142 resultados para S100
Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a non-neoplastic proliferative histiocytic disorder that primarily affects lymph nodes (sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy). Primary RDD of the central nervous system is most uncommon. We report on a 35-year-old man with isolated RDD of the meninges overlying the left cerebral hemisphere. Presenting signs and symptoms included severe progressive ipsilateral headaches of 4 months duration, as well as laboratory evidence of mild non-specific systemic inflammatory reaction. On magnetic resonance imaging, the lesion was seen as a contrast-enhancing, plaque-like thickening of the dura mater over the left convexity,without impinging on adjacent bone or cerebral parenchyma. Meningeal biopsy revealed a mixed mononuclear infiltrate dominated by CD68(+), S100(+), CD1a(-) non-Langerhans type histiocytes on a background of fibrosis. Bacteria, in particular mycobacteria, and fungi were excluded with special stains. Extensive clinical workup, encompassing computed tomography of thoracal and abdominal organs, bone marrow biopsy, and bronchoalveolar lavage failed to reveal any extracranial involvement. Laboratory tests for autoimmunity, including C- and P-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, antinuclear antibody, and serum rheumatoid factor, were negative. Methylprednisolone therapy induced complete remission of symptoms, with the neuroradiologic status remaining unchanged on follow-up after 2 months. We discuss the complex clinicopathologic differential diagnosis and therapeutic issues of this rare condition. While the correct diagnosis of central nervous system RDD is unlikely to be established without invasive procedures (biopsy), a conservative therapeutic approach may be considered a legitimate option.
We describe a hitherto undocumented variant of dimorphic pituitary neoplasm composed of an admixture of neurosecretory cells and profuse leiomyomatous stroma around intratumoral vessels. Radiologically perceived as a macroadenoma of 3.8 cm in diameter, this pituitary mass developed in an otherwise healthy 43-year-old female. At the term of a yearlong history of amenorrhea and progressive bitemporal visual loss, subtotal resection was performed via transsphenoidal microsurgery. Discounting mild hyperprolactinemia, there was no evidence of excess hormone production. Histologically, solid sheets, nests and cords of epithelial-looking, yet cytokeratin-negative cells were seen growing in a richly vascularized stroma of spindle cells. While strong immunoreactivity for NCAM, Synaptophysin and Chromogranin-A was detected in the former, the latter showed both morphological and immunophenotypic hallmarks of smooth muscle, being positive for vimentin, muscle actin and smooth muscle actin. Architectural patterns varied from monomorphous stroma-dominant zones through biphasic neuroendocrine-leiomyomatous areas, to pseudopapillary fronds along vascular cores. Only endothelia were labeled with CD34. Staining for S100 protein and GFAP, characteristics of sustentacular cells, as well as bcl-2 and c-kit was absent. Except for alpha-subunit, anterior pituitary hormones tested negative in tumor cells, as did a panel of peripheral endocrine markers, including serotonin, somatostatin, calcitonin, parathormone and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Mitotic activity was absent and the MIB-1 labeling index low (1-2%). While assignment of this lesion to any established neoplastic entity is not forthcoming, we propose it is being considered as a low-grade neuroendocrine tumor possibly related to null cell adenoma.
