227 resultados para Rilke shake


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In this work, a series of 10 structural procaine analogs have been synthesized in order to investigate the structural features affecting the stability of ion pair formation and its influence on the lipophilicity of ionizable compounds. The structural variation within this series was focused on the terminal nitrogen substituents and on the intermediate chain linkage nature. The hydrophobic parameters log P(n) and log P(i) (partition coefficient of the neutral and ionic species, respectively), as well as the ionization constants pK(a) and pK(a)(oct), were obtained from log D-pH profiles measured at pH values ranging from 2 to 12. The difference between log P(i) and log P(n) values (i.e. difflog P) of each prepared compound was considered a measure of the stability of ion pair formation. In this set, the difflog P values varied nearly over one log unit, ranging from -2.40 to -3.37. It has been observed that the presence of hydrogen bonding groups (especially donor) and low steric hindrance around the terminal amine ionizable group increases the relative lipophilicity of the ionic species as compared to the corresponding neutral species. These results were interpreted as due to the increased stability of ion pairs of the compounds bearing these structural features. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A depressão é uma desordem de importância relevante, sendo que as mulheres apresentam o dobro da incidência desta patologia em relação aos homens. No entanto, os trabalhos realizados em modelos animais não conseguem reproduzir estas condições consistentemente. DHEA é um neuroesteróide que está relacionado à depressão. Suas concentrações estão alteradas em pacientes deprimidos e já tem sido usada na clínica, produzindo, no entanto, resultados contraditórios. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar os efeitos da administração de desidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) sobre o comportamento tipo depressivo e níveis hormonais de ratos, machos e fêmeas em diferentes fases do ciclo estral, submetidos ao teste do nado forçado, um modelo animal de depressão. Para isto, foram utilizados ratos Wistar, adultos, machos e fêmeas em diestro II e em proestro, 8 por grupo. Receberam injeções intraperitoneais de DHEA: 0; 2; 10 e 50 mg/kg, nos tempos de 24, 5 e 1 h antes do teste do nado forçado. No primeiro dia os animais foram treinados por 15 minutos em aquários contendo água a 25o 1 e 27 cm de profundidade. Após 24 h, foram recolocados no aquário e seus comportamentos gravados por 5 minutos para análise posterior. Os comportamentos foram analisados detalhadamente: head-shake, mergulho, imobilidade (flutuar + congelar) e mobilidade (nadar + escalar). Trinta minutos após o nado, os animais foram mortos e o sangue troncular coletado, para posterior dosagem de DHEA e corticosterona séricas. Um experimento para complementar a curva dose-resposta foi realizado, com a dose de 1 mg/kg, com machos, porém, experimento crônico, onde, no dia seguinte ao treino, os animais receberam a sem resultados significativos nos comportamentos. Foi realizado, então, primeira injeção de DHEA, na dose de 2 mg/kg, com intervalos de 24 horas, durante dois ciclos estrais completos das fêmeas. No dia seguinte à última injeção, os animais foram submetidos ao teste do nado, com duração de 5 minutos e seus comportamentos gravados e analisados. O sangue troncular foi coletado trinta minutos após o nado, para as dosagens de DHEA e corticosterona séricas. Para fins de comparação, DHEA e corticosterona sériica de ratos machos, fêmeas em proestro e em diestro II não submetidos ao nado, foram dosados por radioimunoensaio. No experimento agudo, DHEA, na dose de 2 mg/kg aumentou o tempo de congelar para o grupo proestro. As concentrações séricas de DHEA e de corticosterona aumentaram significativamente. As fêmeas responderam com aumento destes hormônios significativamente maior dos que os machos. No experimento crônico, machos e fêmeas apresentaram diferenças em comportamentos no teste do nado forçado, dependendo de estímulos estressores continuados, evidenciado pelo maior tempo de escalar das fêmeas controle em diestro II. Tratamento com DHEA aumentou o tempo de escalar e a imobilidade das fêmeas no diestro II. As concentrações de DHEA e de corticosterona não aumentaram em relação ao basal, e as diferenças de sexo desapareceram, indicando uma correlacão das respostas de corticosterona e DHEA com eventos estressores interagindo com os hormônios sexuais e o tempo de estresse experimentado. A maior resposta hormonal das fêmeas no experimento agudo parece ter impedido a resposta comportamental no nado. Após manipulação crônica, houve adaptação desta resposta e o efeito depressivo de DHEA apareceu. Estes resultados são importantes especialmente quando consideradas estratégias para o tratamento da depressão e doenças relacionadas ao estresse.


