978 resultados para SEGREGATION


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Saliency maps determine the likelihood that we focus on interesting areas of scenes or images. These maps can be built using several low-level image features, one of which having a particular relevance: colour. In this paper we present a new computational model, based only on colour features, which provides a sound basis for saliency maps for static images and video, plus region segregation and cues for local gist vision.


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Multi-scale representations of lines, edges and keypoints on the basis of simple, complex and end-stopped cells can be used for object categorisation and recognition (Rodrigues and du Buf, 2009 BioSystems 95 206-226). These representations are complemented by saliency maps of colour, texture, disparity and motion information, which also serve to model extremely fast gist vision in parallel with object segregation. We present a low-level geometry model based on a single type of self-adjusting grouping cell, with a circular array of dendrites connected to edge cells located at several angles.


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Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de doutor em Biologia pelo Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica. Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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A collaborative exercise was carried out by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) in order to evaluate the distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) heteroplasmy amongst the hairs of an individual who displays point heteroplasmy in blood and buccal cells. A second aim of the exercise was to study reproducibility of mtDNA sequencing of hairs between laboratories using differing chemistries, further to the first mtDNA reproducibility study carried out by the EDNAP group. Laboratories were asked to type 2 sections from each of 10 hairs, such that each hair was typed by at least two laboratories. Ten laboratories participated in the study, and a total of 55 hairs were typed. The results showed that the C/T point heteroplasmy observed in blood and buccal cells at position 16234 segregated differentially between hairs, such that some hairs showed only C, others only T and the remainder, C/T heteroplasmy at varying ratios. Additionally, differential segregation of heteroplasmic variants was confirmed in independent extracts at positions 16093 and the poly(C) tract at 302-309, whilst a complete A-G transition was confirmed at position 16129 in one hair. Heteroplasmy was observed at position 16195 on both strands of a single extract from one hair segment, but was not observed in the extracts from any other segment of the same hair. Similarly, heteroplasmy at position 16304 was observed on both strands of a single extract from one hair. Additional variants at positions 73, 249 and the HVII poly(C) region were reported by one laboratory; as these were not confirmed in independent extracts, the possibility of contamination cannot be excluded. Additionally, the electrophoresis and detection equipment used by this laboratory was different to those of the other laboratories, and the discrepancies at position 249 and the HVII poly(C) region appear to be due to reading errors that may be associated with this technology. The results, and their implications for forensic mtDNA typing, are discussed in the light of the biology of hair formation.


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Anlass der Untersuchung sind Verstärkungen von strukturwandel- und globalisierungsbedingten Wandlungen unter Schrumpfungs- und Stagnationsbedingungen. Denn Stagnations- und Schrumpfungstendenzen in einer Region sind selektiv, sie begünstigen über verschiedene Mechanismen Polarisierungen und Marginalisierungen: Die allgemeine Entspannung am Wohnungsmarkt hat erhöhte Mobilität und damit sozialräumliche Segregierungen und Polarisierungen der Wohnungsversorgung zur Folge. Leerstände und ausbleibende Investitionen begünstigen Polarisierungen von baulich-räumlichen Qualitäten. Diese beiden Entwicklungen überlagern sich im Stadtraum und verstärken sich gegenseitig. Dabei verbessert sich die Wohnungsversorgung in den benachteiligten Quartieren kaum, so die Ausgangshypothesen. Die Untersuchung fragt nach den Wirkungen des Nebeneinanders von Wachstums-, Stagnations- und Schrumpfungserscheinungen auf unterschiedlichen Maßstabsebenen, dem Zusammenspiel von sozialstrukturellen und qualitativen Veränderungen der baulich-räumlichen Gegebenheiten in den Quartieren sowie in innerstädtischer Differenzierung. Dabei interessieren besonders die Einflüsse eines regional entspannten Wohnungsmarktes und dessen Folgen für die Verwertungsstrategien im Wohnungsbestand auf Segregationsprozesse und die Wohnungsversorgung. Als Fallbeispiel der Untersuchung dient die Stadt Kassel. Der sozialräumliche Fokus liegt auf drei Typen benachteiligter Quartiere: Neben den in der aktuellen Diskussion zumeist betrachteten gründerzeitlichen Arbeiterquartieren und den Großsiedlungen der 1960/70er Jahre wurden auch die peripheren Geschosswohnungsbausiedlungen der 1950er/60er Jahre in die Untersuchung einbezogen, um den unterschiedlichen Rahmenbedingungen und Wirkungen in den Quartierstypen auf die Spur zu kommen und damit letztlich Grundlagen für stadtentwicklungspolitische Strategien zu erarbeiten. Die kleinräumigen Analysen von sozialräumlicher und baulich-räumlicher Struktur sowie zur Wohnungsversorgung deckten Parallelen und gegenläufige Entwicklungen zwischen den unterschiedlichen Quartierstypen auf; es ergaben sich verschiedene Anhaltspunkte zur Erhärtung der Ausgangsthesen. So wurde z.B. deutlich, dass sich unter den Marktbedingungen stagnierender Städte die Wohnflächenversorgung in den benachteiligten Quartieren kaum verbessert. Hierin zeigt sich ein entscheidender Unterschied zu stark schrumpfenden Städten, in denen sich die Versorgungslage (fast) durchgängig verbessert. Wohnungsmarktbarrieren wirken offensichtlich unter Stagnationsbedingungen für bestimmte Bevölkerungsgruppen weiter. Da sich ihre Wirkung aber für weitere Kreise der Bevölkerung abschwächt, verschärfen sich sozialräumliche Konzentrationen. Vor allem aber wurden Überlagerung und gegenseitige Verstärkung dieser sozialräumlichen mit baulich-räumlichen Polarisierungen deutlich, die vor allem aus stadträumlich konzentrierten Investitionen in den Gebäude- und Wohnungsbestand resultieren. Letztlich zeigt sich damit, dass regulierende Eingriffe nicht nur im Rahmen des Umbaus und der Erneuerung der Quartiere erforderlich sind, sondern insbesondere auch in den Wohnungsmarkt und dies auch bei entspannter regionaler Marktlage. Andernfalls ist weder eine angemessene Wohnungsversorgung aller Bevölkerungsgruppen noch der Zusammenhalt der Stadt(Gesellschaft) zu gewährleisten. Dabei ist die Stadtpolitik permanent mit der Gleichzeitigkeit von (wirtschaftlicher) Standortpolitik und sozialer Stadtentwicklung konfrontiert, die sie im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung gegeneinander und miteinander abwägen muss.


