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Transient expression in nonsteroidogenic mammalian cells of the rat wild type I and type II 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5-Δ4-isomerase (3β- HSD) cDNAs shows that the encoded proteins, in addition to being able to catalyze the oxidation and isomerization of Δ5-3β-hydroxysteroid precursors into the corresponding Δ4-3-ketosteroids, interconvert 5α- dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol (3β-diol). When homogenate from cells transfected with a plasmid vector containing type I 3β-HSD is incubated in the presence of DHT using NAD+ as cofactor, a somewhat unexpected metabolite is formed, namely 5α-androstanedione (A- dione), thus indicating an intrinsic androgenic 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD) activity of this 3β-HSD isoform. Although the relative Vmax of 17β-HSD activity is 14.9-fold lower than that of 3β-HSD activity, the Km value for the 17β-HSD activity of type I 3β-HSD is 7.97 μM, a value which is in the same range as the conversion of DHT into 3β- diol which shows a Km value of 4.02 μM. Interestingly, this 17β-HSD activity is highly predominant in unbroken cells in culture, thus supporting the physiological relevance of this 'secondary' activity. Such 17β-HSD activity is inhibited by the classical substrates of 3β-HSD, namely pregnenolone (PREG), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), Δ5-androstene-3β,17β- diol (Δ5-diol), 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol (3β-diol) and DHT, with IC50 values of 2.7, 1.0, 3.2, 6.2, and 6.3 μM, respectively. Although dual enzymatic activities have been previously reported for purified preparations of other steroidogenic enzymes, the present data demonstrate the multifunctional enzymatic activities associated with a recombinant oxidoreductase enzyme. In addition to its well known 3β-HSD activity, this enzyme possesses the ability to catalyze DHT into A-dione thus potentially controlling the level of the active androgen DHT in classical steroidogenic as well as peripheral intracrine tissues.


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The aim of the current study was to evaluate the impact of chitosan derivatives, namely N-octyl-chitosan and N-octyl-O-sulfate chitosan, incorporated in calcium phosphate implants to the release profiles of model drugs. The rate and extent of calcein (on M.W. 650 Da) ED, and FITC-dextran (M.W. 40 kDa) on in vitro release were monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy. Results show that calcein release is affected by the type of chitosan derivative used. A higher percentage of model drug was released when the hydrophilic polymer N-octyl-sulfated chitosan was present in the tablets compared with the tablets containing the hydrophobic polymer N-octyl-chitosan. The release profiles of calcein or FD from tablets containing N-octyl-O-sulfate revealed a complete release for FD after 120 h compared with calcein where 20% of the drug was released over the same time period. These results suggest that the difference in the release profiles observed from the implants is dependent on the molecular weight of the model drugs. These data indicate the potential of chitosan derivatives in controlling the release profile of active compounds from calcium phosphate implants. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A modified experimental procedure for the synthesis of MESG (2-amino-6-mercapto-7-methylpurine ribonucleoside) 1 has been successfully performed and its full characterization is presented. High resolution ESI(+)-MSMS indicates both the nucleoside bond cleavage as the main fragmentation in the gas phase and a possible SN1 mechanism. Ab initio transition state calculations based on the blue print transition state support this mechanistic rationale and discard an alternative SN2 mechanism. Assays using purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) enzyme (human and M. tuberculosis sources) indicate its efficiency in the phosphorolysis of MESG and allow the quantitative determination of inorganic phosphate in real time assay.


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The water desorption behaviour of three different zinc oxide dental cements (two polycarboxylates, one phosphate) has been studied in detail. Disc-shaped specimens of each material were prepared and allowed to lose water by being subjected to a low humidity desiccating atmosphere over concentrated sulfuric acid. In all three cements, water loss was found to follow Fick's second law for at least 6 h (until M(t)/M(infinity) values were around 0.5), with diffusion coefficients ranging from 6.03 x 10(-8 )cm(2 )s(-1) (for the zinc phosphate) to 2.056 x 10(-7 )cm(2 )s(-1) (for one of the zinc polycarboxylates, Poly F Plus). Equilibration times for desorption were of the order of 8 weeks, and equilibrium water losses ranged from 7.1% for zinc phosphate to 16.9% and 17.4% for the two zinc polycarboxylates.