Spindle cell oncocytoma (SCO) is a recently described, rare neoplasm of the anterior pituitary. Clinically and radiologically simulating a non-functioning macroadenoma, its eponymous fusiform cells display a non-epithelial phenotype with conspicuous cytoplasmic accumulation of mitochondria. We report a case of SCO retrospectively identified in a biopsy specimen 16 years after transsphenoidal operation of a 48-year-old woman. Presenting symptoms were adynamia and transient decrease of visual acuity. Neuroimaging showed an isointense, enhancing, sellar-centered mass 1.8 cm in diameter without evidence of invasive growth. No postoperative adjuvant therapy was administered. The patient was left with panhypopituitarism, yet no recurrence was seen during follow-up. Initially diagnosed as a null cell adenoma of oncocytic type, repeat immunohistochemistry showed the characteristic coexpression of S100 protein, vimentin, and epithelial membrane antigen. Oncocytic granula stained intensely with antimitochondrial antibody 113-1, and were negative with the lysosomal marker CD68. Anterior pituitary hormones tested negative, and there was no evidence of neuroendocrine differentiation using antibodies to synaptophysin and chromogranin. Few cells stained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). SCO has been proposed to represent a neoplasm of folliculo-stellate cells (FSCs). While the dynamic properties of the latter are incompletely characterized, and indeed no specific marker allows for their identification, overlapping features of SCO with look alikes, in particular pituicytoma, point to FSCs being a potential adult stem cell. The favorable outcome of the present case further argues for SCO to be considered a low-grade neoplasm. Moderate tumor size, lack of invasiveness, and low proliferation rate are likely predictors of benign behavior.
Clearance of allergic inflammatory cells from the lung through matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is necessary to prevent lethal asphyxiation, but mechanistic insight into this essential homeostatic process is lacking. In this study, we have used a proteomics approach to determine how MMPs promote egression of lung inflammatory cells through the airway. MMP2- and MMP9-dependent cleavage of individual Th2 chemokines modulated their chemotactic activity; however, the net effect of complementing bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of allergen-challenged MMP2(-/-)/MMP9(-/-) mice with active MMP2 and MMP9 was to markedly enhance its overall chemotactic activity. In the bronchoalveolar fluid of MMP2(-/-)/MMP9(-/-) allergic mice, we identified several chemotactic molecules that possessed putative MMP2 and MMP9 cleavage sites and were present as higher molecular mass species. In vitro cleavage assays and mass spectroscopy confirmed that three of the identified proteins, Ym1, S100A8, and S100A9, were substrates of MMP2, MMP9, or both. Function-blocking Abs to S100 proteins significantly altered allergic inflammatory cell migration into the alveolar space. Thus, an important effect of MMPs is to differentially modify chemotactic bioactivity through proteolytic processing of proteins present in the airway. These findings provide a molecular mechanism to explain the enhanced clearance of lung inflammatory cells through the airway and reveal a novel approach to target new therapies for asthma.
Myoepithelioma is a dimorphic neoplasm with contractile-epithelial phenotype, originally interpreted as deriving from, but not actually restricted to the salivary glands. As a novel addition to the list of exquisitely rare intracranial salivary gland-type tumors and tumor-like lesions, we report on an example of myoepithelioma encountered in the left cerebellopontine angle of a 32-year-old male. Clinically presenting with ataxia and dizziness, this extraaxial mass of 4 × 3.5 × 3 cm was surgically resected, and the patient is alive 6 years postoperatively. Histologically, the tumor exhibited a continuum ranging from compact fascicles of spindle cells to epithelial nests and trabeculae partitioned by hyalinized septa, while lacking tubular differentiation. Regardless of architectural variations, there was robust immunoexpression of S100 protein, smooth muscle actin, GFAP, cytokeratin, and vimentin. Cytologic atypia tended to be modest throughout, and the MIB1 labeling index averaged less than 1%. Fluorescent in situ hybridization indicated no rearrangement of the EWSR1 locus. We interpret these results to suggest that myoepithelioma of the posterior fossa - along with related salivary epithelial tumors in this ostensibly incongruous locale - may possibly represent analogous neoplasms to their orthotopic counterparts, ones arising within aberrant salivary anlagen. The presence of the latter lends itself to being mechanistically accounted for by either postulating placodal remnants in the wake of branchial arch development, or linking them to exocrine glandular nests within endodermal cysts. Alternatively, myoepithelioma at this site could be regarded as a non tissue-specific lesion similar to its relatives ubiquitously occurring in the soft parts.
