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Cyt b-559是光系统II反应中心的成分之一,它由亚基和亚基组成的。在Cyt b-559中,血红素辅基与两个亚基中的组氨酸连接成有功能的蛋白,并维持PSII的功能稳定性。前人曾将与血红素相连的His突变,导致Cyt b-559功能和PSII稳定性的丧失。基于此研究,本文采用定点突变技术,将亚基中与His23位置最近的上游氨基酸Arg18分别用Gly和Glu取代,下游氨基酸Ser24用Phe取代,获得了衣藻Cyt b-559的突变体。对突变体的分析,有以下新结果:突变体都能进行光合自养,但无论在异养培养基上还是自养培养基上,和对照相比,其生长速度非常缓慢; PSII的活性分析,表明PSII的放氧活性为野生衣藻细胞的50%~80%, Fv/Fm 的荧光参数为40%~70%;对突变体进行强光(1000μE•m-2•s-1)照射,10min后,其放氧活性都降低为0,而野生型衣藻还保持35%的活性;提取类囊体膜蛋白,进行SDS-PAGE电泳和Western-blotting分析,显示突变体的膜蛋白与对照无显著差异。这些结果说明对围绕血红素环境的固有氨基酸的改变,虽然并没有明显影响类囊体膜蛋白的表达和组成,但是却影响了衣藻细胞的生长和PSII的活性,增加了衣藻细胞对强光的敏感性,降低了衣藻细胞自身的光保护能力。这说明靠近血红素配位环境的氨基酸Arg和Ser,尤其是Arg,对Cyt b-559的功能维持不可缺少,对于维持PSII的活性也很重要。


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CP43和CP47是PSII中位于类囊体膜上的两种内周天线色素蛋白复合体,它们都是由六个跨膜的α-螺旋和五个膜外环组成。CP43和CP47的主要功能是把光系统II(PSII)外周天线色素蛋白复合体(LHCII)吸收的能量传给反应中心(RC),从而引起光化学反应。因此,研究CP43和CP47的结构与功能对于揭示植物光合作用高效吸能、传能的分子机理具有重要意义。由于CP43和CP47的分离纯化比较困难,所以相对于其它的光合膜蛋白来说,人们对CP43和CP47的研究比较少。在本文中,我们在分离、纯化CP43和CP47的基础上,采用多种光谱学和波谱学技术对CP43和CP47在GuHCl和高温作用下的变性过程及其结构与功能的变化规律进行了比较深入的研究,获得了如下结果: 1. CP43和CP47膜外区的结构特点及盐酸胍(GuHCl)引起的变性研究 我们用荧光光谱、园二色(CD)光谱研究了GuHCl引起CP43和CP47的变性过程及其膜外区的结构特点。研究发现:CP43和CP47的膜外区具有一定的有序结构,而不是一种没有规则的伸展状态;和CP43相比,CP47的三级结构及Chl a的微环境对GuHCl更敏感。在GuHCl作用下,从β-Car到Chl a的能量传递变化和三级结构的变化密切相关,而与二级结构变化的相关性则较小;和大多数水溶性蛋白不一样,CP43和CP47对GuHCl变性有一定的抵抗力,而且其变性过程不表现为二态过程,这些都是膜蛋白的特点。 2 CP43和CP47中与芳香族氨基酸有关的能量传递研究 我们用吸收光谱、荧光光谱并参照PSII的3.5 Å的晶体结构分析结果研究了CP43和CP47中与芳香族氨基酸有关的能量传递。发现:和水溶性蛋白不一样,CP43和CP47中的酪氨酸(Tyrs)并不能有效的把其能量传给色氨酸(Trps);CP43和CP47中的芳香族氨基酸能通过Föster机制和Dexter机制把其能量传给Chl a,并且CP47中的传递效率要大于CP43;在CP47中Föster机制是芳香族氨基酸和Chl a之间能量传递的主要方式,而在CP43中Dexter机制则是主要方式。这些结果也暗示了,太阳光中的紫外辐射对植物来说除了其伤害作用以外也有一定的益处。 3 GuHCl诱导CP43和CP47变性的太赫兹(THz)光谱研究 THz时域光谱技术(THz-TDS)是研究分子构型状态的一个新工具。近年来,已被应用于物理或化学分子的研究中。我们首次把这个技术应用到光合膜蛋白CP43和CP47的GuHCl变性研究上。研究发现,在小于1.5 THz时,THz吸收光谱强度随着频率的增加而增加可以看作是蛋白质变性的标志。在GuHCl作用下频域光谱中出现的1.8 THz峰应来源于Chl a和GuHCl之间的相互作用。实验结果表明,THz光谱是区分蛋白分子的不同构型状态以及监测蛋白变性过程的有力工具。 4 CP43热变性的傅立叶变换红外光谱和THz光谱研究 我们用傅立叶变换红外光谱技术(FT-IR)、SDS聚丙稀凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)和THz光谱技术对CP43的热变性过程进行了研究。结果表明,在高温处理下,CP43的二级结构发生了变化,且其跃变点发生在59℃。随着温度的逐渐升高,CP43先发生凝集,接着又发生降解;CP43的低频振动模随着温度的升高和分子量的减小也发生变化。我们还证实THz光谱技术在监测膜蛋白的热变性时既有它的优越性,也存在一些不足之处。这些结果为THz-TDS技术在生物样品上的应用提供了基本的资料,并完善了相关的理论。


