455 resultados para Rochette, Raoul


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The legend of Hunter S. Thompson*the great gonzo*has grown deeper and more layered since his death in February 2005 than it was even in his exotic and controversyfilled life. The most recent addition to the mythology*The Rum Diary(Bruce Robinson, 2011)*stars Johnny Depp, possibly Thompson’s greatest fan, and certainly a man dedicated to keeping the man’s memory alive. Not for the first time, Depp brings his A-list status and good looks to playing the Thompson character on the big screen. In Terry Gilliam’s adaptation of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) he played the writer’s alter ego, Raoul Duke. Duke was Thompson, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas a fictionalized account of what is generally accepted to have been a real-life episode. In The Rum Diary he plays Paul Kemp, the young journalist who lands a job as a crime reporter on a struggling Puerto Rican newspaper. Again, the protagonist is a version of Thompson himself, who did indeed spend time in 1960 working for the Puerto Rican press. Both films join Gonzo (Alex Gibney, 2008) to form a trilogy of Depp-infused movies about a journalist some regard as one of the greatest of the twentieth century, and others view as an overrated charlatan who leveraged his one big idea into a four decades-long career brought low by drugs, booze, dysfunctional sex and, finally, Hemingwayesque despair...


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This thesis explores Raphael Rubinstein’s notion of provisionality as detailed in his influential article from 2009, Provisional Painting and his subsequent exhibition of the same name from 2011. Rubenstein’s writing is discussed in relation to modern art’s rhetoric around the many ‘deaths’ or ‘ends’ of painting as a contemporary art‐making medium, particularly in reference to Yve‐Alain Bois’ 1986 article, Painting: the task of mourning. While Rubenstein predominantly views the provisional via an abstract lens, it is through the work of Sigmar Polke and then Luc Tuymans, Peter Doig and Daniel Richter, that I build an argument to include the work of contemporary representational painters within his notion of provisionality. These new ideas of provisionality are then examined in the context of my recent paintings, which are viewed as contemporary examples of provisionality extended into the representational.


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Final report for the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. "This seed project ‘Design thinking frameworks as transformative cross-disciplinary pedagogy’ aimed to examine the way design thinking strategies are used across disciplines to scaffold the development of student attributes in the domain of problem solving and creativity in order to enhance the nation’s capacity for innovation. Generic graduate attributes associated with innovation, creativity and problem solving are considered to be amongst the most important of all targeted attributes (Bradley Review of Higher Education, 2009). The project also aimed to gather data on how academics across disciplines conceptualised design thinking methodologies and strategies. Insights into how design thinking strategies could be embedded at the subject level to improve student outcomes were of particular interest in this regard. A related aim was the investigation of how design thinking strategies could be used by academics when designing new and innovative subjects and courses." Case Study 3: QUT Community Engaged Learning Lab Design Thinking/Design Led Innovation Workshop by Natalie Wright Context "The author, from the discipline area of Interior Design in the QUT School of Design, Faculty of Creative Industries, is a contributing academic and tutor for The Community Engaged Learning Lab, which was initiated at Queensland University of Technology in 2012. The Lab facilitates university-wide service-learning experiences and engages students, academics, and key community organisations in interdisciplinary action research projects to support student learning and to explore complex and ongoing problems nominated by the community partners. In Week 3, Semester One 2013, with the assistance of co-lead Dr Cara Wrigley, Senior Lecturer in Design led Innovation, a Masters of Architecture research student and nine participating industry-embedded Masters of Research (Design led Innovation) facilitators, a Design Thinking/Design led Innovation workshop was conducted for the Community Engaged Learning Lab students, and action research outcomes published at 2013 Tsinghua International Design Management Symposium, December 2013 in Shenzhen, China (Morehen, Wright, & Wrigley, 2013)."


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Background Comparison of a multimodal intervention WE CALL (study initiated phone support/information provision) versus a passive intervention YOU CALL (participant can contact a resource person) in individuals with first mild stroke. Methods and Results This study is a single-blinded randomized clinical trial. Primary outcome includes unplanned use of health services (participant diaries) for adverse events and quality of life (Euroquol-5D, Quality of Life Index). Secondary outcomes include planned use of health services (diaries), mood (Beck Depression Inventory II), and participation (Assessment of Life Habits [LIFE-H]). Blind assessments were done at baseline, 6, and 12 months. A mixed model approach for statistical analysis on an intention-to-treat basis was used where the group factor was intervention type and occasion factor time, with a significance level of 0.01. We enrolled 186 patients (WE=92; YOU=94) with a mean age of 62.5±12.5 years, and 42.5% were women. No significant differences were seen between groups at 6 months for any outcomes with both groups improving from baseline on all measures (effect sizes ranged from 0.25 to 0.7). The only significant change for both groups from 6 months to 1 year (n=139) was in the social domains of the LIFE-H (increment in score, 0.4/9±1.3 [95% confidence interval, 0.1–0.7]; effect size, 0.3). Qualitatively, the WE CALL intervention was perceived as reassuring, increased insight, and problem solving while decreasing anxiety. Only 6 of 94 (6.4%) YOU CALL participants availed themselves of the intervention. Conclusions Although the 2 groups improved equally over time, WE CALL intervention was perceived as helpful, whereas YOU CALL intervention was not used.


