975 resultados para SINGLET MOLECULAR OXYGEN


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Every aerobic organism expresses cytochrome c oxidase to catalyze reduction of molecular oxygen to water, and takes advantage of this energy releasing reaction to produce an electrochemical gradient used in cellular energy production. The protein SCO (Synthesis of cytochrome c oxidase) is a required assembly factor for the oxidase, conserved across many species. SCO is implicated in the assembly of one of two copper centres (ie., CuA) of cytochrome oxidase. The exact mechanism of SCO’s participation in CuA assembly is not known. SCO has been proposed to bind and deliver copper, or alternatively to act in reductive preparation of the CuA site within the oxidase. In this body of work, the strength and stability of Cu(II) binding to Bacillus subtilis SCO is explored via electronic absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies and by calorimetric methods. An equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.5x10-12 M was determined as an upper limit for the BsSCO-Cu(II) interaction, via differential scanning calorimetry. In the first reported case for a SCO homolog, dissociation kinetics of Cu(II) from BsSCO were characterized, and found to be dependent on both ionic strength and the presence of free Cu(II) in solution. Further differential scanning calorimetry experiments performed at high ionic strength support a two-step model of BsSCO and Cu(II) binding. The implications of this model for the BsSCO-Cu(II) interaction are presented in relation to the mechanism of interaction between SCO and the CuA site of cytochrome c oxidase.


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The complex dynamics of radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma jets is investigated using various optical diagnostic techniques and numerical simulations. Absolute number densities of ground state atomic oxygen radicals in the plasma effluent are measured by two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TALIF). Spatial profiles are compared with (vacuum) ultra-violet radiation from excited states of atomic oxygen and molecular oxygen, respectively. The excitation and ionization dynamics in the plasma core are dominated by electron impact and observed by space and phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy (PROES). The electron dynamics is governed through the motion of the plasma boundary sheaths in front of the electrodes as illustrated in numerical simulations using a hybrid code based on fluid equations and kinetic treatment of electrons.


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We have measured the densities of 1s5 and 1s3 argon metastables as a function of the abundance of molecular oxygen in an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) in mixtures of Ar and O2. Laser absorption spectroscopy was used to determine the densities of the metastables. It was found that even small abundances of oxygen lead to large increases in metastable density, mostly due to the reduction in the electron number density, since electron-induced quenching determines the metastable density. At abundances higher than 7% to 15% for powers between 50 and 150W, quenching by oxygen molecules begins to dominate and the metastable density drops again.


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Background: The treatment of solid tumours and angiogenic ocular diseases by photodynamic therapy (PDT) requires the injection of a photosensitiser (PS) to destroy target cells through a combination of visible light irradiation and molecular oxygen. There is currently great interest in the development of efficient and specific carrier delivery platforms for systemic PDT. Objective: This article aims to review recent developments in systemic carrier delivery platforms for PDT, with an emphasis on target specificity. Methods: Recent publications, spanning the last five years, concerning delivery carrier platforms for systemic PDT were reviewed, including PS conjugates, dendrimers, micelles, liposomes and nanoparticles. Results/conclusion: PS conjugates and supramolecular delivery platforms can improve PDT selectivity by exploiting cellular and physiological specificities of the targeted tissue. Overexpression of receptors in cancer and angiogenic endothelial cells allows their targeting by affinity-based moieties for the selective uptake of PS conjugates and encapsulating delivery carriers, while the abnormal tumour neovascularisation induces a specific accumulation of heavy weighted PS carriers by enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. in addition, polymeric prodrug delivery platforms triggered by the acidic nature of the tumour environment or the expression of proteases can be designed. Promising results obtained with recent systemic carrier platforms will, in due course, be translated into the clinic for highly efficient and selective PDT protocols.