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光系统I(photosystem I,PSI)是光合膜上参与光合作用原初反应过程的主要膜蛋白超分子复合体之一。高等植物的PSI是由核心复合体(14个亚基)和捕光色素蛋白复合体I(light-harvesting complex I, LHCI,含4个Lhca蛋白)组成的超分子复合体,它的主要功能是调节光诱导的从囊腔侧的质体兰素(plastocyanin,PC)向基质侧的铁氧还蛋白(ferredoxin,Fd)的电子传递。研究PSI的结构与功能对于揭示植物光合作用高效吸能、传能的分子机理具有重要意义。在本文中,我们首先建立了分离制备PSI及其亚组分的方法(Qin et al., 2007),并在此基础上对PSI在强光破坏的过程中结构与功能的变化进行了比较深入的研究。本论文的主要研究结果如下: 1.快速、高效分离纯化PSI及其亚组分方法的建立。 国际上传统的PSI分离方法(Bassi and Simpson, 1987; Croce et al., 1998; Påsllon et al.1995; Schmid et al. 2002),耗时长较长(分离PSI颗粒一般需要多于20h的蔗糖超速离心过程,而分离PSI的亚组分则需要25-60h的蔗糖超速离心过程)、得率较低,这不便于PSI方面的研究,为此我们首先改进了传统的分离纯化方法。新方法以高等植物菠菜叶片作为原材料,使用Triton X-100作为增溶剂,通过差速离心技术获得的粗制品,然后使用十二烷基麦芽糖苷(n-Dodecyl β-D-maltoside, DDM)增溶PSI粗制品,之后采用100,000×g,垂直转头(Beckman VTi 50)0.1-1 mol/L蔗糖梯度离心3h获得纯度较高的PSI颗粒。然后使用DDM和3-(N, N-Dimethylpalmitylammonio) propanesulfonate (zw 3-16)两种增溶剂处理PSI,后经100,000×g,垂直转头(Beckman VTi 50)蔗糖梯度离心4h获得纯度较高的PSI core、LHCI-680、LHCI-730复合体。采用吸收光谱、荧光光谱技术研究了各样品的基本光谱学特性,采用HPLC分析了各样品的色素组成,结果显示平均每个Lhca蛋白结合1.5-1.6黄体素,1.0紫黄质, 0.8-1.1 β-胡萝卜素,该方法制备的LHCI比传统方法制备的LHCI减少了类胡萝卜素的丢失。这一工作为以后结构与功能的研究工作奠定了良好的基础。 2.PSI复合体及其亚组分的特性研究。 PSI颗粒具有一定的适应环境酸碱变化的能力,在我们的试验条件下PSI颗粒在pH 5-10相对稳定。PSI、LHCI很难通过加入Mg2+、Ca2+、Na+阳离子聚集沉淀。经绿胶鉴定我们制备的LHCI-680、LHCI-730是二聚体形式;而把PSI绿胶后再进行第二向十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)电泳,结果发现在稍强烈的绿胶增溶条件下,LHCI-730是以二聚体的形式存在,但是LHCI-680却是以单体的形式出现。这说明LHCI形成的二聚体,尤其是LHCI-680,较容易受到增溶处理而分离成单体形式,解释了以生化分离手段得到的LHCI-680的聚集形式是单体还是二聚体这个目前国际上还有有争议的问题。 3.PSI、LHCI光破坏的基本特点。 采用白光(2500 μmol•m-2•s-1)照射PSI颗粒,通过SDS-PAGE及室温吸收光谱检测光照过程中PSI复合体的变化,结果表明:去氧处理能够大大延缓PSI的光破坏,而PSI脱辅基蛋白不会发生光破坏,这说明PSI发生的光破坏可能与Chl与O2的相互作用有关。采用白光(1000 μmol•m-2•s-1、300 μmol•m-2•s-1)处理LHCI-680、LHCI-730,发现LHCI-680被破坏的速度明显快于LHCI-730被破坏的速度,这是首次在体外分离的水平上揭示了不同LHCI光破坏方面的差异。LHCI-680与LHCI-730在光破坏方面的差异可能与两种天线蛋白结合的类胡萝卜素的种类和数量不同有关,还可能与二者结合的长波长Chl的情况有关,但是具体的原因还有待于进一步的研究。 4.结合不同的捕光色素蛋白复合体(light-harvesting complex,LHC)对PSI光破坏的影响。 为了研究结合不同的捕光天线对PSI光破坏的影响,我们制备了PSI-LHCII、PSI、PSI core三种复合体。使用白光(2500 μmol•m-2•s-1)照射这三种复合体,并通过测定各复合体在光破坏过程中蛋白亚基、吸收光谱、PSI活性及P700含量的变化,对比三者光破坏的速度,结果发现PSI-LHCII在这三种复合体中光破坏速度最快,而PSI和PSI core两种复合体光破坏速度基本一致。我们推测在光照过程中部分光系统II捕光Chl a/b蛋白复合体II(light-harvesting complex II,LHCII)能够向PSI core传递能量,另外PSI-LHCII绿胶分析的结果表明发生了LHCII三聚体向单体的转变,这种强光下发生的LHCII聚合形式的转化可能是高光强下调节光能捕获的一种机制,由于植物体内具有较完整的保护系统,体内PSI-LHCII的光破坏可能与体外情况不同;另外LHCI与PSI core的解离可能发生在强光照射的早期,具有保护PSI core减少光破坏的积极作用。该部分的研究首次观察了结合不同的捕光天线对PSI光破坏的影响。


