955 resultados para Roseau commun exotique (Phragmites australis)
POPULATION = Terme générique pour désigner l’adhésion d’une population, ou d’un groupe significatif de citoyens d’un territoire d’appartenance, au projet de muséologie sociale. Celle-ci se mesure par le degré de participation, d’implication et de vision partagée, d’interaction au sein de la collectivité territoriale, son fief. PARTICIPANTS = Sont les acteurs actifs au sein de la population adhérante, partie prenante au projet de muséologie social. La participation se mesure selon le degré d’implication dans le projet et de compréhension de celui-ci (Intérêt, gestion partagée, militance, volonté de capacitation...) COOPÉRANT = Par solidarité, par engagement, il s’insère dans le système de l’action ccopérative, possédant ses règles propres, offrant sa contribution à l’unité de production conciliant la dimension sociale (de la muséologie), son idée au regroupement de personnes désireuses de contribuer à la production commune de biens de qualité au service de la population dont ils sont issus.
The response of nitrification potentials, denitrification potentials, and N removal efficiency to the introduction of earthworms and wetland plants in a vertical flow constructed wetland system was investigated. Addition of earthworms increased nitrification and denitrification potentials of substrate in non-vegetated constructed wetland by 236% and 8%, respectively; it increased nitrification and denitrification potentials in rhizosphere in vegetated constructed wetland (Phragmites austrail, Typha augustifolia and Canna indica), 105% and 5%, 187% and 12%, and 268% and 15% respectively. Denitrification potentials in rhizosphere of three wetland plants were not significantly different, but nitrification potentials in rhizosphere followed the order of C. indica > T. augustifolia > P. australis when addition of earthworms into constructed wetland. Addition of earthworms to the vegetated constructed significantly increased the total number of bacteria and fungi of substrates (P < 0.05). The total number of bacteria was significantly correlated with nitrification potentials (r = 913, P < 0.01) and denitrification potentials (r = 840, P < 0.01), respectively. The N concentration of stems and leaves of C. indica were significantly higher in the constructed wetland with earthworms (P < 0.05). Earthworms had greater impact on nitrification potentials than denitrification potentials. The removal efficiency of N was improved via stimulated nitrification potentials by earthworms and higher N uptake by wetland plants.
This study investigates biomass, density, photosynthetic activity, and accumulation of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in three wetland plants (Canna indica, Typha augustifolia, and Phragmites austrail) in response to the introduction of the earthworm Eisenia fetida into a constructed wetland. The removal efficiency of N and P in constructed wetlands were also investigated. Results showed that the photosynthetic rate (P n), transpiration rate (T r), and stomatal conductance (S cond) of C. indica and P. austrail were (p < 0.05) significantly higher when earthworms were present. The addition of E. fetida increased the N uptake value by above-ground of C. indica, T. augustifolia, and P. australis by 185, 216, and 108 %, respectively; and its P uptake value increased by 300, 355, and 211 %, respectively. Earthworms could enhance photosynthetic activity, density, and biomass of wetland plants in constructed wetland, resulting in the higher N and P uptake. The addition of E. fetida into constructed wetland increased the removal efficiency of TN and TP by 10 and 7 %, respectively. The addition of earthworms into vertical flow constructed wetland increased the removal efficiency of TN and TP, which was related to higher photosynthetic activity and N and P uptake. The addition of earthworms into vertical flow constructed wetland and plant harvests could be the significantly sustainable N and P removal strategy
A surface- and vertical subsurface-flow-constructed wetland were designed to study the response of chlorophyll and antioxidant enzymes to elevated UV radiation in three types of wetland plants (Canna indica, Phragmites austrail, and Typha augustifolia). Results showed that (1) chlorophyll content of C. indica, P. austrail, and T. augustifolia in the constructed wetland was significantly lower where UV radiation was increased by 10 and 20 % above ambient solar level than in treatment with ambient solar UV radiation (p < 0.05). (2) The malondialdehyde (MDA) content, guaiacol peroxidase (POD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) activities of wetland plants increased with elevated UV radiation intensity. (3) The increased rate of MDA, SOD, POD, and CAT activities of C. indica, P. australis, and T. angustifolia by elevated UV radiation of 10 % was higher in vertical subsurface-flow-constructed wetland than in surface-flow-constructed wetland. The sensitivity of MDA, SOD, POD, and CAT activities of C. indica, P. austrail, and T. augustifolia to the elevated UV radiation was lower in surface-flow-constructed wetland than in the vertical subsurface-flow-constructed wetland, which was related to a reduction in UV radiation intensity through the dissolved organic carbon and suspended matter in the water. C. indica had the highest SOD and POD activities, which implied it is more sensitive to enhanced UV radiation. Therefore, different wetland plants had different antioxidant enzymes by elevated UV radiation, which were more sensitive in vertical subsurface-flow-constructed wetland than in surface-flow-constructed wetland.
Guatteria is the largest genus of Annonaceae, comprising ca. 300 species. The genus presents taxonomic problems, and the number of species has been overestimated. Taxonomic revision, description, comments and illustration of G. australis are presented here. As a result, 41 names have been placed in synonymy under G. australis, and three lectotypes are newly designated.