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The diet study of birds has contributed historically as a model for use to understanding ecological patterns and strategies used by several other groups of vertebrates, which are observed in season patterns and temporal availability of resources, and other. This study has as objective generate information concerning the diet of insectivorous birds during rainy season and dry season, as well as analyze Index food importance, niche overlap, niche breadth, electivity, and seasonal availability of prey. The study was conducted in a fragment of about 270 ha (center coordinates and 5 º 53'S 35 ° 23'W). The sampling of birds occurred between March 2008 and December 2009 in three pre-established trails. Catches of birds were performed using 10 mist nets placed in line, where each trails was sampled once a month. Samples of pellets were obtained by means of tartar emetic. Sampling of availability of prey occurred between February 2009 to December 2009. We used two methods of sampling (pitfall traps and Shake cloths). We captured 269 individuals of 21 species of insectivorous birds. We collected 4116 invertebrates of which 3259 in the rainy season and 857 in the dry season. We obtained 174 samples stomach, where 10 species were exclusively insectivorous diet, nine fed on insect/plant material, an insect/plant material/vertebrate and one for insect/vertebrate. During the rainy season was observing difference between the consumption of items with higher food importance. The Coleoptera was item with higher food importance (73%), followed by Formicidae (7%) and Araneae (6%). During the dry season, no difference was found difference between the consumption of items with higher food importance. The Coleoptera was item with higher food importance (34%), followed by seeds (29%) and Formicidae (18%). The highest levels of niche overlap occurred during the rainy season, while the dry season was characterized by high levels of niche 11 segregation. This indicates that the local insectivorous birds community was structured differently between periods. No was found correlation between the values of niche breadth to the mean weight of the body size. We observed seasonal patterns in prey availability, with the peak availability of invertebrates observed seasonal patterns in rainy season. The insectivorous birds selected the same species richness during both periods, showing a specialized diet. Thamnophilus pelzelni was the only species that had their diet influenced by seasonality. Regarding the overall diet of insectivorous birds, observed a high consumption of prey, whose food availability caused the birds could invest and increase their food resources


