922 resultados para SENSITIVE K CHANNEL


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Genetic and physiological studies of the Drosophila Hyperkinetic (Hk) mutant revealed defects in the function or regulation of K+ channels encoded by the Shaker (Sh) locus. The Hk polypeptide, determined from analysis of cDNA clones, is a homologue of mammalian K+ channel beta subunits (Kv beta). Coexpression of Hk with Sh in Xenopus oocytes increases current amplitudes and changes the voltage dependence and kinetics of activation and inactivation, consistent with predicted functions of Hk in vivo. Sequence alignments show that Hk, together with mammalian Kv beta, represents an additional branch of the aldo-keto reductase superfamily. These results are relevant to understanding the function and evolutionary origin of Kv beta.


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Guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) activate K+ conductances in cardiac atrial cells to slow heart rate and in neurons to decrease excitability. cDNAs encoding three isoforms of a G-protein-coupled, inwardly rectifying K+ channel (GIRK) have recently been cloned from cardiac (GIRK1/Kir 3.1) and brain cDNA libraries (GIRK2/Kir 3.2 and GIRK3/Kir 3.3). Here we report that GIRK2 but not GIRK3 can be activated by G protein subunits G beta 1 and G gamma 2 in Xenopus oocytes. Furthermore, when either GIRK3 or GIRK2 was coexpressed with GIRK1 and activated either by muscarinic receptors or by G beta gamma subunits, G-protein-mediated inward currents were increased by 5- to 40-fold. The single-channel conductance for GIRK1 plus GIRK2 coexpression was intermediate between those for GIRK1 alone and for GIRK2 alone, and voltage-jump kinetics for the coexpressed channels displayed new kinetic properties. On the other hand, coexpression of GIRK3 with GIRK2 suppressed the GIRK2 alone response. These studies suggest that formation of heteromultimers involving the several GIRKs is an important mechanism for generating diversity in expression level and function of neurotransmitter-coupled, inward rectifier K+ channels.


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Using assay-directed fractionation of the venom from the vermivorous cone snail Conus planorbis, we isolated a new conotoxin, designated p114a, with potent activity at both nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and a voltage-gated potassium channel subtype. p114a contains 25 amino acid residues with an amidated C-terminus, an elongated N-terminal tail (six residues), and two disulfide bonds (1-3, 2-4 connectivity) in a novel framework distinct from other conotoxins. The peptide was chemically synthesized, and its three-dimensional structure was demonstrated to be well-defined, with an R-helix and two 3(10)-helices present. Analysis of a cDNA clone encoding the prepropeptide precursor of p114a revealed a novel signal sequence, indicating that p114a belongs to a new gene superfamily, the J-conotoxin superfamily. Five additional peptides in the J-superfamily were identified. Intracranial injection of p114a in mice elicited excitatory symptoms that included shaking, rapid circling, barrel rolling, and seizures. Using the oocyte heterologous expression system, p114a was shown to inhibit both a K+ channel subtype (Kv1.6, IC50) 1.59 mu M) and neuronal (IC50 = 8.7 mu M for alpha 3 beta 4) and neuromuscular (IC50 = 0.54 mu M for alpha 1 beta 1 is an element of delta) subtypes of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ( nAChR). Similarities in sequence and structure are apparent between the middle loop of p114a and the second loop of a number of alpha-conotoxins. This is the first conotoxin shown to affect the activity of both voltage-gated and ligand-gated ion channels.


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The effects of extracellular application of arginine vasopressin (AVP) upon membrane currents in L6 skeletal myocytes was investigated using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. At O mV AVP produced large amplitude, transient outward currents that reversed when the clamping potential was changed to -100 mV (negative to EK) The effects of alterations in the extracellular K+ concentration upon the current reversal potential suggested that the current elicited by AVP was carried mainly by K+ ions. Intracellular dialysis with 10 μM inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) elicited similar currents but only in 6/14 cells. Inclusion of 5 mg ml-1 heparin in the intracellular solutions was ineffective at inhibiting the current responses to AVP. The AVP-induced current was totally abolished when the intracellular EGTA concentration was increased from 0.05 mM to 10 mM or Ca2+ was removed from the extracellular perfusing solution. These results suggest that AVP produces activation of a Ca2+-sensitive K+ conductance in L6 skeletal myocytes by a process dependent upon extracellular Ca2+ and not intracellular Ca2+ release. © 1995 Academic Press. All rights reserved.