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Background More than 60% of new strokes each year are "mild" in severity and this proportion is expected to rise in the years to come. Within our current health care system those with "mild" stroke are typically discharged home within days, without further referral to health or rehabilitation services other than advice to see their family physician. Those with mild stroke often have limited access to support from health professionals with stroke-specific knowledge who would typically provide critical information on topics such as secondary stroke prevention, community reintegration, medication counselling and problem solving with regard to specific concerns that arise. Isolation and lack of knowledge may lead to a worsening of health problems including stroke recurrence and unnecessary and costly health care utilization. The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness, for individuals who experience a first "mild" stroke, of a sustainable, low cost, multimodal support intervention (comprising information, education and telephone support) - "WE CALL" compared to a passive intervention (providing the name and phone number of a resource person available if they feel the need to) - "YOU CALL", on two primary outcomes: unplanned-use of health services for negative events and quality of life. Method/Design We will recruit 384 adults who meet inclusion criteria for a first mild stroke across six Canadian sites. Baseline measures will be taken within the first month after stroke onset. Participants will be stratified according to comorbidity level and randomised to one of two groups: YOU CALL or WE CALL. Both interventions will be offered over a six months period. Primary outcomes include unplanned use of heath services for negative event (frequency calendar) and quality of life (EQ-5D and Quality of Life Index). Secondary outcomes include participation level (LIFE-H), depression (Beck Depression Inventory II) and use of health services for health promotion or prevention (frequency calendar). Blind assessors will gather data at mid-intervention, end of intervention and one year follow up. Discussion If effective, this multimodal intervention could be delivered in both urban and rural environments. For example, existing infrastructure such as regional stroke centers and existing secondary stroke prevention clinics, make this intervention, if effective, deliverable and sustainable.


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Magnetic susceptibility measurements were performed on freshly fallen Almahata Sitta meteorites. Most recovered samples are polymict ureilites. Those found in the first four months since impact, before the meteorites were exposed to rain, have a magnetic susceptibility in the narrow range of 4.92 ± 0.08 log 10-9 Am2/kg close to the range of other ureilite falls 4.95 ± 0.14 log 10-9 Am2/kg reported by Rochette et al. (2009). The Almahata Sitta samples collected one year after the fall have similar values (4.90 ± 0.06 log 10-9 Am2/kg), revealing that the effect of one-year of terrestrial weathering was not severe yet. However, our reported values are higher than derived from polymict (brecciated) ureilites 4.38 ± 0.47 log 10-9 Am2/kg (Rochette et al. 2009) containing both falls and finds confirming that these are significantly weathered. Additionally other fresh-looking meteorites of non-ureilitic compositions were collected in the Almahata Sitta strewn field. Magnetic susceptibility measurements proved to be a convenient non-destructive method for identifying non-ureilitic meteorites among those collected in the Almahata Sitta strewn field, even among fully crusted. Three such meteorites, no. 16, 25, and 41, were analyzed and their composition determined as EH6, H5 and EL6 respectively (Zolensky et al., 2010). A high scatter of magnetic susceptibility values among small (< 5 g) samples revealed high inhomogeneity within the 2008 TC3 material at scales below 1-2 cm.


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Artikkelikokoelman kohteena on 1930-luvun radikaali vasemmistoälymystö, joka toimi Helsingissä Akateemisen Sosialistiseuran, Tulenkantajien seuran ja kirjailijaryhmä Kiilan piirissä. Kirjoitusten keskushahmoksi nousee opiskeluvuosiaan elänyt Raoul Palmgren aatetovereineen, joita olivat mm. Jarno Pennanen ja Helmer Adler. Artikkeleiden aihepiirit liikkuvat politiikasta ja kulttuuritaistelusta intellektuellin tehtävien ja identiteettikysymysten pohdiskeluun. Vasemmistoälymystön naisia, kuten Kaisu-Mirjami Rydbergiä ja Katri Valaa tarkastellaan poliittisina puhujina, runoilijoina sekä seksuaalisen suvaitsevuuden esitaistelijoina. ”Sivistyneistökäännynnäisten” lisäksi huomiota saavat myös työväestöstä lähteneet työläisintellektuellit. Vasemmistointellektuelleista tuli yhteiskunnan ja kulttuurin rajojen koettelijoita, mutta myös rajojen väliin putoajia. Vasta sotien jälkeen he pääsivät toteuttamaan näkemyksiään politiikassa ja kulttuurielämässä. 30-luvun ankarat vuodet saivat Palmgrenin 30-luvun kuvissa sankarillisen hohteen.


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Santamaría, José Miguel; Pajares, Eterio; Olsen, Vickie; Merino, Raquel; Eguíluz, Federico (eds.)


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The phylogenetic relationships among 12 genera of treefrogs (Family, Rhacophoridae), were investigated based on a large sequence data set, including five nuclear (brain-derived neurotrophic factor, proopiomelanocortin, recombination activating gene 1, tyr


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Eastern and western populations of the ranid frog Odorrano chapaensis from Vietnam and China are readily differentiated by morphology and mtDNA, and weakly differentiated by morphometrics. The western population contains the type localities of O. chopoens


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Essery, RLH, RJ Granger and JW Pomeroy, 2006. Boundary layer growth and advection of heat over snow and soil patches: Modelling and parametrization. Hydrological Processes, 20, 953 - 967.