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The selective reduction of molecular oxygen with excess H-2 in the presence of alkenes was achieved successfully for the first time: silver supported on alumina catalysts exhibited full conversion of O-2 at temperature as low as 50 degrees C, while the conversion of ethene or propene remained essentially zero up to 250 degrees C.


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High catalytic activity and selectivity has been demonstrated for the oxidation of both aliphatic and aromatic amines to nitriles under benign conditions with dioxygen or air using the Ru2Cl4(az-tpy)(2) complex. The conversion was found to be strongly influenced by the alkyl chain length of the reactant with shorter chain amines found to have lower conversions than those with longer chains. Importantly, by using the ruthenium terpyridine complex functionalized with azulenyl moiety at the 4 position of central pyridine core provided a much higher reactivity catalyst compared with a series of ruthenium terpyridine-based ligand complexes reported. Mechanistic studies using deuterated benzylamine demonstrated the importance of RuOH in this reaction.


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Selective oxidation reactions are challenging when carried out on an industrial scale. Many traditional methods are undesirable from an environmental or safety point of view. There is a need to develop sustainable catalytic approaches that use molecular oxygen as the terminal oxidant. This review will discuss the use of stable radicals (primarily nitroxyl radicals) in aerobic oxidation catalysis. We will discuss the important advances that have occurred in recent years, highlighting the catalytic performance, mechanistic insights and the expanding synthetic utility of these catalytic systems.


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The effect of a radio-frequency driven, microscale non thermal atmospheric pressure plasma jet operated in helium with vol. 0.3% molecular oxygen gas admixture, on PC-3 prostate cancer cells has been investigated. The viability of cells exposed to the plasma was found to decrease with increasing plasma exposure time, with apoptosis through caspase and PARP cleavage being observed. High concentrations of nitrite and nitrate were detected in growth media exposed to the plasma and were found to increase in a time dependent manner post exposure. This indicates a slow release of reactive nitrogen species into the growth media, which is likely to influence cellular response to plasma exposure.


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The adsorption of water and deuterium oxide on TiO2 surfaces was investigated in the dark as well as under UV(A) irradiation using in situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy under oxygen and oxygen free conditions. Adsorption of H2O-D2O mixtures revealed an isotopic exchange reaction occurring onto the surface of TiO2 in the dark. Under UV(A) irradiation, the amount of both OH and OD groups was found to be increased by the presence of molecular oxygen. Furthermore, the photocatalytic formation of hydroperoxide under oxygenated condition has been recorded utilizing Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transformed Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy which appeared as new band at 3483 cm-1. Different possible mechanisms are discussed in terms of the source of hydroxyl groups formed and/or hydration water on the TiO2 surface for the photocatalytic reaction and photoinduced hydrophilicity.