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Foi estudada a transferência de calor transiente na agitação linear e intermitente (ALI) de embalagens metálicas contendo simulantes de alimentos, objetivando-se sua aplicação em processos de pasteurização ou esterilização e conseqüentes tratamentos térmicos mais eficientes, homogêneos e com produto de melhor qualidade. Foram utilizados quatro meios fluidos simulantes de alimentos de diferentes viscosidades e massas específicas: três óleos e água. Foram combinados efeitos de cinco tratamentos, sendo: meio simulante (4 níveis), espaço livre (3 níveis), freqüência de agitação (4 níveis), amplitude de agitação (2 níveis) e posição das latas (4 níveis). Os ensaios de aquecimento e resfriamento foram feitos em tanque com água à temperatura de 98 °C e 17-20 °C, respectivamente. Com os dados de penetração de calor em cada experimento, foram calculados os parâmetros de penetração de calor fh, jh, fc e jc. Os resultados foram modelados utilizando-se grupos de números adimensionais e expressos em termos de Nusselt, Prandtl, Reynolds e funções trigonométricas (com medidas de amplitude e freqüência de agitação, espaço livre e dimensões da embalagem). Foram estabelecidas as duas Equações gerais para as fases de aquecimento e resfriamento: Nu = ReA 0,199.Pr 0,288.sen(xa/AM)0,406.cos(xf/FA) 1,039.cos((xf/FA).(EL/H).p) 4,556 Aquecimento Nu = 0,1295.ReA 0,047.Pr 0,193.sen(xa/AM)0,114.cos(xf/FA) 0,641.cos((xf/FA).(EL/H).p) 2,476 Resfriamento O processo de ALI pode ser aplicado em pasteurizadores ou autoclaves estáticas horizontais e verticais, com modificações simples. Concluiu-se que a ALI aumenta significativamente a taxa de transferência de calor, tanto no aquecimento como no resfriamento.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The thinking dialog between Heidegger s philosophy and the poetry of Hölderlin and Rilke must be dealt in language s domains. The difficulty to establish this dialog comes from the man in itself, unable to think out of the understructure of science and the modern technique. The poetic language was forgotten or ignored, turning itself obsolete in front of improvements and resources of the technique. Heidegger searches the essences to the poetry so may it be comprehended in its plenitude for the man. Technique, poetry and existence must be pronounced and investigated so the being shows itself again. To Heidegger, the man lives in a period of uncertainty due finding himself at the sunset of age. The uncertainty generates the poverty and the night of world represents the absence of god and original truth. Only with the fundamental comprehension of poetry, the man of today can project himself to the future not anymore as technique product, but with freedom to choose. The message of poetry of Hölderlin and Rilke, according to Heidegger s interpretation, transmits an alert to the contemporary man against the coming danger in his maintained relation with nature. The purpose of the following work is to build this thinking dialog, without disfigure the poetry, but taking approach over its essence, so from there to remove its true existential value.


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This study compared pressure and thermal thresholds after administration of three opioids in eight cats. Pressure stimulation was performed via a bracelet taped around the forearm. Three ball-bearings were advanced against the forearm by inflation of a modified blood pressure bladder. Pressure in the cuff was recorded at the end point (leg shake and head turn). Thermal threshold was tested as previously reported using a heated probe held against the thorax [Dixon et al. (2002) Research in Veterinary Science, 72, 205]. After baseline recordings, each cat received subcutaneous methadone 0.2 mg/kg, morphine 0.2 mg/kg, buprenorphine 0.02 mg/kg or saline 0.3 mL in a four period cross-over study. Measurements were made at 15, 30, 45 min and 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h after the injection. Data were analysed by ANOVA (P < 0.05). There were no significant changes in thresholds after saline. Thermal threshold increased at 45 min after buprenorphine (maximum 2.8 +/- 3 degrees C), 1-3 h after methadone (maximum 3.4 +/- 1.9 degrees C) and 45 min to 1 h (maximum 3.4 +/- 2 degrees C) after morphine. Pressure threshold increased 30-45 min (maximum 238 +/- 206 mmHg) after buprenorphine, 45-60 min after methadone (maximum 255 +/- 232 mmHg) and 45-60 min and 3-6 h (maximum 255 +/- 232 mmHg) after morphine. Morphine provided the best analgesia, and methadone appears a promising alternative. Buprenorphines limited effect was probably related to the subcutaneous route of administration. Previously, buprenorphine has produced much greater effects when given by other routes.


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To evaluate a prototype pressure stimulus device for use in the cat and to compare with a known thermal threshold device.Eight healthy adult cats weighing between 3.0 and 4.9 kg.Pressure stimulation was given via a plastic bracelet taped around the forearm. Three 2.4 mm diameter ball bearings, in a 10-mm triangle, were advanced against the craniolateral surface of the antebrachium by manual inflation of a modified blood pressure bladder. Pressure in the cuff was recorded at the end point (leg shake and head turn). Thermal threshold was also tested. Stimuli were stopped if they reached 55 degrees C or 450 mmHg without response. After four pressure and thermal threshold baselines, each cat received SC buprenorphine 0.01 mg kg(-1), carprofen 4 mg kg(-1) or saline 0.3 mL in a three period cross-over study with a 1-week interval. The investigator was blinded to the treatment. Measurements were made at 0.25. 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 24 hours after injection. Data were analyzed by using ANOVA.There were no significant changes in thermal or pressure threshold after administration of saline or carprofen, but thermal threshold increased from 60 minutes until 8 hours after administration of buprenorphine (p < 0.05). The maximum increase in threshold from baseline (Delta T-max) was 3.5 +/- 3.1 degrees C at 2 hours. Pressure threshold increased 2 hours after administration of buprenorphine (p < 0.05) when the increase in threshold above baseline (Delta P-max) was 162 +/- 189 mmHg.This pressure device resulted in thresholds that were affected by analgesic treatment in a similar manner but to a lesser degree than the thermal method. Pressure stimulation may be a useful additional method for analgesic studies in cats.


