995 resultados para Rough Surface


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Free standing diamond films were used to study the effect of diamond surface morphology and microstructure on the electrical properties of Schottky barrier diodes. By using free standing films both the rough top diamond surface and the very smooth bottom surface are available for post-metal deposition. Rectifying electrical contacts were then established either with the smooth or the rough surface. The estimate of doping density from the capacitance-voltage plots shows that the smooth surface has a lower doping density when compared with the top layers of the same film. The results also show that surface roughness does not contribute significantly to the frequency dispersion of the small signal capacitance. The electrical properties of an abrupt asymmetric n(+)(silicon)-p(diamond) junction have also been measured. The I-V curves exhibit at low temperatures a plateau near zero bias, and show inversion of rectification. Capacitance-voltage characteristics show a capacitance minimum with forward bias, which is dependent on the environment conditions. It is proposed that this anomalous effect arises from high level injection of minority carriers into the bulk.


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Free standing diamond films were used to study the effect of diamond surface morphology and microstructure on the electrical properties of Schottky barrier diodes. By using free standing films both the rough top diamond surface and the very smooth bottom surface are available for post-metal deposition. Rectifying electrical contacts were then established either with the smooth or the rough surface. The estimate of doping density from the capacitance-voltage plots shows that the smooth surface has a lower doping density when compared with the top layers of the same film. The results also show that surface roughness does not contribute significantly to the frequency dispersion of the small signal capacitance. The electrical properties of an abrupt asymmetric n(+)(silicon)-p(diamond) junction have also been measured. The I-V curves exhibit at low temperatures a plateau near zero bias, and show inversion of rectification. Capacitance-voltage characteristics show a capacitance minimum with forward bias, which is dependent on the environment conditions. It is proposed that this anomalous effect arises from high level injection of minority carriers into the bulk.


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A silkworm cocoon is a porous biological structure with multiple protective functions. In the current work, the authors have used both experimental and numerical methods to reveal the unique moisture transfer characteristics through a wild Antheraea pernyi silkworm cocoon wall, in comparison with the long-domesticated Bombyx mori silkworm cocoon walls. The water vapor transmission and water vapor permeability (WVP) properties show that the A. pernyi cocoons exhibit directional moisture transfer behavior, with easier moisture transfer from inside out than outside in [e.g., the average WVP is 0.057 g/(h m bar) from inside out and is 0.034 g/(h m bar) from outside in]. Numerical analysis shows that the cubic mineral crystals in the outer section of the A. pernyi cocoon wall create a rough surface that facilitates air turbulence and promotes disturbance amplitude of the flow field, leading to lengthened water vapor transfer path and increased tortuosity of the moist air. It also indicates the vortex of water vapor can be generated in the outer section of cocoon wall, which increases the diffusion distance of water vapor and enhances the turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence eddy dissipation, signifying higher moisture resistance in the outer section. The difference in moisture resistance of the multiple A. pernyi cocoon layers is largely responsible for the unique directional moisture transfer behavior of this wild silkworm cocoon. These findings may inspire a biomimicry approach to develop novel lightweight moisture management materials and structures.


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Effective processing of powdered particles can facilitate powder handling and result in better drug product performance, which is of great importance in the pharmaceutical industry where the majority of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are delivered as solid dosage forms. The purpose of this work was to develop a new ultrasound-assisted method for particle surface modification and thin-coating of pharmaceutical powders. The ultrasound was used to produce an aqueous mist with or without a coating agent. By using the proposed technique, it was possible to decrease the interparticular interactions and improve rheological properties of poorly-flowing water-soluble powders by aqueous smoothing of the rough surfaces of irregular particles. In turn, hydrophilic polymer thin-coating of a hydrophobic substance diminished the triboelectrostatic charge transfer and improved the flowability of highly cohesive powder. To determine the coating efficiency of the technique, the bioactive molecule β-galactosidase was layered onto the surface of powdered lactose particles. Enzyme-treated materials were analysed by assaying the quantity of the reaction product generated during enzymatic cleavage of the milk sugar. A near-linear increase in the thickness of the drug layer was obtained during progressive treatment. Using the enzyme coating procedure, it was confirmed that the ultrasound-assisted technique is suitable for processing labile protein materials. In addition, this pre-treatment of milk sugar could be used to improve utilization of lactose-containing formulations for populations suffering from severe lactose intolerance. Furthermore, the applicability of the thin-coating technique for improving homogeneity of low-dose solid dosage forms was shown. The carrier particles coated with API gave rise to uniform distribution of the drug within the powder. The mixture remained homogeneous during further tabletting, whereas the reference physical powder mixture was subject to segregation. In conclusion, ultrasound-assisted surface engineering of pharmaceutical powders can be effective technology for improving formulation and performance of solid dosage forms such as dry powder inhalers (DPI) and direct compression products.


