height differences at spherical harmonic degree 100 differ by only ≈10 % ; in the absence of the polar data gap, SLR residuals agree by ≈96 % . From our investigations, we conclude that real data analysis results are in agreement with the theoretical considerations concerning the (relative) performance of the different approaches.
The Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) was the first Earth explorer core mission of the European Space Agency. It was launched on March 17, 2009 into a Sun-synchronous dusk-dawn orbit and re-entered into the Earth’s atmosphere on November 11, 2013. The satellite altitude was between 255 and 225 km for the measurement phases. The European GOCE Gravity consortium is responsible for the Level 1b to Level 2 data processing in the frame of the GOCE High-level processing facility (HPF). The Precise Science Orbit (PSO) is one Level 2 product, which was produced under the responsibility of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern within the HPF. This PSO product has been continuously delivered during the entire mission. Regular checks guaranteed a high consistency and quality of the orbits. A correlation between solar activity, GPS data availability and quality of the orbits was found. The accuracy of the kinematic orbit primarily suffers from this. Improvements in modeling the range corrections at the retro-reflector array for the SLR measurements were made and implemented in the independent SLR validation for the GOCE PSO products. The satellite laser ranging (SLR) validation finally states an orbit accuracy of 2.42 cm for the kinematic and 1.84 cm for the reduced-dynamic orbits over the entire mission. The common-mode accelerations from the GOCE gradiometer were not used for the official PSO product, but in addition to the operational HPF work a study was performed to investigate to which extent common-mode accelerations improve the reduced-dynamic orbit determination results. The accelerometer data may be used to derive realistic constraints for the empirical accelerations estimated for the reduced-dynamic orbit determination, which already improves the orbit quality. On top of that the accelerometer data may further improve the orbit quality if realistic constraints and state-of-the-art background models such as gravity field and ocean tide models are used for the reduced-dynamic orbit determination.
We present the results from a simultaneous estimation of the gravity field, Earth rotation parameters, and station coordinates from combined SLR solutions incorporating up to nine geodetic satellites: LAGEOS-1/2, Starlette, Stella, AJISAI, Beacon-C, Lares, Blits and LARES. These solutions cover all three pillars of satellite geodesy and ensure full consistency between the Earth rotation parameters, gravity field coefficients, and geometry-related parameters. We address benefits emerging from such an approach and discuss particular aspects and limitations of the gravity field recovery using SLR data. The current accuracy of SLR-derived polar motion, by the means of WRMS w.r.t. IERS-08-C04 series, is at a level of 118-149 μas, which corresponds to 4 to 5 mm on the Earth’s surface. The WRMS of SLR-derived Length-of-Day, when the gravity field parameters are simultaneously estimated, is 56 μs/day, corresponding to about 26 mm on the ground, and the mean bias of SLR-derived Length-of-Day is 6.3 μs/day, corresponding to 3 mm.
The Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE), ESA’s first Earth Explorer core mission, was launched on March 17, 2009 into a sunsynchronous dusk-dawn orbit and eventually re-entered into the Earth’s atmosphere on November 11, 2013. A precise science orbit (PSO) product was provided by the GOCE High-level Processing Facility (HPF) from the GPS high-low Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking (hl-SST) data from the beginning until the very last days of the mission. We recapitulate the PSO procedure and refer to the results achieved until the official end of the GOCE mission on October 21, 2013, where independent validations with Satellite Laser ranging (SLR) measurements confirmed a high quality of the PSO product of about 2 cm 1-D RMS. We then focus on the period after the official end of the mission, where orbits could still be determined thanks to the continuously running GPS receivers delivering high quality data until a few hours before the re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. We address the challenges encountered for orbit determination during these last days and report on adaptions in the PSO procedure to also obtain good orbit results at the unprecedented low orbital altitudes below 224 km.
The Empirical CODE Orbit Model (ECOM) of the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE), which was developed in the early 1990s, is widely used in the International GNSS Service (IGS) community. For a rather long time, spurious spectral lines are known to exist in geophysical parameters, in particular in the Earth Rotation Parameters (ERPs) and in the estimated geocenter coordinates, which could recently be attributed to the ECOM. These effects grew creepingly with the increasing influence of the GLONASS system in recent years in the CODE analysis, which is based on a rigorous combination of GPS and GLONASS since May 2003. In a first step we show that the problems associated with the ECOM are to the largest extent caused by the GLONASS, which was reaching full deployment by the end of 2011. GPS-only, GLONASS-only, and combined GPS/GLONASS solutions using the observations in the years 2009–2011 of a global network of 92 combined GPS/GLONASS receivers were analyzed for this purpose. In a second step we review direct solar radiation pressure (SRP) models for GNSS satellites. We demonstrate that only even-order short-period harmonic perturbations acting along the direction Sun-satellite occur for GPS and GLONASS satellites, and only odd-order perturbations acting along the direction perpendicular to both, the vector Sun-satellite and the spacecraft’s solar panel axis. Based on this insight we assess in the third step the performance of four candidate orbit models for the future ECOM. The geocenter coordinates, the ERP differences w. r. t. the IERS 08 C04 series of ERPs, the misclosures for the midnight epochs of the daily orbital arcs, and scale parameters of Helmert transformations for station coordinates serve as quality criteria. The old and updated ECOM are validated in addition with satellite laser ranging (SLR) observations and by comparing the orbits to those of the IGS and other analysis centers. Based on all tests, we present a new extended ECOM which substantially reduces the spurious signals in the geocenter coordinate z (by about a factor of 2–6), reduces the orbit misclosures at the day boundaries by about 10 %, slightly improves the consistency of the estimated ERPs with those of the IERS 08 C04 Earth rotation series, and substantially reduces the systematics in the SLR validation of the GNSS orbits.