982 resultados para SÍNDROME DE PIERRE ROBIN


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The university course timetabling problem involves assigning a given number of events into a limited number of timeslots and rooms under a given set of constraints; the objective is to satisfy the hard constraints (essential requirements) and minimize the violation of soft constraints (desirable requirements). In this study we employed a Dual-sequence Simulated Annealing (DSA) algorithm as an improvement algorithm. The Round Robin (RR) algorithm is used to control the selection of neighbourhood structures within DSA. The performance of our approach is tested over eleven benchmark datasets. Experimental results show that our approach is able to generate competitive results when compared with other state-of-the-art techniques.


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This paper explores the relevance of Pierre Bourdieu’s ‘epistemic reflexivity’ for the sociology of religion, in particular by examining his neglected address to the French Association for the Sociology of Religion in 1982. Whilst sociologists of religion have addressed some issues of reflexivity in their practice, less attention has been paid to the crucial scientific requirement, highlighted by Bourdieu, to break from the ‘illusio’ of that field and thus avoid alignments with positions taken by religious actors themselves. As a result, many sociologists inevitably participate in religious contestations and stakes, whether or not they affirm or deny their own religious identification with those they study. Although Bourdieu’s address was a response to a particular national and historical form of the sociology of religion, we argue that it retains much significance today and may lead to fruitful debate within the discipline.


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Previous eye tracking research on the allocation of attention to social information by individuals with autism spectrum disorders is equivocal and may be in part a consequence of variation in stimuli used between studies. The current study explored attention allocation to faces, and within faces,
by individuals with Asperger syndrome using a range of static stimuli where faces were either viewed in isolation or viewed in the context of a social scene. Results showed that faces were viewed typically by the individuals with Asperger syndrome when presented in isolation, but attention to the eyes was significantly diminished in comparison to age and IQ-matched typical viewers when faces were viewed as part of social scenes. We show that when using static stimuli, there is evidence of atypicality for individuals with Asperger syndrome depending on the extent of social context. Our findings shed light on the previous explanations of gaze behaviour that have emphasised the role of movement in atypicalities of social attention in autism spectrum disorders and highlight the importance of consideration of the realistic portrayal of social information for future studies.


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Interview with composer Pierre Boulez


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La educación en el Ecuador es uno de los principales problemas sociales debido a las carencias económicas, de infraestructura y pedagógicas existentes; uno de los sectores descuidados por parte de los gobiernos es la educación especial. Tomando en cuenta que aproximadamente 1´600.000 personas padecen algún tipo de deficiencia, y de éstas un 27% presentan deficiencias mentales, se analiza la “Factibilidad para la Instalación de un Instituto para Niños con síndrome de Down en la ciudad de Quito”, el mismo que pretende brindar una alternativa a los padres e hijos de mejorar la calidad de vida, la relación en la sociedad, el manejo de su discapacidad sin discriminaciones por medio de una capacitación lingüística, ocupacional, psicológica y educativa. En la actualidad existen institutos públicos y privados que atienden a personas con discapacidades, pero logran satisfacer únicamente al 2% de la población, por lo que resulta relativamente factible crear un nuevo centro de esta naturaleza, que busca brindar un servicio social a más de una rentabilidad.


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Com a realização deste trabalho pretendemos apurar as Respostas Curriculares e Educativas disponibilizadas entre 1997 e 2007 às crianças com síndrome X Frágil, no concelho de Alandroal. Foi privilegiada uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, que recorre à análise de conteúdos de documentos presentes nos processos dos cinco alunos sinalizados e também a actas dos conselhos de docentes e de turma. Depois de analisados os resultados, constatou-se que o tipo de respostas curriculares e/ou educativas mais utilizadas para esta população, assentou numa dimensão predominantemente pedagógica, mas também se salientam as dimensões terapêutica e curricular. Para tal, registou-se o recurso a espaços físicos, à legislação, a recursos didácticos e humanos, bem como a parcerias que se estabeleceram dentro e fora do concelho do Alandroal. As estratégias mais utilizadas para cada aluno em particular mereceram também a nossa atenção; ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to find out the "curricular/educational" responses that were in-place to meet the needs of the students with Fragile X syndrome, in the Alandroal’s county, between 1997/2007. A qualitative methodological approach has been preferred, consisting on the analysis of the documents present in the student’s individual processes (which have been referred for special education) and also in some minutes of the teacher’s council meetings and class council. Results have shown that the most used response within this population was mainly connected to the pedagogic dimension, but also it was also based on the therapeutic and curricular dimensions. So, it has been used resources related to physical spaces, legislation, human and didactic, as well as to partnerships inside and outside Alandroal’s county. Specific strategies used on particular students did also have our special attention.