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The human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) encodes the voltage-gated K+ channel, hERG (Kv11.1). This channel passes the rapidly-activating delayed rectifier K+ current (IKr), which is important for cardiac repolarization. A reduction in IKr due to loss-of-function mutations or drug interactions causes long QT syndrome (LQTS), which can lead to cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. The density of hERG channels in the plasma membrane is a key determinant of normal physiological function, and is balanced by trafficking to and from the cell surface. Many LQTS-associated hERG mutations result in a trafficking deficiency of otherwise functional channels. Thus, elucidating mechanisms of hERG regulation at the plasma membrane is useful for the prevention and treatment of LQTS. We previously demonstrated that M3 muscarinic receptor activation increases mature hERG expression through a Gq protein-dependent protein kinase C (PKC) pathway. In addition to conventional Gq protein-coupling, M3 receptors recruit β-arrestins upon agonist binding. Traditionally known for their role in receptor desensitization and internalization, β-arrestins also act as adaptor proteins to facilitate G protein-independent signaling. In the present work, I investigated the exclusive effect of β-arrestin signaling on hERG expression by utilizing an arrestin-biased M3 designer receptor (M3D-arr) exclusively activated by clozapine-N-oxide (CNO). By expressing M3D-arr in hERG-HEK cells and treating with CNO under various conditions, I found that M3D-arr activation increased mature hERG expression and current. Within this paradigm, M3D-arr recruited β-arrestin to the plasma membrane, and promoted the PI3K-dependent activation of Akt. I further found that the activated Akt acted through phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate 5-kinase (PIKfyve) and Rab11 to facilitate endosomal recycling of hERG channels to the plasma membrane.


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In contrast to animals and lower plant species, sperm cells of flowering plants are non-motile and are transported to the female gametes via the pollen tube, i.e. the male gametophyte. Upon arrival at the female gametophyte two sperm cells are discharged into the receptive synergid cell to execute double fertilization. The first players involved in inter-gametophyte signaling to attract pollen tubes and to arrest their growth have been recently identified. In contrast the physiological mechanisms leading to pollen tube burst and thus sperm discharge remained elusive. Here, we describe the role of polymorphic defensin-like cysteine-rich proteins ZmES1-4 (Zea mays embryo sac) from maize, leading to pollen tube growth arrest, burst, and explosive sperm release. ZmES1-4 genes are exclusively expressed in the cells of the female gametophyte. ZmES4-GFP fusion proteins accumulate in vesicles at the secretory zone of mature synergid cells and are released during the fertilization process. Using RNAi knock-down and synthetic ZmES4 proteins, we found that ZmES4 induces pollen tube burst in a species-preferential manner. Pollen tube plasma membrane depolarization, which occurs immediately after ZmES4 application, as well as channel blocker experiments point to a role of K(+)-influx in the pollen tube rupture mechanism. Finally, we discovered the intrinsic rectifying K(+) channel KZM1 as a direct target of ZmES4. Following ZmES4 application, KZM1 opens at physiological membrane potentials and closes after wash-out. In conclusion, we suggest that vesicles containing ZmES4 are released from the synergid cells upon male-female gametophyte signaling. Subsequent interaction between ZmES4 and KZM1 results in channel opening and K(+) influx. We further suggest that K(+) influx leads to water uptake and culminates in osmotic tube burst. The species-preferential activity of polymorphic ZmES4 indicates that the mechanism described represents a pre-zygotic hybridization barrier and may be a component of reproductive isolation in plants.


