991 resultados para S-PROCESS-RICH


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Inscriptions: Verso: [stamped] Photograph by Freda Leinwand. [463 West Street, Studio 229G, New York, NY 10014].


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Inscription: Verso: The Woman's Salon, New York. Seated on platform: Barbara Deming, Erika Duncan, Adrienne Rich, and Gloria Orenstein.


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Understanding past changes in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) is crucial; however, existing proxies for reconstructing past SSTs are hindered by unknown ancient seawater composition (foraminiferal Mg/Ca and d18O), or reflect subsurface temperatures (TEX86) or have a limited applicable temperature range (Uk'37). We examine clumped isotope (D47) thermometry to fossil coccolith-rich material as an SST proxy, as clumped isotopes are independent of original seawater composition and applicable to a wide temperature range and coccolithophores are widespread and dissolution resistant. The D47-derived temperatures from <63, <20, <10 and 2-5 µm size fractions of two equatorial Pacific late Miocene-early Pliocene sediment samples (c1; c2) range between ~18-29 {degree sign}C, with c1 temperatures consistently above c2. Removing the >63 µm fraction removes most non-mixed layer components; however, the D47-derived temperatures display an unexpected slight decreasing trend with decreasing size fraction. This unexpected trend could partly arise because larger coccoliths (5-12 µm) are removed during the size fraction separation process. The c1 and <63 µm c2 D47-derived temperatures are comparable to concurrent Uk'37 SSTs. The <20, <10 and 2-5 µm c2 D47-derived temperatures are consistently cooler than expected. The D47-Uk'37 temperature offset is probably caused by abiotic/diagenetic calcite present in the c2 2-5 µm fraction (~53% by area), which potentially precipitated at bottom water temperatures of ~6 {degree sign}C . Our results indicate that clumped isotopes on coccolith-rich sediment fractions have potential as an SST proxy, particularly in tropical regions, providing that careful investigation of the appropriate size fraction for the region and timescale is undertaken.


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Glauconite is generally agreed to be a reliable indicator of low sedimentation rate, but little systematic work has been done to specify the role of glauconite in a sequence-stratigraphic framework. Ocean Drilling Program Leg 174A recovered a good record of late Tertiary sediments along the shelf edge of the New Jersey US Atlantic margin, and glauconite was present in many intervals of the cores, sometimes in vertical proximity to sequence boundaries. Leg 174A glauconite was analyzed with binocular microscope, XRD and SEM to determine the percent of potassium and degree of maturity in order to relate occurrence to depositional environment. Seismic data were used to locate sequence boundaries, and percent glauconite was visually estimated. Glauconite samples from Site 1073 were found to have formed within a lowstand systems tract (LST), and as part of a distal condensed section (CS) within a transgressive systems tract (TST). These results are comparable to those from nearby Site 903 of Leg 150, which indicate a similar depositional setting for glauconite. Glauconites at shelf Sites 1071 and 1072 likely formed in the TST as well. Onshore, glauconite occurs mainly in transgressive systems tracts. The Miocene appears to be the upper limit of glauconite formation onshore. As the magnitude of sea-level change decreased, present onshore locations became too nearshore to maintain sediment-free environments, and the zone of glauconite deposition moved seaward. The same process did not occur offshore until the Plio-Pleistocene. Low subsidence-rate margins such as the US Atlantic are subject more to the variations of sea-level than to changes in sediment supply, tectonics, or other factors influencing their depositional patterns. Although glauconite occurrence is widespread in the stratigraphic record, this study demonstrates that for low subsidence-rate margins, primary deposition of glauconite is largely restricted to the TST.


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BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) prevention strategies require biomarkers that identify disease manifestation. Increases in B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) correlate with increased risk of cardiovascular events and HF development. We hypothesize that coronary sinus serum from a high BNP hypertensive population reflects an active pathological process and can be used for biomarker exploration. Our aim was to discover differentially expressed disease-associated proteins that identify patients with ventricular dysfunction and HF.

METHODS AND RESULTS: Coronary sinus serum from 11 asymptomatic, hypertensive patients underwent quantitative differential protein expression analysis by 2-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis. Proteins were identified using mass spectrometry and then studied by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in sera from 40 asymptomatic, hypertensive patients and 105 patients across the spectrum of ventricular dysfunction (32 asymptomatic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, 26 diastolic HF, and 47 systolic HF patients). Leucine-rich α2-glycoprotein (LRG) was consistently overexpressed in high BNP serum. LRG levels correlate significantly with BNP in hypertensive, asymptomatic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, diastolic HF, and systolic HF patient groups (P≤0.05). LRG levels were able to identify HF independent of BNP. LRG correlates with coronary sinus serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (P=0.009) and interleukin-6 (P=0.021). LRG is expressed in myocardial tissue and correlates with transforming growth factor-βR1 (P<0.001) and α-smooth muscle actin (P=0.025) expression.