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Os lenhosulfonatos representam um sub-produto formado durante o cozimento ao sulfito ácido, sendo queimados para a regeneração da base e recuperação de energia. No entanto, os lenhosulfonatos são também considerados uma importante matéria-prima para a produção de vários produtos de valor acrescentado. Os objectivos principais deste trabalho foram contribuir para uma melhor compreensão sobre a caracterização química e estrutural dos lenhosulfonatos do Eucalyptus globulus, assim como, para complementar a informação disponível sobre a síntese e a caracterização estrutural e térmica de materiais poliméricos obtidos a partir de compostos modelo dos produtos de oxidação dos lenhosulfonatos. O licor de cozimento ao sulfito foi analisado em termos do teor de cinzas, extractáveis, compostos voláteis, açúcares e lenhosulfonatos. O teor de cinzas e açúcares no licor de cozimento é muito elevado, tendo sido necessário purificar o mesmo (2,8-13,8 % e 3,2-9,1 %, respectivamente). A análise dos açúcares mostrou uma quantidade considerável de pentoses, sendo o açúcar predominante a xilose. Os lenhosulfonatos foram purificados, isolados e caracterizados por química molhada (titulação potenciométrica e oxidação com permanganato), análise elementar, espectroscopia de ultravioleta/visível (UV/Vis), espectroscopia de infravermelho de transformada de Fourier (FTIR), espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear de protão (RMN de 1H) e carbono (RMN de 13C), espectrometria de massa de ionização por electrospray (ESI-MS), cromatografia de permeação em gel (GPC), termogavimetria (TGA) e calorimetria diferencial de varrimento (DSC). Os lenhosulfonatos são constituídos principalmente por unidades S, são parcialmente sulfonados e possuem um peso molecular relativamente baixo (Mw = 1250-2400 Da). A ruptura das ligações β-O-4 e α-O-4 da lenhina do Eucalyptus globulus após cozimento ao sulfito ácido originam olígomeros de baixo peso molecular cuja estrutura foi elucidada por RMN 1D/2D e ESI-MS. A degradação térmica dos lenhosulfonatos apresentou dois máximos de degradação a 188-190ºC e a 315-380ºC. As curvas de DSC mostraram um pico endotérmico para temperaturas inferiores a 130ºC e um pico exotérmico a 300-500ºC. Os lenhosulfonatos foram despolimerizados na presença de oxigénio molecular em meio alcalino. Os produtos de oxidação principais foram o aldeído siríngico, a vanilina, o ácido vanílico e o ácido siríngico. A adição do catalisador (sal de cobre) promoveu a oxidação dos lenhosulfonatos aumentando o rendimento dos aldeídos aromáticos (< 50%). A presença de açúcares nos lenhosulfonatos teve um efeito negativo no rendimento dos produtos de oxidação principais. Alguns compostos modelo dos produtos de oxidação dos lenhosulfonatos foram polimerizados por poliadição (catiónica e radicalar) e policondensação. Os monómeros e os polímeros foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de infravermelho de transformada de Fourier e reflectância total atenuada (FTIR-ATR), RMN em solução e no estado sólido, UV/Vis no estado sólido, GPC, difracção de raios-X (XRD), TGA e DSC. Os compostos modelo estudados foram os estirenos metoxi-substituídos (p-metoxiestireno e 3,4-dimetoxiestireno) e os ácidos hidroxi aromáticos metoxi-substituídos (ácido vanílico e ácido siríngico). O 3,4-dimetoxiestireno foi ainda copolimerizado com o éter isobutil vinílico e os seus copolímeros foram desmetilados, assim como, o poli(p-metoxiestireno) e o poli(3,4-dimetoxiestireno). A polimerização catiónica do p-metoxiestireno e 3,4-dimetoxiestireno é mais rápida e mais completa do que a polimerização radicalar produzindo polímeros com pesos moleculares elevados. O poli(p-metoxiestireno) (Mw = 235000 Da) possui um peso molecular maior do que o poli(3,4-dimetoxiestireno) (Mw = 18800 Da). A estabilidade térmica e a temperatura de transição vítrea diminuiram com a presença do segundo grupo metoxilo. A desmetilação dos homopolímeros foi bem sucedida, tendo sido corroborada por FTIR-ATR e RMN. A policondensação do ácido siríngico foi dificultada pela presença do segundo grupo metoxilo, tendo sido necessário adicionar uma maior quantidade do agente de condensação devido a factores estéricos. O poli(ácido vanílico) e poli(ácido siríngico) são insolúveis na maior parte dos solventes orgânicos, sendo parcialmente solúveis em clorofórmio, ácido triflúoracético, 1,1,2,2- tetracloroetano, dimetilsulfóxido, tetrahidrofurano, N,N’-dimetilformamida e 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexaflúor-2-propanol. A estabilidade térmica diminuiu com a presença do segundo grupo metoxilo e os dois polímeros não exibiram temperatura de transição vítrea. O poli(ácido vanílico) e poli(ácido siríngico) apresentaram uma estrutura muito cristalina (grau de cristalinidade 70% e 50%, respectivamente). O segundo grupo metoxilo aumentou o valor da absorvância, mas a forma do espectro de UV/Vis foi similar. A polimerização catiónica do éter isobutil vinílico resultou na produção de um polímero muito viscoso com peso molecular elevado (Mw = 20400 Da). A degradação térmica do polímero ocorreu em várias gamas de temperatura e foi completa (0% de resíduo a 800ºC). A copolimerização catiónica do 3,4-dimetoxiestireno com o éter isobutil vinílico foi realizada com proporções diferentes 80:20, 50:50 e 20:80. Os copolímeros apresentaram uma viscosidade elevada e um peso molecular baixo (Mw = 2000-4000 Da) que aumentou com a quantidade de éter isobutil vinílico. A degradação térmica dos copolímeros ocorreu também em várias gamas de temperatura, sendo a sua degradação completa (0,9-1,5% de resíduo a 800ºC). A desmetilação dos copolímeros não foi bem sucedida, tendo sido confirmada por FTIR-ATR e RMN.