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Background: Adenosine is a potent sleep-promoting substance, and one of its targets is the basal forebrain. Fairly little is known about its mechanism of action in the basal forebrain and about the receptor subtype mediating its regulating effects on sleep homeostasis. Homeostatic deficiency might be one of the causes of the profoundly disturbed sleep pattern in major depressive disorder, which could explain the reduced amounts of delta-activity-rich stages 3 and 4. Since major depression has a relatively high heritability, and on the other hand adenosine regulates sleep homeostasis and might also be involved in mood modulation, adenosine-related genes should be considered for their possible contribution to a predisposition for depression and disturbed sleep in humans. Depression is a complex disorder likely involving the abnormal functioning of several genes. Novel target genes which could serve as the possible common substrates for depression and comorbid disturbed sleep should be identified. In this way specific brain areas related to sleep regulation should be studied by using animal model of depression which represents more homogenous phenotype as compared to humans. It is also important to study these brain areas during the development of depressive-like features to understand how early changes could facilitate pathophysiological changes in depression. Aims and methods: We aimed to find out whether, in the basal forebrain, adenosine induces recovery non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep after prolonged waking through the A1 or/and A2A receptor subtype. A1 and A2A receptor antagonists were perfused into the rat basal forebrain during 3 h of sleep deprivation, and the amount of NREM sleep and delta power during recovery NREM sleep were analyzed. We then explored whether polymorphisms in genes related to the metabolism, transport and signaling of adenosine could predispose to depression accompanied by signs of disturbed sleep. DNA from 1423 individuals representative of the Finnish population and including controls and cases with depression, depression accompanied by early morning awakenings and depression accompanied by fatigue, was used in the study to investigate the possible association between polymorphisms from adenosine-related genes and cases. Finally to find common molecular substrates of depression and disturbed sleep, gene expression changes were investigated in specific brain areas in the rat clomipramine model of depression. We focused on the basal forebrain of 3-week old clomipramine-treated rats which develop depressive-like symptoms later in adulthood and on the hypothalamus of adult female clomipramine-treated rats. Results: Blocking of the A1 receptor during sleep deprivation resulted in a reduction of the recovery NREM sleep amount and delta power, whereas A2A receptor antagonism had no effect. Polymorphisms in adenosine-related genes SLC29A3 (equilibrative nucleoside transporter type 3) in women and SLC28A1 (concentrative nucleoside transporter type 1) in men associated with depression alone as well as when accompanied by early morning awakenings and fatigue. In Study III the basal forebrain of postnatal rats treated with clomipramine displayed disturbances in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor type A signaling, in synaptic transmission and possible epigenetic changes. CREB1 was identified as a common transcription denominator which also mediates epigenetic regulation. In the hypothalamus the major changes included the expression of genes in GABA-A receptor pathway, K+ channel-related, glutamatergic and mitochondrial genes, as well as an overexpression of genes related to RNA and mRNA processing. Conclusions: Adenosine plays an important role in sleep homeostasis by promoting recovery NREM sleep via the A1 receptor subtype in the basal forebrain. Also adenosine levels might contribute to the risk of depression with disturbed sleep, since the genes encoding nucleoside transporters showed the strongest associations with depression alone and when accompanied by signs of disturbed sleep in both women and men. Sleep and mood abnormalities in major depressive disorder could be a consequence of multiple changes at the transcriptional level, GABA-A receptor signaling and synaptic transmission in sleep-related basal forebrain and the hypothalamus.


