993 resultados para Ritmo de filtração glomerular
In this study, we show that administration of Bothrops moojeni venom in rats induces a general disturbance in the distribution and content of the tight junctional protein ZO-1, the cell-matrix receptor beta 1 integrin, the cytoskeletal proteins, vinculin and F-actin, and of the extracellular matrix component laminin in renal corpuscles and cortical nephron tubules. These findings suggest that cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion proteins may be molecular targets in the B. moojeni-induced kidney injury.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Objective: Elevated neutral lipid content and mRNA expression of class A scavenger receptor (SRA) have been found in the renal cortex of the bovine growth hormone (bGH) mouse model of progressive glomerulosclerosis (GS). We hypothesize that the increased expression of SRA precedes glomerular scarring in this model. Design: Real time RT-PCR and immunofluorescence were employed to measure SRA and collagen types I and IV in the bGH transgenic and control mice at 5 and 12 weeks (wk) of age to determine the chronology of change in SRA expression in relation to glomerular scarring. Alternative mechanisms for increasing glomerular lipid were assessed by measuring mRNA expression levels of low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-r), 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR), and ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1). In addition, the involvement of macrophages in early GS was assessed by CD68 mRNA expression in kidney cortex. Results: Both mRNA and protein levels of SRA were significantly increased in 5-wk bGH compared with control mice, whereas the expression of collagen I and IV was unaltered. Unchanged levels of LDL-r and HMGR mRNA indicate that neither regulated cholesterol uptake via LDL-r nor the cholesterol synthetic pathway played a role in the early lipid increase. The finding of increased ABCA1 expression was an indicator of excess intracellular lipid in the renal cortex of bGH mice at 5 wk. CD68 expression in bGH did not differ significantly from that of controls at 5 wk suggesting that cortical macrophage infiltration was not increased in bGH mice at this time point. Conclusion: An early increase in SRA mRNA and protein expression in the bGH kidney precedes glomerular scarring and is independent of macrophage influx. Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Growth Hormone Research Society.
We aimed to investigate whether creatine supplementation affects the measured glomerular filtration rate in postmenopausal women (age, 58 +/- 3 years). Subjects were randomly assigned to receive either creatine (20 g(.)day(-1) for 1 week and 5 g(.)day(-1) thereafter) or a placebo. Kidney function was assessed at baseline and after 12 weeks. [(51)Cr] EDTA clearance remained unchanged (CR-PRE: 86.16 +/- 14.36 mL(.)min(-1) per 1.73 m(2), POST: 87.25 +/- 17.60 mL(.)min(-1) per 1.73 m(2); PL-PRE: 85.15 +/- 8.54 mL(.)min(-1) per 1.73 m(2), POST: 87.18 +/- 9.64 mL(.)min(-1) per 1.73 m(2); p = 0.81). Thus, we concluded that creatine supplementation does not affect glomerular filtration rate in postmenopausal women.
Many features of chronic kidney disease may be reversed, but it is unclear whether advanced lesions, such as adhesions of sclerotic glomerular tufts to Bowman`s capsule (synechiae), can resolve during treatment. We previously showed, using a renal ablation model, that the renoprotective effect of the AT-1 receptor blocker, losartan, is dose-dependent. Here we determined if moderate and advanced glomerular lesions, associated with streptozotocin-induced diabetes, regress with conventional or high-dose losartan treatment. Using daily insulin injection for 10 months, we maintained diabetic adult male Munich-Wistar rats in a state of moderate hyperglycemia. Following this period, some rats continued to receive insulin with or without conventional or high-dose losartan for an additional 2 months. Diabetic rats pretreated with insulin for 10 months and age-matched non-diabetic rats served as controls. Mesangial expansion was found in the control diabetic rats and was exacerbated in those rats maintained on only insulin for an additional 2 months. Conventional and high-dose losartan treatments reduced this mesangial expansion and the severity of synechiae lesions below that found prior to treatment; however, the frequency of the latter was unchanged. There was no dose-response effect of losartan. Our results show that regression of mesangial expansion and contraction of sclerotic lesions is feasible in the treatment of diabetes, but complete resolution of advanced glomerulosclerosis may be hard to achieve.
The pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide (CYC) enantiomers were evaluated in patients with lupus nephritis distributed in 2 groups according to creatinine clearance: group 1 (90.6-144.6 mL/min/1.73 m(2)) and group 2 (42.8-76.4 mL/min/ 1.73 m(2)). All patients were treated with 0.75 to 1.3 g of racemic CYC as a 2-hour infusion and with 1 mg intravenous midazolam as a drug-metabolizing marker. CYC enantiomers and midazolam concentrations in plasma were measured by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The following differences (Wilcoxon test, P <= .05) were observed between the (S)-(-) and (R)-(+) enantiomers: AUC(0-infinity) 152.41 vs 129.25 mu g.h/mL, CL 3.28 vs 3.89 L/h, Vd 31.38 vs 29.74 L, and t(1/2) 6.79 vs 5.56 h for group 1 and AUC(0-infinity) 167.20 vs 139.08 mu g.h/mL, CL 2.99 vs 3.59 L/h, and t(1/2) 6.15 vs 4.99 h for group 2. No differences (Mann test, P <= .05) were observed between groups 1 and 2 in the pharmacokinetic parameters of both enantiomers. No significant relationship was observed between midazolam clearance (2.92-16.40 mL/min.kg) and clearance of each CYC enantiomer. In conclusion, CYC kinetic disposition is enantioselective, resulting in higher exposures of the (S)-(-) enantiomer in lupus nephritis patients, and the pharmacokinetic parameters of both enantiomers are not altered by the worsening of renal condition.
The present study provides a detailed description of morphological and hodological aspects of the glomerular nucleus in the weakly electric fish Gymnotus sp., and explores the evolutionary and functional implications flowing from this analysis. The glomerular nucleus of Gymnotus shows numerous morphological similarities with the glomerular nucleus of percomorph fish, although cytoarchitectonically simpler. In addition, congruence of the histochemical acetylcholinesterase (AChE) distribution with cytoarchitectonic data suggests that the glomerular nucleus, together with the ventromedial cell group of the medial subdivision of the preglomerular complex (PGm-vmc) rostrally, and the subglomerular nucleus (as identified by Maler et al. [1991] J Chem Neuroanat 4:1-38) caudally, may form a distinct longitudinally organized glomerular complex. Our results show that an important source of sensory afferents to the glomerular nucleus originates in the pretectal and electrosensorius nuclei. The glomerular nucleus in turn projects to the hypothalamus (inferior lobe and anterior hypothalamus), to the anterior tuberal nucleus, and to the medial region of the preglomerular nucleus (PGm). These data suggest that visual and electrosensory information reach the glomerular nucleus and are relayed to the hypothalamus and, via PGm, to the pallium. Such connections are similar to those of the glomerular nucleus in percomorphs and the posterior pretectal nucleus in osteoglossomorph, esocids, and salmonids, where they comprise one component of a visual processing pathway. In Gymnotiform fish, however, the pretectal region that projects to the glomerular nucleus is dominated by electrosensory input (visual input is minor), which is consistent with the dominant role of electroreception in these fish. J. Comp. Neurol. 519:1658-1676, 2011. (c) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A baciloscopia é o principal método diagnóstico da tuberculose (TB) em razão do seu baixo custo, rapidez e facilidade de execução. Porém sua sensibilidade é baixa, principalmente nas formas paucibacilares da doença. Nesse sentido, novas metodologias que resultem no aumento da sensibilidade da baciloscopia tornam-se absolutamente necessárias. Neste estudo, nos propusemos a aprimorar e padronizar o sistema de filtração BacFil e avaliar sua performance e acurácia em amostras paucibacilares (lavado broncoalveolar). Para alcançar esses objetivos desenvolvemos o estudo em duas fases. Na primeira fase, foram realizados ensaios para definir: 1) utilização de membranas brancas para visualização de BAAR corados por Auramina-O; 2) aumento do volume de NALC, utilização de pérolas de vidro no processo de digestão das amostras e mudança no sistema do suporte do pré-filtro; 3) meios de fixação da membrana de filtração na lâmina