Many studies in the field of cell-based cartilage repair have focused on identifying markers associated with the differentiation status of human articular chondrocytes (HAC) that could predict their chondrogenic potency. A previous study from our group showed a correlation between the expression of S100 protein in HAC and their chondrogenic potential. The aims of the current study were to clarify which S100 proteins are associated with HAC differentiation status and to provide an S100-based assay for measuring HAC chondrogenic potential. The expression patterns of S100A1 and S100B were investigated in cartilage and in HAC cultured under conditions promoting dedifferentiation (monolayer culture) or redifferentiation (pellet culture or BMP4 treatment in monolayer culture), using characterized antibodies specifically recognizing S100A1 and S100B, by immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, Western blot, and gene expression analysis. S100A1 and S100B were expressed homogeneously in all cartilage zones, and decreased during dedifferentiation. S100A1, but not S100B, was re-expressed in pellets and co-localized with collagen II. Gene expression analysis revealed concomitant modulation of S100A1, S100B, collagen type II, and aggrecan: down-regulation during monolayer culture and up-regulation upon BMP4 treatment. These results strongly support an association of S100A1, and to a lesser extent S100B, with the HAC differentiated phenotype. To facilitate their potential application, we established an S100A1/B-based flow cytometry assay for accurate assessment of HAC differentiation status. We propose S100A1 and S100B expression as a marker to develop potency assays for cartilage regeneration cell therapies, and as a redifferentiation readout in monolayer cultures aiming to investigate stimuli for chondrogenic induction.
Based on a single-case observation, the descriptive label "leiomyomatoid angiomatous neuroendocrine tumor" (LANT) has been tentatively applied to what was perceived as a possible novel type of dual-lineage pituitary neoplasm with biphasic architecture. We report on two additional examples of an analogous phenomenon encountered in male patients, aged 59 years (Case 1) and 91 years (Case 2). Both tumors were intra- and suprasellar masses, measuring 5.6 cm × 4.4 cm × 3.4 cm, and 2.7 cm × 2 cm × 1.7 cm, respectively. Histologically, Case 1 was an FSH-cell adenoma interwoven by vascularized connective tissue septa that tended to exhibit incremental stages of adventitial overgrowth. The epithelial component of Case 2 corresponded to an LH-cell adenoma, and lay partitioned by a maze of paucicellular to hyalinized vascular axes. Irrespective of architectural variations, perivascular spindle cells exhibited immunopositivity for vimentin, muscular actin, and smooth muscle actin. Conversely, negative results were obtained for CD34, EMA, S100 protein, GFAP, and TTF-1. Ultrastructural study failed to reveal metaplastic cell forms involving transitional features between adenohypophyseal-epithelial and mesenchymal-contractile phenotype. We propose that LANT be regarded as a peculiar reflection of maladaptive angiogenesis in some pituitary adenomas, rather than a genuine hybrid neoplasm. While no mechanistic clue is forthcoming to account for this distinctive pattern, hemodynamic strain through direct arterial - rather than portal - supply of the adenoma's capillary bed may be one such explanatory factor. The apparent predilection of the LANT pattern for macroadenomas of the gonadotroph cell lineage remains unexplained.
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is characterized by motoneuron loss and muscle weakness. However, the structural and functional deficits that lead to the impairment of the neuromuscular system remain poorly defined. By electron microscopy, we previously found that neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) and muscle fibres of the diaphragm are among the earliest affected structures in the severe mouse SMA model. Because of certain anatomical features, i.e. its thinness and its innervation from the cervical segments of the spinal cord, the diaphragm is particularly suitable to characterize both central and peripheral events. Here we show by immunohistochemistry that, at postnatal day 3, the cervical motoneurons of SMA mice receive less stimulatory synaptic inputs. Moreover, their mitochondria become less elongated which might represent an early stage of degeneration. The NMJs of the diaphragm of SMA mice show a loss of synaptic vesicles and active zones. Moreover, the partly innervated endplates lack S100 positive perisynaptic Schwann cells (PSCs). We also demonstrate the feasibility of comparing the proteomic composition between diaphragm regions enriched and poor in NMJs. By this approach we have identified two proteins that are significantly upregulated only in the NMJ-specific regions of SMA mice. These are apoptosis inducing factor 1 (AIFM1), a mitochondrial flavoprotein that initiates apoptosis in a caspase-independent pathway, and four and a half Lim domain protein 1 (FHL1), a regulator of skeletal muscle mass that has been implicated in several myopathies.