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Attempts have been made to characterize and purify immunoglobulins from the serum of Clarias gariepinus, which has been immunized with bovine serum albumen. Initially, the proteins in the serum were chromatographed successively by affinity chromatography column. The affinity-purified fraction was concentrated and checked in SDS-PAGE, two bands of heavy chain and two bands of light chain were observed. Since teleost immunoglobulins have been shown to belong to a single class, the extra bands in light and heavy chains in the present study might be the breakdown of immunoglobulin or some unpurified contaminants. The affinity-purified fraction was also subjected to gel filtration chromatography column.


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A specific blood coagulation factor X activator was purified from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah by gel filtration and two steps of FPLC Mono-Q column ion-exchange chromatography. It showed a single protein band both in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and alkaline polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The mol. wt was estimated to be 62,000 in non-reducing conditions and 64,500 in reducing conditions by SDS-PAGE. The isoelectric point was found to be pH 5.6. The enzyme had weak amidolytic activities toward CBS 65-25, but it showed no activities on S-2266, S-2302, thrombin substrate S-2238, plasmin substrate S-2251 or factor Xa substrate S-2222. It had no arginine esterase activity toward substrate benzoylarginine ethylester (BAEE). The enzyme activated factor X in vitro and the effect was absolutely Ca2+ dependent, with a Hill coefficient of 6.83. It could not activate prothrombin nor had any effect on fibrinogen and thus appeared to act specifically on factor X. The procoagulant activity of the enzyme was almost completely inhibited by serine protease inhibitors like PMSF, TPCK and soybean trypsin inhibitor; partially inhibited by L-cysteine. Metal chelator EDTA did not inhibit its procoagulant activity. These results suggest that the factor X activator from O. hannah venom is a serine protease.