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Photodynamic inactivation (PDI) is defined as the process of cell destruction by oxidative stress resulting from the interaction between light and a photosensitizer (PS), in the presence of molecular oxygen. PDI of bacteria has been extensively studied in recent years, proving to be a promising alternative to conventional antimicrobial agents for the treatment of superficial and localized infections. Moreover, the applicability of PDI goes far beyond the clinical field, as its potential use in water disinfection, using PS immobilized on solid supports, is currently under study. The aim of the first part of this work was to study the oxidative modifications in phospholipids, nucleic acids and proteins of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus warneri, subjected to photodynamic treatment with cationic porphyrins. The aims of the second part of the work were to study the efficiency of PDI in aquaculture water and the influence of different physicalchemical parameters in this process, using the Gram-negative bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri, and to evaluate the possibility of recycling cationic PS immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles. To study the oxidative changes in membrane phospholipids, a lipidomic approach has been used, combining chromatographic techniques and mass spectrometry. The FOX2 assay was used to determine the concentration of lipid hydroperoxides generated after treatment. The oxidative modifications in the proteins were analyzed by one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Changes in the intracellular nucleic acids were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and the concentration of doublestranded DNA was determined by fluorimetry. The oxidative changes of bacterial PDI at the molecular level were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy. In laboratory tests, bacteria (108 CFU mL-1) were irradiated with white light (4.0 mW cm-2) after incubation with the PS (Tri-Py+-Me-PF or Tetra-Py+-Me) at concentrations of 0.5 and 5.0 μM for S. warneri and E. coli, respectively. Bacteria were irradiated with different light doses (up to 9.6 J cm-2 for S. warneri and up to 64.8 J cm-2 for E. coli) and the changes were evaluated throughout the irradiation time. In the study of phospholipids, only the porphyrin Tri-Py+-Me-PF and a light dose of 64.8 J cm-2 were tested. The efficiency of PDI in aquaculture has been evaluated in two different conditions: in buffer solution, varying temperature, pH, salinity and oxygen concentration, and in aquaculture water samples, to reproduce the conditions of PDI in situ. The kinetics of the process was determined in realtime during the experiments by measuring the bioluminescence of V. fischeri (107 CFU mL-1, corresponding to a level of bioluminescence of 105 relative light units). A concentration of 5.0 μM of Tri-Py+-Me-PF was used in the experiments with buffer solution, and 10 to 50 μM in the experiments with aquaculture water. Artificial white light (4.0 mW cm-2) and solar irradiation (40 mW cm-2) were used as light sources.