We aimed to evaluate whether nerve fibers are present in the endometrial layer of patients submitted to office hysteroscopy and their potential contribution to the pathogenesis of pain during that procedure. Through a prospective case-control study performed in tertiary centers for women's health, endometrium samples were collected during operative office hysteroscopy from 198 cycling women who previously underwent laparoscopy and/or magnetic resonance imaging investigation for infertility assessment. Samples were classified according to the degree of the pain patients experienced and scored from values ranging from 0 (absence of discomfort/pain) to 10 (intolerable pain) on a 10-cm visual analog scale (VAS). The presence of nerve fiber markers (S100, NSE, SP, VIP, NPY, NKA, NKB, NKR1, NKR2, and NKR3) in the endometrium was also evaluated by morphologic and immunohistochemical analyses. We found that S-100, NSE, NKR1, NK-A, NK-B, VIP, and NPY, were immunolocalized in samples of endometrium, in significantly (P < .01, for all) higher levels in samples collected from patients with VAS score > 5 (group A) than ≤ 5 (group B) and significantly (P < .0001 for all) positively correlated with VAS levels. A statistically significant (P = .018) higher prevalence of endometriosis and/or adenomyosis was depicted in patients of group A than group B. Data from the present study led us to conclude that nerve fibers are expressed at the level of the functional layer of the endometrium and may contribute to pain generation during office hysteroscopy, mainly in women affected by endometriosis and adenomyosis.
BACKGROUND Canine S100 calcium-binding protein A12 (cS100A12) shows promise as biomarker of inflammation in dogs. A previously developed cS100A12-radioimmunoassay (RIA) requires radioactive tracers and is not sensitive enough for fecal cS100A12 concentrations in 79% of tested healthy dogs. An ELISA assay may be more sensitive than RIA and does not require radioactive tracers. OBJECTIVE The purpose of the study was to establish a sandwich ELISA for serum and fecal cS100A12, and to establish reference intervals (RI) for normal healthy canine serum and feces. METHODS Polyclonal rabbit anti-cS100A12 antibodies were generated and tested by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. A sandwich ELISA was developed and validated, including accuracy and precision, and agreement with cS100A12-RIA. The RI, stability, and biologic variation in fecal cS100A12, and the effect of corticosteroids on serum cS100A12 were evaluated. RESULTS Lower detection limits were 5 μg/L (serum) and 1 ng/g (fecal), respectively. Intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were ≤ 4.4% and ≤ 10.9%, respectively. Observed-to-expected ratios for linearity and spiking recovery were 98.2 ± 9.8% (mean ± SD) and 93.0 ± 6.1%, respectively. There was a significant bias between the ELISA and the RIA. The RI was 49-320 μg/L for serum and 2-484 ng/g for fecal cS100A12. Fecal cS100A12 was stable for 7 days at 23, 4, -20, and -80°C; biologic variation was negligible but variation within one fecal sample was significant. Corticosteroid treatment had no clinically significant effect on serum cS100A12 concentrations. CONCLUSIONS The cS100A12-ELISA is a precise and accurate assay for serum and fecal cS100A12 in dogs.