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Rong Gao, Yun Zhang, Qing-Xiong Meng, Wen-Hui Lee, Dong-Sheng Li, Yu-liang Xiong and Wan-Yu Wang. Characterization of three fibrinogenolytic enzymes from Chinese green tree viper (Trimeresurus stejneger ) venom. Toxicon 36, 457-467, 1998.-From the venom of Chinese green tree viper (Trimeresurus stejnegeri), three distinct fibrinogenolytic enzymes: stejnefibrase-l, stejnefibrase-2 and stejnefibrase-3, were purified by gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography and reverse-phase high-performance chromatograghy (HPLC). SDS-PAGE analysis of those three enzymes showed that they consisted of a single polypeptide chain with mel. wt of -50 000, 31 000 and 32 000, respectively. Like TSV-PA (a specific plasminogen activator) and stejnobin (a fibrinogen-clotting enzyme) purified from the same venom, stejnfibrase-1, -2 and -3 were able to hydrolyze several chromogenic substrate. On the other hand, different from TSV-PA. and stejnobin, stejnefibrase-l, -2 and -3 did not activate plasminogen and did not possess fibrinogen-clotting activity. The three purified enzymes directly degraded fibrinogen to small fragments and rendered it unclottable by thrombin. Stejnefibrase-2 degraded preferentially BE-chain while stejnefibrase-l and -3 cleaved concomitantly Ax and B beta-chains of fibrinogen. None of these proteases degraded the gamma-chain of fibrinogen. When correlated with the loss of clottability of fibrinogen, the most active enzyme was stejnefibrase-l. The activities of the three enzymes were inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and p-nitrophenyl-p-guanidinobenzoate (NPGB), indicating that like TSV-PA and stejnobin, they are venom serine proteases. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel protein, named BAS-AH, was purified and characterized from the skin of the toad Bufo andrewsi. BAS-AH is a single chain protein and the apparent molecular weight is about 63 kDa as judged by SDS-PAGE. BAS-AH was determined to bind heme (0.89 mol heme/mol protein) as determined by pyridine haemochrome analysis. Fifty percentage cytotoxic concentration (CC50) of BAS-AH on C8166 cells was 9.5 mu M. However, at concentrations that showed little effect oil cell viability, BAS-AH displayed dose dependent inhibition oil HIV-1 infection and replication. The antiviral selectivity indexes corresponding to the measurements of syncytium formation and HIV-1 p24 (CC50/EC50) were 14.4 and 11.4, respectively, corresponding to the . BAS-AH also showed an inhibitory effect on the activity of recombinant HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (IC50 = 1.32 mu M). The N-terminal sequence of BAS-AH was determined to be NAKXKADVIGKISILLGQDNLSNIVAM, which exhibited little identity with other known anti-HIV-1 proteins. BAS-AH is devoid of antibacterial, protcolytic, trypsin inhibitory activity, (L)-amino acid oxidase activity and catalase activity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Amphibian skin secretions contain many bioactive compounds. In the present work, an irreversible serine protease inhibitor, termed baserpin, was purified for the first time from the skin secretions of toad Bufo andrewsi by Successive ion-exchange and gelfiltration chromatography. Baserpin is a single chain glycoprotein, with an apparent molecular weight of about 60 kDa in SDS-PAGE. Baserpin is an irreversible inhibitor and effectively inhibits the catalytic activity of trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase. SDS-stable baserpin-trypsin complex could be seen in SDS-PAGE indicates that it possibly belongs to the serpin superfamily. According to the association rates determined, baserpin is a potent inhibitor of bovine trypsin (4.6 X 10(6) M-1 S-1), bovine chymotrypsin (8.9 X 10(6) M-1 s(-1)) and porcine elastase (6.8 X 10(6) M-1 s(-1)), whereas it shows no inhibitory effect on thrombin. The N-terminal sequence of baserpin is HTQYPDILIAKPXDK, which shows no similarity with other known serine protease inhibitors. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel trypsin inhibitor termed BATI was purified to homogeneity from the skin extracts of toad Bufo andrewsi by successive ion-exchange, gel-filtration and reverse-phase chromatography. BATI is basic single chain glycoprotein, with apparent molecular weight of 22 kDa in SDS-PAGE. BATI is a thermal stable competitive inhibitor and effectively inhibits trypsin's catalytic activity on peptide substrate with the inhibitor constant (K-i) value of 14 nM and shows no inhibitory effect on chymotrypsin, thrombin and elastase. The N-terminal sequence of BATI is EKDSITD, which shows no similarity with other known trypsin inhibitors. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel toad lysozyme (named BA-lysozyme) was purified from skin secretions of Bufo andrewsi by a three-step chromatography procedure. BA-lysozyme is a single chain protein and the apparent molecular weight is about 15 kDa as judged by SDS-PAGE. The speci