CONCLUSIONS: LRG was identified as a serum biomarker that accurately identifies patients with HF. Multivariable modeling confirmed that LRG is a stronger identifier of HF than BNP and this is independent of age, sex, creatinine, ischemia, β-blocker therapy, and BNP.


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The cysteine protease cathepsin C (CatC) activates granule-associated proinflammatory serine proteases in hematopoietic precursor cells. Its early inhibition in the bone marrow is regarded as a new therapeutic strategy for treating proteolysis-driven chronic inflammatory diseases, but its complete inhibition is elusive in vivo Controlling the activity of CatC may be achieved by directly inhibiting its activity with a specific inhibitor or/and by preventing its maturation. We have investigated immunochemically and kinetically the occurrence of CatC and its proform in human hematopoietic precursor cells and in differentiated mature immune cells in lung secretions. The maturation of proCatC obeys a multistep mechanism that can be entirely managed by CatS in neutrophilic precursor cells. CatS inhibition by a cell-permeable inhibitor abrogated the release of the heavy and light chains from proCatC and blocked ∼80% of CatC activity. Under these conditions the activity of neutrophil serine proteases, however, was not abolished in precursor cell cultures. In patients with neutrophilic lung inflammation, mature CatC is found in large amounts in sputa. It is secreted by activated neutrophils as confirmed through lipopolysaccharide administration in a nonhuman primate model. CatS inhibitors currently in clinical trials are expected to decrease the activity of neutrophilic CatC without affecting those of elastase-like serine proteases.


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This paper proposes the joint use of the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and the ICB (IPMA Competence Baseline), as a tool for the decision-making process of selecting the most suitable managers for projects. A hierarchical structure, comprising the IPMA’s ICB 3.0 contextual, behavioural and technical competence elements, is constructed for the selection of project managers. It also describes the AHP implementation, illustrating the whole process with an example using all the 46 ICB competence elements as model criteria. This tool can be of high interest to decision-makers because it allows comparing the candidates for managing a project using a systematic and rigorous process with a rich set of proven criteria.


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Increasing the size of training data in many computer vision tasks has shown to be very effective. Using large scale image datasets (e.g. ImageNet) with simple learning techniques (e.g. linear classifiers) one can achieve state-of-the-art performance in object recognition compared to sophisticated learning techniques on smaller image sets. Semantic search on visual data has become very popular. There are billions of images on the internet and the number is increasing every day. Dealing with large scale image sets is intense per se. They take a significant amount of memory that makes it impossible to process the images with complex algorithms on single CPU machines. Finding an efficient image representation can be a key to attack this problem. A representation being efficient is not enough for image understanding. It should be comprehensive and rich in carrying semantic information. In this proposal we develop an approach to computing binary codes that provide a rich and efficient image representation. We demonstrate several tasks in which binary features can be very effective. We show how binary features can speed up large scale image classification. We present learning techniques to learn the binary features from supervised image set (With different types of semantic supervision; class labels, textual descriptions). We propose several problems that are very important in finding and using efficient image representation.


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Angiogenesis is a biological process through which there is the formation of new blood vessels from preexisting ones [I]. However, in pathological cases, the abnormal growth of new blood vessels promotes the development of various diseases including cancer [2) through the production of atypically large amounts of angiogenesis factors, e.g. the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) [3]. The plant secondary metabolites have been the subject of several studies to evaluate their benefits to human health. In particular, the phenolic compounds have high potential for use in the food industry, including the development of functional foods. Among these, apigenin has been associated with chemopreventive effects related to cancer [4]. In fact, chemoprevention is a present-day concept and contemplates the use of medicines, biological compounds or nutrients as an intervention strategy of cancer prevention. In this work, an Arenaria montana L hydroethanolic extract was prepared and after characterization by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS showed to be rich in apigenin derivatives. Furthermore, it exhibited ability to inhibit the phosphorylation of VEGFR-2 (vascular endothelium growth factor receptor) through an enzymatic assay. However, for the major protection of bioactive compounds, the extract was microencapsulated by an atomization/coagulation technique with alginate as the matrix material. Posteriorly, the hydroethanolic extract, in free and microencapsulated forms, was incorporated in yogurts in order to develop a novel chemopreventer food in relation to the angiogenesis process. The functionalized yogurts with A. montana extracts (free and microencapsulated) showed a nutritional value similar to the used control (yogurt without extract); however, the samples enriched with extracts revealed added-value regarding the VEGFR-2 phosphorylation inhibition ability. This effect was more effectively preserved over time in the samples functionalized with the protected extract. Overall, this work contributes to the valorization of plants rich in flavonoids, exploring its antiangiogenic potential with VEGFR-2 as target. Moreover, the atomization/coagulation technique allowed the production of viable microspheres enriched with the plant extract. The microspheres were effectively incorporated into yogurts, protecting the extract thus envisaging the development of novel functional foods with chemopreventive effects.