The South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis, was one of the earliest otariid seals to be exploited by humans: at least 6000 years ago on the Atlantic coast and 4000 on the Pacific coast of South America. More than 750,000 fur seals were killed in Uruguay until 1991. However, a climatological phenomenon-the severe 1997-1998 El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-was responsible for the decline of 72% Of the Peruvian fur seal population due to starvation as a consequence of warming of sea-surface temperatures and primary productivity reduction. Currently, there is no precise information on global population size or on the species` conservation status. The present study includes the first bottleneck test for the Pacific and Atlantic populations of A. australis based on the analysis of seven microsatellite loci. Genetic bottleneck compromises the evolutionary potential of a population to respond to environmental changes. The perspective becomes even more alarming due to current global warming models that predict stronger and more frequent ENSO events in the future. Our analysis found moderate support for deviation from neutrality-equilibrium for the Pacific population of fur seals and none for the Atlantic population. This difference among population reflects different demographic histories, and is consistent with a greater reduction in population size in the Pacific. Such an event could be a result of the synergic effects of recurrent ENSO events and the anthropogenic impact (sealing and prey overfishing) on this population.
The southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) was one of the most intensively hunted whales between the 17th and 20th centuries in the southern hemisphere. Recent estimates indicate that today there are around 7000 whales, representing 5 to 10% Of its original population. On the other hand, recent studies estimated that the population that migrates to the Brazilian coast grew by 14% from 1987 to 2003. However, there is no information about sex-ratio for adults or for calves in this region, which is an important parameter for understanding the biology of the species. We present here the first estimate Of calves` sex-ratio of southern right whales found along the southern Brazilian coast, one of the most important wintering grounds for the species. Sex was molecularly indentified for 21 biopsies collected from calves between 1998 and 2002, along the coast of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina States, in southern Brazil. The sex-ratio was two females for one male, however, it was not statistically different (chi(2) test, alpha = 0.05; df = 1) from the expected ratio of 1:1. This result is in accordance with the sex-ratio estimated for the species of all ages using external morphology (and behaviour in formation), (is well as for most species of baleen whales.
Flores das espécies Sambucus nigra, de origem européia, e Sambucus australis, nativa da América do Sul (Caprifoliaceae), denominadas sabugueiro e sabugueirodo- brasil, respectivamente, são utilizadas popularmente sob forma de infusão, como antiinflamatórias, laxativas e para condições febris resultantes de afecções do trato respiratório. Estudos prévios para S. nigra indicam compostos fenólicos como principais constituintes químicos, sendo estes relacionados às principais atividades biológicas avaliadas. Objetivando comparar esta espécie com Sambucus australis, foram realizadas análises botânicas macro e microscópicas das flores, identificando as principais diferenças entre as espécies, tais como o número de lóculos no ovário e presença de idioblastos cristalíferos em algumas estruturas, e observando os possíveis contaminantes (pedicelos). Também foram determinados os parâmetros farmacopéicos: cinzas totais e perda por dessecação. Após a análise química, foi escolhido o flavonóide rutina como marcador das espécies, para realizar análises quantitativas nas 31 amostras adquiridas e / ou coletadas, utilizando método de CLAE previamente validado. Soluções hidroetanólicas apresentaram maior capacidade de extração do produto alvo. Os limites mínimos de rutina observados para ambas as espécies foram de aproximadamente 0,65%. Também foram quantificados, por método espectrofotométrico, os flavonóides totais expressos em quercetina, sendo 0,93% e 1,46% os teores mínimos determinados para S.nigra e S. australis, respectivamente. O estudo da estabilidade acelerada (50°C ± 90% U.R.), avaliando a degradação dos constituintes químicos presentes permitiu sugerir a cinética de degradação de segunda ordem para da rutina nas duas espécies. Comparações de atividades biológicas das espécies foram realizadas pelos ensaios das atividades antiinflamatória (inibição do edema em pata de rato induzido por carragenina) e antioxidante (DPPH). Os resultados para o primeiro ensaio demonstraram ação equivalente em ambas as espécies para extratos hidroetanólicos a 80% (86% de inibição) e aquosos (81%), com atividade semelhante ao padrão indometacina (~83%); para a atividade antioxidante os extratos hidroetanólicos a 80% foram mais ativos (CE50 = 16 μg/ml) que os aquosos (CE50 = 27 μg/ml) em S. australis, e ambos extratos, superiores ao 28 extrato padronizado Gingko biloba (CE50 = 40 μg/ml) e aos extratos de S. nigra (CE50= 50 μg/ml – hidroetanólico e CE50= 32 μg/ml – aquoso).
Radiobiocomplexes are used in nuclear medicine to obtain images and to treat diseases. Blood constituents have been used as radiobiocomplexes. Natural or synthetic products can influence on the labeling of blood constituents with technetium-99m (99mTc), the morphology of red blood cells and on the stannous chloride (SnCl2) action on plasmid DNA. Sambucus australis and Sambucus nigra are used in popular culture for treating diseases. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of the extracts of Sambucus australis and Sambucus nigra on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on morphology of red blood cells of Wistar rats, on the topology of plasmids DNA and the action against the SnCl2 effects on the DNA of plasmids pBSK. On the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc it was verified that both extracts were capable to decrease significantly the radioactivity in the cellular compartment and in the insoluble fraction of plasma. Sambucus australis also decreased the labeling of insoluble fraction of blood cells with 99mTc. Both extracts did not alter the morphology of red blood cells. Moreover, it was verified that Sambucus nigra did not alter the electrophoretic profile of plasmid DNA, but decreased the effect of SnCl2 on plasmid DNA. These last results sugest a genotoxic effect and a protective action of Sambucus nigra extract against the SnCl2 action on plasmid DNA. This work was developed with the contribution of several Departments of biomedical area of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, of the UERJ, characterizing a multidisciplinary experimental research