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Overland rain retrieval using spaceborne microwave radiometer offers a myriad of complications as land presents itself as a radiometrically warm and highly variable background. Hence, land rainfall algorithms of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) have traditionally incorporated empirical relations of microwave brightness temperature (Tb) with rain rate, rather than relying on physically based radiative transfer modeling of rainfall (as implemented in the TMI ocean algorithm). In this paper, sensitivity analysis is conducted using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient as benchmark, to estimate the best combination of TMI low-frequency channels that are highly sensitive to the near surface rainfall rate from the TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR). Results indicate that the TMI channel combinations not only contain information about rainfall wherein liquid water drops are the dominant hydrometeors but also aid in surface noise reduction over a predominantly vegetative land surface background. Furthermore, the variations of rainfall signature in these channel combinations are not understood properly due to their inherent uncertainties and highly nonlinear relationship with rainfall. Copula theory is a powerful tool to characterize the dependence between complex hydrological variables as well as aid in uncertainty modeling by ensemble generation. Hence, this paper proposes a regional model using Archimedean copulas, to study the dependence of TMI channel combinations with respect to precipitation, over the land regions of Mahanadi basin, India, using version 7 orbital data from the passive and active sensors on board TRMM, namely, TMI and PR. Studies conducted for different rainfall regimes over the study area show the suitability of Clayton and Gumbel copulas for modeling convective and stratiform rainfall types for the majority of the intraseasonal months. Furthermore, large ensembles of TMI Tb (from the most sensitive TMI channel combination) were generated conditional on various quantiles (25th, 50th, 75th, and 95th) of the convective and the stratiform rainfall. Comparatively greater ambiguity was observed to model extreme values of the convective rain type. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed model was tested by comparing the results with traditionally employed linear and quadratic models. Results reveal the superior performance of the proposed copula-based technique.


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<p>Measuring electrical activity in large numbers of cells with high spatial and temporal resolution is a fundamental problem for the study of neural development and information processing. To address this problem, we have constructed FlaSh: a novel, genetically-encoded probe that can be used to measure trans-membrane voltage in single cells. We fused a modified green fluorescent protein (GFP) into a voltage-sensitive potassium channel so that voltage dependent rearrangements in the potassium channel induce changes in the fluorescence of GFP. A voltage sensor encoded into DNA has the advantage that it may be introduced into an organism non-invasively and targeted to specific developmental stages, brain regions, cell types, and sub-cellular compartments.</p> <p>We also describe modifications to FlaSh that shift its color, kinetics, and dynamic range. We used multiple green fluorescent proteins to produce variants of the FlaSh sensor that generate ratiometric signal output via fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Finally, we describe initial work toward FlaSh variants that are sensitive to G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) activation. These sensors can be used to design functional assays for receptor activation in living cells.</p>


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STUDY QUESTION. Are significant abnormalities in outward (K+) conductance and resting membrane potential (Vm) present in the spermatozoa of patients undertaking IVF and ICSI and if so, what is their functional effect on fertilization success? SUMMARY ANSWER. Negligible outward conductance (âˆ5% of patients) or an enhanced inward conductance (âˆ4% of patients), both of which caused depolarization of Vm, were associated with a low rate of fertilization following IVF. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY. Sperm-specific potassium channel knockout mice are infertile with defects in sperm function, suggesting that these channels are essential for fertility. These observations suggest that malfunction of K+ channels in human spermatozoa might contribute significantly to the occurrence of subfertility in men. However, remarkably little is known of the nature of K+ channels in human spermatozoa or the incidence and functional consequences of K+ channel defects. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE AND DURATION. Spermatozoa were obtained from healthy volunteer research donors and subfertile IVF and ICSI patients attending a hospital assisted reproductive techniques clinic between May 2013 and December 2015. In total, 40 IVF patients, 41 ICSI patients and 26 normozoospermic donors took part in the study. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS. Samples were examined using electrophysiology (whole-cell patch clamping). Where abnormal electrophysiological characteristics were identified, spermatozoa were further examined for Ca2+ influx induced by progesterone and penetration into viscous media if sufficient sample was available. Full exome sequencing was performed to specifically evaluate potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily M α 1 (KCNMA1), potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily U member 1 (KCNU1) and leucine-rich repeat containing 52 (LRRC52) genes and others associated with K+ signalling. In IVF patients, comparison with fertilization rates was done to assess the functional significance of the electrophysiological abnormalities. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE. Patch clamp electrophysiology was used to assess outward (K+) conductance and resting membrane potential (Vm) and signalling/motility assays were used to assess functional characteristics of sperm from IVF and ICSI patient samples. The mean Vm and outward membrane conductance in sperm from IVF and ICSI patients were not significantly different from those of control (donor) sperm prepared under the same conditions, but variation between individuals was significantly greater (P< 0.02) with a large number of outliers (>25%). In particular, in âˆ10% of patients (7/81), we observed either a negligible outward conductance (4 patients) or an enhanced inward current (3 patients), both of which caused depolarization of Vm. Analysis of clinical data from the IVF patients showed significant association of depolarized Vm (â¥0 mV) with low fertilization rate (P= 0.012). Spermatozoa with electrophysiological abnormities (conductance and Vm) responded normally to progesterone with elevation of [Ca2+]i and penetration of viscous medium, indicating retention of cation channel of sperm (CatSper) channel function. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION. For practical, technical, ethical and logistical reasons, we could not obtain sufficient additional semen samples from men with conductance abnormalities to establish the cause of the conductance defects. Full exome sequencing was only available in two men with conductance defects. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS. These data add significantly to the understanding of the role of ion channels in human sperm function and its impact on male fertility. Impaired potassium channel conductance (Gm) and/or Vm regulation is both common and complex in human spermatozoa and importantly is associated with impaired fertilization capacity when the Vm of cells is completely depolarized.