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The lipid A and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) binding and neutralizing activities of a synthetic, polycationic, amphiphilic peptide were studied. The branched peptide, designed as a functional analog of polymyxin B, has a six residue hydrophobic sequence, bearing at its N-terminus a penultimate lysine residue whose alpha- and epsilon-amino groups are coupled to two terminal lysine residues. In fluorescence spectroscopic studies designed to examine relative affinities of binding to the toxin, neutralization of surface charge and fluidization of the acyl domains, the peptide was active, closely resembling the effects of polymyxin B and its nonapeptide derivative; however, the synthetic peptide does not induce phase transitions in LPS aggregates as do polymyxin B and polymyxin B nonapeptide. The peptide was also comparable with polymyxin B in its ability to inhibit LPS-mediated IL-l and IL-6 release from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The synthetic compound is devoid of antibacterial activities and did not induce conductance fluxes in LPS-containing asymmetric planar membranes. These results strengthen the premise that basicity and amphiphilicity are necessary and sufficient physical properties that ascribe endotoxin binding and neutralizing activities, and further suggest that antibacterial/membrane perturbant and LPS neutralizing activities are dissociable, which may be of value in designing LPS-sequestering agents of low toxicity.


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Compression of a rough turned cylinder between two hard, smooth, flat plates has been analysed with the aid of a mathematical model based on statistical analysis. It is assumed that the asperity peak heights follow Gaussian or normal and beta distribution functions and that the loaded asperities comply as though they are completely isolated from the neighbouring ones. Equations have been developed for the loadcompliance relation of the real surface using a simplified relation of the form W0 = K1δn for the load-compliance of a single asperity. Parameters K1 and n have considerable influence on the load-compliance curve and they depend on the material, tip angle of the asperity, standard deviation of the asperity peak height distribution and the density of the asperities.


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We have developed a theory for an electrochemical way of measuring the statistical properties of a nonfractally rough electrode. We obtained the expression for the current transient on a rough electrode which shows three times regions: short and long time limits and the transition region between them. The expressions for these time ranges are exploited to extract morphological information about the surface roughness. In the short and long time regimes, we extract information regarding various morphological features like the roughness factor, average roughness, curvature, correlation length, dimensionality of roughness, and polynomial approximation for the correlation function. The formulas for the surface structure factors (the measure of surface roughness) of rough surfaces in terms of measured reversible and diffusion-limited current transients are also obtained. Finally, we explore the feasibility of making such measurements.


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An experimental investigation on the bond strength of the interface between mortar and aggregate is reported. Composite compact specimens were used for applying Mode I and Mode 11 loading effects. The influence of the type of mortar and type of aggregate and its roughness on the bond strength of the interface has been studied. It has been observed that the bond strength of the interface in tension is significantly low, though the mortars exhibited higher strength. The highest tensile bond strength values have been observed with rough concrete surface with M-13 mortar. The bond strength of the interface in Mode I load depends on the type of aggregate surface and its roughness, and the type of mortar, The bond strength of the interface between mortar M-13 cast against rough concrete in direct tension seems to be about one third of the strength of the mortar. However, it is about 1/20th to 1/10th with the mortar M-12 in sandwiched composite specimens. The bond strength of the interface in shear (Mode IT) significantly increases as the roughness and the phase angle of the aggregate surface increase. The strength of mortar on the interface bond strength has been very significant. The sandwiched composite specimens show relatively low bond strength in Mode I loading. The behavior of the interface in both Mode I and Mode 11 loading effects has been brittle, indicating catastrophic failure. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nano-indentation is a technique used to measure various mechanical properties like hardness, Young's modulus and the adherence of thin films and surface layers. It can be used as a quality control tool for various surface modification techniques like ion-implantation, film deposition processes etc. It is important to characterise the increasing scatter in the data measured at lower penetration depths observed in the nano-indentation, for the technique to be effectively applied. Surface roughness is one of the parameters contributing for the scatter. This paper is aimed at quantifying the nature and the amount of scatter that will be introduced in the measurement due to the roughness of the surface on which the indentation is carried out. For this the surface is simulated using the Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function which gives a self-affine fractal. The contact area of this surface with a conical indenter with a spherical cap at the tip is measured numerically. The indentation process is simulated using the spherical cavity model. This eliminates the indentation size effect observed at the micron and sub-micron scales. It has been observed that there exists a definite penetration depth in relation to the surface roughness beyond which the scatter is reduced such that reliable data could be obtained.