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By Sephadex G-50 gel filtration, Resource Q anionic exchange and C4 reversed phase liquid high performance liquid chromatography, a proteinase inhibitor protein (Ranaserpin) was identified and purified from the eggs of the odour frog, Rana grahami. The protein displayed a single band adjacent to the molecular weight marker of 14.4 kDa analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The inhibitor protein homogeneity and its molecular weight were confirmed again by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis. The MALDI-TOF mass spectrum analysis gave this inhibitor protein an m/z of 14422.26 that was matched well with the result from SDS-PAGE. This protein is a serine proteinase inhibitor targeting multiple proteinases including trypsin, elastase, and subtilisin. Ranaserpin inhibited the proteolytic activities of trypsin, elastase, and subtilisin. It has an inhibitory constant (K-i) of 6.2 x 10(-8) M, 2.7 x 10(-7) M and 2.2 x 10(-8) M for trypsin, elastase, and subtilisin, respectively. This serine proteinase inhibitor exhibited bacteriostatic effect on Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633). It was suggested that ranaserpin might act as a defensive role in resistance to invasion of pests or pathogens. This is the first report of serine proteinase inhibitor and its direct defensive role from amphibian eggs. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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From the venom of Trimeresurus jerdonii, a distinct thrombin-like enzyme, called jerdonobin. was purified by DEAF A-25 ion-exchange chromatography, Sephadex G-75 gel filtration, and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). SDS-PAGE analysis of this enzyme shows that it consists of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 38,000. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of jerdonobin has great homology with venom thrombin-like enzymes documented. Jerdonobin is able to hydrolyze several chromogenic substrates. The enzyme directly clots fibrinogen with an activity of 217 NIH units/mg, The fibrinopeptides released, identified by HPLC consisted of fibrinopeptide A and a small amount of fibrinopepide B. The activities of the enzyme were inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and p-nitrophenyl-p-guanidinobenzoate (NPGB). However, metal chelator (EDTA) had no effect on it. indicating it is venom serine protease. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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TMVA, a novel C-type lectin-like protein that induces platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent manner, was purified from the venom of Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus. It consists of two subunits, alpha (15,536 Da) and beta (14,873 Da). The mature amino acid sequences of the a (135 amino acids) and beta subunits (123 amino acids) were deduced from cloned cDNAs. Both of the sequences show great similarity to C-type lectin-like venom proteins, including a carbohydrate recognition domain. The cysteine residues of TMVA are conserved at positions corresponding to those of flavocetin-A and convulxin, including the additional Cys135 in the alpha subunit and Cys3 in the beta subunit. SDS-PAGE, mass spectrometry analysis and amino acid sequence showed that native TMVA exists as two convertible multimers Of (alphabeta)(2) and (alphabeta)(4) with molecular weights of 63,680 and 128,518 Da, respectively. The (alphabeta)(2) complex is stabilized by an interchain disulfide bridge between the two alphabeta-heterodimers, whereas the stabilization of the (alphabeta)(4) complex seems to involve non-covalent interactions between the (alphabeta)(2) complexes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Jerdonobin and jerdofibrase are two serine proteases purified from the venom of Trimeresurus jerdonii. The Michaelis constant K-m and the catalytic rate constant K-cat of jerdonobin or jerdofibrase on three chromogenic substrates, H-D-Pro-Phe-Arg-pNA (S2302), H-D-Phe-pipecolyl-Arg-pNA (S2238), and H-D-Val-Leu-Lys-pNA (S2251) were obtained from lineweaver-Burk plots. Jerdofibrase could hydrolyze all three substrates, but jerdonobin had no detectable activity on S2251, suggesting a relatively broader substrate specificity for jerdofibrase than jerdonobin. By SDS-PAGE, jerdofibrase preferentially degraded Bbeta-chain of fibrinogen. It also degraded Aalpha-chain of fibrinogen with relatively slow activity, but did not act on the gamma-chain. In contrast, jerdonobin did not degrade fibrinogen within 12 h. Fibrinopeptides liberation test, identified by HPLC, showed jerdonobin released fibrinopeptide A and a small amount of fibrinopeptide B. Unlike jerdonobin, jerdofibrase mainly released fibrinopeptide B. These results indicate that the two enzymes differ in their ability to hydrolyze chromogenic substrates and in their actions on fibrinogen. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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A hemorrhagic proteinase, jerdohagin, was purified from Trimeresurus jerdonii venom by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatographies. It was a single chain polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 96 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE under the non-reducing and reducing conditions. Internal peptide sequencing indicated that it consisted of metalloproteinase, disintegrin-like and cysteine-rich domains and belonged to the class III snake venom metalloproteinases (class P-III SVMPs). Like other typical metalloproteinases, hemorrhagic activities of jerdohagin were completely inhibited by EDTA, but not by PMSF. Jerdohagin preferentially degraded a-chain of human fibrinogen. Interestingly, jerdohagin did not activate human prothrombin, whereas it cleaved human prothrombin and fragment F1 of activated human prothrombin. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.