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Continuous autoanalytical recordings of the axial distributions of dissolved nitrate, silicate and phosphate in the influent freshwater and saline waters of the Tamar Estuary, south-west England have been obtained. Short-term variability in the distributions was assessed by repetitive profiling at approximately 3-h intervals on a single day and seasonal comparisons were obtained from ten surveys carried out between June 1977 and August 1978. Whereas nitrate is always essentially conserved throughout the upper estuary, the silicate- and phosphate-salinity relationships consistently indicate a non-biological removal of these nutrients within the low (0–10%) salinity range. Attempts to quantify precisely the degree of removal and to correlate this with changes in environmental properties (pH, turbidity, chlorophyll fluorescence, salinity, freshwater composition) were mainly inconclusive due to short-term fluctuations in the riverine concentrations of silicate and phosphate advected into the reactive region and to the rapid changes in turbidity brought about by tidally-induced resuspension and deposition of bottom sediment.


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To investigate the possible biotechnological application of the phenomenon of low pH-inducible phosphate uptake and polyphosphate accumulation, previously reported using pure microbial cultures and under laboratory conditions, a 2000 L activated sludge pilot plant was constructed at a municipal sewage treatment works. When operated as a single-stage reactor this removed more than 60% of influent phosphate from primary settled sewage at a pH of 6.0, as opposed to approximately 30% at the typical operational pH for the works of 7.0-7.3-yet without any deleterious effect on other treatment parameters. At these pH values the phosphorus content of the sludge was, respectively, 4.2% and 2.0%. At pH 6.0 some 33.9% of sludge microbial cells were observed to contain polyphosphate inclusions; the corresponding value at pH 7.0 was 18.7%. Such a process may serve as a prototype for the development of alternative biological and chemical options for phosphate removal from wastewaters.


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BACKGROUND.: High serum phosphate has been identified as an important contributor to the vascular calcification seen in patients with chronic kidney disease (Block et al., Am J Kidney Dis 1998; 31: 607). In patients on hemodialysis, elevated serum phosphate levels are an independent predictor of mortality (Block et al., Am J Kidney Dis 1998; 31: 607; Block, Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 2001; 10: 741). The aim of this study was to investigate whether an elevated serum phosphate level was an independent predictor of mortality in patients with a renal transplant.
METHODS.: Three hundred seventy-nine asymptomatic renal transplant recipients were recruited between June 2000 and December 2002. Serum phosphate was measured at baseline and prospective follow-up data were collected at a median of 2441 days after enrolment.
RESULTS.: Serum phosphate was significantly higher in those renal transplant recipients who died at follow-up when compared with those who were still alive at follow-up (P<0.001). In Kaplan-Meier analysis, serum phosphate concentration was a significant predictor of mortality (P=0.0001). In multivariate Cox regression analysis, serum phosphate concentration remained a statistically significant predictor of all-cause mortality after adjustment for traditional cardiovascular risk factors, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and high sensitivity C reactive protein (P=0.036) and after adjustment for renal graft failure (P=0.001).
CONCLUSIONS.: The results of this prospective study are the first to show that a higher serum phosphate is a predictor of mortality in patients with a renal transplant and suggest that serum phosphate provides additional, independent, prognostic information to that provided by traditional risk factors in the risk assessment of patients with a renal transplant.


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Dithymidine-3'-S-phosphorothioate (d(TspT)) has been prepared from a 5'-O-monomethoxytritylthymidine-3'-S- phosphorothioamidite (7) by activation with 5-(p- nitrophenyl)tetrazole in the presence of 3'-O- acetylthymidine. The resulting dinucleoside phosphorothioite is readily oxidised to the corresponding 3'-S-phosphorothioate using either tetrabutylammonium (TBA) perlodate or TBA oxone and has been deprotected under standard conditions to yield d(TspT). This dithymidine phosphate analogue is comparatively resistant to hydrolysis by nuclease P1, but the P-S bond is readily cleaved by aqueous solutions of either iodine or silver nitrate. Dithymidine-3'-S-phosphorodithioate (d[Tsp(s)T] was prepared in an analogous fashion using sulphur to oxidise the intermediate dinucleoside phosphoro thiolte. Absolute stereochemistry has been assigned to the diastereoisomers of d by comparing their physical and chemical properties to those of the dinucleoside phosphorothioates.