The molecular mechanisms of endometrail cancer invasion are poorly understood. S100A4, a member of the S100 Ca2+-binding protein family, was identified by oligonucleotide microarray qRT-PCR, and IHC, to be highly overexpressed in invasive endometrial carcinomas compared to non-invasive tumors. HEC-1A endometrial cancer cells transfected with S100A4 siRNA had undetectable S100A4 protein, decreased migration and invasion. The mechanism of S100A4 upregulation in endometrial cancer remains unclear. Methylation of the S100A4 gene was detected in benign endometrial glands and grade 1 tumors with no S100A4 expression. In contrast, grade 3 endometrioid tumors with high S100A4 expression showed no methylation of the gene. 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine, an inhibitor of DNA methyltransferase, induced the expression of S100A4 in the less invasive EC cell line, KLE, in which the S100A4 gene is hypermethylated and minimally expressed. S100A4 was induced during TGF-β1-triggered cell scattering in HEC-1A cells, in which S100A4 was demethylated. Transfection of HEC-1A cells with S100A4 siRNA significantly reduced the effect of TGF-β1 on basal migration and invasion. Our preliminary data suggested that this upregulation was mediated by the transcription factor Snail. One Snail binding consensus site was found in the region where DNA methylation was closely correlated with S100A4 gene expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay confirmed the binding of Snail to this consensus site in HEC-1A cells. In SPEC2 endometrial cancer cells, loss of Snail leads to repressed S100A4 gene expression. Similar to S100A4, Snail was overexpressed in aggressive endometrial tumors. Our study suggested that the S100A4 gene was demethylated and further upregulated by the TGF-β1 and Snail pathway in invasive endometrial cancer. S100A4 could potentially serve as a good molecular marker for invasiveness and a target for therapeutic intervention for advanced endometrial cancer. ^
A major portion of this thesis work was dedicated to study the nature and significance of spliced introns. The initial work was focused on studying the IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ intron from a T-cell receptor (TCR)-$\beta$ gene. Compared to an intron lariat control from adenovirus pre-mRNA that was spliced in vitro, IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ was debranched less efficiently by HeLa S100 extracts, although IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ also used the consensus branchpoint in vivo. Subcellular-fractionation analysis showed that most IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ lariats cofractionated with pre-mRNA in the nucleus, consistent with the possibility that intron degradation releases splicing factors which will be available for further rounds of splicing. The half-life of IVS1$\sb{\rm C\beta 1}$ from the endogenous TCR-$\beta$ gene was measured using the general transcription inhibitor actinomycin D to be about $\sim$15 min, which was similar to that of unstable mRNAs such as c-myc mRNA.^ The general transcription inhibitor DRB was also used for intron stability analysis. Unexpectedly, DRB decreased intron and pre-mRNA levels only initially, it later increased the levels of intron-containing RNAs. Inhibition of transcription initiation appeared to be the major early effect (the reduction phase); whereas enhanced premature transcription termination was dominant later (the induction phase).^ Having established the procedures for studying in vivo spliced introns, this approach was applied to study the mechanism of nonsense-mediated downregulation (NMD), a phenomena in which premature termination codons (PTCs) decrease the levels of mRNAs. In this study, the novel intron-oriented approach was applied to study the mechanism of NMD. The levels of spliced introns immediately upstream and downstream of a PTC-bearing exon in a TCR-$\beta$ gene were identified and analyzed along with their pre-mRNA. Although PTC reduced the mRNA levels by 4 to 9 fold, the steady-state levels of spliced introns and the pre-mRNA-to-intron ratios were not significantly altered, indicating that the PTC did not significantly inhibit TCR-$\beta$ RNA splicing. Consistent with this conclusion, the half-lives of the PTC$\sp+$ and PTC$\sp-$ pre-mRNA were similar. The protein synthesis inhibitor cyclohexmide (CHX) upregulated the levels of the PTC$\sp+$ mRNA over 10 fold without affecting the levels of the spliced introns, suggesting that the reversal effect of CHX was through stabilization, not production. These results indicated that inhibition of splicing could not be the major mechanism for the NMD pathway of the TCR-$\beta$ gene, instead, suggesting that mRNA destabilization may be more important. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
Meteorological observations during St. Albans cruise from Spithead to New York started at 1798-03-27