917 resultados para S. Woodworth and Co.
Receipt from McLaren and Co., St. Catharines for men’s clothing, Sept. 1, 1887.
Receipt from John Henderson and Co., Manufacturers of Hats, Caps and Furs and dealers in Indian Curiosities, Montreal for furs and buttons, Oct. 13, 1887.
Receipt from McLaren and Co., St. Catharines for a boy’s suit, Oct. 15, 1887.
Receipt from McLaren and Co., St. Catharines for pants, Dec. 23, 1887.
Receipt from H. Carlisle and Co., St. Catharines for fabric, Jan. 3, 1888.
Receipt from Foley, Fitzgerald and Co., Bakers and Confectioners, St. Catharines for baked goods, Feb. 29, 1888.
Receipt from N. W. Harris and Co., Bankers, New York for installment on Dominion Power and Transmission Co., Dec. 19, 1907.
Flyer (2 double sided pages, printed) about the Dominion Power and Transmission Company bonds from R.W. Harris and Co. Bankers, New York, n.d.
Flyer (2 double sided pages, printed) about railroad bonds from E.D. Shepard and Co. Bankers, New York, n.d.
Bill from Geoghegan and Co. Importers of Table Linen and Shirt and Stock Makers for clothing including cravats and hosiery, June 23, 1847 attached to receipt for Receipt from Family Linen Drapery, Shirt and Stock Warehouse, London England for payment on account, July 7, 1847.
Letter to Robert Nelles from James C. Henderson and Co. requesting money, Nov. 25, 1850.
Letter to Robert F. Nelles from James C. Henderson and Co. acknowledging payment, Jan. 25, 1851.
Letter to Robert F. Nelles from Adams and Co. of Boston stating that they knew Jesse Haycock when he lived in that city. Most of the letter is water damaged and text is very much affected. This is accompanied by an envelope which is also very fragile and water damaged, but the address and return address are legible, Mar. 8, 1851.
Bill to Mr. R. Nelles from Wm. Atkinson and Co., Importers of Hardware, Hamilton for miscellaneous hardware item. There is a note on the bottom of the invoice from Wm. Atkinson requesting payment, Jan. 1850.
Promissory note to James C. Henderson and Co. signed by Robert F. Nelles, May 8, 1850.