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2'-Beta-D-arabinouridine (AraU), the uridine analogue of the anticancer agent AraC, was synthesized and evaluated for antiviral activity and cytotoxicity. In addition, a series of AraU monophosphate prodrugs in the form of triester phosphoramidates (ProTides) were also synthesized and tested against a range of viruses, leukaemia and solid tumour cell lines. Unfortunately, neither the parent compound (AraU) nor any of its ProTides showed antiviral activity, nor potent inhibitory activity against any of the cancer cell lines. Therefore, the metabolism of AraU phosphoramidates to release AraU monophosphate was investigated. The results showed carboxypeptidase Y, hog liver esterase and crude CEM tumor cell extracts to hydrolyse the ester motif of phosphoramidates with subsequent loss of the aryl group, while molecular modelling studies suggested that the AraU l-alanine aminoacyl phosphate derivative might not be a good substrate for the phosphoramidase enzyme Hint-1. These findings are in agreement with the observed disappearance of intact prodrug and concomitant appearance of the corresponding phosphoramidate intermediate derivative in CEM cell extracts without measurable formation of araU monophosphate. These findings may explain the poor antiviral/cytostatic potential of the prodrugs.


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WecA is an integral membrane protein that initiates the biosynthesis of enterobacterial common antigen and O-antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by catalyzing the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)-1-phosphate onto undecaprenyl phosphate (Und-P) to form Und-P-P-GlcNAc. WecA belongs to a large family of eukaryotic and prokaryotic prenyl sugar transferases. Conserved aspartic acids in putative cytoplasmic loops 2 (Asp90 and Asp91) and 3 (Asp156 and Asp159) were targeted for replacement mutagenesis with either glutamic acid or asparagine. We examined the ability of each mutant protein to complement O-antigen LPS synthesis in a wecA-deficient strain and also determined the steady-state kinetic parameters of the mutant proteins in an in vitro transfer assay. Apparent K(m) and V(max) values for UDP-GlcNAc, Mg(2+), and Mn(2+) suggest that Asp156 is required for catalysis, while Asp91 appears to interact preferentially with Mg(2+), possibly playing a role in orienting the substrates. Topological analysis using the substituted cysteine accessibility method demonstrated the cytosolic location of Asp90, Asp91, and Asp156 and provided a more refined overall topological map of WecA. Also, we show that cells expressing a WecA derivative C terminally fused with the green fluorescent protein exhibited a punctate distribution of fluorescence on the bacterial surface, suggesting that WecA localizes to discrete regions in the bacterial plasma membrane.


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The mechanisms of arsenic (As) hyperaccumulation in Pteris vittata, the first identified As hyperaccumulator, are unknown. We investigated the interactions of arsenate and phosphate on the uptake and distribution of As and phosphorus (P), and As speciation in P. vittata. In an 18-d hydroponic experiment with varying concentrations of arsenate and phosphate, P. vittata accumulated As in the fronds up to 27,000 mg As kg(-1) dry weight, and the frond As to root As concentration ratio varied between 1.3 and 6.7. Increasing phosphate supply decreased As uptake markedly, with the effect being greater on root As concentration than on shoot As concentration. Increasing arsenate supply decreased the P concentration in the roots, but not in the fronds. Presence of phosphate in the uptake solution decreased arsenate influx markedly, whereas P starvation for 8 d increased the maximum net influx by 2.5-fold. The rate of arsenite uptake was 10% of that for arsenate in the absence of phosphate. Neither P starvation nor the presence of phosphate affected arsenite uptake. Within 8 h, 50% to 78% of the As taken up was distributed to the fronds, with a higher translocation efficiency for arsenite than for arsenate. In fronds, 49% to 94% of the As was extracted with a phosphate buffer (pH 5.6). Speciation analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy showed that >85% of the extracted As was in the form of arsenite, and the remaining mostly as arsenate. We conclude that arsenate is taken up by P. vittata via the phosphate transporters, reduced to arsenite, and sequestered in the fronds primarily as As(III).


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Type I galactosemia is a genetic disorder that is caused by the impairment of galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GALT; EC Although a large number of mutations have been detected through genetic screening of the human GALT (hGALT) locus, for many it is not known how they cause their effects. The majority of these mutations are missense, with predicted substitutions scattered throughout the enzyme structure and thus causing impairment by other means rather than direct alterations to the active site. To clarify the fundamental, molecular basis of hGALT impairment we studied five disease-associated variants p.D28Y, p.L74P, p.F171S, p.F194L and p.R333G using both a yeast model and purified, recombinant proteins. In a yeast expression system there was a correlation between lysate activity and the ability to rescue growth in the presence of galactose, except for p.R333G. Kinetic analysis of the purified proteins quantified each variant's level of enzymatic impairment and demonstrated that this was largely due to altered substrate binding. Increased surface hydrophobicity, altered thermal stability and changes in proteolytic sensitivity were also detected. Our results demonstrate that hGALT requires a level of flexibility to function optimally and that altered folding is the underlying reason of impairment in all the variants tested here. This indicates that misfolding is a common, molecular basis of hGALT deficiency and suggests the potential of pharmacological chaperones and proteostasis regulators as novel therapeutic approaches for type I galactosemia.