de microscopia; 4) limite de detecção da técnica; 5) aumento do volume de NaOCl e a influência desse aumento na visualização de BAAR na membrana. Verificou-se que: a membrana de policarbonato branca tem a mesma eficiência da membrana de policarbonato preta na visualização de BAAR fluorescentes; o método modificado utilizando maior concentração de NALC, pérolas de vidro e sistema de pré-filtro baseado em orifícios obteve 98% de passagem das amostras pelo sistema; a melhor forma de fixação da membrana na lâmina foi obtida por intermédio da utilização de fita dupla face; o limite de detecção da técnica de filtração utilizando o sistema BacFil versão 6.0 foi de 2 a 9 BAAR por mililitro de suspensão bacteriana com D.O de 0,250 ± 0,01 a 625nm; o aumento da concentração de NaOCl para 10% ajuda na passagem de um maior volume de amostra pelo sistema, porém ocasiona a diminuição da quantidade BAAR na membrana de filtração após o período necessário para todo o processo. Na segunda fase foi avaliado acurácia da técnica padronizada em 101 amostras de lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) de pacientes com suspeita de TB provenientes do Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antônio de Moraes. Observou-se que a sensibilidade da técnica de filtração (BacFil versão 6.0) foi de 76% e especificidade de 95%. A sensibilidade obtida foi significativamente maior do que a observada na baciloscopia após centrifugação que foi de 59% (p = 0,001). No entanto, constatou-se uma diminuição de especificidade na técnica de filtração (95%) em relação a técnica de 8 centrifugação (99%). Concluímos que as modificações realizadas nos sistema de filtração permitiu sanar os problemas técnicos apresentados nas versões anteriores e aumentar a sensibilidade da baciloscopia de amostras paucibacilares (lavado broncoalveolar) para o diagnóstico da TB pulmonar.
Pela primeira vez se determina a atividade diária de Psychodopygus intermedius em ambiente florestal residual e extraflorestal, em Pariquera-Açú, Região do Vale do Ribeira, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A análise final revelou ter esse flebotomíneo atividade noturna nos dois ambientes. Contudo, houve divergência quanto ao pico de atividade máxima que oscilou entre 20 e 02 horas. Persistiu também a sua predominância no ambiente extraflorestal. Por outro lado, uma acentuada preferência pelo homem parece ter influenciado sua dispersão, pois demonstrou ser ubiquitária. A importância do evento reside na possibilidade de haver uma estreita associação alimentar Ps. intermedius-Homem. Subsequente, a infecção leishmaniótica poderá ocorrer ao nível do domicílio.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Renal damage is an important cause of death in patients who have survived the early effects of severe crotalid envenomation. Extracellular matrix of renal tissue is altered by Crotalus toxin activities. The aim of this study was to describe how cytoskeletal proteins and basal membrane components undergo substantial alterations under the action of Crotalus vegrandis crude venom and its hemorrhagic fraction (Uracoina-1) in mice. To detect the proteins in question, the immunoperoxidase method with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies was used. Cell types within renal lesions were characterized by phenotypic identification, by means of immunohistologic analysis of marker proteins using different primary antibodies against mesangial cells, endothelial cells, cytoskeletal proteins (intermediate filament), extracellular matrix and basal membranes. Samples for morphological study by standard procedures (biotin-streptavidin-peroxidase technique) using light microscopy were processed. Positive and negative controls for each antigen tested in the staining assay were included. After crude venom and hemorrhagic fraction inoculation of mice, the disappearance of cytoskeletal vimentin and desmin and collagen proteins in the kidney was observed. In extracellular matrix and basal membranes, collagen type IV from envenomed animals tends to disappear from 24 h to 120 h after venom injection.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Antropologia – Culturas em Cena e Turismo