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Le diabète est une maladie métabolique qui se caractérise par une résistance à lâinsuline des tissus périphériques et par une incapacité des cellules β pancréatiques à sécréter les niveaux dâinsuline appropriés afin de compenser pour cette résistance. Pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes déficients dans les cellules β des patients diabétiques, il est nécessaire de comprendre et de définir les mécanismes impliqués dans le contrôle de la sécrétion dâinsuline en réponse au glucose. Dans les cellules β pancréatiques, le métabolisme du glucose conduit à la production de facteurs de couplage métabolique, comme lâATP, nécessaires à la régulation de lâexocytose des vésicules dâinsuline. Le mécanisme par lequel la production de lâATP par le métabolisme oxydatif du glucose déclenche lâexocytose des vésicules dâinsuline est bien décrit dans la littérature. Cependant, il ne peut à lui seul réguler adéquatement la sécrétion dâinsuline. Le malonyl-CoA et le NADPH sont deux autres facteurs de couplage métaboliques qui ont été suggérés afin de relier le métabolisme du glucose à la régulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline. Les mécanismes impliqués demeurent cependant à être caractérisés. Le but de la présente thèse était de déterminer lâimplication des navettes du pyruvate, découlant du métabolisme mitochondrial du glucose, dans la régulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline. Dans les cellules β, les navettes du pyruvate découlent de la combinaison des processus dâanaplérose et de cataplérose et permettent la transduction des signaux métaboliques provenant du métabolisme du glucose. Dans une première étude, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle de la navette pyruvate/citrate dans la régulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline en réponse au glucose, puisque cette navette conduit à la production dans le cytoplasme de deux facteurs de couplage métabolique, soit le malonyl-CoA et le NADPH. De plus, la navette pyruvate/citrate favorise le flux métabolique à travers la glycolyse en réoxydation le NADH. Une étude effectuée précédemment dans notre laboratoire avait suggéré la présence de cette navette dans les cellules β pancréatique. Afin de tester notre hypothèse, nous avons ciblé trois étapes de cette navette dans la lignée cellulaire β pancréatique INS 832/13, soit la sortie du citrate de la mitochondrie et lâactivité de lâATP-citrate lyase (ACL) et lâenzyme malique (MEc), deux enzymes clés de la navette pyruvate/citrate. Lâinhibition de chacune de ces étapes par lâutilisation dâun inhibiteur pharmacologique ou de la technologie des ARN interférant a corrélé avec une réduction significative de la sécrétion dâinsuline en réponse au glucose. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que la navette pyruvate/citrate joue un rôle critique dans la régulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline en réponse au glucose. Parallèlement à notre étude, deux autres groupes de recherche ont suggéré que les navettes pyruvate/malate et pyruvate/isocitrate/α-cétoglutarate étaient aussi importantes pour la sécrétion dâinsuline en réponse au glucose. Ainsi, trois navettes découlant du métabolisme mitochondrial du glucose pourraient être impliquées dans le contrôle de la sécrétion dâinsuline. Le point commun de ces trois navettes est la production dans le cytoplasme du NADPH, un facteur de couplage métabolique possiblement très important pour la sécrétion dâinsuline. Dans les navettes pyruvate/malate et pyruvate/citrate, le NADPH est formé par MEc, alors que lâisocitrate déshydrogénase (IDHc) est responsable de la production du NADPH dans la navette pyruvate/isocitrate/α-cétoglutarate. Dans notre première étude, nous avions démontré lâimportance de lâexpression de ME pour la sécrétion adéquate dâinsuline en réponse au glucose. