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The present study deals with the performance of shrimp in shallow waters in Sofala Bank presents both seasonal fluctuations as well as fluctuations year to year. These variations may be due to several reasons: abundance of shrimp, fishing effort, fishing techniques and environmental conditions such as the turbidity of the water, tides, temperature and salinity.
The shallow-water shrimps represent the most economical resource in Mozambique. Therefore, annual surveys have been carried out to investigate the state of the stock, the fishing methods for a better analyses catch/effort statistics. Resource assessment was conducted on principal species - Metapenaeus monoceros and Penaeus indicus - to estimate levels of abundance and distribution in the Sofala Bank.
The paper deals with the proper management of fishing resources of shrimps in shallow waters, those currently constitute the main source of foreign currency trade of the country. The analysis of the level of the productive sector is presented by the local Institute of Fisheries Research.
The geographic and bathymetric distribution of the shrimps Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus monoceros, P. japonicus and P. monodon along the coast of Mozambique are given. Biological data of the main species P. indicus and M. monoceros are presented.
From 1976 to 1979 tunas of Mozambique were studied for about 40 months using seven research vessels. The main purpose of survey was not to study these resources therefore part of the information is poor and incomplete. During these three years, there were about fourteen months for experimental logline fisheries of deep-water tunas. This work corresponds to a bilateral cooperation program with USSR.
The shallow-water shrimp lives along the coast of Mozambique. Its distribution is closely linked to the existence of mangroves, where it grows during the first months of life. The adult population live in the bays or offshore, in shallow waters. A description of resource distribution, fishing areas and catch composition is given.
The deep-water shrimp were already studied many years ago, but their commercial fishing on large scale, only developed from the seventies. Two Luso-U.S. fishing companies (1966), and a Luso-South African company (1963- 1968), dedicated to the fishing of deep-water crustaceans, including Haliporoides triarthrus species (Araújo, 1973). Also Champion (1973) described commercial catches of Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus, Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Haliporoides triarthrus in the waters of Mozambique. The first Spanish vessels began fishing activity in 1968 (Freitas and Araújo, 1973) but all of these companies captured mainly penaideos on the continental shelf.
This paper deals with demersal fish. The authors described the characteristics of species composition, biology, distribution of catches by area and depth. They also provided the biomass of two main fishing areas: Boa Paz and Sofala Banks.
The main goal of this paper is to provide samples of fishing methods analyses applied to studies on shrimps stock assessment in the Sofala Bank. Especially the authors provide the administrators with the main limits of application of described methods.
In September-October 1982, the Soviet ship "Sebastopolsky Rybak" conducted a cruise on the Sofala Bank in the area between 16°20'S and parallel 19°40'S. Two surveys were made, one from South to North (depth 10-110 meters) and vice versa. The type of coverage used was systematic. The Sofala Bank was divided into seven sub-areas. During this cruise sub-areas 3 and 4 were covered. Sub-area 5 has not been fully covered.
During the last 4 months of 1982, two research cruises had been carried out at the Sofala Bank by the SRTM "Sevastopolsky Rybak". The authors analyze and compare data on biological characteristics, sexual maturity and localization of Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros.
From November 18th to December 17th 1982, the SRTM "Sebastopolsky Rybak" carried out research cruises on the Sofala Bank in the area between 16°20'S and parallel 19°40'S. The authors analyze data collected on biological characteristics, sexual maturity and localization of Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus monoceros, Penaeus japonicus, Penaeus monodon and Penaeus latisulcatus.
O clima, as condições meteorológicas e os plantios florestais; Aspectos climáticos mais importantes para as culturas florestais; O desenvolvimento de modelos.
A fim de dar suporte à gestão de pesquisas em hortaliças na unidade, o grupo de trabalho constituído para realizar o diagnóstico sobre a Irrigação da Embrapa Hortaliças decidiu descrever o projeto através das suas diversas partes integrantes e ilustrando instalações, estruturas hidráulicas, equipamentos e acessórios de irrigação. O principal objetivo do diagnóstico é proporcionar subsídios para a restauração e adequação dos sistemas existentes a fim de atender as demandas atuais e de continuidade da pesquisa em hortaliças.