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Objective To measure cutaneous electrical nociceptive thresholds in relation to known thermal and mechanical stimulation for nociceptive threshold detection in cats.Study design Prospective, blinded, randomized cross-over study with 1-week washout interval.Animals Eight adult cats [bodyweight 5.1 +/- 1.8 kg (mean + SD)].Methods Mechanical nociceptive thresholds were tested using a step-wise manual inflation of a modified blood pressure bladder attached to the cat's thoracic limb. Thermal nociceptive thresholds were measured by increasing the temperature of a probe placed on the thorax. The electrical nociceptive threshold was tested using an escalating current from a constant current generator passed between electrodes placed on the thoracic region. A positive response (threshold) was recorded when cats displayed any or all of the following behaviors: leg shake, head turn, avoidance, or vocalization. Four baseline readings were performed before intramuscular injection of meperidine (5 mg kg(-1)) or an equal volume of saline. Threshold recordings with each modality were made at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes post-injection. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and paired t-tests (significance at p < 0.05).Results There were no significant changes in thermal, mechanical, or electrical thresholds after saline. Thermal thresholds increased at 15-60 minutes (p < 0.01) and mechanical threshold increased at 30 and 45 minutes after meperidine (p < 0.05). Maximum thermal threshold was +4.1 +/- 0.3 degrees C above baseline at 15 minutes while maximum mechanical threshold was 296 +/- 265 mmHg above baseline at 30 minutes after meperidine. Electrical thresholds following meperidine were not significantly different than baseline (p > 0.05). Thermal and electrical thresholds after meperidine were significantly higher than saline at 30 and 45 minutes (p < 0.05), and at 120 minutes (p < 0.05), respectively. Mechanical thresholds were significantly higher than saline treatment at 30 minutes (p <= 0.05).Conclusion and clinical relevance Electrical stimulation did not detect meperidine analgesia whereas both thermal and mechanical thresholds changed after meperidine administration in cats.


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Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase production from Bacillus clausii E16, a new bacteria isolated from Brazilian soil samples was optimized in shake-flask cultures. A 2 4 full-factorial central composite design was performed to optimize the culture conditions, using a response surface methodology the combined effect among the soluble starch concentration, the peptone concentration, the yeast extract concentration, and the initial pH value of the culture medium was investigated. The optimum concentrations of the components, determined by a 2(4) full-factorial central composite design, were 13.4 g/L soluble starch, 4.9 g/L peptone, 5.9 g/L yeast extract, and initial pH 10.1. Under these optimized conditions, the maximum cyclodextrin glucanotransferase activity was 5.9 U/mL after a 48-h fermentation. This yield was 68% higher than that obtained when the microorganism was cultivated in basal culture medium.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Petroleum well drilling monitoring has become an important tool for detecting and preventing problems during the well drilling process. In this paper, we propose to assist the drilling process by analyzing the cutting images at the vibrating shake shaker, in which different concentrations of cuttings can indicate possible problems, such as the collapse of the well borehole walls. In such a way, we present here an innovative computer vision system composed by a real time cutting volume estimator addressed by support vector regression. As far we know, we are the first to propose the petroleum well drilling monitoring by cutting image analysis. We also applied a collection of supervised classifiers for cutting volume classification. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)