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avons testé lâimplication de IDHc dans les mécanismes de régulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline en réponse au glucose. La diminution de lâexpression de IDHc dans les INS 832/13 a stimulé la sécrétion dâinsuline en réponse au glucose par un mécanisme indépendant de la production de lâATP par le métabolisme oxydatif du glucose. Ce résultat a ensuite été confirmé dans les cellules dispersées des îlots pancréatiques de rat. Nous avons aussi observé dans notre modèle que lâincorporation du glucose en acides gras était augmentée, suggérant que la diminution de lâactivité de IDHc favorise la redirection du métabolisme de lâisocitrate à travers la navette pyruvate/citrate. Un mécanisme de compensation à travers la navette pyruvate/citrate pourrait ainsi expliquer la stimulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline observée en réponse à la diminution de lâexpression de IDHc. Les travaux effectués dans cette deuxième étude remettent en question lâimplication de lâactivité de IDHc, et de la navette pyruvate/isocitrate/α-cétoglutarate, dans la transduction des signaux métaboliques reliant le métabolisme du glucose à la sécrétion dâinsuline. La navette pyruvate/citrate est la seule des navettes du pyruvate à conduire à la production du malonyl-CoA dans le cytoplasme des cellules β. Le malonyl-CoA régule le métabolisme des acides gras en inhibant la carnitine palmitoyl transférase 1, lâenzyme limitante dans lâoxydation des acides gras. Ainsi, lâélévation des niveaux de malonyl-CoA en réponse au glucose entraîne une redirection du métabolisme des acides gras vers les processus dâestérification puis de lipolyse. Plus précisément, les acides gras sont métabolisés à travers le cycle des triglycérides/acides gras libres (qui combinent les voies métaboliques dâestérification et de lipolyse), afin de produire des molécules lipidiques signalétiques nécessaires à la modulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline. Des études effectuées précédemment dans notre laboratoire ont démontré que lâactivité lipolytique de HSL (de lâanglais hormone-sensitive lipase) était importante, mais non suffisante, pour la régulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline. Dans une étude complémentaire, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle dâune autre lipase, soit ATGL (de lâanglais adipose triglyceride lipase), dans la régulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline en réponse au glucose et aux acides gras. Nous avons démontré que ATGL est exprimé dans les cellules β pancréatiques et que son activité contribue significativement à la lipolyse. Une réduction de son expression dans les cellules INS 832/13 par RNA interférant ou son absence dans les îlots pancréatiques de souris déficientes en ATGL a conduit à une réduction de la sécrétion dâinsuline en réponse au glucose en présence ou en absence dâacides gras. Ces résultats appuient lâhypothèse que la lipolyse est une composante importante de la régulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline dans les cellules β pancréatiques. En conclusion, les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse suggèrent que la navette pyruvate/citrate est importante pour la régulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline en réponse au glucose. Ce mécanisme impliquerait la production du NADPH et du malonyl-CoA dans le cytoplasme en fonction du métabolisme du glucose. Cependant, nos travaux remettent en question lâimplication de la navette pyruvate/isocitrate/α-cétoglutarate dans la régulation de la sécrétion dâinsuline. Le rôle exact de IDHc dans ce processus demeure cependant à être déterminé. Finalement, nos travaux ont aussi démontré un rôle pour ATGL et la lipolyse dans les mécanismes de couplage métabolique régulant la sécrétion dâinsuline.