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A importância médica do sangue associada ao risco de doenças infeciosas levou a um melhoramento das técnicas de rastreio de patogénicos no sangue doado. No entanto, devido aos períodos de "janela", durante o qual os agentes infeciosos não podem ser detetados, a desinfeção de sangue e seus derivados assume uma importância vital. Considerando que as técnicas convencionais de desinfeção (tratamento com solvente-detergente ou irradiação com UV ou radiação gama) pode ser empregue em concentrados de plasma ou de proteínas, o efeito colateral associado aos respetivos tratamentos não permite a sua utilização em frações celulares. Consequentemente, é necessário o desenvolvimento de uma nova alternativa eficaz para inativar microrganismos em sangue. Uma boa estratégia que merece ser considerada baseia-se na terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (aPDT). aPDT envolve a interação entre a luz e um fotossensibilizador (PS) na presença de oxigénio molecular. Esta interação produz espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS), que causam danos oxidativos às moléculas microbianas necessárias à sobrevivência do microrganismo. Em alguns países, esta metodologia já está aprovada para descontaminação de plasma, utilizando azul de metileno ou psoraleno como PSs. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a adequação de de estrutura do tipo ftalocianina (Pc) e porfirina (Por) para desinfeção fotodinâmica de hemoderivados. Plasma e sangue total foram infetados com 108 unidades formadoras de colónias (CFU) / mL de Escherichia coli e após incubação com os derivados Pc e Por em estudo, expostos respetivamente a luz vermelha ou a luz branca com uma irradiância de 150 W/m2durante 270 min. As concentrações de E. coli viáveis foram determinadas a 0, 30, 60, 90, 180 e 270 min e comparadas com as obtidas nos controlos claro (amostras irradiadas na ausência de PS) e controlos escuro (amostras incubadas com PS mas não irradiadas). O efeito do tratamento aPDT nas células do sangue (glóbulos vermelhos e brancos) também foi avaliado. Os resultados obtidos mostram que, em todos os componentes do sangue, a Por em estudo é mais eficaz na inativação de E. coli que o derivado Pc. Após o tratamento aPDT, o número de células vermelhas e brancas no sangue é semelhante aos valores observados nas amostras de controlo. A eficiente inativação de células de E. coli e a ausência de efeito sobre as células de sangue transformam os derivados porfirínicos e ftalocianinas potenciais candidatos a serem utilizados com fotossensibilizadores na desinfeção fotodinâmica de produtos derivados do sangue.


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Cytoch ro me c oxidase (ferrocytochrome c : 02 oxidoreductase ; EC 1.9. 3.1) is the terminal enzyme in the mitochondrial electron transport chain, catalyzing the transfer of electrons from ferrocytochrome c to molecular oxygen. The effects of two large amphiphilic molecules .. valinomycin and dibucaine upon the spectra of the isolated enzyme and upon the activity of both isolated enzyme and enzyme in membrane systems are investigated by using spectrophotometric and oxygen electrode techniques. The results show that both valinomycin and dibucaine change the Soret region of the spectrum and cause a partial inhibition in a concentration range higher than that in which they act as ionophores. It is concluded that both valinomycin and dibucain~ binding induce a conformational change of the protein structure which modifies the spectrum of the a3 CUB centre and diminishes the rate of electron transfer between cytochrome a and the binuclear centre.


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Cytoch ro me c oxidase (ferrocytochrome c : 02 oxidoreductase ; EC 1.9. 3.1) is the terminal enzyme in the mitochondrial electron transport chain, catalyzing the transfer of electrons from ferrocytochrome c to molecular oxygen. The effects of two large amphiphilic molecules - valinomycin and dibucaine upon the spectra of the isolated enzyme and upon the activity of both isolated enzyme and enzyme in membrane systems are investigated by using spectrophotometric and oxygen electrode techniques. The results show that both valinomycin and dibucaine change the Soret region of the speetrum and cause a partial inhibition in a concentration range higher than that in which they act as ionophores. It is concluded that both valinomycin and dibucaine binding induce a conformational change of the protein structure which modifies the spectrum of the a3 CUB centre and diminishes the rate of electron transfer between cytochrome a and the binuclear centre.


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Réalisé en codirection avec Karen C. Waldron et Dominic Rochefort.