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An environment friendly arsenic removal technique from contaminated soil with high iron content has been studied. A natural surfactant extracted from soapnut fruit, phosphate solution and their mixture was used separately as extractants. The mixture was most effective in desorbing arsenic, attaining above 70 % efficiency in the pH range of 4–5. Desorption kinetics followed Elovich model. Micellar solubilization by soapnut and arsenic exchange mechanism by phosphate are the probable mechanisms behind arsenic desorption. Sequential extraction reveals that the mixed soapnut–phosphate system is effective in desorbing arsenic associated with amphoteric–Fe-oxide forms. No chemical change to the wash solutions was observed by Fourier transform-infrared spectra. Soil:solution ratio, surfactant and phosphate concentrations were found to affect the arsenic desorption process. Addition of phosphate boosted the performance of soapnut solution considerably. Response surface methodology approach predicted up to 80 % desorption of arsenic from soil when treated with a mixture of ≈1.5 % soapnut, ≈100 mM phosphate at a soil:solution ratio of 1:30.


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The broad aim of this work was to investigate and optimise the properties of calcium phosphate bone cements (CPCs) for use in vertebroplasty to achieve effective primary fixation of spinal fractures. The incorporation of collagen, both bovine and from a marine sponge (Chondrosia reniformis), into a CPC was investigated. The biological properties of the CPC and collagen-CPC composites were assessed in vitro through the use of human bone marrow stromal cells. Cytotoxicity, proliferation and osteoblastic differentiation were evaluated using lactate dehydrogenase, PicoGreen and alkaline phosphatase activity assays respectively. The addition of both types of collagen resulted in an increase in cytotoxicity, albeit not to a clinically relevant level. Cellular proliferation after 1, 7 and 14 days was unchanged. The osteogenic potential of the CPC was reduced through the addition of bovine collagen but remained unchanged in the case of the marine collagen. These findings, coupled with previous work showing that incorporation of marine collagen in this way can improve the physical properties of CPCs, suggest that such a composite may offer an alternative to CPCs in applications where low setting times and higher mechanical stability are important.


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Objectives: To quantify variability in hand proportioning of zinc phosphate cement among a cohort of dental undergraduates and to determine the effect of any such variability on the diametral tensile strength (DTS) of the set cement. The null hypothesis was that such variability has no effect on DTS. 
Methods: Thirty-four operators dispensed a zinc phosphate cement [Fleck's® Cement] according to the manufacturers' instructions. The mass of powder and liquid dispensed was recorded. Cylindrical specimens (n = 2 x 34) of dimensions 6mm x 3mm were prepared using a stainless steel split mould. The maximum mass of powder and the minimum volume of liquid were used as one extreme ratio and the minimum mass of powder and the maximum volume of liquid used on the other extreme. The manufacturers' recommended ratio was also tested (n=34).The samples were left to set for one hour before being transferred into distilled water for 48 hours. Compression across a diameter was carried out using a universal testing machine, H10KS [Tinius Olsen], at a constant crosshead speed of 0.75 ±0.25 mm/min. Statistical analyses (α = 0.05) were by Student's t-test for the powder/liquid ratio and one-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD for for pair-wise comparisons of mean DTS. Tests were carried out for normality and constant variability. 
Results: The mean (range) amount of powder dispensed was 0.863g (0.531-1.216)g. The mean (range) amount of liquid dispensed was 0.341ml (0.265-0.394)ml. The manufacturer's recommended amounts were 0.8g of powder and 0.3ml of liquid. The mean powder/liquid ratio was not significantly different from the manufacturer's recommended value (p=0.64). Mean (SD) DTS were (MPa) max: 7.19(1.50), min: 2.65(1.01), manufacturer: 6.01(1.30). All pair-wise comparisons were significantly different (p<0.001). 
Conclusions: Variability exists in the hand proportioning powder and liquid components of zinc phosphate cement. This variability can affect the DTS of zinc phosphate cement.