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In this paper, we study the asymptotic behavior of an optimal control problem for the time-dependent Kirchhoff-Love plate whose middle surface has a very rough boundary. We identify the limit problem which is an optimal control problem for the limit equation with a different cost functional.


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Long range, continuous flow of liquid metals occurs upon application of an electric current. Here, we report experimental results elucidating the mechanism of current-induced liquid metal flow, and its dependence on substrate surface condition. It is shown that the observed flow is diffusion-controlled, with the flow-rate depending linearly on applied current density, indicating that it is driven by electromigration. The effective charge number for liquid electromigration, Z*, of several pure metals, such as Al, Bi, Ga, Sn, and Pb, were deduced from the experimental results and were found to be close to the elemental valency. With the exception of liquid Pb, Z* for all liquid metals tested in this study were positive, indicating that: (i) electron wind contributes much less to Z* in liquid metals than in solids, and (ii) with a few exceptions, liquid metals generally flow in the direction of the electric current. On smooth substrates which are wetted well by the liquid metal, flow occurs in a thin, continuous stream. On rough surfaces which are poorly wetted, on the other hand, discrete beads of liquid form, with mass transport between adjacent beads occurring by surface diffusion on the substrate. A rationale for the role of substrate roughness in fostering this observed transition in flow mechanism is presented. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A novel super-hydrophobic stearic acid (STA) film with a water contact angle of 166° was prepared by chemical adsorption on aluminum wafer coated with polyethyleneimine (PEI) film. The micro-tribological behavior of the super-hydrophobic STA monolayer was compared with that of the polished and PEI-coated Al surfaces. The effect of relative humidity on the adhesion and friction was investigated as well. It was found that the STA monolayer showed decreased friction, while the adhesive force was greatly decreased by increasing the surface roughness of the Al wafer to reduce the contact area between the atomic force microscope (AFM) tip and the sample surface to be tested. Thus the friction and adhesion of the Al wafer was effectively decreased by generating the STA monolayer, which indicated that it could be feasible and rational to prepare a surface with good adhesion resistance and lubricity by properly controlling the surface morphology and the chemical composition. Both the adhesion and friction decreased as the relative humidity was lowered from 65% to 10%, though the decrease extent became insignificant for the STA monolayer.


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A turbulent boundary-layer flow over a rough wall generates a dipole sound field as the near-field hydrodynamic disturbances in the turbulent boundary-layer scatter into radiated sound at small surface irregularities. In this paper, phased microphone arrays are applied to the measurement and simulation of surface roughness noise. The radiated sound from two rough plates and one smooth plate in an open jet is measured at three streamwise locations, and the beamforming source maps demonstrate the dipole directivity. Higher source strengths can be observed on the rough plates which also enhance the trailing-edge noise. A prediction scheme in previous theoretical work is used to describe the strength of a distribution of incoherent dipoles and to simulate the sound detected by the microphone array. Source maps of measurement and simulation exhibit satisfactory similarities in both source pattern and source strength, which confirms the dipole nature and the predicted magnitude of roughness noise. However, the simulations underestimate the streamwise gradient of the source strengths and overestimate the source strengths at the highest frequency. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thoroughly understanding AFM tip-surface interactions is crucial for many experimental studies and applications. It is important to realize that despite its simple appearance, the system of tip and sample surface involves multiscale interactions. In fact, the system is governed by a combination of molecular force (like the van der Waals force), its macroscopic representations (such as surface force) and gravitational force (a macroscopic force). Hence, in the system, various length scales are operative, from sub-nanoscale (at the molecular level) to the macroscopic scale. By integrating molecular forces into continuum equations, we performed a multiscale analysis and revealed the nonlocality effect between a tip and a rough solid surface and the mechanism governing liquid surface deformation and jumping. The results have several significant implications for practical applications. For instance, nonlocality may affect the measurement accuracy of surface morphology. At the critical state of liquid surface jump, the ratio of the gap between a tip and a liquid dome (delta) over the dome height (y(o)) is approximately (n-4) (for a large tip), which depends on the power law exponent n of the molecular interaction energy. These findings demonstrate that the multiscale analysis is not only useful but also necessary in the understanding of practical phenomena involving molecular forces. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.