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Aging process is conceived as a normal stage during human life cycle, but it is also considered a hot topic among scientists and medical community. Alarming rates of premature aging and oxidative stress-related diseases have increasingly affect human individuals. Stress, pollution and exposition to chemical substances are considered the main triggering factors for those conditions; in addition, they also suppress the immune system and, therefore, improve organic vulnerability and occurrence of opportunistic infections [I]. Apart from the associated morbidity and mortality, the increasing rates of antimicrobial resistance improve the severity of the clinical conditions [2]. Botanical preparations possess a multitude of bioactive properties, namely acting as antimicrobials, antioxidants, and homeostasis modulators. Thus, upcoming alternatives, mainly based in plant phytochemicals, are necessary to improve the wellbeing as also life expectancy of individuals. The present study aims to evaluate and to compare both antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of plant extracts rich in phenolic compounds. Among the tested plants, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (licorice) evidenced the most pronounced free radicals scavenging and antimicrobial effects, followed by Salvia officina/is L. (sage), Thymus vulgaris L. (thyme) and Origanum vulgare L. (oregano). Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (blue gum) and Juglans regia L. (walnut) also showed a high effect, while Pterospartum tridentatum (L.) Willk. (carqueja) and Rubus ulmifolius Schott (elm leaf blackberry) displayed moderate effects, and lastly, Tabebuia impetigirwsa (Mart. ex DC) Standley (pau d'arco), Foeniculum vulgare Miller (fennel), Rosa canina L. (rose hips) and Matricaria recutita L. (chamomile) gave only slight effects. In general, the most pronounced bioactivities were observed in the plant preparations (infusion>decoction>hydromethanolic extract) with higher levels of phenolic compounds (both flavonoids and phenolic acids). The observed synergisms between the phenolic compounds present in the extracts highlight the use of phytochemicals as future health promoters. However, further studies are necessary to understand the effective mode of action of individual phenolic constituents as also the existence of polyvalence relationships between them.


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According to many scientists third industrial revolution has already began and this primarily means the transition to renewable energy sources. Energy requirements are increasing rapidly due to fast industrialization and the increased number of vehicles on the roads. Massive consumption of fossil fuels leads to environmental pollution, therefore, biofuels are offered as an alternative. For example, the application of biodiesel in diesel engines instead of diesel results in the proven reduction of harmful exhaust emissions. One of the most important technologies, which has been already explored at the commercial level, is the production of a liquid biofuel applicable in compression-ignition engines (or diesel engines), from biomass rich in fats and oils. This biofuel is generically referred as biodiesel, and consists essentially of a mixture of FAME's (fatty acid methyl esters). This current work describes modern approaches of biodiesel production from vegetable oil and subsequent analysis of produced biodiesel main characteristics such as density, acidity, iodine value and FAME content.


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Aim: To compare the alveolar bone repair process using biomaterial in dogs with and without the incorporation of platelet-rich plasma. Methods: Six beagles were used. Bilateral extractions of the three mandibular premolars were performed. Bio-Gen® was applied in the first alveolus, the clot was maintained in the second alveolus and Genox® was applied to the third alveolus. PRP was added to all alveoli on the left side only. The dogs were submitted to euthanasia after 30, 60 and 90 days and submitted to histological analysis for the determination of mean area of new bone formation. Tukey’s post test was used in the statistical analysis. Results: Significant increase in bone formation occurred in Bio-Gen® + PRP when compared with the other groups at 30 and 90 days. In the evaluation at 60 days, no statistically significant differences among the groups were found. Conclusions: The Bio-Gen® biomaterial led to the best bone repair and the combination of platelet-rich plasma accelerated the repair process.


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The use of biological processes with the aim of the recovery of gold from low-concentration solutions derived from leaching of secondary sources is gaining increasing importance owing to the scarcity of the primary resources and the economic and environmental advantages usually presented by these methods. Thus, the addition in batch and continuous processes of different solutions containing biogenic sulphide, which was generated by the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB), to gold(III) solutions was investigated for that purpose. In the batch experiments, AuS nanoparticles with sizes of between 6 and 14 nm were obtained (corresponding to 100% removal of Au(III) from solution) if the biogenic sulphide was generated in a typical nutrient medium for SRB, whereas Au(0) nanoparticles with sizes of below 8 nm were obtained (corresponding to 62% removal of Au(III)) if effluent from a SRB bioremediation process for treating acid mine drainage (AMD) was used instead. These results stimulated the development of a continuous process of addition, in which two sulphide-rich effluents, which resulted from a SRB bioremediation process for treating two types of AMD (from a uranium mine and a polysulphide mine), were tested. In both cases, Au(0) nanoparticles with sizes of between 6 and 15 nm were mainly obtained, and the percentage removal of Au(III) from solution ranged from 76% to 100%. The processes described allow the simultaneous treatment of AMD and recovery of metallic gold nanoparticles, which are a product with a wide range of applications (e.g., in medicine, optical devices and catalysis) and high economic value. The synthesis process described in this work can be considered as novel, because it is the first time, to our knowledge, that the use of effluent from a SRB bioremediation process has been reported for the recovery of gold(III) as gold(0) nanoparticles.