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Les cellules épithéliales des voies aériennes respiratoires sécrètent du Cl- via le canal CFTR. La fibrose kystique est une maladie génétique fatale causée par des mutations de ce canal. La mutation la plus fréquente en Amérique du Nord, âˆF508, met en péril la maturation de la protéine et affecte les mécanismes dâactivation du canal. Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs molécules ont été identifiées par criblage à haut débit qui peuvent rétablir lâactivation de protéines CFTR mutées. Ces molécules sont nommées potentiateurs. Les canaux K+ basolatéraux, dont KCa3.1, jouent un rôle bien documenté dans lâétablissement dâune force électromotrice favorable à la sécrétion de Cl- par CFTR dans les cellules épithéliales des voies aériennes respiratoires. Il a par exemple été démontré que lâapplication de 1-EBIO, un activateur de KCa3.1, sur des monocouches T84 résulte en une augmentation soutenue de la sécrétion de Cl- et que cette augmentation était réversible suite à lâapplication de CTX, un inhibiteur de KCa3.1(Devor et al., 1996). Dans le cadre dâune recherche de potentiateurs efficaces en conditions physiologiques et dans un contexte global de transport trans-cellulaire, il devient essentiel de considérer les effets des potentiateurs de CFTR sur KCa3.1. Une caractérisation électrophysiologique par la méthode du patch clamp et structurelle via lâutilisation de canaux modifiés par mutagenèse dirigée de différents potentiateurs de CFTR sur KCa3.1 fut donc entreprise afin de déterminer lâaction de ces molécules sur lâactivité de KCa3.1 et dâen établir les mécanismes. Nous présentons ici des résultats portant sur les effets sur KCa3.1 de quelques potentiateurs de CFTR possédant différentes structures. Un criblage des effets de ces molécules sur KCa3.1 a révélé que la genisteine, le SF-03, la curcumine et le VRT-532 ont des effets inhibiteurs sur KCa3.1. Nos résultats suggèrent que le SF-03 pourrait agir sur une protéine accessoire et avoir un effet indirect sur KCa3.1. La curcumine aurait aussi une action inhibitrice indirecte, probablement via la membrane cellulaire. Nos recherches sur les effets du VRT-532 ont montré que lâaccessibilité au site dâaction de cette v molécule est indépendante de lâétat dâouverture de KCa3.1. Lâabsence dâeffets inhibiteurs de VRT-532 sur le mutant constitutivement actif V282G indique que cette molécule pourrait agir via lâinteraction CaM-KCa3.1 et nécessiter la présence de Ca2+ pour agir. Par ailleurs, un autre potentiateur de CFTR, le CBIQ, a des effets potentiateurs sur KCa3.1. Nos résultats en canal unitaire indiquent quâil déstabilise un état fermé du canal. Nos travaux montrent aussi que CBIQ augmente la probabilité dâouverture de KCa3.1 en conditions sursaturantes de Ca2+, ainsi que son affinité apparente pour le Ca2+. Des expériences où CBIQ est appliqué en présence ou en absence de Ca2+ ont indiqué que lâaccessibilité à son site dâaction est indépendante de lâétat dâouverture de KCa3.1, mais que la présence de Ca2+ est nécessaire à son action. Ces résultats sont compatibles avec une action de CBIQ déstabilisant un état fermé du canal. Finalement, des expériences en Ba2+ nous ont permis dâinvestiguer la région du filtre de sélectivité de KCa3.1 lors de lâaction de CBIQ et nos résultats pointent vers une action de CBIQ dans cette région. Sur la base de nos résultats nous concluons que CBIQ, un potentiateur de CFTR, aurait un effet activateur sur KCa3.1 via la déstabilisation dâun état fermé du canal à travers une action sur sa â˜gateâ au niveau du filtre de sélectivité. De plus, les potentiateurs de CFTR ayant montré des effets inhibiteurs sur KCa3.1 pourraient agir via la membrane ou via une protéine accessoire du canal ou sur lâinteraction CaM-KCa3.1. Dans lâoptique de traitements potentiels de la fibrose kystique, nos résultats indiquent que le CBIQ pourrait être un potentiateur efficace pusiquâil est capable de trimuler à la fois KCa3.1 et CFTR. Par contre, dans les cas du VRT-532 et du SF-03, une inhibition de KCa3.1 pourraient en faire des potentiateurs moins efficaces.