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In this paper, we consider the ATM networks in which the virtual path concept is implemented. The question of how to multiplex two or more diverse traffic classes while providing different quality of service requirements is a very complicated open problem. Two distinct options are available: integration and segregation. In an integration approach all the traffic from different connections are multiplexed onto one VP. This implies that the most restrictive QOS requirements must be applied to all services. Therefore, link utilization will be decreased because unnecessarily stringent QOS is provided to all connections. With the segregation approach the problem can be much simplified if different types of traffic are separated by assigning a VP with dedicated resources (buffers and links). Therefore, resources may not be efficiently utilized because no sharing of bandwidth can take place across the VP. The probability that the bandwidth required by the accepted connections exceeds the capacity of the link is evaluated with the probability of congestion (PC). Since the PC can be expressed as the CLP, we shall simply carry out bandwidth allocation using the PC. We first focus on the influence of some parameters (CLP, bit rate and burstiness) on the capacity required by a VP supporting a single traffic class using the new convolution approach. Numerical results are presented both to compare the required capacity and to observe which conditions under each approach are preferred


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This paper presents an approach to the relationship between land use planning and socioeconomic residential segregation, from the location of social housing in Medellin, Colombia, during the period 2006-2011. The first part introduces the land use regulations regarding the location of social housing, identifying ambiguities in the current spatial plan. Next, we present the intersection of  regulatory information and the location of the projects that were under construction during the  study period, highlighting the need to consider the location as an important characteristic of social housing and residential segregation as a phenomenon that must be recognized and worked on land  use planning in our cities.


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The genus Capsicum has 20-30 species, of which only a few are cultivated. Capsicum annuum L. is the best known Capsicum all around the world, while the other species are not common outside Latin America. Since it is the best known and commercially the most valuable species, many breeding programs have been conducted on C annuum L., especially on the non-pungent vegetable types. Breeding of other species has received less attention. Therefore, this work was conducted on two species other than C. annuum that are rarely studied-C. baccatum and C. cardenasii. Other results concern linkage groups and association of the marker genes or linkage groups with the chromosomes involved in an interchange. Linkage was detected for two pairs of genes only; these were between Got-1 and Idh-1, and between Pgi-2 and Est-5. No gene was found to show a statistically significant association with chromosomes with interchanged segments.


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Acrylamide is a neurotoxin and possible carcinogen, and concern has been voiced over human exposure to acrylamide in cooked foods. Processed potato products such as crisps and French fries are often cited as being particularly high in acrylamide. In this manuscript a sub-set of clonal progeny from a specific tetraploid potato breeding population has been assessed for acrylamide forming potential in stored tubers processed into crisps. The clone with the lowest acrylamide content in crisps had both low reducing sugars and asparagine contents. Our data show that, in the segregating breeding population used, both asparagine and reducing sugars levels needed to be taken into account to explain most of the variation in acrylamide and that selection for low levels of both metabolites should be targeted for crop improvement.


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The self-consistent field theory (SCFT) introduced by Helfand for diblock copolymer melts is expected to converge to the strong-segregation theory (SST) of Semenov in the asymptotic limit, $\chi N \rightarrow \infty$. However, past extrapolations of the lamellar/cylinder and cylinder/sphere phase boundaries, within the standard unit-cell approximation, have cast some doubts on whether or not this is actually true. Here we push the comparison further by extending the SCFT calculations to $\chi N = 512,000$, by accounting for exclusion zones in the coronae of the cylindrical and spherical unit cells, and by examining finite-segregation corrections to SST. In doing so, we provide the first compelling evidence that SCFT does indeed reduce to SST.


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Using a combination of density functional theory calculations and statistical mechanics, we show that a wide range of intermediate compositions of ceria – zirconia solid solutions are thermodynamically metastable with respect to phase separation into Ce-rich and Zr-rich oxides. We estimate that the maximum equilibrium concentration of Zr in CeO2 at 1373 K is ~2%, and therefore equilibrated samples with higher Zr content are expected to exhibit heterogeneity at the atomic scale. We also demonstrate that in the vicinity of the (111) surface, cation redistribution at high temperatures will occur with significant Ce enrichment of the surface, which we attribute to the more covalent character of Zr-O bonds compared to Ce-O bonds. Although the kinetic barriers for cation diffusion normally prevent the decomposition/segregation of ceria-zirconia solid solutions in typical catalytic applications, the separation behaviour described here can be expected to occur in modern three-way catalytic converters, where very high temperatures are reached.


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This article reviews the shortcomings of the current UK planning system to address urban inequalities and segregation of impoverished communities.