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La Fibrose Kystique, causée par des mutations du canal CFTR, mène à la dysfonction du transport des fluides et des ions causant la déshydratation du liquide de surface des voies aériennes et ainsi une défaillance de la clairance mucocilliaire. Ce défaut entraine lâaccumulation et lâépaississement du mucus au niveau des bronches qui devient alors un environnement idéal pour le développement dâinfections chroniques et dâinflammation qui sont associées à la destruction progressive de lâépithélium chez les patients Fibrose Kystique. Même si leur rôle dans les processus lésionnels est très bien connu, lâimpact de médiateurs inflammatoires sur la capacité de réparation ne lâest cependant pas. Lâobjectif de ma maitrise était donc dâétudier la régulation des mécanismes de réparation de lâépithélium bronchique sain et Fibrose Kystique par le facteur de nécrose tumoral (TNF)-alpha, une cytokine pro-inflammatoire cruciale dans lâinitiation et la propagation de la réponse inflammatoire chez les patients FK. à lâaide dâun modèle de plaies mécaniques, nous avons montré que le TNF-alpha stimule la réparation de lâépithélium bronchique sain (NuLi-1) et Fibrose Kystique (CuFi-1). De façon surprenante, lâexposition chronique au TNF-alpha augmente cette stimulation tout comme le taux de migration cellulaire pendant la réparation. Cette augmentation de réparation semble être médiée par lâactivation de la métalloprotéinase MMP-9, la relâche dâEGF par les cellules épithéliales et ainsi lâactivation de la voie dâEGFR. De plus, lâactivation de la réparation par le TNF-alpha semble aussi impliquer lâactivation des canaux K+, dont nous avons démontré le rôle important dans la réparation. Contrairement à son effet sur la migration cellulaire et sur la réparation, le TNF-alpha diminue la prolifération cellulaire. En somme, en plus de son rôle dans les processus lésionnels, le TNF-alpha semble avoir un rôle complexe dans les processus de réparation puisquâil stimule la migration et ralentit la prolifération cellulaire.


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TREK-1 is a background K channel important in the regulation of neuronal excitability. Here, we demonstrate that recombinant human TREK-1 is activated by low concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NO), applied via their respective donor molecules. Related channels hTASK-1 and hTASK-3 were unaffected by CO. Effects of both CO and NO were prevented by preincubation of cells with the protein kinase G inhibitor, Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS. The effects of CO were independent of NO formation. At higher concentrations, both NO and CO were inhibitory. As both NO and CO are important neuronal gasotransmitters and TREK is crucial in regulating neuronal excitability, our results provide a novel means by which these gases may modulate neuronal activity.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection results in the activation of numerous stress responses including oxidative stress, with the potential to induce an apoptotic state. Previously we have shown that HCV attenuates the stress-induced, p38MAPK-mediated up-regulation of the K+ channel Kv2.1, to maintain the survival of infected cells in the face of cellular stress. We demonstrated that this effect was mediated by HCV non-structural 5A (NS5A) protein, which impaired p38MAPK activity through a polyproline motif dependent interaction, resulting in reduction of phosphorylation activation of Kv2.1. In this study, we investigated the host cell proteins targeted by NS5A in order to mediate Kv2.1 inhibition. We screened a phage-display library expressing the entire complement of human SH3 domains for novel NS5A-host cell interactions. This analysis identified mixed lineage kinase 3 (MLK3) as a putative NS5A interacting partner. MLK3 is a serine/threonine protein kinase that is a member of the MAPK kinase kinase (MAP3K) family and activates p38MAPK. An NS5A-MLK3 interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation and western blot analysis. We further demonstrate a novel role of MLK3 in the modulation of Kv2.1 activity, whereby MLK3 overexpression leads to the up-regulation of channel activity. Accordingly, coexpression of NS5A suppressed this stimulation. Additionally we demonstrate that overexpression of MLK3 induced apoptosis which was also counteracted by NS5A. We conclude that NS5A targets MLK3 with multiple downstream consequences for both apoptosis and K+ homeostasis.